Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 344 Snape can't do it


Slughorn froze, he looked at Harry puzzledly: "Harry, I don't seem to want to put you in confinement."

"Your performance is excellent."

"How could a student like you be in confinement?"

Harry opened his mouth to explain: "Professor Slughorn is a little different from the confinement you thought. It is a new custom at Hogwarts in the past few years. Every professor will confine students they think are outstanding."

"It's called confinement, but it's actually after-school tutoring."

Slughorn looked at him suspiciously. "Really?"

The three little ones nodded quickly.

"Severus too?" he asked.

Slughorn didn't get on well with Snape, and he didn't pay much attention to Snape when he was a student.

When he was a student, Snape was not popular. In the era of Voldemort's arrogance, the status of mixed blood in Slytherin was very low, and Slughorn himself paid more attention to those students who were born with prominent births.


He also pays attention to those outstanding and extremely talented students.

Snape is very talented, but he is not alone. Above him, there is a more talented Lily Evans.

In terms of image, the great beauty Lily is much more conspicuous than Snape.

In terms of character, Lily, a passionate and cheerful little lion, is much better than Snape, who is also particularly gloomy in Slytherin.

In addition, before the fifth grade, Lily always discussed potions with Snape, and Slughorn, who was keen on judging people by their appearance, naturally didn't take Snape seriously, and regarded his excellence as Lily's halo.

The Slug Club had no place for Snape.

By the time he realized that in Lily's class, Snape was really talented in potions, he had already left Hogwarts, and Snape was officially recognized by the Potions Association. It's time for the potions master.


That didn't stop Slughorn from calling "Severus" enthusiastically.

Harry nodded: "Of course Professor Snape is like this, but you know, Professor Snape is very picky. So far, only I am eligible to be locked up by him."

"But Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, have locked up many students."

"Is that so?" Slughorn was perplexed, "but I have no such experience."

"Does the professor think I'm not good enough?" Harry raised his head, his face expressionless, but Slughorn clearly read a trace of patheticness from the corner of his eyes.

His face was expressionless, but cute and pitiful.

This weird and conflicted feeling.

Slughorn quickly shook his head: "Of course not, Harry, you are the best student I have ever seen."

"Then we set confinement on every Tuesday, is that okay?" Harry immediately opened his mouth to emphasize.

Slughorn took a deep breath, and he didn't even bother to say no.

Harry smiled: "Professor, then we won't bother you, see you on Tuesday."

They turned and hurried away.

Slughorn hesitated to speak, thought for a while, walked to Professor McGonagall's office next door, and knocked on the door.

"Professor Horace, what can you do?" Professor McGonagall had just finished teaching third-year little wizards.

"Harry said to me about confinement just now," Slughorn said. "So it's a new Hogwarts custom."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and nodded seriously: "Of course, it's true."

"Professor Dumbledore is really lax."

"The Owls exam results in the last school year were excellent, but that was because of Harry, and it was not a normal scene. This school year's Owls exam will be returned to the prototype."

"As professors, of course we have to train those students who are good enough to ensure that they can get "O" grades stably, and we can even try to train those students who can get "E" grades like Professor Sprout did, and then Give them a go and get them to go one step further and get an "O"."

Slughorn asked back: "But Harry is good enough."

"Compared to the little wizard, it is true." Mag nodded, with a more serious expression, and made up a new reason, "but excellent people always have higher demands on themselves."

"The current Harry can be regarded as a master of dueling, a master of transfiguration spells, and a master of defense against the dark arts."

"His performance in potions has always been excellent. Naturally, it is impossible to set his own standard at the level of a little wizard."

Slughorn was a little surprised: "Harry's level of transfiguration spells can already be called a master?"

He was not surprised by the evaluation of "Master of Duel" and "Master of Defense Against the Dark Arts".

After all, he can beat a mysterious person—even if he is not a mysterious person in his prime.

Master of Transfiguration

Professor McGonagall nodded: "Of course, his Transfiguration Spell is excellent and superb, but he is still young, but it may be two or three years after graduation, or even sooner. By the time he graduates, his Transfiguration Spell level will surpass mine. "

Slughorn mused, "Harry actually wants to be a potions master?"

