Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 737 0725 [The Birth of the Kung Fu Emperor]

The theater chain owned by Fox Film Company acquired by Du Yongxiao is in full swing this time, and will screen the movie "Way of the Dragon" collectively.

Of course, those Hollywood film companies that accepted Du Yongxiao's olive branch would not struggle with money. After signing a share agreement with Du Yongxiao, they also began to release the film in full.

Suddenly, "Way of the Dragon" was released in theaters across the United States.

In the second week, the U.S. box office exceeded 10 million.

In the third week, the U.S. box office exceeded 30 million!

In the fourth week, the U.S. box office exceeded 50 million!

In the fifth week, the U.S. box office exceeded 80 million!

In the sixth week, just when the show was about to be released, the U.S. box office exceeded 100 million!

All of a sudden——

This news was like a thunder, shocking the whole of Hollywood, and even the entire United States; even Europe got the news, the British "Times Daily", the French "Paris Times", the German "Munich Daily News", etc., all reported on it. .

The Americans were stunned, and the Europeans were even more astonished.

The reason is very simple. Chinese-language films have always been an existence that cannot be beaten with three sticks in the world! To be precise, it has no sense of existence!

Not to mention that movies like this cannot compete with big movies in Hollywood. Even European movies, such as French movies and British movies, cannot compete.

In fact, Chinese-language films are not even as good as Japanese films. At least Japanese films such as "Seven Samurai" and "Rashomon" are internationally renowned.

But now-——

The sudden release of "Enter the Dragon", especially its high box office of over 100 million, stunned the whole world.

Even the President of the United States couldn't sit still for such a Chinese-language movie that exceeded 100 million. He said to reporters: "This fully demonstrates the inclusiveness of our American Hollywood! Yes, Chinese-language movies, they look very good!"

The President's understatement of "very good" has made countless Hollywood film companies ashamed.

If you don't become a householder, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are.

If you don’t make movies, you don’t know how difficult it is to break over 100 million at the box office.

Many of their companies have yet to have a decent movie that can directly break over 100 million after being fully released!

However, Du Yongxiao's play did it.

Of course, these filmmakers immediately became suspicious again. They first suspected box office fraud. After all, in this era, it is more difficult to achieve a box office of over 100 million than to make a successful movie.

So the U.S. tax department began an investigation, hoping to see Fox's dark operations while collecting taxes.

But the result surprised everyone. Not only did Fox's drama not "steal the box office," but for some reason, the box office revenue even fell short of the record by one million.

However, after the incident, Du Yongxiao immediately ordered the company to pay the tax of one million.

I don’t know anything else, but as an FBI agent, Du Yongxiao knows that the capabilities of the US Taxation Bureau are beyond imagination, even more powerful than their FBI.

Immediately afterwards, many Hollywood bosses collectively began to suspect that in addition to Fox's own theaters and theaters contracted with other companies, there were also other unknown underground theaters.

The box office share of these underground theater chains is extremely low and their existence is huge. Du Yongxiao can completely rely on these theater chains to win over 100 million box office.

But the investigation came out, surprising everyone again.

These underground theater chains did approach Du Yongxiao and wanted to help screen Du Yongxiao's drama for a small commission, but Du Yongxiao severely refused.

The reason given by Du Yongxiao is: "In order for Hollywood movies to develop positively, I can't do this! I would rather have zero box office than do such low-level activities!"

For a time, Du Yongxiao's "righteous and awe-inspiring" image vividly appeared on the page, making many Hollywood bosses sigh and feel ashamed.

At this moment, it is a certainty that Du Yongxiao's new drama will break the 100 million mark.

There are still three weeks of release period. According to the box office share, as a producer, Du Yongxiao can earn at least 50 million this time.

A movie made over 50 million yuan, and it was a Chinese movie. This is simply unbelievable, and it completely broke the records of Hollywood and even North America.

In this regard, Carlos, the boss of Paramount who wanted to annex Fox, was very frustrated.

He has been drinking to drown his sorrows these past few days, hoping to use the anesthesia of alcohol to eliminate the feeling of failure deep in his heart.

"Breaking 100 million? How could it break 100 million? My "The Godfather" hasn't broken 100 million yet. How can you damn Chinese movies break 100 million?" Carlos was in a bad mood. He was sitting on the boss's chair in the office, holding on to the wine bottle. Swallowing whiskey into his mouth.

The drink flowed from the corner of his mouth and wet his clothes and tie.

"Haha, someone must be helping him behind the scenes! That's right, otherwise he is just out of luck!"

