Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1027: Trading on the pole-not doing

Now that the war has started, it is not possible to stop if you want to stop. Especially on the precarious island of Cuba, if you don’t send reinforcements quickly, it might change hands.

The wealth of the Spanish government was almost exhausted in the previous wars. The funds raised from domestic sources are very limited and cannot be sustained for long.

Without time to wait for the results of the investigation, Junior first approached the Vienna government. Obviously, Junior is still very afraid of bankers wandering around the edge.

There is no other reason, but lessons have been learned. Signing a loan contract does not mean that you will be able to get a loan.

Seventy million Aegis is not a small number. There are only three countries in the world with annual revenues of more than 70 million Aegis, or four.

It's just that the fourth company was too corrupt. It was clear that the actual income had exceeded 70 million Aegis, but it was far from falling into the hands of the central government.

For such a huge loan, there will never be more than ten banks in the world capable of accepting this loan, and there may even be fewer than five banks.

Generally speaking, this kind of high-risk large-amount international loans are jointly issued by multiple banks to form a group of banks.

The mainstream commercial banks are so strenuous. How many loan sharks who have been excluded from the marginal zone can spend so much money?

If the contract is signed, time is wasted, and the deception is discovered when the loan is finally released, it will be a big trouble.

This routine has been performed more than once on the European continent, and it has been personally experienced in Spanish history.

Of course, pitted and pitted people are always mutual. Although the Spanish government has been cheated by financiers, they have often cheated back.

Bankruptcy, recklessness, anti-Semitism, a series of supporting operations, that is too familiar. It is precisely because the routines are familiar to everyone that Junior is more suspicious.


"I'm very sorry, we are not interested in the Moroccan region. The Empire has enough colonies, and we have no plans to continue to expand."

While talking, Wesenberg picked up the coffee, took a light breath, and slowly savored it.

Pole business is not good business. With its unique geographical location and fertile land, Morocco has always been watched by European powers.

Although Spain was the first to colonize Morocco, the European powers came together before they swallowed the Moroccan region.

Twenty years ago, there was also a battle for the four countries of Britain, Austria, France, and Morocco.

After a series of struggles, Austria took the lead to give up and expand to East Africa; then the British were squeezed out again, leaving the two countries with geographical advantages.

Under normal circumstances, Spain certainly cannot compete with France. It's just that Napoleon III focused its expansion strategy on the Italian region at that time, and in the end the French division into Morocco was formed.

Although the Kingdom of Morocco has fallen, it still has a certain degree of strength. Coupled with the mutual containment of France and Spain, this small African country has been magically preserved.

Immediately after the end of the European War, Morocco was divided into the Kingdom of Spain. It's just that the Spaniards are too busy and have never had time to swallow this piece of meat.

This procrastination went wrong. The expansion of France and Spain in Morocco is not only an economic market, but also an influx of immigrants.

Before the outbreak of the European War, French and Spanish colonists had seized millions of hectares of land in Morocco and opened thousands of farms and plantations.

Originally, the Moroccan government could not provoke France and Spain and could only swallow its anger. But with the defeat of France, the situation changed.

The insightful Moroccans, who were unwilling to fall into a colony, began to try to expel the French colonists. The French colonists who had no country to back up soon suffered the most cruel social beatings.

The victory of the anti-French movement directly prompted the awakening of nationalism in Morocco. Although it was just a budding and the Sudanese government is still weak, the Spaniards are still in trouble.

Since the Spanish invasion of Morocco in 1860, the two countries have forged a blood feud. From 1884 to 1885, after Spain occupied the Rio de Oro port, it aroused the resistance of various tribes in Morocco.

With the accumulation of contradictions, Spain again fought wars with the northern Moroccan tribes in 1891 and 1893.

Victory does not mean the end of the matter, but the accumulation of hatred. As news of the Cuban rebellion spread, the Moroccan region became unstable again.

Now only a little spark is needed to detonate. The Spanish government, struggling with life, has no ability to open the third battlefield.

Yes, the Spaniards now suspect that the Vienna government is behind the scenes, or one of them.

