Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1026: Unintelligible capital

The spring breeze was blowing, and everything began to recover. Under the shining of the sun, the withered chrysanthemum tree spit out fragrant red buds again, as if telling the cycle of history.

The drill before the military parade began. Seeing the troops coming from all over the world, Schlieffen was not happy at all.

Regardless of whether it is an officer regiment or an ordinary soldier, there is no essential difference when walking in the phalanx.

Although the Prussian army is elite, the teams participating in the military parade are not sloppy. It is impossible to stand out on the shoulders of others.

"Unconventional", that is completely thinking too much. All the military parades are set up in advance, and the troops participating in the review only need to implement them according to the plan.

"Military orders are like mountains" is not a joke. If you make your own way and play new tricks, no matter what the result is, the military court must go to court.

Schlieffen wanted to attract the emperor's eyes without falsehood, but was not ready to achieve it through death. If you really mess up the National Day parade, not only will you be finished, or the troop designation will be cancelled.

Regardless of how brilliant the Prussian army used to be, but in the current defense system of the Holy Roman Empire, they are only an insignificant member.

There are not many of them, and not many without them. The Holy Roman Empire, with a population of 130 million, has established an absolute advantage on the European continent.

If it's just that there is no way to attract the emperor's attention, that's all. After all, the odds of this kind of thing are inherently low, and they have a backup plan.

What made Schlieffen more sad was that among the many troops that arrived in Vienna, they became the most shabby existence. If this is considered attention, then they really succeeded.

The troops of other states came in armored vehicles, which looked very imposing, while the Prussian troops came on horseback.

Although the cavalry has not withdrawn from the stage of history, the torrent of steel has become the main line of future development. Especially the countries that have personally experienced the anti-French war have firmed up their determination to develop armored tanks.

Chasing hot spots is human instinct. Regardless of whether it is a big country or a small country, anyone who keeps the army has made a bunch of new toys for themselves to support their appearance.

If it is not forbidden by the traffic control department, it is estimated that some people will come in airplanes and tanks.

Anyway, the number of people participating in the military parade in each country is not large, ranging from a few to a hundred, and all means of transportation are the same.

That being the case, of course how the scenery came. After all, everyone wants face, and in front of the people of the whole country, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

You must know that the movie has been born, as the first military parade of the Holy Roman Empire, it is definitely necessary to preserve the image data. Once recorded, it is an eternal stain.

It turns out that this is completely overthinking.

For aircraft, artillery, tanks and armor, the Central Army will be responsible for the performance. The state troops participating in the review are all infantry phalanxes.

This result can only give Schlifen a little bit of comfort, but more bitterness. Seeing being surpassed one by one, not as good as my neighbors in the past, no feeling will be wonderful.


The military parade of the Holy Roman Empire not only affected the hearts of the domestic people, but also attracted the attention of the world.

As a newly emerging overlord, every move of the Vienna government must be "political interpretation" from the outside world. Even if there is no purpose, it will be interpreted by others.

The most concerned about all of this is naturally the Spanish Foreign Minister Junol, who has just arrived in Vienna and wants to obtain diplomatic support and policy loans.


In the Vienna Embassy District, there is a row of buildings with distinct levels and scattered heights, full of sunshine and vitality.

Almost everyone here will stop and admire this artistic Spanish-style building.

Perhaps this is the last stubbornness of the old-school empire. Although Spain has declined, its investment in diplomacy has never been shabby, at least in the embassy in Vienna.

"Earl Brad, you have been in Vienna for twenty years. If you say that Spain knows the Holy Roman Empire best, it is definitely you.

The Vienna government is holding a military parade at this time. Do you think they are really just to demonstrate to the British? "

Junior couldn't help but think about it, not to mention that the Vienna government rarely does things, but once they do, they are all shocking.

As far as the "military parade" is concerned, it means big or small, not small. If left before, Junior would not be so concerned.

