Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1039: It’s not too big to watch the excitement, add a fire

The decision of the Tsarist government was undoubtedly to pour a barrel of oil on France, which is already full of sparks, and make the situation even more uncontrollable.

Fortunately, after the victory of the Anti-French War, the Allied forces seized the weapons of the French, otherwise it is not just attacking the Russian soldiers alone.

Seeing the full escalation of the conflict, King Carlos, who was at the center of the storm, decisively used the excuse of seeking international assistance to escape from the powder barrel in Paris.

The king was forced to run away from the storm, and the French government, which had been on strike in protest, naturally closed the door.

A similar scene happened after the original space-time war. It's just that the Germans have a stronger foundation, and the war has not been fought in China, and the losses are not as great as the French.

At that time, the German government called on the workers to go on strike to prevent the French from taking away their coal resources; on the other hand, it printed money to subsidize the unemployed workers so that their livelihoods could be maintained.

The Great Mark inflation that shocked the world broke out when the government started the "printing, printing, printing..." of the money printing machine in order to subsidize unemployed workers.

After a group of seven wounded punches came down, the Weimar Republic, while disposing of itself, also dragged down the British and French economies.

The French, in particular, did not get the resources they wanted, but were sprayed with blood on the international scene.

The garrison has been losing money and has not seen any gains. For France, which suffered heavy losses in the world war, the pressure is really a bit heavy. In the end, there was really no way, and was forced to make concessions.

The French proved with facts that the bottom line is used to break through. In the game with the Germans, the French government made concessions time and time again, and finally gave up a Third Reich.

Although the situation in France is similar to that of Germany in the original time and space, the opponents they face are completely different.

The Anti-French Alliance does not need French resources. It uses cutting off the supply of resources and industrial and commercial products as a bargaining chip. It is estimated that the Vienna government will not frown until the strike in the next century.

In particular, the Anti-French Alliance is a joint garrison of various countries in France. Except for the Russians who have a large number of troops, the number of troops in other countries is not large.

The small number of troops means that military expenditures are not high. Even if the French government closed its doors and suspended military expenditures, it didn't scare everyone for a while.

Of course, these are not the reasons why King Carlos ran away. In the final analysis, the previous revolutionary government played too much, and the French people have long entered the era of per capita billionaires.

It is obviously impossible to rely on printing money to help the unemployed. Can't restore the economy, and can't help the refugees, why don't they leave behind?

On the surface, it was the government's strike to show protest against the atrocities of the Russian army. The deeper internal reason was the collapse of government finances.

Even if King Carlos has made a lot of money from anti-corruption, this precious fund needs to be used on a knife edge, and it cannot be wasted in a stable situation.

Originally these had little to do with Franz, he was a melon-eater, and he was just responsible for watching the excitement.

However, the little brothers who suffered from the unreasonable disaster refused to agree. Ask the Russians for an explanation. Everyone is a little bit embarrassed.

After all, it is a bear, and most people can't afford it. Even if the territories are no longer borders, everyone still feels jealous.

But letting it go is no good. The French government has gone on strike and has to bear the cost of the garrison on its own. Everyone can hold it in a short period of time.

Originally, everyone wanted to save face to the tsarist government, waiting for them to clean up the mess. But after seeing the measures taken by the tsarist government, everyone already understood: this is not to solve the problem.

Before the delegation arrived in Paris, although the situation in France was turbulent, King Carlos was still staying in the palace, obviously waiting for the Russians to come and negotiate.

However, the negotiations had just begun, and the king was scared and ran away.

Although everyone does not know the specific content of the negotiation, judging from the speed at which King Carlos ran, the Russians must have done nothing.

The boys hope that the Vienna government will intervene, just to appease a little bit. In any case, the Russians must be given a chance to perform and let them prove themselves.

The problem is that Carlos ran away as soon as he ran away. The relatives of the Bourbon dynasty didn't go and ran to Vienna without a word. What is it?