"I didn't lose, I still have a chance! Yes, you just became famous in one drama. Next, I will make you die very ugly! God, I swear to God, I, Carlos, will definitely I'm dying!" Carlos thought of Du Yongxiao's faint smile and gritted his teeth in hatred towards Du Yongxiao.

While Carlos was gritting his teeth, Fox was beating gongs and drums to celebrate the victory.

As the president of the company, Ryder was filled with admiration for Du Yongxiao at this moment. He felt that his whole life of making movies was not as exciting as Du Yongxiao's this time.

Other members of the board of directors, Old Mike and others, looked at Du Yongxiao as if they were looking at a god.

Yes, if Du Yongxiao was not a god, how could he be considered perfect?

Not only did this drama become a hit in Hollywood, but it also manipulated those Hollywood big shots.

Before, they had looked down on Du Yongxiao with disdain, but now they all turned into "little fans" and worshiped him.

Yan Xiong and Du Yongshun have been with Du Yongxiao for so long that they have become "numb" to this kind of psychology.

In their opinion, there is nothing in this world that Du Yongxiao cannot do.

For Bruce Lee and Luo Lishi, this time To Yongxiao not only revitalized the drama "The Dragon Crossing the River", but also made Chinese-language films stand out in the forest of Hollywood, which people dare not underestimate.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?"

In the Fox conference room, Du Yongxiao glanced at everyone and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I am a very fair person. I will definitely reward according to merit and will never be stingy."

Du Yongxiao thought everyone was staring at him for rewards.

Bruce Lee smiled: "Mr. Du, you are wrong. None of us have any intention of asking for a reward, just——"

"Just what?"

"I just feel like it's all like a dream, it's so unreal."

duty We can’t dwell on the victory at this moment.”

"what do you mean--"

"What I mean is that your new drama "Enter the Dragon" is about to start filming!" Du Yongxiao laughed, "And I plan to make this drama directly using the Hollywood model. The director is a big Hollywood director, and the actors invited are all from the United States, and even Global Kung Fu Superstar.”

Everyone looked at Du Yongxiao in surprise, not expecting him to play so big.

After winning this time, I am ready to continue stud.

"First of all, in terms of director, I have chosen a good candidate, Robert Cross. He has made great achievements in the field of kung fu movies and is very suitable for shooting this kind of action movie."

"Secondly, as an actor, I chose John Saxon. His American cowboy appearance is good and his skills are also very agile; and there is the black star Jim Kelly. As a karate black belt player, his skills are very unique, making him The arrangement in this play must be very interesting..."

Du Yongxiao talked to everyone and finalized the entire cast of the play in just a few minutes. For Ryder and others, this was an incredible thing.

Many film companies are very cautious in choosing directors and actors when making movies. They often waste a month or two, or even half a year, and often change people midway, but Du Yongxiao——

It was the final word!

Before, some of these people might have stood up to object, but now, they felt that whatever decision Du Yongxiao made was right.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The director and cast arranged by Du Yongxiao now are almost exactly the same as in the previous life.

"Enter the Dragon" almost includes the best action directors in the United States, as well as action stars. Secondly, Hong Kong's future pillars such as Sammo Hung, Lin Zhengying, Jackie Chan and other big guys also participated in the show. To be precise, in play a small role.

After the movie was released, the total global box office was as high as 230 million US dollars! It can be regarded as setting an unbreakable benchmark for future Chinese-language films in Hollywood. So far, no Chinese-language film has been able to break it.

After allocating tasks, Du Yongxiao made some further decisions before announcing the adjournment of the meeting.

Today's meeting was very relaxed, and everyone was in a happy mood. They left the meeting room chatting one by one.

When Bruce Lee turned to leave, Du Yongxiao stopped him from behind.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Bruce Lee thought that Du Yongxiao secretly had a task to tell him to do, so he pretended to listen.

Du Yongxiao smiled, took out a cigarette and handed it over.

Bruce Lee waved his hand and said: "I don't smoke! I also hope you don't smoke. Smoking can shorten a warrior's lifespan!"

Du Yongxiao was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he had never seen Bruce Lee smoking. It was only occasionally in movies that Bruce Lee would bite a cigarette to play a role.

"Sorry." Du Yongxiao knocked the cigarette on the cigarette case and tried to light it, but finally put it back.

When Bruce Lee saw this, he said: "You can smoke if you want. The worst I can do is stay away from you."

In fact, Bruce Lee himself occasionally smoked. He even played a small hooligan in the movie "Alone in the Sea". He was an iconic figure among smokers, and his performance was vivid.

But he also said: "Smoking may not be good for the body."

