Hunting College

Vol 5 Chapter 303: From the foot of the mountain to the top

"I want to go up the mountain?"

Zheng Qing clenched his fists and repeated the thought in his mind.

The night was cool, the echoes deep in the mountains were silent for a long time, and then the buzzing sound slowly reappeared:

"...Buzz...on the mountain, the mountain is where the gods fog surrounding the peak is always full of sadness. Those fogs are the thoughts of the gods echoing in the"

The young public servant suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He looked at his companion, nodded affirmatively, then immediately closed his eyes again, and the thought echoed in his mind:

"I want to go up the mountain!"

"...Buzz...everyone in the world is an animal trainer, and that beast is everyone’s individual in the world is a climber, and that seat is above all The mountain in front of people is the Kela Mountain in front of exists in the deepest part of everyone's consciousness, where the gods"

"I want to go up the mountain!!"

"...Buzz...soil binds the trees to the ground as a reward for sky asks for nothing, let the trees grow hate their heaven and envy Om..."

Zheng Qing let go of his fists in frustration and looked at his companions.

"Focus on a certain idea, you can indeed hear some different words," he opened his palms and looked at the green beans in his palms, his tone a little bit distressed: "And those words sounded quite reasonable, just listen. How can I go up the mountain without going out."

"Be patient," Xiao Xiao glanced at the vague monsters outside the courtyard and motioned: "Anyway, we have no other choice now."

"Why don't you try to shoot into the house?" Zhang Jixin gave one of the most direct but rude suggestions: "Boom out that dark wizard... He always has to give an explanation."

Zheng Qing was slightly tempted by this suggestion.

But it's just tempting.

When his eyes turned from the monster outside the small courtyard to Nikita and Zhuzhu, then to the silent room under the night, and finally landed on the rune spear in his hand, the wizard shook his head and gave up the newly sprouted That thought.

He only had one bullet in a short time, but there were three unstable factors around him.

The deterrence of rune bullets in the box can be maintained at the maximum.

Pulling the trigger and surrendering the talisman, it also surrendered the initiative held by the Yougui Hunter at the moment. Without mentioning the joy and anger of the dark wizard in Nguera, Nikita next to him would definitely take the opportunity to rebel.

So he squeezed the green beans in his hand and planned to close his eyes again and listen to the echoes in the depths of the mountain again.

At this moment, Zhu Si, who had been curled up in Jiang Yu's arms, suddenly spoke.

"If we want to go up the mountain, why don't we climb all the way up to the highest point?" She frowned, her big eyes full of strange colors: "Climb to the highest point, don't we go up the mountain?"

Yes, why not climb towards the highest point?

Why must we be entangled in this small yard?

Why does everyone subconsciously ignore this most obvious fact?

These sudden sounds echoed in Zheng Qing's heart, ‘climbing’, ‘climbing’, ‘climbing’, and the sound raged in the lake of mind, even shaking the cyan cyclone that had been slowly rising.

Until the end, the sound of ‘climbing the mountain’ completely submerged the reverberation from the depths of the mountain brought by the green beans, faintly, he heard a very weak and very distant sigh.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze under that sigh.

Then the next second, Zheng Qing opened his eyes. The dark crucible, the dilapidated well, the deserted courtyard, and the old house silent in the night, like clouds torn apart by the wind, quickly disappeared in youth In the sight of the wizard.

As if a giant leaned down from behind the cloud, Zheng Qing felt as if he had been picked up by the giant's palm and went straight through the ancient gloomy house.

The closed doors, the dark walls, the heavy stone tablets, the huge figure, the creeping shadows, none of them could stop him from moving forward.

Countless inexplicable pictures and sounds crazily flooded into his mind at this moment.

Zheng Qing felt that the magic power in the bullet in the magazine was soaring at a speed that could be clearly perceived. It seemed that in the next second, the bullet would be shot out of the muzzle uncontrolled.


He fell heavily to the ground, and when he was about to burst his head with the messy knowledge, everything was calm again.

Zheng Qing moaned lowly, struggled, and got up from the ground.

There was darkness and silence around him, and a huge shadow could be vaguely felt over his head. The wizard fumbled, escaped from his pocket, and found out a lighting spell:

"Bangbi Xiaoxing, three to five in the east,"

Three or five dim points of light emerged in the darkness, and then rapidly expanded under the blessing of magic, and in a blink of an eye they rose from the size of a rice grain to the size of a basketball. The faint light fell from the milky white sphere, and the surrounding area was illuminated~www Qing immediately realized that he was no longer in the old house in Ngualla.

This is a gentle **** full of rocks, cracks and snow. The surrounding area is very cold and the air is a little thin. Although the robes are attached to the heat preservation charm, they still can't stop the chill that invades the bone marrow from spreading.

Several other hunters and two banshee captives of the guilt hunting team died in a faint around him. Zhu Si held Edamame's neck and rode on it, throwing fist-sized fireballs down one after another.

With the light of Babi Xiaoxing, Zheng Qing saw those fireballs being smashed on a group of fuzzy creatures. They tried hard to avoid the fireballs, and their sharp claws and teeth exuded a cold breath in the dim light.

The Tindalus hounds outside the door before.

It is indeed the magical creature that is known as the most difficult to get rid of. In this case, it can still entangle them like a tarsus maggot.

"While the two little fairies are not awake, give them a cruel one." Zhu Si rubbed a fireball and threw it down viciously, while yelling at the wizard: "Always beat them up. To have a chance to leave here."

Even though Zheng Qing has hundreds of questions in his heart, it is not an opportunity to ask at this moment.

He glanced at Nikita, who was still fainting on the ground, no longer hesitating, leveled the rune gun in his hand, pointed the muzzle at the lingering and fuzzy figures in the darkness, and pulled the trigger.

A stream of light flashed.

Accompanied by a piercing and sharp cry, Zheng Qing felt as if Ke La Shan let out a low moan. He didn't care to see what he destroyed with this shot, but quickly re-squeezed a new rune into the magazine.

The slender pipeline was re-opened, and the pressure in the almost exploding cyclone in the sea of ​​consciousness received a new release channel, and finally slowly stabilized.

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