"Sit down, Draco, don't be so nervous, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw's practice match is about to start, let's take a look together, Cedric is a very good Seeker, maybe you can learn some skills."

Although Harry's words were not very enthusiastic, they were also quite kind. Draco nodded silently after hearing it, and then sat on Harry's right hand side.

"Looks like you have something to say to me?"

After Draco sat down, Harry glanced sideways at him, then leaned back, waiting for his answer.

"Yes, yes." For some unknown reason, Draco became nervous again, his Adam's apple moved up and down, "I should have come to apologize to you long ago."

"What?" Harry slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I mean, about last year on the train, I think you're right." Draco lowered his head and said softly, then suddenly raised his head to look at Harry, his eyes showed a trace of struggle, and then turned firm again.

"How come the more you talk about it, the more confused I get?" Of course Harry remembered the first time he met Draco on the train. At that time, there were indeed some small frictions, not even small frictions. "You don't need to apologize to me."

"If you're talking about the time when you came in without knocking." Harry shrugged, "You don't need to keep such small things in mind. It's been a long time, forget about it."

Harry reached out and patted Draco on the shoulder, signaling him to look up. Cedric was using a feint with a difficulty factor of 5.0 to successfully throw off Ravenclaw's Seeker. If the Ravenclaw's batsman hadn't reacted in time and hit the Bludger at a tricky angle, forcing Cedric to move out of the way, within thirty seconds of the start, Cedric would have caught the Snitch to end the game.

"Cool, it's Saild stalling and spinning." Draco exclaimed, "It's the first time I've seen someone use this trick in a non-professional arena."

"It seems that you really want to learn."

"Yes, yes." Draco nodded, and then he took a deep breath, summoned up his courage and asked Harry, "I don't know if I have a chance to join your battle group?"

"I want to be a good Quidditch player, I want to go professional, I want to compete in the World Cup." Draco said in a fast voice, "I know you are good, Harry, and you have the ability to make other people as good as you. I know that some of the things I did were a bit stupid, but it was a misunderstanding. In fact, in the beginning, I wanted to know you and even be your friend. Unfortunately, I screwed up then."

After saying all he wanted to say in one breath, Draco seemed to be relieved, but his body was tighter than before, and he seemed to be getting more and more nervous.

"You want to be a professional football player? I thought you would follow your father's career after graduation."

"The Malfoy family already has an heir." Draco smiled wryly. "Cassandra is much better than me. She is my sister, a perfect heir. My father values ​​her very much, and has always been. Although I will also get a part of it, but"

Draco shook his head vigorously, "I'm not jealous, not at all, this is the truth, but it's my mother who made me think about it."

"My mother was sick, a very serious illness. I thought she should have recovered after returning from vacation, but she was still lying on the bed. Dad said he had found a way, but it didn't work at all. Even after I went back, she became weaker."

"I've never done anything to make my mum proud. She may not last long, maybe a few years, but I want her to be proud of me once."

"Even if it's only once, I think I need to do something for her." Draco looked down at his hands weakly, it was trembling slightly, trying to make fists, but it seemed to have lost that firm strength, "But I can't do anything."

"If that's the case, why don't you just say no?"

Harry stretched out his hand and patted Draco on the back, "The battle group does not restrict anyone to join. As long as you can endure the difficult training and endure the hardship, then you will have a chance. Everyone has a chance, but I will say the ugly things first, and I will not give you any preferential treatment because of your family affairs."

"There were more than 30 people who joined the battle group last year, but after a year, there are only six people who can remain as full members. I don't even doubt that this number will not change much in the next few years. If you really want to do something, I can give you a chance and a stage, but the ultimate success depends on your own efforts, Draco."

Draco, who was so excited that he was about to jump up, grabbed Harry's hand, and said incoherently: "Thank you, Harry! I really didn't expect that I would have the chance to go to the World Cup? If mom knew"

Harry didn't bother Draco who was emotional at the moment, he waited for a while, and Draco gradually calmed down with an embarrassed smile on his face, "I was too excited, I thought you would reject me directly, after all."

"After all what?"

Draco's expression was slightly stiff, and he sighed slightly, with an indescribable complex emotion in his voice.

"It's not your problem, it's my dad's reason that it doesn't even have anything to do with you."

"He was very opposed to this matter, and even threatened to kick me out of the family tree and the Malfoy family."

After a moment's pause, Draco's voice gradually became calm, even numb.

"I heard about it on holiday, after you bought the Falmouth Falcons to take the squad to the next World Cup, and I brought it up at home"

"Dad got very angry, he was very angry, just because I mentioned your name, it seems to be some taboo words, and Cassandra, she too." Draco paused, and then said: "My sister should not be like that. She talked to me a few days ago. She said that this is Hogwarts, not at home. If I want to do something, I will do it. She is also the one who encouraged me to come to you."

"That is to say, when you were at home, your father and your sister were very opposed to it. No, it should be said that they didn't want to hear my name?"

"Maybe." Draco said with some embarrassment: "The family lost a lot of money. Although it was because of Sirius Black, they seemed to think it had something to do with you, but I never thought about it that way. It's true." At the end, Draco's tone became more serious, very serious.

"I trust you, Draco."

Harry smiled and nodded, "I understand your feelings, but you are luckier than me. I believe your mother will get better and see her proud son standing proudly in front of her holding the championship trophy."

"Let's talk about other things. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You have the opportunity and the stage. The rest is to work hard. I believe you will do well."

Draco nodded vigorously, he really wanted to do this, and saw his mother smile for him again before the regret happened.

"I'm actually quite curious. Why did they get so angry and even want to kick you out of the Malfoy family? Isn't that a bit too much?"

Draco didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the question, even he found it strange.

"I don't know, but I don't think it's simply because Qian's father's expression was so scary. To be honest, I felt that my father was a little different before. He was more irritable, agitated, and even stopped caring about my mother. I don't know why."

"And Cassandra she"

Draco was silent for a long time without speaking.

"What's wrong with her?" Harry held Draco's shoulders, as if two good friends were chatting shoulder to shoulder, "Speaking of which, Cassandra has changed a lot, compared to last year, a lot has changed."

"I always feel that the relationship between you and your sister is a bit delicate. What kind of person was she before, can you tell me?"

After seeing Cassandra come out of the Myrtle bathroom, Harry had a crush on the guy.

Draco's eyes shrank suddenly at this moment, and then he shook his head slightly, "I don't know."

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