There was really no sound. Everyone thought Carlos had gone to Spain. When he showed up in Vienna, everyone knew it was a fake shot.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with thinking about it. It is true that Spain has relatives. The question is whether it is the enemy in the previous throne battle. Although the relationship was eased later, the relationship between the two parties still did not reach the point of closeness.

The most important thing is that Spain is now overwhelmed by itself, and it is impossible to mix with the bad things of France, unless it is in trouble.

Relatives between the royal family?

Which kid king who has just finished breastfeeding is expected to support them in public opinion for the benefit of the family?

Since it's useless, don't bother at all. One point is less than one point to save affection, but it affects family harmony.

It's easier to go to Vienna, because only here can the problem be solved!

There are only a few European powers, and the only ones capable of stopping the actions of the Russians are Shinra and Britain.

Carlos had no water in his mind, so naturally he would not go to London to take his own humiliation. Even to avoid the Vienna government making excuses to refuse, he simply hid his identity and sneaked in.

Facts have proved that Carlos's plan was successful. When the King of France appeared in Vienna, Franz was successfully dragged into the water.

No one likes to be calculated, and Franz is no exception. Apart from the initial welcome banquet and courtesy attendance, Franz left Carlos aside for the rest of the time.

If you can't eat the melon anymore, you must find a way to solve the problem. As for how to solve the problem, it depends on the luck of the French.

To solve it from the source, or to solve it in a muddy way, or to release a larger problem to cover up the previous problem, is the solution.

Out of a responsible attitude, Franz summoned the Foreign Minister Wesenberg at the Vienna Palace to discuss the aftermath.


"Let's talk about the current situation in France first?"

As a qualified melon-eater, Franz has been paying close attention to news related to the turmoil in France recently. It's just that now he only reads newspapers, not intelligence.

After all, this kind of international news that the public likes to hear, editors always give full play to their brains, and then release it after artistic processing. Far more readable than those boring information materials.

"The truth" is never an important thing to the people who eat melons. When it doesn't involve self-interest, the excitement just needs to look good, regardless of who wins or loses.

Watching experts and scholars guessing and betting out of thin air is a kind of fun in itself, just like watching a monkey in a zoo.

"Yes, Your Majesty."


Minister of Foreign Affairs Weissenberg: "Since Carlos left Paris, the French government has gone to empty buildings, and even the police for maintaining law and order have been put on long holidays, and social order has collapsed.

Before leaving Paris, Carlos issued an announcement. Not only accused the Russian army of atrocities, but also put all the blame on the Russians.

The contradiction was put on the table, and a nationwide anti-Russian wave is now sweeping over the Russians.

In order to contain the collapse of the situation, the Russians also took measures. They first surrendered the weapons of the French army, and then increased the arrest of anti-Russians.

These measures have curbed the anti-Russian wave in the short term, but with the closure of the French government, no one has distributed relief supplies. It is inevitable that the French people will embark on a path of violent resistance due to hunger and cold.

We also found a 120cm howitzer in a smuggling ship seized by the Navy on the French coast not long ago.

Interrogation of relevant personnel learned that they had participated in such smuggling activities for more than three months, and the accumulated smuggled equipment was sufficient to arm two regiments.

This is just something we caught accidentally, and there will be more smuggling ships that we haven't caught. In addition, some of our allies are also engaged in the arms smuggling trade in France.

Importing French weapons and equipment now may be enough for a major battle. The most important thing is that these smuggling activities are premeditated.

There are various signs that the French, who are unwilling to fail, are accumulating strength at this moment and want to get rid of the shackles on their bodies.

The atrocities of the Russian army only catalyzed the outbreak of contradictions in advance, and brought them moral support by the way.

There is only one force in France that can use so much energy to smuggle and cover up the news.

Facts have proved that our King Carlos is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Everything we are doing right now is just to prepare for their next plans.

I just don't know whether their ambition is just to get rid of the shackles on their bodies or to restore the French Empire. "

Frankly speaking, when he heard this answer, Franz was still a little excited in his heart. As expected, the fact is that there are indeed black hands behind the chaos in France.

