Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 202 Dudley: My foster father is here, please accept my child’s respect!

Is there any convenience in traveling with Harry?

Of course there is!

For example, with such an untouchable guy around, there will be far fewer flies buzzing around to harass you.

As 'romantic' French people, their parents were naturally a bit wild. When the Christmas holiday came, they packed up their bags and ran away to celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Although their daughter was beautiful and cute, In dad's eyes, he is still not as good as mom.

The feeling of being left at home by parents after finally taking a vacation is not pleasant at all. Thinking of the two of them having a lot of fun at the moment, the two little sisters felt a little itchy in their hearts, so they decided to take this trip to the Alps. Ski trip.

Although the Delacour family is an orthodox wizarding family, France is not as closed as England. Although it has not been controlled by Grindelwald's wizarding party, it still maintains complete independence. However, under Nicolas Flamel Under the influence of France and Beauxbatons, they also closely followed the new trend in the magical world.

Many of the alchemy tools that have been invented by the wizarding world in the past ten years to facilitate life are largely based on the technological products of Muggle society. The inspiration for the pan-global wide-area magic network that was just built was the Muggle Internet.

Although the gap between the wizarding world and the Muggle world still exists widely nowadays, wizards who have accepted the new theory no longer continue their previous ideas. They have gradually increased their contact with ordinary society. After abandoning their prejudices, The technological world has much more to offer than the magical world, which is just starting to reform.

After officially setting foot in the world outside the magical world, the wizards who had closed themselves off for hundreds of years truly realized the vastness of the world. They were originally imprisoned in cages.

"Have you booked the hotel?"

When the train was about to reach the end, Harry asked Fleur. He had seen that the accommodation item was not included in Fleur's travel notes, so he couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Ah?" Furong was stunned for a moment, "Is that a hotel? I brought my tent from home." She patted her compact backpack, "The guidebook said that you need to make a reservation by phone, but I don't understand it very well. This, but a tent is enough, it’s very spacious inside.”


After several hours of getting along, Dudley finally had the courage to speak, but he didn't dare to look into Fleur's eyes. Those magical sapphire eyes would make him fall into them involuntarily. Dudley didn't want to make a fool of himself again. .

"Harry, why don't you help them get a room in the hotel later? It's so cold outside, how can they live in a tent."

"The wizard's tent may be bigger than our house." Harry patted Dudley on the shoulder and whispered to him, "Magic is very powerful."

"Really?" Although Dudley knew some things about the wizarding world because of Harry, this was the first time he heard such a thing.

"There are three floors, twelve rooms, and an observation deck with a view of the scenery."

Fleur smiled and blinked. The Delacour family is considered a wealthy family in France. The wizarding family has a rich heritage that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

"In this case, the hotel can't compare. Even the presidential suite is far inferior to this portable villa."

To be honest, Harry really wanted to see a big house in the wizarding world. Apart from the Malfoy Manor, he had never seen any other luxurious mansions in the wizarding world.

"Then Harry, can you book a room for me? It's the presidential suite you mentioned. I brought a lot of money."

Fleur, with some curiosity in her eyes, touched her pocket, and then took out a brand new wad of Swiss francs in denominations of 1,000, which amounted to at least two to three hundred thousand. The temperament of the rich woman was fully exposed at this moment. Even if it was exchanged for British pounds, it would cost more than 100,000 Swiss francs. Uncle Nong’s year-end dividends are large.

"My uncle heard that I was going to Switzerland, so he asked me to bring some Muggle currency, but I haven't spent it much so far. Is this enough?"

"It's enough for you to book a room for a month." Harry, who has seen the world, is not surprised by this amount of money. Converted into gold galleons, this is worth tens of thousands. If exchanged on the black market, Not even ten thousand gold galleons.

"I'm going to tell Uncle Vernon that I can't have my phone with me."

Mobile phones can also be regarded as precision electronic instruments. If they get along closely with wizards, they will soon be disturbed by the magic magnetic field and become scrapped. For now, it is impossible for technological products to truly enter the magical world and can be transformed by magic. The internal structures of the items are extremely simple, such as radios and the like.

Uncle Vernon's seat was right behind Harry and Dudley, but when Harry stood up and looked around, he saw a pale face. Uncle Vernon, who had gone to the toilet several times, was transforming into Baby Vernon to receive the meal. When Harry came to look after Aunt Petunia, the two stared at each other awkwardly for several seconds.

"What's the matter?" Uncle Vernon pretended that nothing happened and straightened his back, showing a weak smile.

"You can put other things aside for now. I think you need treatment, uncle."

