Rashim and Winston arrived at Gringotts almost at the same time.

"Watch these goblins, none of them can escape." Rashim walked into the door in a hurry, told the Auror behind him, and then rushed underground impatiently.

He received the call from his master and had a premonition that his master was going to do something big today.

As his master's most loyal subordinate, he couldn't wait to be by his master's side. No matter what his master wanted to do, he had to be at the forefront.

Winston looked at the guy who seemed to be racing against him, and snorted disdainfully, "Watchers, guard the outside of Gringotts. No one is allowed to take a step. The remaining people should find all the exits. Seal this place."

But this was actually just a precaution. He had just noticed the flock of crows flying in the sky, as well as the lightning crows squatting everywhere inside and outside Gringotts.

The adult had already taken precautions.

The moment he stepped into Gringotts, he saw the goblins gathered together and met Locke. He knew that these were Lord Murphy's men. The latter looked similar to the other goblins and was panicked. There was some fear again.

It seems that something extraordinary happened down there.

When he came to the basement, he saw two corpses and blood splattered all over the room. Even though he had seen many disgusting scenes in the past year as the commander of the Watch, he was still shocked at this moment.

But he immediately controlled his emotions, glanced at Rashim, who had already knelt on the ground, and bowed to Murphy, "Sir, the watchmen are all in place."

Murphy didn't look at the two men behind him. He was thinking about the picture he saw in Guleos' head.

At this moment, he had figured out something.

For example, Dumbledore's role in this.

He originally thought that this might be a trap set by Dumbledore, but after thinking about it, he thought it was impossible. It seemed like his approach to lure Guleos to block Murphy's property, but attack Murphy at the cost of his life? This is very different from his original style of conduct.

He may have the intention of driving a wedge between the goblin and himself, but he shouldn't be able to pull off such a ruthless strategy.

The guy hidden in Guleos's mind is another enemy.

Battle flag...throne...

Maybe, we can find out something from the goblin's lair.

Thinking of this, he turned around, looked at his two men, and said calmly: "Guleos and his grandfather Padro conspired to rebel, and I have killed them on the spot. Now, Rasim, I I want you to interrogate all the goblins in Gringotts immediately to find out whether Guleos and Padro have any accomplices."

"Yes, Master! I'll do it right away!" Rashim immediately turned around and left.

Are there any accomplices?

Of course it must be there!

Even if you don’t have it, you have to have it!

Otherwise, wouldn’t the master’s killing of this person today be in vain?

As a loser, Rashim immediately figured out Murphy's intentions, and he had already figured out how to deal with those goblin managers.

"Winston, have you brought the information?" Murphy asked the watchman commander who stayed behind.

"Brought it." Winston stepped forward and handed several rolls of parchment to Murphy.

"Several important branches of the Bryn family in the UK have strongholds here. However, the Bryn family is one of the largest and oldest clans among goblins. It is said that their ancestors were once the royal family of goblins. Almost half of the goblins in the UK are like them. It’s a close relationship.”

"I only listed the ones that have the closest relationship with Guleos and the others."

"The head of the family of Guleos is Guleus's father, Willer Longhand. His stronghold is in the Oak Pit Mine. But that is the goblin autonomous territory, and we have never been there."

"The specific location is Oak Hill in Siriding, right?" Murphy glanced at the mark on the parchment, "Get your people ready for a raid."

After saying that, Murphy disapparated and disappeared. The next moment, he turned into lightning in the air and ran towards the West Riding Mine in Yorkshire.

A moment later, Murphy was in mid-air overlooking a pure white castle hidden by magic below - then he landed on a nearby mountain top, providing Winston and his watchers with a message through the Lightning Crow. The magic link allows them to reach this place they have never been to through "following the appearance" similar to the appearance of the follower.

The next moment, more than a dozen figures appeared on the hillside one after another.

Murphy had already disappeared. He was floating in the air, and then gave instructions to Winston through the psychic network. What happened next was not suitable for him to come forward in person.

"See that castle?" Winston asked the watcher. "It belongs to Weller Longhand, a goblin who intends to rebel. At this moment, he is planning another goblin rebellion in that house. I I want you to swoop in and stop the rebellion before it happens."

"Now, I allow you to use the Killing Curse. Everyone in the castle is an enemy. Except Weller Longhand, shoot and kill! Do you understand?"

The watchmen looked at each other, "Ming, understand..."

The wizarding world has been at peace for more than ten years. Even they, the watchmen, only do a lot of catching some dark wizards who are engaged in illegal business. They have hardly ever engaged in team battles of this scale.

From the very beginning, they were told that they would raid the goblin's lair and were allowed to use the killing curse. They were a little uncomfortable with it.

Winston stared, "Goblins don't have wands, but they can also use magic! If you think they are as easy to deal with as the magical animals you have dealt with, just wait until next year to visit your grave! The goblins are preparing to rebel, They are ready to kill the wizard! Do you just want to break into the enemy's lair like this?!"

"I say it again! Shoot to kill! Do you understand everything?!"

"Understood!" The watchers responded without hesitation this time.

After all, they are just some arrogant and annoying goblins, those capitalist vampires, they have been unhappy with them for a long time.

"Set off!"

The next moment, the wizards disappeared from the hillside and then appeared outside the mansion.


Someone blew open the castle door and they rushed in.

Murphy's crows were already squatting on the window, and they transmitted the scene in the castle into Murphy's mind.

There are many goblins in the castle, almost as many as in Gringotts. Some are wearing servants' clothes, and some are wearing armor. They all seem to be servants and guards of this castle.

The sudden intrusion of the wizards caused them to fall into chaos. A dozen wizards had no psychological burden on these enemies who looked very different from themselves. Some of them just went up and fired a killing curse.

Some wizards still had some psychological burdens about using the killing curse, but they soon discovered that these goblins were not sheep to be slaughtered by them.

A wizard's stun spell hit a goblin guard, but the latter's heavy armor directly resisted the spell. Then the goblin rushed up and struck the wizard's neck with the single-edged ax in his hand. Immediately blood spurted out.

"Wow!" The goblin guard shouted in the rain of blood, startling several wizards around him and blocking his offensive.

"Avada Kedavra!" Winston's killing curse accurately hit the goblin's face, killing it. Then, "Petrify All" petrified the injured wizard to prevent his blood from losing too fast. He went up He then covered the wizard's neck, took out something that looked like a giant band-aid, and put it on the wound on the wizard's neck.

This is Bai Xian Medical Tape, a cut healing tool produced by Protective Umbrella. After removing the packaging, it can be directly assembled into the Watcher troops.

"Take him to Jishi Hospital!" He ordered a wizard to take the wounded away. Winston looked at the remaining wizards and roared, "This is war! Do you want to die?!"

The wizards were stimulated by the scene just now, and now no one dared to hold back. For a moment, green light filled the entire mansion.

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