Chapter 322 best future (10)

“If you can do it, I can do it too.”

Hyunmoo met her teacher, her eyes wide open.

The teacher laughed.

In the midst of countless repetitions of time, Kang Hyunmoo would not have been able to prepare as much as this.

He couldn’t possibly be prepared.

The beast that he considered his own until this time and became the source of his power.

Without that beast, that bastard is nothing.

“If you can do it, I can do it too!”

The teacher shouted repeatedly.

Dick Duck Duck.

The sound of a glacier being torn apart resounded between them. Hyunmoo contorted his face and tried not to take Lenian away, but was unsuccessful.

Eventually, through Hyunmoo’s cracked heart, the essence of the end began to be extracted.

And finally.


A loud cry rang out.

A little fairy with mosquito-like wings and a neutral appearance appeared from the abyss.

But the teacher already knew that the being behind it was something the most bizarre in the world.

The beast, which Hyunmoo calls Lenian, washed away the abyss as if it were unskinned.

Exposed to the air like a newborn baby, Lenian shivered for a moment before making eye contact with the teacher.

At that moment, the dark eyes drew a crescent shape and smiled.

The teacher felt chills and goosebumps running through her body.

He recalled once more whether he was doing something wise, but he clenched his teeth and exhorted himself.

“If you can do it, I can do it too!”

I can control this beast too.

He’s stronger, more experienced, and more in control than Kang Hyunmoo.

there’s no way it can’t be done can’t do it

If only for a very brief moment.

Quad Duck.

Lenian slowly began to approach the teacher.

Hyunmoo reached out to grab Lenian, but the spark of life was already extinguishing in his eyes.

The injury pierced through the Chepesh case was fatal, and so was the teacher.

He had only barely survived through the power of the abyss.

If Lenian went to the teacher here, Hyunmoo would be dead.

“Give up now, even now, Kang Hyunmoo! Then there will be no need for this! Then the world will be safe!”

The teacher shouted at Hyunmoo who reached out his hand. But at that moment, a spark flashed in Hyunmoo’s eyes, which had been extinguished.

“Turn it off! You give up!”

“You motherfucker…”

The teacher grinded it out loudly. Then, suddenly, Lenian appeared in front of him.

He couldn’t turn back now.

“Wait, Master!”

Lenian smiled softly and whispered into the teacher’s ear.

“Now let’s start the end.”


Lenian’s hand dug into the teacher’s chest.

Lenian drenched himself with his blood as he ripped open his skin, broke his ribs, and uncovered his intestines and lungs, as if digging into a hidden treasure.And found a pulsating heart in it.

“I’ll do it too…”

The teacher’s words did not follow.

Lenian dug into him. At that moment, his body shook violently.

The beast, which has finally found its owner, finds its own form.

The stars will find their place and flee.

Priests who have lost their homeland will begin their long wanderings again.

The teacher bit his teeth and widened his eyes. His whole body began to turn black.

The teacher did not speak a single word, but let out a silent scream.

If you can do it, I can do it too.

I could hold the stars like you!

Everything you hold on to is not your hard work.

Thanks to the power I brought!

Not you, I am the hope of mankind!

you are nothing!

I am my future!


It was then. Blood spurted out of the teacher’s mouth with a terrifying sound.

Lenian’s head, which was about to dig into the teacher’s chest, was pierced by the spear.

Lenian made a strange noise and disappeared as if melting into the abyss. The teacher turned his head blankly.

Lee Ji-tae was stabbing him in the back with his ego weapon, with his golden eyes shining.


Are you Lee Ji-tae? Since when did Lee Ji-tae betray himself?

The teacher felt something was wrong with her. He hurriedly tried to turn back time.

He didn’t even have to turn away. If he could go back to the moment just before he met Tianru, even for a short time, he had enough time to prepare for Lee Ji-tae’s betrayal.

However, time did not move.


