Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 736 0724 [The box office exceeded one million in the first week]

The New Yorker magazine.

The editor-in-chief, nicknamed "The Godfather," has the habit of taking a lunch break. After lunch, he will often sit in the office for an hour and wait until three o'clock in the afternoon before officially going to work.

But today he failed to take a lunch break. First, the nasty cat kept jumping around the office, whimpering, and scattered his ink bottle, making the desk in a mess.

"Damn stinky cat! I know you are in heat. Believe it or not, I will find a veterinarian to castrate you tomorrow!" The editor-in-chief cursed angrily and found a rag to wipe the desk.

After finally finishing all this, he held the cat in his arms and leaned on the chair again, preparing to take a lunch break at the end of the day.

But at this time————


The fax machine rang.

"Damn, who is sending documents at this time? Oh God, will you let me have a good sleep?" The editor-in-chief cursed angrily, dropped the cat, stood up, and walked over to receive the fax.

"Uh, what is this? That silly girl Pauline has a work?" The editor-in-chief picked up the faxed document and was stunned for a moment, "Isn't she just perfunctory? I shouldn't scold her like that, she He must be writing something randomly to make up the numbers!"

The editor-in-chief looked puzzled. He didn't believe that Pauline would enlighten her after just scolding her.

But when he read the article carefully, he was stunned this time: "What, it's a Hong Kong movie, and the male pig's feet are Chinese? God, how is this possible? Where can the Chinese produce excellent works?"

The editor-in-chief once again concluded that Pauline was perfunctory, but when he finished reading the entire film review, his expression changed from disdain to solemnity.

"Is this drama really that good? God, I have to go see it, yes! This girl Pauline is either exaggerating, or she is...possessed!" The editor-in-chief doesn't believe that the Chinese can produce popular Hollywood movies even to death. 's new movie.

But now the newspaper is in urgent need of manuscripts. Even if the editor-in-chief is full of doubts and disdain for this film review, he has to order someone to publish it. In short, it is important to put out the fire.

Carlos, the president of Paramount, was a little dizzy after drinking at the banquet.

"God, this Dragon's Roaring Banquet was held very well. Everyone was very happy."

"Yes, Carlos, you are interested!"

"We'd all be happier if the damn Chinese quit Hollywood."


To these Hollywood bosses, Du Yongxiao, a Chinese, is simply a piece of rat shit mixed in the pot of delicious food in Hollywood. It is disgusting and disgusting, and they can't wait to be deported.

"Hi, friends, what do you think the reputation of his drama is now?" Carlos asked everyone around him with a smile, his face flushed.

"Needless to say? Of course it's completely bad!"

"Yeah, I guess his movie is the worst movie in Hollywood this year!"

"God, he's bringing down the quality of our Hollywood movies!"

Just when everyone was watching Du Yongxiao’s movie with disdain on their faces——

"No, it's not good! Mr. Carlos!"

Someone ran in from outside in a panic.

Everyone looked closely and saw that it was Carlos's personal secretary.

"What happened?"

Carlos asked after burping his wine.

"Something big has happened! Du Yongxiao's drama has gained a good reputation!"

"Oh, really? Isn't it bad?" Carlos said jokingly, holding the wine glass.

"On the contrary! No, you should read it yourself!" The secretary handed Carlos a copy of The New Yorker magazine.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Carlos looked towards the magazine with drunken eyes.

The secretary pointed to it: "Here! Their movie reviews!"

"Damn it, I'm not blind, I can see!" Carlos scolded, looked, and then-——

"Ahem, how is that possible?"

With a look of astonishment on his face, he stared at the magazine as if he was seeing a ghost.

"What's wrong, Carlos?"

"What happened?"

Everyone gathered around and looked at the magazine together——

I saw the big title above: "The rise of the Chinese dragon! "The River of the Dragon" rewrites the history of Hong Kong and even Hollywood movies!"

"Ahem, are you making a mistake? You are rewriting history with such a loud tone?"

Everyone was surprised.

"What bastard wrote that?"

"It must be an unknown young reporter!"

"Maybe he was bribed by Du Yongxiao!"

Everyone cursed and looked at the author's signature, and then, they were stunned -——

There is a name clearly written on it——

Pauline Kyle!

The most famous and strongest film critic in New York and even the United States who is worthy of the audience's trust!


