Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 158 Newcomer, but Malfoy

After returning from Hagrid, Harry entered a busy period again. He took a two-week leave, and the backlog of things during this period needed to be dealt with a little bit.

His schoolwork was fine. If Hogwarts hadn't skipped grades, Harry would have been able to go directly to the fourth grade at his current level. Of course, this was limited to Transfiguration and Charms. Potions and Herbalism required a lot of time to sharpen experience, and it wasn't something to be rushed at all. Even Snape, he took it step by step.

The thing that had to be resolved in the third week was the battle group, recruiting new recruits was something that had to be done, but last year, Harry had cut a round of leeks in the Quidditch team and screened out six official members. To be honest, the newly promoted second-year students this year were a bit too immature. Although the loyalty training should start as early as possible, a few new students who came in were sporadically added.

Harry really didn't like it.

Because the number of players was so pitifully small, when he heard that only three freshmen had passed the assessment to join the Quidditch team this year, Harry didn't even want to go. After all, the warband had separated from the Quidditch team, and the current members of the warband still played Quidditch because of their love and to maintain the feel of playing.

The place where Harry wants to cut leeks this year is Professor Flitwick's dueling club. Anyone who can be favored by Professor Flitwick has dueling talents. They are also quite talented in fighting, and they are good targets for poaching.

However, this does not mean that Harry can get a few more suitable regular members this school year. It is not because of Professor Flitwick's disapproval, but because dueling is a project that maximizes personal abilities. Professor Flitwick designs different training for each person, and they are all designed to tap their best strengths.

This idea of ​​individual supremacy is in conflict with the warband. Compared with Harry's warband, Professor Flitwick's Dueling Club is more attractive on the surface. What's more, the loyalty required by the warband will make the threshold for joining him very high, and fewer people will come.

Harry can't come up with enough attractive display chips at present, and the recruiting in the Quidditch team last year can't be applied well to other places.

Since there is no place to pick up leaks, Harry still has to go to the Quidditch team. After all, the Quidditch school team is the basic set for recruiting new members of the wargroup.

As soon as Harry arrived at the Quidditch pitch, he saw the exchange match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. As spectators, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were eating melons. The two teams fought to the death in the sky. Marcus fought against the twin brothers. Although he was not dominant in numbers, Marcus was born with a good body.

It's a pity that Gryffindor still has Wood who doesn't talk about martial arts. This guy guards the goal tightly and can save seven out of ten balls, which seriously hinders Slytherin's attack.

The relationship between the teams of the four colleges, which were no longer so tit-for-tat, was quite harmonious. Although the island team building eliminated a lot of people, the night attack also made them abandon many prejudices. This is a rare paradise in Hogwarts, where there is no discrimination among colleges.

About ten minutes later, amidst the cheers of the audience, Slytherin's Seeker caught the Snitch first and ended the game, fixing the score at 470:460. If Angelina hadn't scored a crucial goal one second before the end of the game, the game of 460:460 would have won the game with a tie because Slytherin caught the Snitch.

"Hahahahaha! You lost Marcus!"

Wood, who laughed wildly, rushed to Marcus's side, strangled his neck and said viciously: "Go to Hogsmeade next week, you have to buy us a drink!"

"Oh." Marcus, who had a dark complexion, slapped Wood's paw off angrily. "At that time, each person will have a bottle of Ogden's aged whiskey. Whoever gets down first will be the dog."

"Do you have the guts to drink?!"

Marcus patted Wood's chest provocatively, and Wood blushed with anger: "Compare! Whoever can't finish drinking is-Fred! George! Let go! I have to teach this gorilla a lesson when the time comes!"

"Pull it down, Wood." Fred waved his hand in disgust.

"With your drinking capacity, Qiu can drink you until you vomit." George rolled his eyes and complained.

"We don't want to hear you yelping and barking in the three broomsticks, it's embarrassing."

Wood, who was pulled by the twins, was almost so angry that the dog barked, but what the two said was true. Qiudu could drink much more than him. With Wood's drinking capacity, he could only moisten his throat with butter beer in this life.

Although he won the game and the bet, Wood felt that he had lost completely.

As a defeated dog, he was packaged and taken away. As a loser, Marcus raised his head triumphantly.


Marcus's loud voice rang out tens of meters away, and they had already seen Harry's people approaching him. As they became stronger, they also admired Harry more and more. Before his body was strengthened, Harry could easily control the four hundred miles of speed when diving, but even now they still couldn't master this speed.

Sports are very talented. Obviously, Harry's sports talent is much stronger than all of them.

"Captain, my new Seeker is not bad, isn't it?"

Marcus pulls a skinny boy forward, but that's about all he can do, and even after introducing the Seeker, Marcus pulls away a little.

The identity of the visitor is a bit sensitive. If it weren't for family reasons, Marcus would have been a little reluctant to take this job. Although he was a bit stupid, he could clearly tell who was the real boss.

"Draco Malfoy."

Harry smiled and looked at the nervous boy in front of him. When Marcus brought Draco up to say hello, Harry immediately understood what the weird conversation between the siblings was referring to that night.

The Malfoy family hated Fudge to the core, and of course they also hated Black to the core. Although most people didn't know the identity of Sirius, the Malfoy family definitely knew it. If it weren't for the fact that the two men couldn't have children, no one would be surprised that James and Sirius got married. They were real half-brothers with a friendship that transcended blood boundaries.

After Sirius was cleared of his grievances, Harry, as the direct beneficiary, naturally became a thorn in the side of the Malfoy family.

All of Black's wealth was at least half of Harry's. If Sirius hadn't married a wife and had children, there would be doubts about Harry inheriting all of the Black family's inheritance. This huge wealth involving tens of millions of Galleons, more than half of it was cut from those wizard families, and it still smelled of blood.

"You played well just now, come on, sit down."

Harry, who had no flaws on his face, issued a simple invitation, and the boy in front of him suddenly showed a hint of surprise and hope in his eyes.

This moment is completely different from that moment on the train.


There is also 2K, which was originally written, but it didn’t feel right and was deleted. It’s so troublesome to create a new plot.

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