104. I did

Morzadon’s monster head is blown off.

As usual, I should have enjoyed the joy of victory, but…


After I confirmed that he was dead.

I immediately turned and headed towards Orhel.

In the place where Orhel fell.

There was blood spattered all over the floor.




Everyone was staring at Orhel lying on the floor with a blank expression.

Pico escaped from Diaz’s arms at some point.

He saw me coming closer and started talking to him.

“……There’s nothing I can do, Peep.”

Even Pico shook his head.

I slowly approach Orhel.

His last appearance…



Why is the dead man snoring…?

I stood still with a puzzled look on my face.

Pico continued to speak to him.

“You’re fine, what should I do? Beep.”

“Are you okay?… Apparently, half of the side was blown off?”

“Have you forgotten what that guy is? That’s a Vampire Lord. Beep.”


Yes, it was.

I always forget that because I’m drunk… It was Vampire Lord, right?

Doesn’t that mean you won’t die from a wound like that?




For a moment, I felt my reason cut off for a moment.

It felt like it was a waste to worry.

I go one step closer with sorrowful eyes.


He slapped Orhel on the forehead.

* * *

“No, you made it clear that you wouldn’t die, brother.”

Yeah, well… I did say that.

“That’s right. I didn’t know either, but it seems I’ve been tricked.”

Orhel followed me, rubbing her reddened forehead with the palm of her hand.

“Ah, what are you saying that makes me so sad? But it was really dangerous. No matter how much I am, I can’t put my half body back together.”

In fact, I almost died.

That was Orhel’s explanation.

It wasn’t a lie, of course.

“Wow, but the monster of Morzadon. His toenails are really bloody? Are they already cut before you even feel the cut?”

The claws of Morzadon’s monster were really sharp.

Even if its claws came nearby, my third eye would furiously signal danger.

Thanks to you, I managed to avoid it, but……

“This one needs some more repairs.”

Unfortunately, my sword, Rascalon, was mortally wounded and seemed difficult to use right now.

It was because Morzadon’s monster’s claws cut the blade in half.

It just feels like a knife blade is attached.

Of course, if you use the space cutting authority, you can cut it because it hasn’t been broken yet…

If I broke it while wielding it, the moment I was in danger could come.

For now, it seemed necessary to temporarily obtain a sword.

While I’m looking at the sword.

“by the way.”

Orhel spoke again.

“The fact that the monster of Morzadon was lurking here… doesn’t that mean there are real Gauriel’s wings nearby?”

I nodded at his comment.

“It’s very likely.”

Orhel took out a map that recorded the location of Gauriel’s wings from his bosom.

The map turned red.

“Eh. It’s bloody and messy. Let’s see…”

However, that map, already soaked in blood, had become useless.

Orhel only slightly raised her eyes and looked at me.

“…It’s a big deal?…I have to go back and make a map…”

And then suddenly pretended to be sick.

“Uhh. I lost a lot of blood and I’m losing my mind…… Oh my head…”

If you want to act, do you do it right?

I’m not pretending to be sick, and I’m not even paying attention.

I was dumbfounded by that clumsy act.

Well, where would the vampire lord have acted in front of anyone?

Besides, it looks like he’s a little emaciated, maybe because he’s really drained of blood.

I was the one who decided to just let it go for today.

“It can’t be helped. Return to Benmire, reorganize, and come back.”

“Whew, whew…”

At that time, Orhel turned her head and sighed in relief.

Suddenly Andrew started sniffing.

“Sniff sniff! Huh? Wait a minute! Wait a minute!”

And then

Isn’t it like a puppy crawling on all fours with its nose on the ground?

At first, I thought the kid was crazy.

But, if you look closely, it doesn’t seem like you’re just fooling around?

“Sniff sniff! I can smell it?”

I asked, tilting my head.

“What smell?”

“An angel…four? An angel, what should I say…a bright smell?”

Oh my god… what the hell is that bright smell?

Does light have a smell?

Andrew snorted and started moving.

From a certain point on, it just hovered around the same place…

“It’s here!”

Isn’t it finally stopped in one place?

Andrew sits down and digs the ground with both hands.

Seeing that absurd appearance, the rest of the staff froze and just watched.



Beside him digging the ground.

I was able to intuit the absurd sight firsthand.


It was Andrew who found Gauriel’s wings only by smell.

* * *

“I knew you had a good nose, but…”

I asked, looking at Orhel muttering.


Orhel pointed at Andrew with his chin.

“That guy. When he goes hunting every evening, he searches for prey with his nose? He even distinguishes whether it’s a wild boar, rabbit, or wolf… But I didn’t expect it to be like that.”

