Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1040: Unwillingness to accept reality

Once the shell is shot out, it will kill people. With the exposure of the arms smuggling case, the confidence of the Russians suddenly increased.

The already tough tsarist government has become tougher on the issue of law. Of course, since Carlos’s flight, whether the Tsarist government’s position is tough is actually not important anymore.

The French government is closed, even if it wants to find someone to negotiate, the Russian delegation doesn't know who to call.

In the face of increasingly severe military-civilian conflicts, the Russian troops stationed in France have adopted the simplest and most adept approach-armed suppression.

Once the butcher knife is raised, the consequences are beyond the control of the individual.

On December 21, 1895, the well-prepared French resistance organization ambushed the Russian logistics battalion transporting supplies outside of Paris, kicking off the French anti-Russian war.

From the "anti-Russian" slogan, it can be seen that the French who have been severely beaten by society have become rational.

He bit the Russian army's previous atrocities and did not let go, put himself in the position of a victim, claiming that he was fighting for survival.

This method of controlling the scope of the attack is undoubtedly correct.

Thanks to the long-standing Russian "barbarian image" and video data as evidence, European public opinion has a sympathetic stance towards the French people.

It is a pity that it is now in the 19th century, and public opinion support is important, but to the Tsarist government, which is scolded daily, it is not even a tickle.

International interference does not exist. Politicians are rational and can forget everything, but their own position dare not forget.

On the issue of suppressing France, all the member states of the Anti-French Alliance hold the same position. Even though everyone thinks that the Russians have done a little too much, because of the overall situation, all countries have chosen to support it secretly.

After all, every toss of the Russian army is depleting the vitality of France. For the neighbors, it is only when France is weak that everyone can become a good neighbor.

The Vienna government took the lead in inaction, and European countries followed suit. Except for the same few countries that have troops stationed in France, the rest are all people who eat melons.

Out of support for his allies, Franz announced very generously that he would provide unlimited "free" potatoes to Russian soldiers on the front line.

There is no way, who will make Shinra's potato harvest again this year?

On the one hand, the production of potatoes is soaring, and on the other hand, the consumption market is shrinking. People in the Ministry of Agriculture are about to worry.

Shredded potatoes, mashed potatoes, potato flour, potato cakes, potato noodles, potato wine, canned potatoes, deep-fried, steamed, braised, stir-fried...

The fighting power of the foodies is obviously not enough. They have gathered dozens of potato practices from many countries, but they have not been able to digest the harvested potatoes.

Unlike wheat, potatoes are not suitable for long-term storage. If it is piled up in the warehouse for three or five years, moldy and sprouts are a minor problem, and the most feared is that it really becomes "mashed potatoes."

In order not to waste food, Franz decided to give it to the Russians. Otherwise, someday the bureaucrats of the tsarist government would have tossed out the moths, causing the Russian army in front to run out of food.

This is not a joke. According to the accumulated experience over a long period of time, once the Russian army is working on an expedition, the logistics problem is almost 100%.

Even after the completion of Alexander II's reforms, the tsarist government is no longer short of food. But having food at home and having food at the front are two concepts.

Transporting grain from the Russian Empire to France was also a challenge for the tsarist government. Now that the Vienna government has helped to solve the soldiers’ food problem, the logistical pressure on the Russian army has been directly reduced by half.

The only problem is that the Russian soldiers who have suffered on the front line eat potatoes every day. It is estimated that after the war, these guys will smell the potatoes.

But this is not a big problem. Gray animals have never been picky eaters, and starving in the Russian army is nothing new.

Moreover, as long as the Russian soldiers are not a thorn in their heads, they will give full play to their subjective initiative and find more food locally for supplements.

The outside world generally believes that the previous atrocities of the Russian army were due to poor military discipline; but in Franz's opinion, the poor military discipline of Russian soldiers was also forced out by the bureaucrats of the tsarist government.

Needless to say, the pitiful military expenses, there is not a lot of money, and they are often owed by others, even if they are paid out, there will be a discount.

In the Russian Empire, a unit that can receive full military expenditure is definitely a direct line of the direct line, usually with a strong officer.

Crying children have milk to eat, which can be used everywhere. If you are afraid, you are afraid that you have nothing to do with the world in the chief officer, and you are unwilling to fight, then the soldiers below will be forced.

Delays and shortages of logistical supplies are routine operations. The bureaucrats will calculate the economic account. If the supplies arrive three days later each month, then it will be enough to distribute the supplies for eleven months a year and twelve months.

