Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 304: The big witch among the little witches

The Great Elder Attar in the Temple of Usha once said to Zheng Qing, ‘the closer you are to the sky, the closer you are to reality, so you can return to reality by climbing to the highest mountain.’

Zheng Qing has now climbed to the highest point of Kela Mountain.

But he also realized another fact—distance is not exactly proportional to reality. Sometimes, the closer you are to the sky, the farther you are from the truth; the closer you observe, the less you can see the truth.

Just like Zhu Si.

The new rune was'charged' in the gun box, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. He still didn't pay attention to how much damage the previous shot had caused to Krashan, but just glanced casually to confirm that the group of Tindalus hounds had been expelled from the world, and then looked away.

Then he turned his attention to Zhu Si who was riding the edamame.

Perhaps because of drinking too much mushroom soup, the body of the edamame has become much larger, and a girl of seven or eight years old does not appear abruptly riding on it.

At this moment, it was wagging its tail, sticking out its tongue happily, and making a low meow in its throat, asking its owner for credit.

Zheng Qing gave it a perfunctory gesture.

"Who are you?" The wizard didn't meander and temptation, and asked the little witch riding on the dog. He was holding a talisman gun, the muzzle drooping slightly, but it was shrouded around Jusi and Nikita.

Edamame digs the dirt under his claws nervously, his eyes full of anxiety and confusion. I don't seem to understand why the owner pointed at him with that dangerous thing, or why the friendly and harmonious friend suddenly turned his face.

Of course, in the process, it was very wise to keep silent, pretending to be a stone.

The little witch tilted her head, her cute face was filled with affirmation: "I am Zhu Si!"

"No, you are not." Zheng Qing is very clear about his feelings, and at the same time he feels an anger is starting to burn. He shook his head and stubbornly asked: "Who are you? Where is Zhu Si? What did you do to her?"

Perceiving the dangerous light flashing in the wizard's eyes, this time, the little witch did not pretend to be cute.

She looked at him quietly, and suddenly smiled.

"I am indeed Zhu Si." The little witch jumped off Edamame's back and landed steadily on the slope. The slightly longer robe was dragged in the environment full of boulders and snow, a bit funny.

What does not match this comic is the tone and demeanor of the little witch when she speaks-Zheng Qing can hardly use accurate words to describe this feeling of disharmony-as if she has suddenly changed herself, and she seems to be There is a high position, she has a calm voice, a mature tone, and the vicissitudes of seeing through everything in her eyes.

Then she patted Edamame on the back.

The dog stuck out his tongue, slid back into the void, and hid in the crack in its corner.

"I am indeed Zhu Si," the little witch repeated this sentence, paused, and then said again: "It's just that I am not the seven-year-old witch Zhu Si in your mind... but a world in the mirror. 'Zhu Si' who has lived with the Dreamland for a long time."

As she said, her eyes fell on Nikita, and she suddenly smiled.

"Like this little banshee," she looked at Nikita with sadness in her eyes, as if looking at her own shadow: "When a hopeful soul falls endlessly into the abyss, always grab a point. What... can prevent myself from going crazy in pain and torture."

Zheng Qing's arm holding the talisman spear shook slightly.

He swallowed, and there was a vague guess-but he would rather not guess it, and would rather the Zhu Si in front of him really be disguised by something deep in the starry sky.

"Why is this." The wizard's voice was trembling, and his mind was messed up. He couldn't remember anything for a moment, just murmured: "You pretended before? How long has it been...I've been away for more than a month, No, I know that time is warped in the mirror, but... is all this true?"

"Zhu Si" looked at the boy who was at a loss, and suddenly laughed.

"It was fake at the time!" She pointed to Zheng Qing's nose, just like the little girl in the mirror world long, long ago: "This is a dreamland! How can there be something real and true!"

At this moment, Zheng Qing was completely confused.

He even began to wonder if he had been hit by a confusing curse, otherwise, how could he not understand the words of the little witch? In other words, how can one hear two utterly contradictory statements?

Perceiving the confusion in Zheng Qing's eyes,'Zhu Si' was not surprised.

Because even a veteran adventurer who has been in the fantasy world for a long time can hardly distinguish the subtle differences between the real and the real in this world, not to mention a young wizard who has just arrived in the fantasy world for less than a week without obtaining a registered wizard certificate. What?

"The time in the mirror is like the image in the because it is false, so it is unstable." The little witch gave the boys her own thoughts without hesitation: "Use your current theory to explain this. The dimensions of the world are disordered..."

"Do you know dimensionality?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

"It's very interesting theory," the little witch commented calmly, "Of course I know. Because this world is not just a group of adventurers, and it's not the first time I have met people outside... Besides, I slipped into the mirror. At that time, Dimensionalists had published many classic papers. Mom and Dad often discussed them at home, and they were very noisy... Impressed."

I don't know if it was recalling the scene of her parents quarreling, or because the two words touched her mind, the little witch's expression suddenly became a little bleak and her voice stopped.

Zheng Qing regretted interrupting indiscriminately.

But soon, Zhu Si spoke again: "...Because of this essential disorder, it is reflected in reality, which is a contradiction in cognition. In your memory, you and me met before the month of ten months; but in my time Online, I said goodbye to you thousands of years away."

"Yes, we met in the mirror world. It was a long, long, long time ago. The long-lasting magic can't prevent the chlorophyll from fading, and can't prevent the withered yellow from coming.

She touched the dry leaves of the maze on her wrist and used it for three ‘long time’ in a row, which made people particularly worried:

"...It's just that this illusory and long journey doesn't allow'she' to grow up, but in her immature mind, she has matured a virtual mature personality, which is me."

Although the little witch in front of him did not explain carefully, Zheng Qing still easily judged that the "she" in this sentence refers to Zhu Si who first entered the world in the mirror, and the "I" refers to the little witch in front of him. .

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