Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

CH 130 CH 0130【Ambitious】

Harp Restaurant is a very distinctive western restaurant in Hong Kong.

Unlike many western restaurants in Hong Kong that follow the high-end and elegant route, the Harp restaurant is more lively. There are not only karaoke machines, dart boards, and oak wine barrels in the store, the whole environment has a western American feel.

Du Yongxiao waited for ten minutes at the seat near the window before seeing Liu Jianxiong arriving late.

Compared with the previous life, the big Liu in front of him still doesn't have the aura of a super tycoon, and he doesn't have a crowd around him, let alone someone who wipes and disinfects his hands with a towel.

Twenty-two-year-old Liu Jianxiong is tall and tall. Although he is not very handsome, he has a unique charm of a man, and he has a mysterious confidence in every gesture.

When Liu Jianxiong entered the restaurant, his eyes lingered on the blond waitress for a while, and then he turned his eyes back to Du Yongxiao.

Liu Jianxiong was surprised, as if he didn't expect Du Yongxiao to be so young.

Skeptical, Liu Jianxiong stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, is this Du Yongxiao, Mr. Du?"

Du Yongxiao got up: "Yes, I am Du Yongxiao. Are you---Liu Jianxiong?"

The two sat down shaking hands.

Liu Jianxiong took another look at Du Yongxiao, with a contemptuous tone: "Mr. Du is very young, I thought you were at least forty years old."

"Liu Sheng, you are also very young. I heard that you just came back from Canada?"

"Aufu is dead!" Liu Jianxiong showed off his English, "I studied economics and management at the University of Waterloo over there. Do you know the University of Waterloo?"

"Sorry, I've only heard of Cambridge in the UK and Harvard in the US."

"It's a pity that the University of Waterloo is also very good—what degree does Du Sheng have?"

"Me? Queen's College."

As the "top government school" in Hong Kong, Queen's College has always been a "divine school" in the eyes of Hong Kong people, and it is also an incomparably noble palace in the hearts of countless students. Every year, it attracts more than a thousand people to apply for the limited number of places.

As one of the earliest government secondary schools in Hong Kong, since its establishment in 1862, Queen's College (formerly known as Central College) has produced countless outstanding talent elites, such as Sun Yat-sen who once studied here!

For example, Ho Hung-sun, a legend in Hong Kong and Macau and a descendant of one of the four major families, the "Ho Tung Family", the gambling king, also studied in this academy when he was young.

In addition, Huo Yingdong, the big boss in Hong Kong, is also an alumnus of Queen's College.

It can be said that in Hong Kong, Queen's College is definitely well-known. Unfortunately, in Liu Jianxiong's opinion, Du Yongxiao's education level is still too low.

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Du graduated from Queen's Academy. It's okay. Heroes don't ask where they come from! It's not bad to be able to study in such a school." Liu Jianxiong said, but his eyes showed a trace of contempt. Looking at it, Du Yongxiao's academic qualifications are obviously not qualified.

Du Yongxiao smiled, ignored Liu Jianxiong's contempt, but beckoned the waitress to come over.

Before Du Yongxiao could open his mouth, Liu Jianxiong deliberately showed off, and said in Canadian English, "Excuse me, let's order two cups of coffee. I want a latte. As for my friend——"

Liu Jianxiong turned his head and asked Du Yongxiao: "Sau Rui, I wonder what kind of coffee Du Sheng likes to drink?"

Du Yongxiao smiled slightly: "If you order a latte, I'll order a cappuccino, less sugar and more milk!" The language is also in English, with an authentic British accent.

"God, your English is so good!" the waitress praised.

"So-so!" Du Yongxiao nodded with a smile, and looked at Liu Jianxiong: "Compared with this Liu Sheng's Canadian English, it's a little bit better."

Liu Jianxiong blushed and coughed: "Okay, I'm very busy, Mr. Du should be straightforward, what's the matter with this meeting?"

The waitress went to prepare coffee, and Du Yongxiao said: "Simple, our Hengchuang Real Estate is in the development stage, and there is a shortage of people, especially elite talents like Liu Shengyou, Du Mou is thirsty for knowledge——"

Liu Jianxiong smiled, "The last time I applied for the job was just for fun, you should have listened to my cousin, I came back from Canada to inherit the family business!"

"Expensive electric fan?"

"That's right!" Liu Jianxiong looked proud, pointing to the outside through the window glass: "Did you see, the famous brand Liu's Electric Fan Shop is our business!"

Du Yongxiao looked in the direction Liu Jianxiong pointed, and sure enough, there was an electrical appliance store open right opposite the Harp Restaurant, and the business seemed to be very good.

"Your cousin Bai Yingjun is quite good at picking places," Du Yongxiao said with a smile, "I'm afraid I don't know that you will inherit the family business in the future—"

"So I'm sorry, but I reject your offer!" Liu Jianxiong said bluntly.

Du Yongxiao nodded, when the coffee was served, Du Yongxiao made an invitation gesture, drank the coffee, and talked slowly.

"What is Liu Sheng's opinion on Hong Kong real estate?"

"Hong Kong's real estate has a bright future. Hong Kong has a small land and a large population. Now, 300,000 people come from Southeast Asia and the mainland every year. In the future, the housing problem will be the primary issue of Hong Kong's people's livelihood." Liu Jianxiong analyzed.

"To tell the truth from Du Sheng, Hengchuang Company is too small, and you yourself are too young to attract me. Even if I am interested in real estate, I will choose a big company."

"Also, for me, I don't like to be controlled by others. My plan is to help my electric appliance company to develop and go public first, and then invest the money raised from the listing into real estate. To put it bluntly, I, Liu Jianxiong, will never be the boss. Don't work for anyone!"

Liu Jianxiong was very ambitious, and when he told Du Yongxiao about his ambitions, he did not conceal his contempt for Hengchuang and his disdain for Du Yongxiao.

Du Yongxiao did not interrupt Liu Jianxiong's self-congratulations, until Liu Jianxiong finished speaking, Du Yongxiao took a sip of coffee, looked up at Liu Jianxiong and said, "That means your starting point is your own electric appliance store?"

"Yes! I majored in economics and management. The electrical appliance business is the foundation for my career development, the capital for my development to go public, and the fast lane for me to go to real estate in the future! Sorry, maybe I'm bragging a bit, but the family business It’s just such a small advantage, less detours than many people, and owning a good company can save me 30 years of struggle than my peers!" Liu Jianxiong looked proud.

"Then now you should also understand the reason why I rejected you! Thank you for the coffee, Du Sheng, and see you again!" Liu Jianxiong said and was about to get up.

Du Yongxiao smiled: "Many things in the world are unreliable! The family business helps you take off? Maybe it will become your burden!"

"Ha, are you jealous?" Liu Jianxiong looked disdainful, "How could my family business become a burden? You simply—"

Before Liu Jianxiong could finish his sentence, he heard shouts from outside: "No, the electric appliance store is on fire!"

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