103. From the name, he was the left arm of the Giant Goddess, right?

Rumble…… Kwakwang! Damn it!

A golden spear that was shot and flew away with lightning.

The monster of Morzadon saw it and widened his eyes.


And then twist your body to avoid it.

In that short moment, to see that it was an attack that had to be avoided rather than blocked…

Compared to his ignorant appearance, he certainly seemed like a good guy.

“Look at this?… Man, do humans use this kind of power?”

Even when he saw it, he muttered as if he was having fun instead of being scared.

Meanwhile, I lowered myself to him and stomped my feet at full speed.

Although the golden spear missed, it certainly drew attention.

I was thinking of taking advantage of that gap.

In addition, this was an advantageous battlefield for me.

The tall bushes completely covered me, but the monster of Morzadon, a colossus, made my body exposed.

I had no intention of giving that advantage to him.

Before he gets used to this battlefield.


I ran straight away.


He drew his sword horizontally to inflict the same wound he inflicted on Orhel.


The blade of the sword flashed in the sunlight and swung.

The monster of Morzadon raised its claws to block my sword.

As usual, if the opponent hadn’t been me, it wouldn’t have been a wrong decision.

The claws of Morzadon’s monster must have been something that couldn’t be cut.

Even if it’s the other person’s blade.

However, this time it would be different.

‘Where did I try to stop it!’

Because I had an outstanding unique skill called space cutting.

That moment right before my blade and his claws touch.


Morzadon’s monster hurriedly retrieved his claws and jumped backwards.

The guy who opened the distance quietly glared at me.

“…Wh, what did you do!”

I tried to cut off his toenails in space…

‘It feels dirty and nice.’

His senses seemed to have reached an almost transcendent sixth sense level.

I didn’t show off, but… I was honestly embarrassed because it was the first time I’d seen someone dodged before the Space Slash could reach them.

“If you’re curious, bump into it!”

I stamped my feet and continued the sword attack again.

However, the monster of Morzadon did not get caught in my provocation and stepped back, keeping pace with my speed.

Poof! Whiik! swish, swish!

Thanks to that, all of my attacks cut through the air.


It was the first time he had ever been so sharp.

He immediately realized that he had to avoid the Golden Spear as well.

Avoid space cuts before they even reach.

Besides, to think that I had matured quite a bit up until now, I avoided all of my sword attacks.

‘Even if it looks like a praying mantis… a colossus. After all, is this because they are gods?’

It was then.

Chew! Chow!

More claws sprouted from Morzadon’s monster’s flanks.

As a result, his claws increased from two to six.

And the attack is also six times faster.

Shock! Shak shak! Shasha shak!

A series of slashes close to the level of hacking.

It was an amazing strategy that completely eliminated the timing for me to attack.

“Huhahahaha! Yes, run away! Run and struggle, and eventually kneel!”

* * *

There was no chance of winning this way.

In the first place, everything from the original plan was wrong, contrary to my calculations.

‘I was afraid this would happen, so I had to find Gauriel’s wings first…!’

What I am now dealing with the monster of Morzadon.

It seemed close to impossible.

Because even now, I was in a hurry to avoid it.

‘How did Petriel deal with such a monster?’

If it was an original story.

In this place, Petriel should have won.

Or at least a draw.

In the original work, Petriel also appeared, and the monster of Morzadon also appeared.

That’s why I’m saying that Petriel didn’t lose…

When I thought about it, it was a little strange.

‘Patriel, the monster of Morzadon. In the original work, it did not have the wings of embrace.’

In other words, the Petriel who was defeated by me.

It meant that I had fought on an equal footing with the monster of Morzadon in front of me.

Even without the wings of embrace.

‘How the hell…?’

I’m too tired to die after defeating Petriel.

By what means……


That moment.

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

‘A dogfight.’

Petriel was the style to fly up into the air and attack.

I used that tactic when I fought, and it was the same in the original game.

On the other hand, the monster of Morzadon was a being that fought by sticking to the ground.

the difference of its affinity.

I thought that was the difference between me and Petriel.


Even if I knew the answer, there was no way for me.

I can fly to the sky…

‘……isn’t it? why?’

I wondered.

Why did you decide that you couldn’t fly?

I also have Gauriel’s wings.

And the moment you feel that way.

The moment I started questioning my limits.

I got a chance to evolve one step further.


* * *

Behind my shoulder, huge white wings spread out.

Angel wings!

When the monster of Morzadon saw the scene, it stopped attacking for a moment.

It wasn’t just that I stopped in surprise, it was because my alertness had risen.