On the ground, Adam Fort was anxiously watching Kang Hyunmoo and his teacher fight.

Her role ended with the execution of the Chepeshu case with the ego weapon.

To hide her ego weapon in her clouds, she didn’t relax for a moment.

She finally thought she was done when the ego weapon pierced Kang Hyunmoo and the teacher, but something unexpected happened.

The teacher began to absorb Kang Hyunmoo’s abyss.

Adam, thinking it was all over, belatedly took her teacher away from Hyunmoo.

But she was reluctant to approach the dark abyss, even Augusto, the star of monsters behind her.

“Kang Hyunmoo……!”

From the time of her death, she had no plans at all. It was a moment when I was anxious about what would happen if Kang Hyunmoo lost like this.

Suddenly, Lee Ji-tae staggered and took a step forward.

“Lee Ji-tae, if you go out of your way…”


The moment Adam was about to give a quick warning, Lee Ji-tae suddenly muttered.

“So that’s how it happened.”

Adam asked what Lee Ji-tae was talking about. But she found his eyes burning with gold.

He didn’t have bright yellow eyes that shine in the dark like himself, but eyes like the sun that light up the darkness.

Adam had never seen such eyes before.

It was the same with Lee Ji-tae.

Now his eyes were not looking at the present.

Lee Ji-tae was passing through time.

From this moment to the future, from repeated mistakes, and from the past to the present.

All of them connected like a Möbius strip, forming a loop, and twisting the arrangement of time into a mess.

As a result, Lee Ji-tae was watching everything.

And Difficulty: Hell’s Ji-tae Lee, he even noticed the role he had been given to his present self.

Lee Ji-tae suddenly jumped forward and grabbed the ego weapon that was stuck on the floor. Then he spread his wings of brilliance and flew into the skies where a fierce battle unfolded without any time to spare.

“Lee Ji-tae!”

Adam grinded his teeth to stop him. But her monstrous instincts stopped it.

You can’t dry Lee Ji-tae now.

She just has to watch.

For this moment, he was the protagonist of the world.

In Lee Ji-tae’s golden eyes, he could see the future the teacher had chosen.

“So he gave him a star that turned around.”

The star of the end cannot be killed.

The difficulty that the apocalypse began at any cost: Hell could not be saved.

So Difficulty: Hell’s Lee Ji-tae gave Kang Hyunmoo a chance to undo the past.

Even those who yearn for the end have a past they want to turn back to.

However, Lee Ji-tae was not the gift of hope to Kang Hyunmoo.

Difficulty: He presented the only future that could preserve even a small piece of hell and destroy Kang Hyunmoo.

And at the end of it, Lee Ji-tae was standing right there.

Back and forth, the teacher went through a difficult process and finally reached ‘the only future in which he could destroy himself’.

At the moment he himself becomes an apocalyptic star again.

“If everyone does their part in their place.”

Lee Ji-tae murmured a little, and spread her wings of brilliance even bigger. Huge wings spread out as if covering the canopy.

Grabbing Kang Hyunmoo’s ego weapon, Lee Ji-tae soared with all his might. His body, which soon became a single spear, pierced the target in an instant.

The moment the window penetrated the teacher, Lee Ji-tae made eye contact with the teacher.

“We will face the best future.”

Of all the words the teacher had said, this was just as true.

Lee Ji-tae felt the future rattle.

It was as if the second hand of a broken clock was rattling out of place.

But in his eyes, it seemed that time was running right now.

The teacher was about to toss the coin again. But Lee Ji-tae was holding the coin tight.

He doesn’t need to know which side it is.

Lee Ji-tae’s Yeji was holding onto the teacher’s future.

Lee Ji-tae closed his eyes at the bright flash of the sun exploding.

And he finally realized he had done his part.

It was the brightest moment.


The teacher recalled the conversation he had with Hyunmoo during the regression, which he does not know how many times.

“If you kill me, you won’t be able to face the beautiful future I saw forever.”