"The one younger than Severus?"

Professor McGonagall smiled: "I think it must be."

In fact, she was very uncertain.

Harry was not a very ambitious man.

According to the rumors I have heard recently, it is most likely because Harry and Snape have reached a bottleneck in researching potions that can relieve wolves. Give yourself a free job, this person is still at Hogwarts, it is very safe, don't worry about him spreading the information.

The entire Hogwarts intelligence network is controlled by Sister Hedway, Sister Crookshanks, and their loyal little brother Boss the owl.

But it doesn't sound good if you can't tell the truth.

What's more, Snape's help in researching the antidote to languor is also a very secret matter, not everyone in the Order of the Phoenix knows it.

The most important thing!

How can a new professor escape the entire Hogwarts, the scariest thing for professors?

Even if Harry doesn't go to Slughorn, McGonagall, Sprout, and Flitwick have to find a way to let Slughorn take the initiative to take over this matter, and feel Harry's "charm" ".

Slughorn felt his teaching career was complete.

For better or for worse, he has produced many excellent students.

The only regret.

He believed that Lily Potter, the most promising master of potions, died on the way to fight against the mysterious man.

And Snape, who became a master of potions, didn't have much to do with him - he wasn't even a member of the Slug Club.

As a Potions professor, what could be more fulfilling and more famous than teaching a Potions master?

"Harry is more ambitious than I am." Slughorn smiled. "I'm looking forward to tomorrow night."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and suppressed a smile: "That's great, I wish you a pleasant evening tomorrow."

Meaningful wishes.

Slughorn didn't notice this little change in tone, he was completely intoxicated by the excitement that he would formally teach a potions master.

Tuesday night.

I just finished dinner and it's only seven o'clock.

There was a knock on the door of the potions professor's office.

Slughorn opened the door and looked at the people outside in surprise: "Harry? It's only seven o'clock, why are you here now?"

"The confinement time has always been like this." Harry said softly, "From seven o'clock until the eleven o'clock curfew."

four hours?

so long?

Slughorn nodded and gave way to the inner passage: "I don't know much about these confinement, but Harry, it's great that you can take the initiative, and I will teach you all my knowledge without reservation. "

"My highest thanks to you." Harry nodded, speaking quickly.

He raised his hand and waved his wand lightly: "Professor, I have to report to you the predicament I am currently encountering."

"You know, I have an uncle, Remus Lupine."

Slughorn nodded.

He had a deep impression on Lupin, not because of his excellence, but because of his poor status in the class back then, and he was the only one. In terms of background, Snape was better than Lupine, at least in a strict sense. Above, Snape was human.

"He's a werewolf. I've been researching potions for treating wolves more than a year ago." Harry said.

Slughorn looked at him in surprise: "This is not an easy task. I don't recommend you to do this. There are many talented people who could have become potion masters earlier and faster. But just because of his high talent, he is a bit too ambitious, to study those impossible things, to cure wolf disease, this is simply not possible."

"Actually, I've found some ways," interrupted Harry.

Slughorn was even more surprised.

Harry went on: "This is the finished product."

He took out a bottle of potion and put it in front of Slughorn, and then took out a piece of parchment and put it next to the potion. This is the formula.

"It's not enough to completely cure wolf's disease." Harry said, "But it can already achieve the same effect as the wolf's poison potion, and it can also shorten the time for a werewolf to turn into a werewolf, but this shortening time is not so sure."

"With Uncle Remus, three hours can be shortened. He only needs to transform for five or six hours every night."

"But with other werewolves, it's been half an hour, an hour, almost two hours."

"The current speculation is that this has something to do with the magic level of the werewolf itself, but this is just speculation without any confirmed evidence."

Slughorn looked at the recipe, then uncorked the bottle again, waving his palm to sniff the scent.

An excellent, even mature potion.

"There are already some masters." Slughorn put down the potion, but did not put down the formula, "If you don't study this thing, I'm afraid you have become a potion master, have you asked Severus? "

"Professor Snape can't do it." Harry said calmly. Before he was sure about Slughorn's position, he was not worthy of his trust in this sloppy and abusive person. "He is still very young, and he is not as good as you Experienced and excellent potions masters."

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