Now it's different. The European War has been over for more than three years, and the economic crisis is now over. The Holy Roman Empire, which has initially completed the integration of the German states, has come out of a period of weakness.

A two-headed eagle that has a good body will always go out hunting. No matter how you change, the eagle is still the eagle, and it is impossible to change to vegetarianism.

Looking at the world today, the only one with the strength to compete with the Holy Roman Empire is Britain, and the Russians are at most half of them.

On the surface, relations between Britain and Austria have indeed been tense in recent years. The Vienna government parade to the British demonstrated nothing wrong.

It's just that Junior doesn't think things will be that simple. After all, the advantage of the Holy Roman Empire is on land, while the advantage of the British is on the sea.

No matter how powerful the Shinra Army was, the British with strait protection could not feel the real pressure.

Unless the location of the military parade is changed to the sea, and dozens of battleships are concentrated for a performance, it is estimated that it will still cause the British to have a headache for a few days.

Minister Brad smiled slightly, put down the coffee in his hand, and replied: "The purpose of the Vienna government is naturally not just to demonstrate to the British.

If you want to find it hard for the British, you might as well directly increase the navy's budget and build a few more warships.

Your Minister, don’t forget that besides the British, there is also a polar bear on the European continent. Although this bear is hibernating now, no one can ignore their existence.

Especially they just changed the czar, and the newly succeeded Czar Nicholas II, recently started tossing in the country.

Based on past experience, I personally judge that in this National Day military parade, it was Franz the Great who was beating the Russians again.

This is almost an endless loop. For every ambitious tsar who succeeds to the throne, Russian-Austrian relations will be tense for a period of time. After hitting a wall, relations between the two countries will soon return to normal.

Of course, the intention to demonstrate to countries around the world is not ruled out. After all, they are the overlords now, and they have to do something. "

In recent decades, no European politicians have had a headache when it comes to the "Russian-Austrian Alliance". It can be said that this alliance directly determines the direction of the European situation.

However, in this seemingly unbreakable alliance, the internal relations are far less harmonious than those seen by the outside world.

Around the struggle for the dominance of the alliance, the secret struggle between Russia and Austria has not stopped. It was only in recent years that Austria gradually gained the dominance of the alliance by virtue of its economic advantages, and the struggle gradually eased.

However, how could the tsarist government be willing to be a kid? Since Alexander II, almost every czar has made efforts to get rid of Austrian influence.

It is a pity that the tsarist government is too poor. Every time their economy has just improved, a new war will follow.

The end result is that after each war, the Russian Empire's dependence on Austria increased by one point.

From the initial economy, to the military, then to the industrial system, and now to culture and art, the relationship between the two countries is too close.

The economic crisis that broke out not long ago is an example. The economy of the Holy Roman Empire has problems, and the Russian Empire has no room to struggle, so it is directly dragged down.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the interests of the ruling class of the tsarist government are tied to Austria.

If they are unlucky, Austria may only be in short-term pains; but if something goes wrong in Austria, their money bag will be ruined.

If this is not the case, the Tsarist government will not be easily fooled into the anti-French war, let alone sit by and watch the Holy Roman Empire resurrect.

At this stage of development, it is no longer possible for someone to object to it. Any behavior that undermines the relationship between the two countries is to stir the cheese of the bureaucratic aristocracy.

If it turns out, the Vienna government will release African agricultural products into the market and liberalize restrictions on the development of mineral resources. The agriculture and mining industries of the Russian Empire will soon be over.

It is not only the bureaucratic aristocracy who refused to agree, but the compradors and national capitalists below also did not agree. While buying, buying and buying, the lifeblood of Russian industry and commerce will inevitably be handed over to Russia.

All the vested interests opposed it. It was just that the czar wanted to change, and the final outcome would be known without thinking.

This conclusion was not made by Envoy Brad's guesswork out of thin air, but was obtained by Britain and France with decades of experience and lessons.