Naturally, I owe it for the remaining month, and it has been rolling like this. At a suitable point in time, the old old accounts will be erased and become the personal income of the bureaucrats.

In this context, if you don’t think of a way to do a little side job yourself, then when the military service is over, you will be empty-handed when you return home. How can you have a face to meet your family’s elders?


After receiving the news that the Vienna government sponsored potatoes for the Russian army for free, King Carlos, who was stranded in Vienna, was dumbfounded on the spot.

There are not so many coincidences in politics, especially the actions of the hegemony, which will be deeply interpreted.

Obviously Franz presented potatoes to the Russian army just to avoid "bad beans hurting farmers", and by the way, he swore the friendship between the two countries.

After all, the war has started, and it won’t be long before the Russians will go to the army to buy big orders. It is also proper to engage in some activities and give back to old customers appropriately.

In the eyes of Carlos, this became a political signal for the Vienna government to support the Russians. For the French government that wants to expel the Russian army, this is obviously bad news.


Austrian Grand Hotel, the most luxurious palace courtyard. The important French ministers who came by detour from Spain gathered together. Perhaps it was because the journey was too tired and not enough rest. Many people were not in a good state of mind.

Glancing at the crowd, Carlos said apologetically: "You have just arrived in Vienna. It stands to reason that everyone should rest for a while. However, the current situation is very unfavorable for France, and everyone is fortunate.

You may not know that Franz just showed up at the welcome banquet after I arrived in Vienna for so long, and then went on vacation in the palace.

Even when the senior officials of the Vienna government saw me, they were hiding, and they didn't give us a chance to communicate in depth. "

Carlos feels bitter, knowing that the last time he came to Vienna, he was not treated like this.

The emperor can spend his vacation in his palace, which is really "fake". Making up excuses, anyhow you have to be a little sincere!

For example: physical discomfort, poor mental state, busy at work... There are too many excuses, but he was given an emperor to spend a "fake" at home.

That's all. Compared to the veteran Emperor Shenluo, Carlos is only a junior, and it is not a big deal to be aggrieved.

However, high-level government officials also avoided seeing it, and it was a little unreasonable. As the king came to find someone in person, he had already put the shelf low enough.

Regardless of whether you can get together, you have to give some face to the reception and talk in depth.

It is a pity that Carlos, as an uninvited guest, is so unwelcome in Vienna.

Of course, the only people who don't want to see him are the top officials of the Vienna government. At any rate, he is also a king of a country, and the Bourbon dynasty is not low-profile, and the receptions to banquet Carlos are still endless.

At the beginning, Carlos was also actively involved, hoping to make friends with the powerful and powerful of Shinra, which would affect the negotiations with the Vienna government.

However, the reality is very cruel. It's nothing more than talking about wind, flowers and snow. Once politics is discussed, all of them turn into a dull gourd, just watch Carlos sing a one-man show.

In hindsight, after attending several banquets, Carlos also reacted. These guys invited him just to support the appearance, no one really wants to have a deep friendship with him.

If you let the nobles who hosted Carlos know, Carlos's conclusions would definitely be outrageous.

When we meet, we need to ask for help, or something that involves national interests. How can everyone dare to "deep friendship" with him?

Identity determines position. As a vested interest in the existing international system, no matter how miserable France is now, the Shenluo nobles will not have any sympathy, let alone sympathy.

The aristocratic world is also very cruel. If you can't figure out your position, it's impossible to get stuck in this circle.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Pietro persuaded: "Your Majesty, calm down! The indifferent response of the Vienna government is indeed very detrimental to us, but we have to see another side.

From the beginning to the end, the Vienna government did not make a public statement on the anti-Russian movement, which proves that there is still room for maneuver.

The relations between Russia and Austria seem to be very good, but the hidden contradictions are not small. The long border between the two countries is the biggest hidden danger.

No matter how good the relationship between the two countries is, once there is an opportunity to defeat each other, the other will never hesitate.

If the Vienna government really supported the Russians, it would have already convened an alliance meeting to bring the European countries to help the Russians in the aftermath.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Vienna government, watching us fight with the Russians and consume each other's strength is the most beneficial to them. "

A reasonable analysis is almost close to the truth. However, everyone was not happy at all.

If the Foreign Secretary’s judgment is correct, then "Can France defeat the Russians in the current state?"

Soul torture from the bottom of my heart, no one can give an exact answer, or is unwilling to give an answer. Because their judgment is not the result they want.


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