Chapter 323 PAUSE

The clear, bright sun without a single shadow shone on everyone.

The sun was warm after a long time. But Lee Ji-tae felt a chill even in the clear sunlight.

“…Chief of the branch!”

Song Yeo-Woon screamed and ran to Hyunmoo. Other hunters also ran after her.

Lee Ji-tae stepped back and looked at her watch.

She had set a timer for the eclipse’s climax.

There was still a lot of time left.

It was clear that the Leviathan mission was over.

‘The worst person in the world’ has died.

A mixture of screams and sobs erupted around Kang Hyunmoo. There were also voices urgently looking for emergency supplies or treatment skills. But she knew that Lee Ji-tae was already late.

Kang Hyunmoo is dead.

Kang Hyunmoo.


Kang Hyunmoo is not the worst person in the world.

No matter how the world evaluates it, it was Kang Hyunmoo himself who came up with this result.

But does the Leviathan mission end with Kang Hyunmoo’s death?

Lee Ji-tae seemed to catch her breath at her absurdity of this nonsense. Then suddenly someone tapped his shoulder.

The moment Lee Ji-tae turned her head, her eyes met with her Park Do-ryung. Park Do-ryeong was startled when she saw Lee Ji-tae’s expression on her face.

“What. Are you even going to kill me?”

“…No. What’s going on?”

“Where is the teacher? It seems that there is a dispute, but you can’t see the teacher. What is that flash of light…”

Lee Ji-tae looked around her.

The fact that Kang Hyunmoo’s death and Leviathan’s mission was over, all her allies seemed to be delighted.

As a result, she shed the least amount of blood, and she said that she had the wisdom of her teacher, and she had a crush on her.

Lee Ji-tae’s expression became increasingly hard. He couldn’t even close his mouth.

“The teacher is dead.”

Park Do-ryung’s eyes widened behind her mask.

Lee Ji-tae was happy with that surprised expression. And for the first time in his life, he felt no shame in his own murder. He didn’t even want to hide it.

“I killed it with my own hands.”


Park Do-ryeong knew she could turn back her time.

Even if she doesn’t have that ability, even if her teacher is called the strongest in the world, she has a power that is not strange.

But Lee Ji-tae killed him? Can you do that?

But she was not angry with Park Do-ryung. Rather, she calmly grabbed Lee Ji-tae’s arm and asked as if in a whisper.

“Explain, Lee Ji-tae.”

“I’m not as angry as I thought.”

“I originally hated that bastard. I was just following it to reach the best future. There are not many of them in the alliance. Are you sure the teacher is dead?”

Lee Ji-tae hesitated to answer.

He could not identify the body.

However, it is an attack that has reached that level. Even Kang Hyunmoo, who was by her side, did not survive.

But Park Do-ryeong didn’t seem to be enough.“When the allies find out that the teacher is dead, they will be divided into quarters. Among them there are agents and apostles. If it is not for the best results for mankind, there will be chaos. ”


It was then. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out.

Lee Ji-tae turned her head, feeling the chills on her body.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Laughter was heard. It was a low and weak voice, but it was enough to catch Lee Ji-tae’s ears.

It can’t be. She can’t survive.

Lee Ji-tae turned her gaze to the hill where she could hear her laugh.

“I am alive.”

there he was standing

“I’m alive. Kang Hyunmoo!”

The teacher was standing there.



The teacher stepped forward slowly. Every time he took his step, a strange sound rang out.

The allies, who were about to run to find the teacher, stopped in astonishment at the teacher’s bizarre appearance.

“I have reached the best future!”

The teacher shouted again.

“What the hell is that…”

There was a huge hole in the teacher’s chest.

Beneath his chest, the muscles, nerves, and blood vessels that had been dismantled were drooping and bleeding thickly like a broken machine.

Bones all over his body were broken and bent strangely. Nevertheless, it seemed that the broken thread was forcibly grabbing the teacher’s body and controlling it.

If anyone looked at it, it was worse than Kang Hyunmoo, but it wasn’t less.

Park Do-ryeong was the first to move.


Park Do-ryung, who was going to run right in front of him and check his condition, looked at him in front of him and stopped talking.

His appearance, which had only looked like he was in his 60s, was now that of an old man that could only be seen in the most desperate places of a nursing home. In addition, only half of his head was left above the nose.