A person behind Carlos spit out the wine from his mouth and looked at the magazine stupidly, because he knew, and others knew, that as long as Pauline took action, it would be difficult for this drama not to become popular!

Pauline's "golden brand" had a rapid effect.

After reading her article, countless movie fans became curious about "Way of the Dragon," a kung fu movie of pure Chinese origin.

In addition, Du Yongxiao's previous advertisements in newspapers and TV were overwhelming, and now it was completely fermented.

There are also comments from those who have watched the movie--

"God, it's so great!"

"I've never seen such a realistic Kung Fu movie!"

"The fighting scenes in this drama are simply unparalleled, and yes, they can go down in history!"

Especially those who are fans of kung fu, their evaluation of this drama is extremely high.

For a time, the drama "Enter the Dragon" became the most talked-about topic in New York, Los Angeles, and even the entire United States.

As topics and public opinions exploded.

The show's attendance rate has also begun to rebound, with some major movies even finding it hard to get tickets.

In front of the New York Grand Theater——

A pair of young black men and women were arguing with the ticket seller: "Why are there no tickets? We have been waiting in line for so long!"

"Yeah, my boyfriend and I came here to queue at six o'clock in the morning. When it was our turn, you said the tickets were sold out! Damn it, are you discriminating against us because we are black?"

The white conductor smiled bitterly, "No, I have never discriminated against you black people! I treat you like brothers. The problem is that others are lining up here at 4 or 5 o'clock. Not only you, but also the large group of people behind you. Can’t buy tickets!”

As he spoke, the white conductor pointed to the long queue of people behind the black men and women, took out the "Sold Out" sign from the ticket booth and placed it, shrugged again, and said regretfully: "Sorry, it's really sold out!"

"Oh shit!"

"God, what kind of movie is this? You can't even buy a ticket?"

Everyone in the long queue behind said angrily.

The conductor was actually surprised that this Chinese film was so popular? Also, obviously there are many movie theaters under Fox that can show it, why don't they arrange it?

How could he, a mere conductor, know what Du Yongxiao was thinking.

The reason why Du Yongxiao has not yet fully released it and is still holding down the number of theaters is to create the illusion that it is "hard to get a ticket"!

People, what are you most curious about?

It’s something you can’t get!

Du Yongxiao made full use of psychological principles to control the psychology of these American audiences.

Facts have proved that Du Yongxiao's deliberate suppression of box office results is surprisingly effective.

The less able those audiences are to buy tickets, the more curious they become about the play.

Coupled with Du Yongxiao's advertisements, Pauline's film reviews, and other audience reputations——

The combination of all factors made "Way of the Dragon" soar directly into a "phenomenal" movie.

What is "phenomenal level"?

That is, all Americans are now quitting their work and starting to discuss this Chinese kung fu movie.

From New York, Los Angeles, to Boston and other places, whether it's McDonald's, KFC, on the bus, or on the streets, everyone is talking about this Chinese Kung Fu movie that you can't even buy a ticket for.

"God, I queued up at five o'clock yesterday and couldn't get anything!"

"Yeah, a lot of tickets were bought by those damn scalpers!"

"Why don't the police catch these bastards?"

Everyone was indignant.

As for those who are the new generation of scalpers in the United States, especially the white young man who sold tickets to Pauline Kael at half price, they were almost crying in the toilet at this moment.

He never dreamed that this drama would make a comeback!

Before that, he had sold all the movie tickets he had on hand at half price, but now -——

One ticket doubles and doubles!

Bang bang bang!

Hiding in the toilet, he hit himself hard in the face.

Among the American elite, on Wall Street and in Manhattan buildings, those elites are also talking about this play consciously or unconsciously.

In the restroom——

"God, I really want to watch "Way of the Dragon" tonight. I heard that this is a movie that men must watch. It can speed up your adrenal glands!"

A gentleman man adjusted his tie in the dressing mirror and said to his colleague next to him.

"Yeah, I've heard people say that this movie is all about real kung fu! It's not like other bad Hollywood movies where even the boxing is fake!"

"How about it, do you want to come together?"

"Of course! After finishing the steak and drinking the red wine, I'm going to the cinema to have some fun!"

"My God, what a pleasant life it is!"

If the American civilians and elites are talking about this drama, what is the attitude of the top leaders of the US government towards this drama?

