The sixth grade is probably the happiest time for Hogwarts students, except for the first and second grades.

There won't be too much trouble in school.

They have already gone through the owls exam, and they have to wait another year for the newts exam.

And the course suddenly becomes easier.

Except for a few such as Harry, Hermione, and Ron, who got "O" or "E" in almost every subject, the vast majority of little wizards can only take a few courses after the beginning of the sixth grade.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class that Professor Snape took over needs to get an "O" in the Owls exam before he can continue to take the advanced class.

Other professors were not as strict as Professor Snape.

But if she wants to continue to take the advanced class, just an owls certificate is not enough. Transformation, spells, potions, and herbal medicines all need an "E" grade, except for the divination class. If it is not in the name of "advanced class", she Even willing to admit those students with an "A" or less, but Dumbledore didn't allow it.

Most little wizards can only get one or two "E" scores.

In other words, even if they are willing to pretend to love learning and sign up for divination, they have changed from at least nine courses in the third grade to at most three or four courses now.

They are free to explore Hogwarts.

To talk about a hearty love.

On the first day of school, Professor McGonagall personally issued the class schedule for the sixth grade students. She needed to ensure that the grades of each little wizard met the requirements—the courses in the refresher class involved many extremely dangerous and unpredictable magic. Frequently ask the professor to borrow books in the restricted section.

Harry's timetable was the same as last year, except for one less History of Magic.

Hermione is much more streamlined.

Ron didn't give up any of his courses. He also took History of Magic. This is the only course that, like divination, can be advanced as long as you have an owls certificate.

Neville's owls were also excellent, and he was able to take all the subjects, including Defense Against the Dark Arts, which required an 'O'.

After the first verse of ancient runes, they have Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The classroom was changed, it was no longer on the third floor, and the location was changed to the original Potions classroom.

The basement is dark and cold.

There is still some herbs and potions in the air.

On the wall, the titles of those herbs and materials are no longer hung, but turned into paintings, various portraits of wizards cursed by black magic, and some illustrations of distorted anatomy.

The students discussed in whispers.

He looked at Harry carefully.

Potter was the most convincing of Snape's strength, but they dared not ask.

After a while, with a bang, the door was opened.

Snape hurried in, and the classroom immediately fell silent. This was a good habit they had developed when facing Snape five years ago.

"Twelve people." He looked around and recognized each person corresponding to each face. With a wave of his wand, the roster on the podium opened, and he put a tick behind each name, "This number is indeed a bit beyond my limit." Imagine."

"Professor McGonagall once suggested to me whether to relax the requirements so that students who get "E" can also participate in the improvement class."

"But you all know my character well. I have always been impatient with idiots and trash."

"Twelve people are enough."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while.

"You guys are really lucky. From my point of view, most of you didn't get the qualification of "O". There are even only three and a half people who have really accomplished in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

His eyes fell mainly on Harry, then on Neville, then on Malfoy, and finally on Hermione.


Harry, Neville, and Malfoy were the three in his mouth.

Hermione was that half-human.

Only the three of them have ever faced the dark wizard, fought against him, and survived.

"I was going to teach you the silent spell." Snape took out his wand. "But like I said at the beginning, I've never had patience with idiots and trash."

"So, the first spell to learn is the Patronus Charm."

Many students were surprised.

As the most well-known ancient white magic in the hands of Harry and Dumbledore, they naturally knew it well.

It is also a matter of course for the refresher class of Defense Against the Dark Arts to learn this content.


They didn't expect to learn this magic from Professor Snape.

Professor Snape will Patronus Charm?

Shouldn't he be a dark wizard with advanced magic?

Snape and the Patronus Charm, these two words are too inconsistent when put together.

Snape glanced at it, and the students immediately restrained their expressions: "I think, I don't need to introduce this spell again."

"You should all have seen Professor Dumbledore use it."

"It's a good spell to test whether you got an "O" by luck or if you really had some talent."

"Idiots without talent, like the group of Aurors in the Ministry of Magic, can only swing their wands and release a white mist that pretends to be majestic."

He paused, then said a name.

"Miss Granger."

Hermione stood up and answered him.

"How long did it take you to learn the Patronus Charm?" Snape asked.