In addition, when Bruce Lee was in college, in a history class, when the teacher was telling the story of Churchill, he drew a picture of Churchill smoking, and was scolded by the teacher. He retorted: "I hate people who smoke. "

Du Yongxiao smiled, threw the cigarette case on the table, leaned on the chair and said, "Forget it, I'll stop smoking. Let's get down to business, are you going to go out like this now?"

"Uh, what do you mean, I don't understand!"

"What I mean is -" Du Yongxiao pointed to Bruce Lee, "Do you want me to help you get a bodyguard or something? Pangu Company has just opened anyway, so it would be good to ask them to send a few people to help."

Bruce Lee smiled, spread his hands, and said proudly: "Why should I have a bodyguard? I am my own bodyguard!" He clenched his fists and made a fighting motion.

Du Yongxiao also laughed: "You still didn't understand what I meant. I mean now that you have become famous, many movie fans like your movies and fight in the movies, and they learn your howl and your double beats." stick!"

Du Yongxiao paused and looked at Bruce Lee with a smile: "They even gave you a nickname, called - Kung Fu Emperor!"

"Uh, Kung Fu Emperor?" Bruce Lee was stunned for a moment. He felt that this nickname was very noble and domineering. He liked it very much, but he couldn't show it, so he could only shrug and said modestly: "I can't afford this title. "

"Whether you can afford it or not, there will be many movie fans following you and swarming you. If you don't have bodyguards to protect you, I'm afraid you-"

"No!" Bruce Lee waved his hand and refused directly, "I always like freedom and don't like to be restrained by others, especially I don't like people following me around all day long! Besides, who am I? I am Jeet Kune Do Bruce Lee , who dares to do something inappropriate to me?"

Du Yongxiao looked at Bruce Lee in surprise, and finally asked: "Really no need?"

"It's really not necessary!" Bruce Lee said firmly, "I can handle it myself."

"Okay then, I won't force you! Anyway, hiring you will cost the company money. If you don't want it, then the company will save it!"

After Du Yongxiao finished speaking, he briefly chatted with Bruce Lee for a few words, and then the two separated.

After Bruce Lee left, Du Yongxiao immediately grabbed the cigarette case, popped out a cigarette and bit it in his mouth: "Mad, choke to death!"

Bruce Lee knew that his movie was a hit, with a box office of over 100 million, but he didn't think he would be very popular. After all, this is the United States, where racial discrimination is serious, and many Americans look down on Chinese people at all.

So when Du Yongxiao said that he would be equipped with bodyguards, he thought it was purely "alarmist".

Why are there so many people?

Even if I beat him to death, I wouldn’t believe it.

When Bruce Lee walked out of the conference room, he happened to see his friend Luo Lishi coming out of the bathroom, so he went up to say hello: "Hi, Luo! If you have time, why not go to the bar for a drink!"

Although Bruce Lee did not smoke, he liked to drink very much. Especially when filming, he would always drink to stimulate his emotions.

Luo Lishi didn't like this, not to mention that he and Bruce Lee now cherish each other and are both teachers and friends. Hearing this, he immediately replied: "Of course, but you are treating me!"

"Of course!" Bruce Lee stepped forward and put his arm around Luo Lishi's shoulders, "Let's go and find a nicer bar!"

The two walked side by side and quickly took the elevator downstairs.

As soon as they arrived in the hall downstairs, they realized that something was wrong. The whole hall was very strange and everyone was looking at them.

Especially those who were doing errands, when they saw them coming down, they stared at them as if they were tapping their acupoints.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" Luo Lishi asked in surprise.

Bruce Lee shook his head: "I don't know, maybe it's a ghost! Ignore them!"

After Bruce Lee finished speaking, he hugged Luo Lishi and continued to walk outside——

at this time--

"Bruce Lee!"

"It's really Bruce Lee!"

"God, I see him!"

People flocked to the hall.

Bruce Lee was startled, and just about to speak, he suddenly felt the ground buzzing and shaking, as if ten thousand giant statues were rushing towards him, and even the ceiling was shaking.

"what happened?"

Bruce Lee was still surprised.

Luo Lishi pointed outside and said, "Li, look!"

Bruce Lee looked outside——

But thousands of movie fans flocked in from all directions.

"Bruce Lee, I love you!"

"Bruce Lee, give me your autograph!"

The shouts were deafening.

Bruce Lee, who had always been fearless, felt guilty for the first time when he looked at the scene in front of him.

Those fans held up posters and billboards, and some even took off their T-shirts while running -——

They bared their teeth and claws, their faces flushed with excitement and admiration.

Bruce Lee's pupils shrank, and he deeply regretted why he didn't listen to Du Yongxiao's words.

Before he could regain his senses, fans flooded in like sea water and drowned him!

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