A well-known Englishman is enough for them to bear it, and another Shinra who stabbed a knife in the back will really be impossible.

In this context, the Spanish government, which was rushing to the hospital, directly used the Moroccan region as a bargaining chip to prepare a deal with the Vienna government.

Such an obvious operation can't be hidden from Wesenberg. It's depressing enough to carry someone else's scapegoat, and to be Pan Xia again, it is simply invincible.

The Holy Roman Empire has long passed the era of starvation. Now that Morocco, which has accepted the Spaniards, spread it out, wouldn’t it really be a robbery?

If it is Spain-occupied Morocco, the problem is that the Spanish government has only one name. Even if the deal was concluded, Shinra had to do it himself in the end.

Rather than spend money to buy it, it is better not to take the mess from the beginning and wait for Spain to lose Morocco before taking action.

With this answer, Junior is not surprised, and it is only a problem if he agrees. The negotiation just started, and the intent to win is revealed. How can you keep the price down?

As for the Vienna government is not interested in Morocco, no one will believe it if they just grab a question on the street.

"Shinra's Africa" ​​is not groundless. Regarding the plan of Shinra to monopolize the African continent, there are N versions widely circulated.

Even if the Vienna government is not interested, the aristocratic lords in Africa will find ways to promote the implementation.

Now that no action has been taken, it is nothing more than that everyone is busy building their own territories and can't take care of expanding their territories for a while.

After ten or eight years, when everyone's territory construction is initially completed, someone will take action.

Whether the colonies of other countries can be defended or not, Junior does not know, anyway, Spain will definitely not be able to defend Morocco.

There is no need for the Vienna government to send troops, and the surrounding noble lords can gather tens of thousands of people.

Not too many similar things have happened. After all, the territory of the Holy Roman Empire in Africa was broken out bit by bit.

Except that the Vienna government sent troops to fight when the colonization started, the subsequent battles were basically organized spontaneously by the people below.

"Fighting" is simple to say, but if you do it, it will be fatal. The Anti-French War, the Philippine War, and the current Cuban War of Peace, which war did not make Spain vomit blood?

Since the future is destined to be unsustainable, it is better to take the opportunity to sell it at a good price and save the richest colony first.

At least the Spanish government can be sure that the Holy Roman Empire will not spy on Cuba, let alone attack the Philippines.

According to past experience, as long as the core interests are not involved, the Vienna government has always been scornful and will not reach out to the younger brother's sphere of influence.

"Your Excellency, there is no shortage of colonies in your country. We naturally know that. To tell you the truth, we are also forced to sell Morocco this time.

In successive wars, the Kingdom of Spain has exhausted its vitality. Now I have to reluctantly cut meat and sell Morocco to raise funds to make up for the financial difficulties.

Taking into account our traditional friendship with your country, so the first time you think of your country. If this deal can be concluded, I believe it will be a win-win situation for our two countries. "

Wesenberg nodded, but remained unmoved. It means he understands.

It is nothing more than the Holy Roman Empire. Morocco is about to be sold to the British. Anyway, Spain is now unable to participate in the disputes in Africa, and does not plan to join in the excitement.

Between countries, interests have always come first. Regardless of the fact that Britain and Spain are now in a stalemate over the Cuban issue, as long as Spain makes a compromise, they can immediately become good-neighborly and friendly again.

"Your Excellency, I understand. The main purpose of your country's sale of Morocco is to raise funds.

If other methods can be used to raise sufficient funds, it does not matter whether or not to sell Morocco.

In fact, we can still help with your country’s lack of funds. The Holy Roman Empire has the most advanced financial system. As long as your country’s funding gap is not too large, we can help resolve it. "

Although he does not support the strategy of dominating Africa, Wesenberg is not opposed to expanding the territory of the empire. If Morocco is calm, he is naturally willing to pay for it.

Anyway, they are all colonies. As long as the bid is high enough, it cannot be regarded as a robbery. After all, territorial transactions are nothing new in the European world.