It's not in vain that he opens the trumpet and confuses people in the newspaper. King Carlos, who looks weak, is indeed the big boss behind the scenes.

The joy of Keyboard Man is that simple. The older Franz got older, the more nasty and funny he became.

Evil taste returns to evil taste. Reality is not a game after all, and there is no chance to start again after failure. France is the best example, falling from the clouds to the abyss after one defeat.

"So, did the Russians unlucky this time and sent themselves to the door?"

Franz asked in a teasing tone.

For the Vienna government, it has never been a secret that France hides resistance. Any big country with a long history and heritage will not yield so easily.

Although the Anti-French War severely damaged France, it did not interrupt the spiritual heritage of the French. For the French who are not willing to fail, it is necessary to resist.

It's just that no one had expected in advance that Carlos would become the leader of this group. Of course, this is only a slight surprise.

Under the traditional European cultural system, if you want to accomplish a big thing, you must find a well-known person with charisma.

As the current king of France, Carlos is naturally everyone's first choice.

Unlike the democratically elected Bonaparte dynasty, Carlos not only came from the Orthodox Bourbon dynasty, but also the French king recognized by the international community.

This increases operability.

In theory, as long as the French play a bit miserable, Carlos will come forward to find the support of the international community, and then choose a suitable reason for the trouble, there is still hope for expelling the Allied troops stationed in the country.

Even if the plan is exposed, for Carlos personally, there will not be much loss.

As the King of France supported by the European Union, as long as he had no major faults, the Vienna government would not be able to slap him in the face and get him down.

Even if other people have this idea, Franz will not allow it. The abolition of the king is related to the common interests of the monarchy group, and it must not be rushed.

As long as Carlos jumped out and shouted against Shinra without knowing it, Franz would not do anything to him. Doing things secretly is the basic quality that any qualified politician must possess.

Among other things, even the members of the Anti-French Alliance still have people smuggling arms to France for their own benefit?

"Check it down and find out...", that was obviously thinking too much. This kind of thing is not visible at all, regardless of the smuggling of arms, but it is Shinra who produces these arms.

Everyone knows that the flow of weapons into France will aggravate the chaos in France, but everyone did it anyway.

In addition to the great benefits, what is more important is the thinking of "I will not do it, others will do it". Anyway, what will happen in the end, it is better to make the money yourself.

Didn't stop this kind of behavior, it's not greedy for this little bargain. The fundamental reason lies in the chaos in France, which was originally indulged by the Vienna government.

The power of hatred is huge, unless it completely breaks the spine, otherwise France, which has regained its vitality after 20 or 30 years, is another trouble.

Obviously, a big country like France can only slap him, but it will kill him.

For the long-term stability of the European continent, the Vienna government not only pretended not to see the undercurrents in France, but also secretly pushed it up.

It's a pity that it is too early to be exposed, and the French have seized an opportunity to gain the solidarity of the international community.

For the sake of Shenluo's international reputation, the next action to suppress France can only be carried out by the Russians.

The tragic tsarist government made a knife without knowing it. No wonder Franz would gloat for misfortune, after all, this kind of opportunity is too rare.

Foreign Secretary Weissenberg: "Yes, Your Majesty. The Tsarist government is now stumbled and bumped into it. The French plan to accumulate strength will soon be unable to hide.

Of course, the tsarist government may also be mentally prepared. After all, in previous smuggling campaigns, the Russians have always held the largest share.

Maybe after the war broke out, the bullets that hit the Russian soldiers still flowed out of the Russian troops stationed in France. "

The greatest arms dealers sell weapons to the enemy, and finally hit themselves. Now the Russians are about to use practical actions to explain this truth to the world.

After wandering for a few steps, Franz slowly said: "Then we will add another fire and send the Russians a shell that can be counterattacked by public opinion.

Find the media to publish evidence of the French smuggling of arms and violation of the Vienna Treaty, and see how Carlos explains. "


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