"Come on, drink it." Harry magically took out a potion bottle glowing with an unknown red light from his arms, "A refined refreshing potion, this thing will not only keep you energetic all night long, but also It is also very good at treating various colds. Of course, it is also responsible for physical weakness caused by a bad stomach, and it tastes great, like the taste of devil's pepper."

When Harry finished speaking these words close to his ear, a series of cold sweat broke out on Uncle Vernon's forehead.

"I'll think about it again. I don't like it. Uh, I can't eat chili peppers. Harry, you know that."

"But Dudley can't compete with you for the spicy chicken I cook." Harry said quietly, and then with lightning speed, he pinched Uncle Vernon's nose and poured the potion into him.


Uncle Vernon's originally pale face immediately turned rosy. It was too rosy, and the white vapor rising from his head was like the vapor rising when a train whistle blew, attracting the curious eyes of many people.

"Not spicy! Not spicy at all!"

Uncle Vernon spoke loudly and firmly, squeezing his neck and trying to show his tough guy side.

"It tastes great!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" He patted Harry's shoulder hard, but the shock made his hand hurt.

"Drink some honey water to moisten your throat."

Not intending to cause trouble, Harry handed over a glass bottle, but after seeing the familiar bottle, Uncle Vernon hesitated again.

"This thing is not a honey water-flavored potion."

Gritting his teeth and stomping his feet, Uncle Vernon continued to show off his tough-guy style by unscrewing the lid and smothering the light golden liquid inside in one gulp. The terrible spicy taste in his mouth was immediately neutralized.

"You take it out earlier. Maybe I won't have to go to the toilet so many times."

Uncle Vernon, who was a little regretful, said sadly. He almost suffered from toilet phobia today, "By the way, Harry, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, please help us book another room. The hotel we are staying in has a presidential suite, right? The girl opposite me went out for the first time. When we were almost there, we realized that we had not booked a hotel room."

"Then let me make a call." Uncle Vernon took out a newly purchased Nokia. In this world where electric energy technology develops extremely rapidly and advancedly, the research on electronic products also started much earlier, although it is still a few years behind. Genius was born in 1993, but the era of Big Brother has passed for more than ten years, and touch screens have long been available.

After dialing the hotel number, Uncle Vernon frowned slightly. He hummed twice, then turned to Harry helplessly and said, "The room I've reserved for you is the last room." Yes, the hotel is full during the Christmas holiday, so it’s gone.”

"That's otherwise."

Harry wanted to say that he could squeeze in with Dudley, but before he could finish, Fleur came over out of curiosity and tugged on his sleeve.

"How about Gabrielle and I go to your place?"



The Dursleys and his son spoke almost at the same time with completely different expressions on their faces. The questioning "ah" came from Uncle Vernon. He thought to himself, in just a train ride, Harry, this kid, actually... .Cough cough cough. He has quite the charm of his youth, with that lazy hoarse voice, even if no one is seen, this girl will definitely be good.

As for Dudley, all he had to do was shout: "Father is here!" Please give me your respects, my child. You can teach me some magical powers!

"Pitch a tent in my house?" Harry, the only one who didn't get it wrong, turned to look at Fleur.

"Well, it's quite troublesome to set up a tent outside. If you are in a hotel, some things will be much more convenient."

Fleur nodded, and then added: "I don't like using the summoned water, it always feels dirty."

"Does this bother you?"

"I don't mind. It would be better if the snoring doesn't reach the tent."

Harry shrugged indifferently. He was so resistant to the natural charm of Veela, or Velebit elves, that he was almost immune. In his eyes, Fleur and Gabrielle were just ordinary and pretty. girl.

And this indifference, which is different from everyone else, has also become a good helper for Furong to increase his favorability. Even his own family members will inevitably feel a little strange when they see her. She has been treated specially since she was a child. What people want most is the indifference of treating themselves as ordinary people.

"By the way, Fleur, can you cook? After skiing, I plan to go to the mountains to look for specialties. How about we have a dinner together in the evening."

"I know a little bit. I have to help my mother at home." Fleur nodded happily and took back the hand that was about to hand over the "accommodation fee". "As long as you don't think I'm clumsy."

“The crepes made by my sister are delicious, and they also have macarons!”

On the side, Gabri stood on her seat excitedly when she heard that there was a dinner party in the evening. When that sweet smile bloomed, the whole carriage seemed to be purified a little. Many eyes were cast on her, which made Gabri. Bree squatted down shyly and looked at her sister with pitiful eyes.

"Then it's a happy decision."

The train blew its whistle and slowly braked to the terminal platform.

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