In order to split the Russian-Austrian alliance, the French worked hard for more than 30 years, and the British worked hard for 40 years. Numerous international relations experts and scholars have painstakingly studied and finally reached this conclusion.

The easiest and only way to destroy the relations between the two countries is to wipe out all the former vested interests after a political earthquake occurs in the tsarist government.

Moreover, the new ruling class must also be combative. Not only must we be able to withstand the enemy’s sugar-coated shells, but we must also be prepared to endure hardships and stand hard work for a long time to suppress domestic bankrupt workers and peasants at any time.


As long as it is not aimed at Spain and the bad things between Russia and Austria, Junol has no intention of blending.

"As long as it doesn't involve us, then watch the excitement. By the way, how did you talk to the bankers in Vienna about borrowing?"

Junior hasn't forgotten his purpose of coming to Vienna, as long as he can borrow money, everything else is just a side effect.

When it comes to borrowing money, the smile on Minister Brad suddenly disappeared. After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "Your Excellency, you know. That group of vampires are the masters who eat people without spitting out bones.

Not only are loan interest high, but they also require collateral, which is not collateral in the general sense.

They want us to use the distribution rights of the game tower as collateral. "

Minister Brad was also helpless. Given the financial situation of the Spanish government, it is impossible for ordinary commercial banks to lend. If you want to get a loan, you can only go to those unusual speculative banks or small financial loan companies.

Interests are most likely to cause people to get lost. Looking at overseas bankers one by one, they are deeply involved in politics. Some people even directly control the currency issuance rights of a country. There are also people in the Shinra financial industry who can't sit still.

There were even people who paid attention to the distribution rights of Aegis, but these guys were unlucky, ran into a strong government, and soon saw God.

Big meat can't be eaten, and smaller meat is equally tempting. Spain sent it to the door at this time, and financial speculators couldn't help it.

After a long silence, Junior said slowly: "They have a big appetite, aren't they afraid of being choked to death?

Who gave them the confidence to eat us? Could it be..."

Before Junior could finish speaking, Minister Brad interrupted: "It's not the Vienna government, I'm sure of this.

They did not move the rights of issuing money to the Italian states, and they did not take advantage of the recent economic crisis.

The Aegis is already the world currency, and the match tower is also linked to the Aegis. Our currency issuance rights are not important to them.

As for the origin of this vampire, in fact, we are all familiar with it. Except for those **** Jewish ghosts, there is no such greedy person in the whole world..."

Hold the courageous to death, starve the cowardly. In this regard, Jewish capital is the most prominent.

Despite the heavy losses in the previous anti-corruption campaign, after a period of recovery, Jewish capital once again appeared in the financial world.

It's just that this time the identity is no longer a mainstream banker, but a small financial loan company that makes a mistake, or a speculative bank.

There is no way, except to make quick money outside the door, ordinary business models are simply impossible to make a comeback so quickly.

Different from the unscrupulous in the past, the Jewish financiers have recovered a lot after experiencing social beatings.

After realizing that Shenluo is not suitable for their development, these people are also considering Guitu Sanku. It was exactly this time that Spain delivered it to the door, and only then did the following story come out.

After calming down, Junior soon realized something was wrong. There is no one to support the idea of ​​publishing rights to the game tower. This is no longer the usual boldness.

"No, there must be a problem behind this. Jewish capital is not strong in Austria. With their power alone, it is impossible to mobilize so much cash in a short period of time.

What's more, our situation is not good. No other commercial banks dare to make loans. Why do they dare to borrow?

It is necessary to find out who is supporting it. Otherwise, I would rather make a deal with the Vienna government than deal with their gang of vampires. "

Although he does not know who is calculating, there is one thing Junior knows, that is, Jewish capital is not capable of fighting against a country.

Even if the contract is signed, if the Spanish government breaks the contract, they will have nothing to do.

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