In other words, less than half of what could be called an actual brain was left.

It looked like nausea. He couldn’t even understand how to speak and move.

At that time, Park Do-ryung discovered something in the teacher’s heart.

It was in the shape of a heart, but it was something with a metallic feel.

Park Do-ryung intuited that it was an ‘item’ that the teacher had made in a state worse than that of death.

“I am alive…”

In an instant, the teacher stumbled on his foot and stumbled and fell. Park Do-ryung was able to accept him, but he took a step back due to his instinctive disgust.

The teacher just shoved his face into the mud.

It was then.

Song Yeo-Woon started running, spitting out terrible abusive words that were difficult to express in words.

Park Do-ryeong quickly blocked the ‘teacher-like’ thing that was rolling around in the mud.

“for a moment!”

“Wait, what a minute, bastard!”

Song Yeo-Woon’s attack hit Park Do-Ryeong directly.

No matter how fast Song Yeo-Woon grows, she is Park Do-Ryeong, the first hunter in Korea to achieve the 4-star limit level. There was a big difference in experience and skill.

However, as soon as her right arm was wrapped around Song Yeo-Woon’s whip, Park Do-Ryeong’s bones were broken with her rumbling sound.


Doryung Park wondered what kind of monster Kang Hyunmoo raised. Before he could even prepare, Song Yeo-Woon rushed right in front of her.

However, her attack did not reach Park Do-ryeong.


Song Yeo-Woon was pushed aside by the sudden shock. Song Yeo-Woon put blood in her eyes and looked at her opponent who pushed him away.

Her Lee Ji-tae was standing in front of her.

“Stop. Song Yeo-Woon. Look at this man now.”

“What? It’s worse than dying? Don’t worry! I don’t intend to kill you right away!

Song Yeo-Woon seemed to cut her skin with her murderous intent and madness.

The other Almighty Hunters seemed to be approaching at any moment. At the same time, the allies also stood behind them.

But Lee Ji-tae was calm.

“I want to kill this person just as much as you.”

Lee Ji-tae raised his sword and swung his sword without hesitation.

In the astonished gaze of his allies, his arms were cut off in some form.

Lee Ji-tae kicked those arms and rolled them in front of Song Yeo-woon.

“But this man must not die like this. The world needs to know. Who was the ‘worst person in the world’. And what kind of person Kang Hyunmoo was.”

“If he turns back time, he…”

“Because he might be, he should be kept alive even more.”

Lee Ji-tae bit his teeth tightly and said.

“I don’t think that’s possible, but if this person can turn back time to before the fight with Kang Hyunmoo, Kang Hyunmoo can come back alive. There’s no way he can fight Kang Hyunmoo in this state, so the chances of Kang Hyunmoo coming back alive are even higher. ”

But if that happens, Lee Ji-tae and everyone else will forget that they owe Kang Hyunmoo.

However, Lee Ji-tae wanted Kang Hyunmoo to return alive even if that happened. It was the same with Song Yeo-Woon.

Song Yeo-Woon said that Kang Hyunmoo’s only chance of coming back alive, she clenched her teeth and grabbed her whip. But she didn’t quietly put it in.

“Cut off your leg.”

Without a long thought, Lee Ji-tae tried to cut off the teacher’s leg. After all, the arms and legs only had the shape, and it seemed difficult to expect their functions.

Then Song Yeo-Woon added her words.

“The thing between the legs.”

As for that, Lee Ji-tae was also troubled for a while.

While contemplating for a moment about human dignity and human rights, Park Do-ryung quickly grabbed the teacher’s body and fell backwards.

The moment her Song Yeo-Woon’s face was again stained with anger, Park Do-Ryeong warned Lee Ji-Tae.

“It’s good to be in moderation. Lee Ji-tae.”

His gaze turned to his allies. Members of his allies did not yet understand the situation.

Lee Ji-tae understood Park Do-ryung’s intentions.

The teacher is already dead.

However, in order to prevent the alliance from splitting up and making the world a mess, even the ‘geezer’ teacher had to be alive.

Beyond that, it was not good to undermine his authority too much.

A teacher who doesn’t bring the best doesn’t mean anything anymore.