“As expected…! You bastard! You have the power of Gauriel…!”

It was only for a moment that the monster of Morzadon hesitated.

After all, he was a being who ate angels.

On the contrary, when he saw the wings, he began to drool more and rush at them.


Even half of reason seemed to have been blown away.

Seeing him shout out loud sounds that he hadn’t heard before, and not with meaningful language.

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Just as I go mad when I see a devil, he seems to go mad when I see an angel.

I spread my wings and quickly backed away.


Kick the floor with both feet at the same time.


It glides on the wind.

‘Is this how I do it?’

It was the first time in my life to fly with my wings.

However, since the situation was so urgent, it seemed to get used to it again quickly.


Twisting the direction of the wings, I made a rapid turn in the air.

You caught the monster of Morzadon.


Aiming for the scruff of his neck, he swung his sword.

Wedge liquid!

But Morzadon’s monster was a bit more monster than I thought.


He turned his head 180 degrees with a goosebumps sound.

Six claws were simultaneously extended towards me.

His intentions were clear.


He intended to give up defense and die with me.

‘I can’t die here with a praying mantis!’

I hurriedly folded both wings in an instant, riding the wind with the tips of the wings to make my body spin.


My torso rotates rapidly and passes between his claws.

In the meantime, I stretched out my sword and aimed at the nape of his neck again.

However, Morzadon’s monster wasn’t just suffering.

It deflects two of its six claws.

I swung at my sword and wrist.


I had no choice but to change the direction of the attack.

I turned my sword towards the claws of the creature that was aiming for my wrist.


cut it off

The only remaining claw swung toward my sword face.


In the end, like Orhel’s side, half of the sword flew away.

The monster of Morzadon didn’t miss that opportunity.

He extended one more dagger-like claw that he had hidden behind.

It was a perfect combination made under the judgment that the sword was incapacitated.

But my weapon wasn’t just a sword.


Colossal power is concentrated in the left arm of the Colossus.


Right before the sharp-edged claws touched, I grabbed the blade.

The monster of Morzadon, who witnessed the scene, trembled for the first time.

“That, that’s…! That’s ridiculous…! The power of the giants, how can you, a mere weedy bird…!”

Inside I was startled.


Come to think of it, this power.

‘From the name of it, it was the left arm of the Colossus, right?’

I wasn’t surprised by the angel’s wings, but the atmosphere itself changed when the giant god’s arm came out.

Of course, such a gap was a golden opportunity for me.

I spread my wings and driven my feet into his face with the recoil.

As it is, gather strength in your left arm.


He tore off the front legs of the one he was holding onto.


The mantid’s scream echoed across the Salarion Plateau.

* * *


With my wings spread again, I flew upward riding the wind.

Then the view below came in wide.

The world seen from the sky was a very new feeling.

In addition, the giant giant, the monster of Morzadon, also felt different when viewed from above.

I spin around him.

It spun around like an eagle that found its prey.

If you think about it, the monster of Morzadon did demean me as a weed bird.

‘Aren’t praying mantises just a great source of protein for birds?’

Don’t you know the structure of the food chain?

Like a top predator, I dived towards the monster of Morzadon, who lost a leg and limped away.

Even though the sword is out of use…

On the left arm of the colossus, on the right hand, purple poisonous claws were erected.

It flew towards the fleeing giant mantis.

Wedge love!

The sound of the wind tickling your ears.

Me and the monster of Morzadon are approaching at a tremendous speed.

He threatened me with his five remaining paws.

It didn’t work even when there were six, but how could it be now?

Whirly Rick.

I dodged all of his blades with a more advanced spin.


Another claw was pulled out.

At the same time, with the claws on his right hand, which were filled with deadly poison, he also raked his torso once.


“Kreuk! Kreurreuk…!”

Is it because of the poison?

A strange liquid flowed from his mouth.

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Just looking at it, it didn’t look normal.

Thinking of what I did to Orhel, I wanted to play with it some more and then kill it…

I was also slowly reaching the limits of my physical strength.

Spreading the wings felt like consuming a lot of stamina.

‘It’s because I used the ability of the celestial world in the middle world.’

Even without anyone explaining it, I knew it instinctively.

That’s why I was thinking of making this attack the last blow.

He took out a small emergency dagger he had prepared in case the sword broke and held it.


Grab it with your right hand in reverse.

I love you!

He glided toward the monster of Morzadon again.


The guy has been threatening by swinging his remaining forepaw.

However, such an absurd threat was not going to work.

I gracefully squeeze in between them.

Damn it!

I hit the neck of the monster of Morzadon…


The severed head shot up into the air and flew up.

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