Geralt talks about his experiences during that time.

They were targeted by the Wild Hunt, and Yennefer was captured. In order to exchange for his lover, Geralt made a deal with the Wild Hunt. He followed the Wild Hunt and invaded the world until he was rescued by Ciri. .

What happened next was no different from what Harry had heard about.

Until recently.

He and Yennefer found Di Jing together, found the memories of the past, and confirmed their own feelings.

"So Ye and I will go directly back to Kaer Morhen." Geralt picked up the wine glass and concluded, "I know you will come back."

Yennefer sneered.

Lambert and Eskar were holding wine glasses, their eyes shining.

They had never had such good wine.

The alcohol content is not low and the taste is as smooth as silk.

When the witchers get together, there are always endless topics to talk about until late at night, and several grown men are still chattering after eating.

Yennefer took Hermione and Ciri to bed.

No noble sorceress could stay with a bunch of drunks late at night.

The woman leaves.

Harry took out more powerful dragon's blood whiskey, and the witchers had fun.

Until I wake up the next day.

"Harry? God, what did you do last night?" Hermione walked downstairs, the pungent smell of alcohol forced her to step back, looking at the men lying on the ground like dead bodies and all kinds of strange things in the room. magical creation.

Witchers are usually very feminine.

The mature masculinity brought by rich experience is a powerful medicine for women.

Even, it is a strong medicine for human beings.

Who wouldn't be attracted to a person who can deal with all his troubles neatly?

Except for Eskar and Lambert.

Lambert's mouth is different from the sinister types like Geralt and Harry. His mouth is like gunpowder and he is very aggressive.

Because of Eskar's face, especially the hideous scar left by the curse of the black sun, his appearance is really hopeless.

But neither of them is short of women now.

Eskar was hugging him on both sides, with a man between his legs. Harry used the transformation spell to help him conjure it up.

Lambert does too.

Geralt was not so indulgent. He was wearing a bunny costume and lying on a car.

There is a magnificent statue on the wall, which looks like a loving woman. Vesemir lies under the statue and sleeps soundly.

In the hall, there is a twisted runway that almost runs through and covers the entire space.

There are cars on the track.

There are also cars under the track.

There were even two cars stuck in the window.

As for Harry

He transformed into his Animagus form and slept with his head in the trunk of the car.

"Harry?" Hermione called again, turning her eyes and starting to search.

The silver fur is very conspicuous.

Hermione walked over with complicated eyes, waved her wand gently, and released the spell.

Of course she knew very well that among drinks, Harry preferred highly alcoholic drinks to fruit juices or light alcoholic drinks.

But she never made any comment on this matter.

Drinking is certainly not a good thing.

But what are the categories?

High-alcohol drinks are to Harry what low-alcohol drinks are to them. At least, in all these years, Hermione had never seen Harry so drunk, not even the Gryffindors.

How much did you drink last night?

A group of demon hunters can be drunk like this.

Wait for him to wake up.

Hermione asked: "Harry? What did you do last night?"

Harry looked up with a blank look in his eyes, opened his mouth, and screamed "Ouch!"


I haven't turned back into a human yet.

His body began to twist, he released his animagus, and looked around. The memories sleeping in his mind gradually came to life. He coughed lightly: "Some complicated things happened last night."

"That's how they got together." Yennefer was surprised. "Fortunately, they just built a runway in the castle."

"Instead of making other big noises."

Harry dug into the Sorting Hat. It was empty, no wand.

He snapped his fingers.

With a whoosh, the wand flew out from the weeds outside the hall and in the courtyard.

"Why is the wand there?" Hermione looked outside.

"I don't know either." Harry shook his head.

"I have a bad feeling." Yennefer said softly.

Ciri echoed: "Me too."

Harry awakens the other witchers.

The three women walked out of the hall.

As expected, the outside of the court was surprisingly decorated.

Several large and detailed statues.

The first few statues are quite serious. Lambert fights a petrified cockatrice, Eskar, who has no scars and has fine-tuned facial features to become extremely handsome, and young Vesemir, but the statues in the back are a little less serious. The bunny girl Gerald Special, sorceress Lambert, princess Vesemir.

"Oh, no." Ciri and Hermione covered their faces.

Yennefer was used to seeing big winds and waves, so she nodded and praised: "Geralt like this is quite charming."

When the men woke up and saw the things on the floor, they looked at each other.

"Oh my God." Eskar exclaimed.

Geralt wanted to change his clothes, but Yennefer held him down and refused to allow him to do so.

Hilly joins Lambert in commenting on his own statue.

Vesemir moved closer to Harry, looking longingly.

Harry knew what he was going to do without him having to say anything.

Kaer Morhen is already very old. The Wolf School is sparsely populated, and after several attacks, the only places that can still be used are a tower, a training ground, and this hall. It can barely maintain a basic The frame, what was left of it, was almost entirely abandoned.

Vesemir has always wanted to repair the castle, his home for hundreds of years.


He might be able to deal with ferocious monsters that would take dozens or even hundreds of people to deal with alone, but he couldn't complete the amount of work that would take dozens or even hundreds of people to do alone.

Harry first packed away all the things that should not be there, including the statue that Lambert failed to keep despite repeated requests.

He raised his wand and used magic to support his body.

There were some bumps, but overall it flew smoothly.

A gentle wave.

The mottled marks on the stone wall suddenly took on a new look.

Huge stones and endless rubble were lifted into the air and reassembled to perfectly fill the damaged places in the castle.

The fallen walls rose again.

Everything changes in an orderly and rapid manner, and time seems to flow backwards on this castle. At night, it becomes completely new.

Only the weeds and moss in the yard are left.

Harry dropped a few magical plants, applied some fertilizer, and let them deal with the stuff.

While Harry was in charge of the overall renovation, Hermione was also busy.

She slowly cleaned house after house.

The lobby has also been given a new look.

The mural was repainted and the eternal fire adorned the ceiling of the hall, blooming with gentle and bright light. Things are also arranged properly.

Bookstore, dungeon, laboratory

These abandoned rooms were restored to their original state under Hermione's spell.

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