It is a pity that the situation in Morocco is already very tense, and there may be another war. It would be wrong to spend this money again.

As for whether the Spanish government will sell Morocco to others, Wesenberg did not consider it the same thing from beginning to end.

The British are not fools, spending huge sums of money to buy nominal sovereignty just to increase the border with the Holy Roman Empire?

Think about it and you know it's impossible. Taking the Moroccan region now is not only wealth, but also a heavy burden for the British government.

The Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and the British Ethiopia in East Africa are all ready-made examples. In order to maintain local stability, the British government had to station heavy troops.

Although the governments of the two countries are restraining and suppressing conflicts as much as possible, it is inevitable that there will always be people below who are mad.

Especially after the Holy Roman Empire became the new overlord, the surrounding noble lords became restless. Although real swords and guns did not happen, planning indigenous rebellions did happen from time to time.

You must know that in the Austrian period, there was also a local indigenous colonial army, and now you can't even see the shadow.

It is said that because the colonial government paid too low a salary, these people became deserters and fled to Ethiopia.

What was going on, because a fire destroyed the archives. Anyway, the end result was that hundreds of thousands of colonial troops dragged their families and took the lead in British Ethiopia.

There is no way. At that time, the British ruled Ethiopia in name only. Only a few thousand lobster soldiers can manage millions of square kilometers of land, no matter how hard they work.

What's more, the people who migrated were natives, who didn't pay much attention to them at first, and it was understandable that they became a little slower when they reacted later.

Don't have to say, let's play if you react! Great powers always like to make sense with their fists.

Unfortunately, although the Lobster Soldiers can defeat these uninvited guests, there is no way to eliminate these guys.

In order to solve these problems, the British government has increased its troops many times, but the enemy is fighting more and more. The African natives look alike, and they have enlarged without being careful.

After weighing the pros and cons, the British found that it was useless to kill the jungle by themselves. There were too few people and too much land to manage.

What worries the British even more is that their territory has shrunk in a series of wars. Unknowingly, the position of the original boundary marker has moved.

In the end, the London government came forward to communicate with the Vienna government to solve the problem. Although the Vienna government promised not to expand into the territory of the British, there is no way to retreat the occupied land.

After suffering a loss, the British government can only bite the bullet and increase its troops. In order to prevent the boundary marker from running away again, the border can only be guarded by garrisons.

Affected by this increase in troops, military expenditures in the colonies have increased so much that until now, British Africa is losing money.

For strategic needs, the British government gritted its teeth and endured it. If you spend a lot of money to buy the Moroccan region, it is really a hole in your head.

Without competitors, we can't run away in Morocco, so Wesenberg is not in a hurry. The Vienna government is still busy at the moment, and it won’t be too late to do something when it’s free.

Anyway, the Spanish government is poor enough to not be able to repay the debt sooner or later, and it will always have to come up with something to repay the debt.

Compared to Cuba and the Philippines, which are able to create a lot of wealth, all Moroccan regions in name only are obviously more likely to be abandoned.

"Your Excellency Marquis, thank you very much. To tell you, in order to raise funds, we really tried our best.

The Japanese were unwilling to fail and supported the rebels on the Philippine Islands, and the Philippine campaign continued; the British planned the Cuban independence movement and needed money everywhere.

Spain’s wealth is limited and can only solve part of the funds. At present, we still have a funding gap of 70 million Aegis.


Although he didn't know what Wesenberg was calculating, Junior's goal was achieved if he could get the loan.

The most important thing now is to cry and sell in order to win sympathy. Anyway, apart from the colonies, Spain has nothing to watch.

Based on past experience, the Vienna government is quite disciplined in this regard. Although there are also political conditions attached, they do not lend money to usury.

"Seventy million Aegis", after hearing this number, Wesenberg frowned slightly.

Don't look at the loans issued by the Vienna government as high as 1 billion Aegis, but they were all done in batches. Apart from the Russians, no one borrowed so much money from here at once.

Especially for Spain, where the ability to repay loans is obviously problematic, it is even more necessary to weigh the pros and cons.

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