Xia Yuanfang said: "I, Xia Yuanfang, said: "I am also the patient's doctor, you can ask her! My patient's name is Ning...Feng, and this is her room number. "

The burly man glanced at her, and then contacted the people in the building through the headset.

Xia Chujian looked at these people warily, and secretly tightened his fingers on the trigger of the Quzu 110 hand cannon in his pocket.

Xia Yuanfang didn't know what happened, so he quickly sent a message to Ning Sa.

As a result, Ning Sa didn't reply.

Because at this time, in Ning Sa's delivery room, a man with a reserved temperament and an elegant face stood in front of her delivery bed.

"An Ning, are you really determined to have this child? You don't know that with his condition, he will suffer for the rest of his life..." The man's deep voice was filled with endless sentimentality and sadness.

Ning Sa said coldly: "Don't worry, we have broken up. I am responsible for my child alone."

"Are you really going to give birth to the child no matter what?"

"I'm already on the delivery bed, and the due date has arrived. Am I here to have an abortion?"

The man frowned, paced back and forth in the delivery room, and finally said as if he had made up his mind: "If you must give birth, come with me. I have brought a family doctor and an obstetrician here, and they can help you deliver the baby..."

As long as he's not in the hospital, he can still hide this child for the rest of his life.

Ning Sa sneered: "If I go with you, my child and I will never see the light of day for the rest of our lives. What's the difference between being dead? I told you, I have a way. This child will be fine!"

"What are you daydreaming about!" The man finally got angry, but although he was extremely angry, his tone was still very gentle, as if he was afraid of shocking the child in Ning Sa's belly, but it might also be due to his personality. Even if he was angry, He also has no habit of yelling.

Ning Sa's mood was agitated, which affected the child in her belly, and she was kicked again. She let out a yelp, held her waist and shouted: "A Xin! A Xin! Where is Dr. Xia?! Is Dr. Xia here?! "

There were two groups of people guarding the door of the delivery room, one group was brought by Ning Sa, and the other group was brought by this man.

The two groups of people were at loggerheads at the door of the delivery room, refusing to give in to each other.

At this time, hearing Ning Sa's cry, Ah Xin said reluctantly: "I'll go down and take a look!"

She quickly entered the elevator and came to the entrance of the building, only to see Xia Yuanfang and Xia Chujian being blocked by the bodyguards brought by the man.

Ah Xin was furious and shouted: "Madam said, let them in! They are Madam's personal physicians!"

Seeing that it was Ning Sa's confidant Ah Xin who was sending the message, the burly man guarding the door turned sideways and let Xia Yuanfang and Xia Chu meet in.

Xia Yuanfang walked a few steps quickly, came to A Xin and asked, "How is Ms. Ning's condition?"

Ah Xin said with a straight face: "That man is here and he is still telling his wife not to give birth..."

Xia Yuanfang was slightly stunned and said: "The due date is here, why don't you give birth? Even if you want to kill me, you have to give birth!"

Ah Xin sighed heavily and said, "We've already broken up, but you still come here... I don't know what you're doing!"

By the time she brought Xia Yuanfang and Xia Chujian to Ning Sa's delivery room, the man had already left with his own people.

Xia Yuanfang ignored it, changed into the hospital's sterile surgical clothes, opened the door to the delivery room and walked in.

Obstetricians and midwifery nurses from the hospital filed in and began to deliver Ning Sa.

Xia Yuanfang was not responsible for delivering the baby. She was just watching various instruments to ensure that Ning Sa and the fetus were in normal condition during delivery.

Ning Sa's body is indeed in good shape.

With the help of doctors and nurses, she only took a few deep breaths before the baby's head emerged from the birth canal.

Xia Yuanfang took a glance and saw that the child had black hair and thick fetal hair. He was a healthy little guy.

Moreover, it is a human head without horns.

"Harder! Harder! Harder! Exhale! Exhale! Then inhale! Yes, that's it!" The delivery nurse assisted, and the obstetrician was also prepared.

Ning Sa shouted and used strength again.

"Wow!" A loud cry sounded in the delivery room.

The obstetrician who delivered the baby smiled and said, "What a beautiful young man! He cries so loudly!"

She held the newborn baby in front of Ning Sa.

There was sweat on Ning Sa's forehead, which kept flowing down and blurred her vision.

She could only vaguely see a chubby little white doll, a complete humanoid, crying loudly.

Ning Sa said weakly: "Doctor Xia, Dr. Xia, give the child to Dr. Xia."

At the same moment, on the aircraft above Lee Hospital, the elegant man was holding a cigarette in his hand and looking motionless outside the cabin.

Anyone could tell that his mind was not on the cigarette.

The burning fireworks almost burned his hand before he was knocked down by his assistant.

He came back to his senses, pursed his lips, and said, "When I'm born, I'll ask about it..."

Before he finished speaking, his quantum optical brain watch carrier made a ding sound, indicating that someone had sent him a message.

He raised his hand and saw that it was Ning Sa!

He quickly clicked on the virtual display screen.