United States Washington,

Secretary's residence.

"Damn, there are so many documents to process, it really delays things!"

"There is no way, these documents are what the President is eager to ask for!"

"I know, but he didn't fight earlier, so he handed it over to me now, it's true!"

"What, do you have plans tonight?"

"Of course, I want to watch that kung fu movie "The Way of the Dragon" - starring Bruce Lee, the founder of Jeet Kune Do, and Royce, the national karate champion. God, I heard that the two of them were in the Colosseum. The fight was exciting!”

"Wow, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me! I'm going to watch this movie too, and someone gave me a movie ticket!"

"Ah, you're so awesome. It's hard to get a ticket for this movie now. How did you get it?"

"I helped him before, and now he returns the favor!"

"Haha, then do me a favor."


"Get one for me too."

"Haha, no problem! What is our relationship?"

"Old friend!"


One week after the official release——

The U.S. box office of "Enter the Dragon" planned by Du Yongxiao has been released - one million and one hundred million US dollars!

Although this box office figure is not "too high", it also shocked the entire Hollywood.

You know, the highest record for a Chinese-language film in Hollywood is "The Heroine" filmed by director Hu Jinshuan in 1969.

At that time, it was released in Chinese theaters in the United States, and the total box office was only US$130,000, and it was a box office that lasted for one month.

But now, "Way of the Dragon" has broken the box office record of Chinese-language films in North America just one week after its release, reaching one million, which is slightly higher than the box office of many ordinary Hollywood movies, which directly shocked the United States.

Paramount boss Carlos was deeply relieved when he learned that the box office of Du Yongxiao's film was only "one million" in its first week.

Now he no longer dares to underestimate Du Yongxiao, and completely regards Du Yongxiao as his opponent.

So Carlos is "very concerned" about the show's first-week box office.

Upon hearing that the box office in the first week exceeded one million, Carlos felt contempt again.

You must know that under his leadership, Paramount's 1972 major movie "The Godfather" was released in the United States. Based on a ticket price of 3 US dollars per ticket, the box office in the first week of release exceeded 5.24 million US dollars, and the box office in the first run reached 81.5 million US dollars. Ten thousand US dollars, exactly 14 times the investment in filming and publicity.

"Mine is five million, five million, and yours is only one million, which is only one-fifth of mine! Damn it, you will never catch up with me!"

Carlos gave Du Yongxiao a contemptuous smile from afar.

But he forgot that this was only the first week, and Du Yongxiao himself had been deliberately suppressing the box office.

Now, Du Yongxiao is ready to——

Let go completely!

“The box office exceeded one million in the first week, which is great!”

“But we have to think about the audience!”

"We want audiences across the United States to watch this show!"

"Go, dear Ryder, you announce a press conference! Yes, I have something important to announce!"

At Fox, Du Yongxiao personally issued the order.

Soon, the press conference began-——

In view of the difficulty in getting tickets for "The Way of the Dragon", Du Yongxiao, the boss behind the Fox Film Company, directly faced the media and told everyone that in order to satisfy the audience's demands, be responsible to the audience, and be responsible to Fox, he himself decided to make this film In general release starting today! As long as it is a Fox-owned movie theater, you can buy tickets to watch the movie.

Du Yongxiao even called out to those major Hollywood movie theaters, "I look forward to cooperating with you. I hope this movie can also be released in your cinemas. According to market rules, the box office profits will be divided 40-60!"

Du Yongxiao's move of "throwing an olive branch" directly stunned those Hollywood bigwigs who had previously badmouthed him and were not optimistic about him.

What's the meaning?

Make a fortune together?

"Despicable Chinese guy! We will not cooperate with you, yes, you stupid Chinese pig!" Paramount boss Carlos sneered.


"No, boss! I heard that Disney is planning to release Du Yongxiao's play!"

"No, boss! I heard that MGM is planning to release Du Yongxiao's movie!"

"No, boss! I heard that Warner Bros. is in contact with someone named Du!"

Bad news came one after another, making Carlos stunned and almost going crazy.

He never dreamed that those guys who were brothers to him before would turn around and hug that Chinese pig!

"Damn, are they crazy?"

Carlos roared.

When the personal secretary saw this, he hesitated to say: "They are not crazy, their interests come first!"

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