Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 297 Beating people along the network cable

When the Watchers raided Oak Hill, a purge was also taking place in Gringotts.

Now that a member of the largest goblin family has been killed, and the other party is the president of Gringotts, the conflict between Murphy and the goblin can no longer be reconciled through ordinary means.

Next, either wait for endless revenge and harassment from the other party, or strike first and uproot the other party.

Unfortunately, goblins are not only found in the UK, they can be found all over the world, and the Breen family has spread too widely. Murphy cannot kill the entire group, so he can only kill the whole family first. The branches related to Cyrus were eradicated.

To Murphy, wizards meant magic materials and precious wealth, and he was generally reluctant to get his hands on them.

But the goblins - these guys are just like a certain Judah tribe in the previous life, except they are disgusting people, they are disgusting people, and there is no psychological burden at all when they kill them.

All the goblins in Gringotts were given Veritaserum by Rasim and interrogated one by one.

The trial didn't matter. Rasim was shocked to find that the master had not wronged them - of course, the master was too wise and powerful to accuse them wrongly - but he really didn't expect to get "evidence" so easily.

However, the fact is that nearly one-third of these goblins have thoughts of rebellion, and many of them have secretly participated in underground gatherings of goblins.

And those guys who are close to the Breen family are even more rebellious. They have even planned to overthrow the wizard government and form a goblin regime more than once. They have even made several versions of the assassination list. .

Rasim was shocked, but also overjoyed. Now he was not setting up the blame, but the real person had reaped the spoils.

On the other side, the watchers who broke into the castle also realized this.

The goblins here are all fully armed!

They even encountered goblins fighting with wands!

Although most of those wands looked old and shabby, and some seemed to be little better than a wooden stick. The goblins were not comfortable using wands to fight, and the accuracy of the spells they recited was very poor, but they were indeed wands. wrong!

This discovery made the watchmen who were originally skeptical about this mission instantly believe the commander's words.

These goblins are really preparing for a rebellion!

How dare they hide their wands! Hidden arms!

This is a blatant violation of the Wand Act!

The purpose of his rebellion is obvious, there is no doubt about it!

What else is there to say?

No one would hesitate to use the killing curse, and a one-sided killing began.

Although the goblins did have some fighting ability, they still didn't cause much trouble in front of the dozen or so fighting wizards who were serious about fighting.

Half an hour later, after paying the price of two serious injuries and three minor injuries, the wizards leveled the entire goblin castle and captured the owner of the castle, Weller Longhand.

Then the watchers withdrew from the castle, leaving the chubby goblin with Murphy.

Weller Longhand was tied to a high-backed chair, his nose was broken and turned to one side. At this moment, when he saw Murphy emerging from the shadows, he immediately began to plead.

"Mr. Darkholm, misunderstanding, there must be some misunderstanding. I am not your enemy. I can dedicate half of my assets in exchange for your understanding."

"Half?" Murphy sneered.

"All! I am willing to dedicate all my assets! Mr. Darkholm, I am a goblin. I know how to use wealth better than anyone else. Keep me and I will create more wealth for you..."

This guy is quite current.

Too bad Murphy had no interest in his financial abilities.

A banker whose thinking is still stuck in the 17th century. I just picked a finance graduate from the Muggle School of Economics. His ideas are hundreds of years ahead of yours, okay?

Moreover, Murphy did not leave it alive for money.

Gringotts is all mine, what about your three melons and two dates?

Murphy waved his hand, and an illusory battle flag appeared in front of Weller, "What is this?"

Weller was startled, "Why do you..."

"So, you've seen it before." Murphy kept observing his reaction.

"I didn't, didn't..." However, before he could finish his words, his eyes suddenly widened and his whole body began to twitch.

A blood-red light suddenly shone into Murphy's eyes, as if a lantern was lit under Weller's skin, and the light escaped from his eyes and mouth.

The goblin seemed to be undergoing horrific torture, his whole body was shaking violently, and he was screaming horribly.

Murphy frowned and watched, and at the same time, there was a dull pain in his mind, as if the "nail" that had penetrated his head before tried to invade again.

However, this time he was well prepared, "Call the gods to protect you!"

A silver crow stood on his shoulder, and the power of protection calmed his mind. The power that tried to invade was instantly isolated and had no effect on him.

According to the theory of spiritual pathways, the core of the wizard's soul is an absolute domain that belongs to the wizard himself. No magic can truly forcefully break through this domain. If you want to penetrate the other party's mind, you can only use detours through various external influences such as deception and illusion. The method makes the recipient actively accept it.

Therefore, no matter what kind of spiritual magic, as long as you strengthen your own will and strengthen your own protective ability, you can resist it from the core of your soul.

The moment the stinging pain disappeared, Weller's screams also stopped. It suddenly lowered its head, and blood was flowing from its eyes, nose and mouth.

"Come here," Weller suddenly said, "kill him, and then come to me..."

Is the larger size available online?

However, Murphy took a step forward and kicked Weller in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"A guy who pretends to be a ghost. Possessed? Horcrux? Well, it seems to be something similar..."

"But you only possess Guleos and his father... The blood of the Bryn family is a bit special to you, right?"

"Let me guess... the Bryn family has the blood of the goblin royal family, so in that picture, you are sitting on the throne... but the goblin kingdom perished nearly a thousand years ago."

"You still want the Sword of Gryffindor..."

"Are you that idiot Ragnar who helped someone forge a sword and then tried to steal it back?"

"Shut up! That's mine! The sword is mine! All the treasures are mine!" Weller suddenly yelled, "They are all my creations! I am their master!"

"Huh..." Murphy looked at him as if he were a fool.

"You, I will kill you..." Weller saw Murphy's eyes, and he seemed to be stung, "Do you think you won? No! Stupid wizard! You are finished!"

"You massacred the Breen family! The Goblin Council will never let you go! You started the war! And I will be resurrected in the war. When the time comes..."

"When?" Murphy sneered, "I won't wait for you that long."

As he spoke, he raised his wand and pointed it at Weller again, "Guess why I have to waste so many words with you?"

In Su State, more than 3,000 officials at all levels suddenly convulsed and fell to the ground.

Their brains were operating rapidly under the influence of the sudden outbreak of the spiritual seed virus. In just two or three minutes, the temperature on their foreheads soared to forty-one or two degrees.

At the same time, thousands of crows once again formed an array antenna, raising Murphy's spiritual resonance, increasing its frequency, compressing its wavelength, and changing its phase, until it was all tuned to the magic spectrum of the "soul" attribute.

The higher and higher magic energy level caused the surrounding materials to begin to disintegrate and twist into a chaotic mess according to Murphy's mind.

This is the "field" predicted by the spiritual pathway, which is the manifestation of the "spiritual singularity" after it breaks through its original core scope and expands to the outside world.

"Psychic magic, air attack, right?"

Murphy's eyes sparkled with divine light.

"Do you think I won't hit people along the Internet cable?"

"Climb for me now!"


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