However, Lee Ji-tae did not forget to warn Park Do-ryung.

“…if you try to do something useless, I’ll cut you down too.”

At those words, Park Do-ryeong smiled at her through her mask. He whispered as he passed by Lee Ji-tae.

“Don’t worry. I’ll let him never die or live like this forever. Because I want something else.”

Park Do-ryung quickly disappeared leaving only those words.

At his signal, the allies also glanced at Lee Ji-tae with an expression that they did not understand at all, followed by Park Do-ryung.Song Yeo-woon’s anger did not subside, but he had to be content with only the teacher’s arms when he saw Lee Ji-tae who was determined to block it.

Lee Ji-tae looked at her Park Do-ryeong and thought.

‘The alliance is… … Still, it would be better to keep it under Park Do-ryeong’s control.’

What he is aiming for will be the assets of the alliance.

The wealth the teacher amassed through the ability to turn back time is immense. And the human and material networks scattered around the world were also at a great level.

Do-ryeong Park claimed to be the teacher’s successor and was planning to take over it. He’s radical, but he’s not fundamentally evil.

Lee Ji-tae decided that it was better for the assets to fall into the hands of Park Do-ryeong than to fall into the hands of a suspicious person or scattered around.

Lee Ji-tae turned his head. His gaze entered the figure of Adam Fort.

“Adam. What are you going to do?”

“I need to go see Professor Keller.”

She answered without a single hesitation. It was the expected answer, but Lee Ji-tae felt something was missing.

Seeing Lee Ji-tae like that, Adam asked.

“You look sad?”

“…No, my time with Kang Hyunmoo influenced me a lot. I thought something might have changed for you too, because Kang Hyunmoo seemed to want to be around you a lot.”

Kang Hyunmoo’s obsession with Adam was sad for Lee Ji-tae, but he also knew that it was only for a while.

Kang Hyunmoo was the one who wouldn’t even look at it when he got what he really wanted.

In that sense, there was also the expectation that Adam would feel the same sense of loss as himself.

Adam snorted as if reading Lee Ji-tae’s thoughts.

“It was Professor Maria Keller who tamed me and put me on a leash. She will be forever. I don’t care if you forsake me or not.”

“Yeah. Sure.”

But Adam continued as if adding a clue here.

“But… I don’t know. This experience was definitely special.”

Her eyes, without feeling any emotion, were staring into the distance.

“Anyway, Kang Hyunmoo gave me the idea that I might be able to choose the owner.”

Lee Ji-tae looked at Adam with surprised eyes. But Adam Fort was just looking at the sky with lonely eyes.

She finally understood what a choice was, but now she had no other answer in the world to choose from.

“Anyway, I’ll help Lee Ji-tae and Kang Hyunmoo if I need help to get him out of the frame. I’m also branded as the ‘worst person in the world’, so I’ll need my testimony. If you need the power of Chrome…”


As Adam continued his words, a scream suddenly erupted. Adam and Lee Ji-tae’s heads turned at the same time.

While attention was focused on her teacher, it was Song Yeo-Woon’s voice who returned to Kang Hyunmoo’s body.

Song Yeo-woon shouted repeatedly over and over again.

“The branch manager is gone!”

The only thing left in Kang Hyunmoo’s place was the broken hearthstone.


“…that’s great.”

Samuel, who had been watching ‘Leviathan Mission’ the whole time, opened his mouth. He did not speak, but so did the other priests. Everyone looked at each other in shock and surprise.

The only person who calmly didn’t take her eyes off the video was Maria Keller.

“This is the best result. The star that turned back and the star of the apocalypse, as well as those who were on the verge of appearing as the beast of the end, were dealt with at the same time. How could this be?”

“I thought it would end with just one person named Kang Hyunmoo at best…”

“The teacher is still alive. Shouldn’t it be disposed of?”

“Excessive intervention is dissatisfied with the stars. I am already very dissatisfied with the Leviathan mission itself. Especially the conquering star. It’s worth it because he has lost his agent. But the result is the best. It’s perfect.”

Each of the priests exhaled sighs of relief and cheers, and applauded. Samuel patted Maria Keller on the shoulder with a satisfied expression on his face.

“Thank you. Maria Keller, you did what you said. What a great trickster.”

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