Vesemir looked at the somewhat unfamiliar Kaer Morhen in surprise.

He touched the smooth wall and looked at the lights high above and the rustling sounds coming from the courtyard from time to time - the seeds Harry had scattered grew rapidly and devoured the weeds.

This was nothing like the Kaer Morhen he'd been around in his youth.

But that's fine.

A home should be like this, clean, tidy and bright.

"It's just a bit troublesome to maintain." Vesemir muttered, his eyes sighing with emotion.

Harry shook his head, said nothing, and waved his wand again.

A row of statues emerged from the corner, holding various cleaning utensils.

"Don't worry." He then spoke, "You don't need to do it yourself. These statues will clean the castle every night."

"Magic can still be used like this?" Vesemir was surprised.

Harry put his wand back: "Actually, the number of life spells is no less than the number of combat spells."

"There are even more of these life curses at Hogwarts."

Gardening, kitchen, cleaning.

Seventy percent of the spells that the little wizards at Hogwarts learn in school are closely related to life.

There are very few spells for combat.

Even Durmstrang, who is famous for "teaching black magic", is actually like this.

This was hard for Vesemir to imagine.

Is there really such a peace-loving world?

Tonight, several witchers were very restrained and did not get drunk like last night. Geralt finally changed into the bunny girl costume that he had to wear all day.

Get up the next day.

The entire courtyard was clean, except for a small group of tumbleweed-like plants huddled in the corner, and Harry ignored it.

Just plant a devil's net in the corner of the wall where it is almost easy to be attacked.

Demon hunters who master the Igni Seal can easily deal with this plant and will not make the people living here busy.

When every corner of Kaer Morhen is repaired.

The home of the witchers of the Wolf School has become a complete home again.

Ciri, Geralt, and Yennefer were the first to leave. They wanted to prepare for the wedding.

Harry and Hermione planned to rush there slowly.

Vesemir didn't follow them either.

Toussaint was a good place, but to him it was a sad place.

Lambert wanted to go with Harry, but was captured by Eskar. Mother always knows what her child wants.

The first stop Harry and the others went to was Novigrad.

Go straight down the Pontal River, past the Cow Fort, and you're there.

Compared with the last time they came and went in a hurry, they had more time and more energy.

They didn't disapparate or choose broomsticks. They rode horses and walked slowly.

Harry even showed Hermione how a witcher works.

Find villages, accept quests, negotiate prices, and kill monsters.

Get the rewards in the villagers' moods of submission or resistance.

She also understood why Harry reminded herself to be careful every time.

Perhaps it was because Harry was too fast that the villagers felt that the problem their village encountered was not really a big problem. Most of them were not very willing to pay, and some even took action - they did not dare to deal with a demon hunter. Human, but Hermione seems to be too easy to bully.

They picked up pitchforks and had their teeth knocked out.

"Finally arrived in Novigrad." Hermione stretched on the horse. The life of a witcher is very fresh when you first get into it, but after doing a few more tasks, you just feel sleepy.

The most important thing.

It's almost hard to get thanked.

Novigrad still looks very cautious.

Temple guards and witch hunters patrolled the streets, scanning everyone with the desire to label everyone as heretics.

Vanilla Inn.

No, it should be called Chameleon Hotel now.

Affected by martial law in the city, business was not very good.

They opened the door and walked in.

Dandelion's grandiose voice sounded: "Welcome, guest, you have arrived at the best and most elegant hotel in Novigrad!"

"Want something?"

Harry whispered: "Here are a dozen of Geralt's little secrets."

"Oh, Harry!" Dandelion said delicately, opening his arms. "That's wonderful, my dearest friend."

Harry looked at him, not intending to hug him, with suspicious eyes: "You seem to be a little over-enthusiastic."

"There is one thing. I really need your help." Dandelion said bluntly, "I think you are the only one in the world who can help me."

"Hmm?" Harry nodded.

Dandelion took the lead and walked to the second floor of the hotel: "Don't worry, this won't take you too much time."

"Geralt went to see Ciri too, I think."

Harry interrupted: "Ciri has been found, and all the trouble, including the Wild Hunt stuff, has been solved."

"I came to see you on other matters."

Dandelion paused, then continued: "That's really good news."

"But do you have anything else to do with me?"

"Geralt is going to marry Yennefer." Harry whispered, "In Toussaint in half a month, you and Zoltan will be invited to attend the wedding."

This news was so shocking that it caught people off guard.

Dandelion staggered and almost fell down the stairs. Harry snapped his fingers and cast a levitation spell to hold him up, preventing the bard from rolling down like a ball.

"They are getting married?" Dandelion couldn't believe it.

Harry nodded.

Dandelion shook his head: "This news is too surprising."

"It's unimaginable that he would go into the grave of marriage."

"He and Yennefer are both a hundred years old," Harry responded.

Dandelion shrugged: "I always ignore his age. Let's discuss this news with Zoltan later."

He walked to a door, stopped, and knocked carefully.

"Hey, Priscilla, I brought an old friend over to see you, can you come in?"

No one in the room spoke.

There was only a clear sound of looking at the table.

Dandelion pushed the door open and they entered.

The poetess, who once sang at the Kingfisher Hotel and amazed everyone, sat at the table, holding a quill, and the table was covered with papers that were filled or not filled with writing.

"After you left Novigrad." Dandelion looked at Priscilla, sighed, and then spoke slowly, "Geralt will come here."

"At that time, Pucilla and I were worrying about the new hotel. Fortunately, with him, we got a sum of funds."

"But at that moment, Pucilla was attacked."

"Geralt is very brave. He solved the vampire and solved all the troubles."

"But Priscilla's voice was so damaged that she could no longer sing the songs she once did."

"Harry." Dandelion read his name, raised his head, and looked over with a sincere expression.

Priscilla shook her head and laughed. When she spoke, her voice was a little hoarse. It was not unpleasant, but it was very different from the lark-like state before: "Dandelion, although I can no longer sing on the stage, this time It doesn’t affect me from writing poetry, isn’t your performance also very popular?”

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