The teacher was very annoyed, and Hyunmoo was stubborn as usual.

“Think about it! Aren’t you curious about that bright future? Are you saying it’s okay for your colleagues and all your acquaintances to not see the best future?”

Hyunmoo looked at the teacher for a moment and spoke again.

“You’re right.”

However, Hyunmoo continued with a tone of politely rejecting the enemy ships.

“But that’s okay.”***

Lee Ji-tae’s attack literally pierced the sky tower.

Even Adam, who had seen him on the earth, could not contain his astonishment. The tower with a huge hole in it lost its momentum and stopped in mid-air.

A bizarre mass of flesh that was neither dead nor alive stood still, pouring blood like rain.

Adam finds the seal falling down late.

Lee Ji-tae, who spread her dwarf brilliance wings twisted on one side, was staggering and trying to catch the other.

It was a miracle that it maintained its shape even in such an attack that penetrated even the tower.

‘I must have done something with those black chunks.’

The teacher was nowhere to be seen.

But instead of looking for the teacher, Adam stretched out his arms to prevent Kang Hyunmoo and Lee Ji-tae from falling.

The invisible arm quickly snatched Lee Ji-tae and Kang Hyunmoo safely.

Adam carefully laid them down on the ground and ran towards them.

“Kang Hyunmoo, come to your senses!”

Lee Ji-tae hugged Hyunmoo, not knowing what to do, and traced his wounds.

Adam sighed as he looked too immature for a professional hunter, but soon took out a prepared potion and poured it directly into Kang Hyunmoo’s body.

All of them were the highest quality potions that Kang Hyunmoo gave them directly.

Lee Ji-tae glanced at Adam to thank him and checked Hyunmoo’s condition.

Hyunmoo’s body trembled. His eyelids moved slightly.

“Kang Hyunmoo, I did it. I finished him. Now it’s over.”

Lee Ji-tae repeatedly spoke to Hyunmoo, trying to raise his consciousness.

But Adam, who was watching from the side, already knew. Hyunmoo’s wounds exceeded the state that could be restored with potions.

All 44 ego weapons were aimed at Hyunmoo’s lethal areas, and the results were disastrous.

Among the limbs, the only place that maintained the shape was the black left arm.

Up to this point, there was no hope any more, even if he had somehow maintained it into the abyss.

Even waking up now was highly likely to be just a reaction from the potion.

However, Lee Ji-tae did not give up hope.

“You should have seen me, Kang Hyunmoo. You wouldn’t know how amazing I was. No, you couldn’t have missed it. You were right there with me when I was shining the brightest!”

Lee Ji-tae, half-sobbing, continued his words.

“Now can I say that I can stand shoulder to shoulder with you. I know that you have repeated countless futures and deaths to save me. No, not only for me, but for many others…”

Adam lifted his head and looked around. The people who saw Adam’s huge flash of light were gathering one by one.

The Almighty Hunters were approaching in dismay as if they could not understand the situation of each capable member of the alliance.

Those who died were extremely rare.

Even if such a large-scale battle had taken place, how could this have been possible?

“How was I, Kang Hyunmoo? Did I burn bright enough? Did you see me at all?”

Adam was about to tell him to stop.

Then, suddenly, Kang Hyunmoo’s mouth popped open.

“…it was awesome.”

Hyunmoo said raising the corners of his lips.

“He is the man I admired.”

After saying those words, Hyunmoo let out a long sigh.

Lee Ji-tae, feeling the power draining from Hyunmoo’s body, hurriedly tried to give him CPR.

But his whole body was punctured, torn and shattered, and he couldn’t find a place to press.

Then Adam grabbed Lee Ji-tae’s shoulder.

She was pointing at the sun.

In the middle of the sky tower, the sun could be seen through a hole in the sky.

It was a clear sun with not a single shadow to be found.

“The Leviathan mission is over.”

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