Hermione recalled and quickly replied: "More than two months."

Snape raised his eyebrows, nodded, and waved his hand at her, gesturing for her to sit down: "A little witch in the third grade, who learned the Patronus Charm, was able to use the Patronus in just over two months."

"I don't ask much of you."

"Two classes, I only give you two classes, and I don't require you to call out the patron saint of the physical body during this time."

"But at least you have to see some progress. If after the deadline, you still can only wave your wand stupidly and fail to exert even a little bit of power from this spell, then get out of here."

"Mr. Potter, and Miss Granger, you are not allowed to help others."

"Oh, and Mr. Weasley."

His eyes were sharp, and the other little wizards cried out again and again, not being able to get their help was a huge loss to them.

Snape tapped the blackboard, and two lines of text emerged.

"The spell is to invoke the protection of the gods, and there is no requirement for tone of voice or gesture."

"What is necessary to cast a spell is happy memory and the belief of guardianship."

He read the two lines again: "Now, you know everything you need to know."

"Miss Granger, show them."

Hermione raised her wand and took a deep breath.

"Call God to protect you!"

Following her soft tone, a bright white light emerged from the tip of the stick, and a lioness jumped out nimbly, rubbing against Harry's calf affectionately.

"Let's practice." Snape waved his hand.

Announced that his lecture was over.

As always with his attitude, geniuses only need a little guidance, not hands-on, fine-to-subtle teaching.

This is where the differences between people are revealed.

Just as the other little wizards were still looking for a happy feeling, Neville could already make his wand react and spit out a thick milky white mist.

Snape cared most about Malfoy.

Anyway, Draco was by far the best student in Slytherin, and he was recognized by Hogwarts to represent Slytherin.


He has always had a good relationship with the Malfoy family. Lucius and Narcissa have always taken good care of him when he was not strong enough to integrate into Slytherin because of his mixed blood status.

The Malfoys trusted Snape a lot.

Although Snape did not give the same level of trust to the Malfoy family.

Draco was the only child of the Malfoy family, and Snape, the only child, was reluctant to see Draco go astray.

Draco's performance is as good as Neville's. He is the only student who can make the spell work like Neville.


By the end of the first class, in the milky white mist from his wand, he could already vaguely see the outlines of some entities. If he practiced diligently, strengthened his faith, and found the feeling of making a vow with himself, he would be able to cast it smoothly. Cast the Patronus Charm.

Snape waved them away impatiently.

The little wizards obeyed Snape's words very much, even Neville didn't ask Harry and the others for advice, and took advantage of the lunch break to plunge into the library.

Harry and the others are also busy with homework.

The ancient runes left an extremely large workload, two fifteen-inch papers, and the translation of two books, and they had to complete these contents in a week.

In the afternoon, there were two consecutive Potions classes.

Slughorn had installed the classroom in an abandoned classroom on the fourth floor, and he liked the setting.

As an old professor, he is very experienced. Although he is exaggerated and always shows off his relationship with some high-ranking people, the knowledge he teaches is solid, and he and Snape are cold and strictly follow the procedures in the book. There are different styles of doing things, and Slughorn encourages students to innovate.

The potion they were going to brew in the first class was Life and Death Water, a very powerful sleeping potion.

Slughorn promised that he would pick the best potion among the successful ones and give him a vial of Felix Felicia as a reward.

He kept looking at Harry as he said this.

It was almost certain that Harry would be last and best.

Two classes are over.

Most of the students failed to make it successfully. Some students completely followed the textbook, but advanced potions needed magic power and emotional support. They failed to control the amount well. Some students were completely free from the restraint of Professor Snape—— Those students of the former could still see that the boiled stuff had something to do with the water of life and death, but the potion brewed by the latter couldn't tell what it was at all.

It turned out that, as Slughorn had expected, the best was Harry.

Then Hermione, Neville, and then Ron.

Hermione survived the water of death more than once.

And those who are excellent in herbal medicine will not be low in potion science.

"Congratulations, Harry." He pulled out the bottle of Felicia.

"Professor, I think we can talk about confinement." Harry took the Felicity Elixir, cut to the chase, and spoke directly.

Let me fool you, Malfoy and Snape are not the relationship between godson and godfather.

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