What Ning Sa sent him was a photo of a newborn baby.

In the photo, the child had curly black lanugo hair, which was very thick, and the skin was a little red. It looked like the little leopard with long horns that he had seen on a three-dimensional color ultrasound imager!

The man was shocked and delighted. He took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

"As long as he is born, there will be no problem... As long as he is born, there will be no problem..." The man murmured to himself, but when he thought about it again, even if he was not born in an animal form and could go to school later, as long as he checked his DNA, he would know that he was not human. , but humanoid...

Still belong to the untouchable class.

How could his son be a pariah? !

The man looked at the cute little baby and his mood dropped again.

At this time, Xia Yuanfang was holding the child in his arms and carefully conducting various tests on him.

The obstetrician at the hospital has already done a round of tests, and all indicators are fine.

The name tag on Ning Sa's delivery bed is "Ning Feng".

Ning Sa had told Xia Yuanfang before that the name she registered in the hospital was not Ning Sa, but Ning Feng, and her genetic identity was human, not humanoid.

Xia Yuanfang understood and said nothing.

She only secretly took a little blood from the baby's toes and planned to go back for genetic testing.

She needs to prepare the corresponding medicine based on the current mixing level of his genes to make the child's human genes dominant.

After everyone in the ward left, Ning Sa looked at Xia Yuanfang and shook her head slightly.

This is to tell her not to say anything.

Xia Yuanfang nodded knowingly.

Ning Sa asked a few general questions.

"Doctor Xia, how is my child's physical condition? He has ten fingers and ten toes, right?"

"Well, ten fingers, ten toes, one not too many and one not too little."

"anything else?"

"The respiratory organs are developing normally, the heart beats strongly, and the legs and feet bounce normally, but the meconium has not been passed out yet. I hope he can pass the meconium smoothly tonight." Xia Yuanfang spoke logically, as if he understood everything very well.

Ning Sa had no doubt at all.

Because the studio Xia Yuanfang opened was for reproductive assistance.

Although she said she does not deliver babies but does reproductive assistance, does she not have any basic knowledge about newborn babies?

That must be impossible!

Xia Yuanfang asked Ning Sa to feed the baby some colostrum.

An hour later, the child passed meconium smoothly and fell asleep comfortably.

In the middle, Ning Sa's quantum light brain beeped several times.

She picked up the quantum optical brain watch carrier from the small cabinet next to the delivery bed and looked at it for a few times. She lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said: "Doctor Xia, the father of the child will come to see him in a while. You are here. Don't worry." Let’s go, okay?”

Xia Yuanfang didn't care and said, "If you think it doesn't matter, I don't care."

The child is her patient, a client, and a minor. It is appropriate to meet with the child's parents or guardians.

Ning Sa sent a message there.

After a while, Xia Chujian, who was waiting outside the door of the delivery room, was blocked by A Xin.

Then, Xia Chujian saw that the corridor of the hospital was filled with groups of people wearing black uniforms, and the doors of each ward were blocked.

These men were wearing the same uniforms as those blocking the entrance to the building downstairs.

Then a middle-aged man with an elegant face and a tall figure walked slowly from the other end of the corridor.

Xia Chujian narrowed his eyes. This man's temperament looked a bit familiar.

But she didn't dare to look any further, because the man inadvertently raised his eyes and glanced here. Xia Chu saw that his wrist was immediately stabbed several times by the electric shocks emitted by the quantum optical brain.

The small program Huo Yushen installed for her worked.

This is a manifestation of high-level genetic evolvers releasing their spiritual power.

She immediately lowered her head, followed the example of A Xin before her, groaned, and covered her ears with her hands.

The man walked past them calmly and entered Ning Sa's ward.

The lights in the delivery room are now warm yellow to avoid irritating the eyes of mothers and newborns.

The man walked to the delivery bed and looked at Ning Sa, who was sitting there with an infant in her arms. He suppressed his excitement and stretched out his hand, "Show me."

Ning Sa looked at him warily and said, "You must swear not to have any evil thoughts. My son, I will raise him to grow up and I will never drag you down."

The man smiled bitterly and said, "Although we broke up, this child is still bleeding from me. He is his father, and I will still pay the alimony that should be paid."

Ning Sa curled her lips: "As if someone cares about your money..."

But he still put the swaddling clothes into the man's hands.

The man held the child with one hand and unswaddled it with the other.

Seeing the complete human form of the little baby in the swaddle, and the face that looked like his son, the man's hands trembled.

He asked in a low voice: "...How on earth is this done?"

He never expected that the child would have a complete human form as soon as he was born.

Ning Sa proudly said: "This is all the result of Dr. Xia. She is an outstanding herbal expert. She has found pure natural herbs that can..."

At this moment she suddenly stopped talking and looked at the ward uneasily.

The man understood her concerns and said quietly: "This is the most high-end delivery room and there is no surveillance. Also, the person I brought has an electromagnetic shielding system. Even if there is a hidden surveillance here, no images or sounds can be recorded." "

Second update at 1pm.

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