He shook his head.

And Andrew came to me with a bright smile on his muddy face.

“Come on, grab it! Come on!”

Pointing to Gauriel’s wings.

I was feeling a bit drained.

I know how much power that gives me, watching from the side…

What do I mean by finding it on my own and handing it over so readily?

‘It’s a powerful enough force to be stabbed in the back… With that level of strength, there would be plenty of people who could even stab the back…’

I was curious.

What are your thoughts on passing it on to me?

“Didn’t you find it?”

Andrew rubbed his nose with his dirt-soaked hand.

“Hehe. That’s right! I also do it when I do it? I just realized that this isn’t just an ability I use to find meat.”

“Do you think you will take over?”

“Am I? Eh. What am I doing with that. I’m not going to be able to use it properly anyway. Originally, food and energy, if you have more than you need, you’re going to pretend. And I know exactly who I am!”

Putting it on the same level as food…

It’s a bit odd, but I decided to just pass it on.

“So, are you passing it?”

“Anyway, if the monster of Morzadon hadn’t been Lord Rohan, we would have just been annihilated. The reason we found this location before that was because Lord Rohan captured Arachne, right? Of course it was Lord Rohan.”


felt it again

The people around me right now, how trustworthy they are.

And how grateful I am to be with them.

I smiled a little and nodded.

“Then, let’s take it as a thank you.”

I put my hand on the torn wing that had fallen to the floor.


Along with a huge light, the energy of flame penetrated the center of the body.

By the way……

‘Chuck, is it a bit more energetic than the first one?’

Is it because it is a wing engraved with a contract with the flame spirit king?

Phoenix’s potion, Manticore’s inner layer, Drettnor’s toxin, etc… Even though he had received various buffs and became stronger, he felt like his insides were burning.

Even Pico, who was watching me from the side.

“The energy of fire is stronger than expected, beep! Be alert, beep!”

He frowned and worried.

Still, whenever his body was damaged, Pico’s energy was instantly restored by generating the flames of the phoenix again.

But that was all Pico could do.

That pain while constantly burning and recovering.

That was the only part I had to endure.


I could feel cold sweat dripping down the side of my mouth from the pain.

* * *

to endure.

There was nothing else besides that.

I just endured and endured until it was all over.

How many hours had passed like that?

After barely breathing, I finally opened my eyes again.

The first thing that caught my eye was the moonlight.

I must have obtained Gauriel’s wings while the sun was rising.

The sun had already completely disappeared.

The next thing I saw was my surroundings.

The floor burned black.

cut weeds.

I knew right away.

Perhaps while I was holding on, heat rose from my body and set the grass around me on fire.

And Orhel, Diaz, Grendel, and Andrew, who were guarding my surroundings, cut down the weeds to prevent the fire from spreading.

It was another sign of suppression.

I got their help this time too.

They say that I always play an active role in battle, but in fact, outside of battle, they were my strong support.

Because I trusted them and was able to focus on the battle.

Realizing that I had opened my eyes again, Diaz came right up to me.

“Rohan-nim! Are you okay?”

With her words as a sign, everyone realized that I had calmed Gauriel’s power.


“Sir Rohan!”

“Are you awake?”

Within a month, my surroundings were full of people.

I nodded.

“I’m fine now.”

At that, everyone looked relieved.

Andrew stuck out his tongue.

“The heat was so strong, I knew something was going to happen? Ugh, I would have been burned to death if I had it.”

No kidding, it really must have been.

Right now, if it wasn’t for Pico’s power, it would have been difficult for me to survive.

Still, it seemed to have worked out somehow.

Then Orhel opened his mouth.

“By the way, Brother. What does it feel like? I’ve never seen the spirit king’s power either. I’m very curious.”


But I couldn’t answer easily.

I’ve only just calmed down my powers.

I had absolutely no idea what the hell he was capable of.

Morgi said that Orhel and I were all the same.

Orhel gave him a hint.

“Then, how about putting a small amount of fire energy on the palm of your hand? It will be easy to visualize.”

“In the palm of your hand? Um.”

I nodded.

Then, on the left hand, he tried to raise the energy of fire.


It’s for practice, so with minimal force…

let’s focus on that


But, is this…too big?

I was thinking of making it the size of a fist.

The fireball grew larger and swelled up to almost the size of a small car!

It was a feeling of power overflowing and out of control.

When Orhel saw it, she was horrified.

“Hey! Hey! Brother! Make it smaller! Smaller!”

Andrew was startled and fell backwards.

“Ooh, whoaaagh!”

The great ball of fire, like a small sun, lit up the Salarion Plateau at night.

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