Chapter 310 mayhem (3)

Rather than simply missing the target and returning with full force, an ego weapon thrown by the hand of a strong master.

Of course, its destructive power was indescribable.

At the sight of the ego weapon firing violently, Helen smiled with joy.

What a thrilling scene it must be to see that Kang Hyunmoo being stabbed to death by my weapon.

But as soon as her spear left her fingertips, Helen nearly fell in front of her stumble.

Something heavy poured out of her black aura. Numerous gold and silver treasures were hanging from the back of the ego weapon and dragged out.

“Hey, what is this?!”

Helen’s eyes couldn’t help but roll. The ‘Warehouse Keeper’ skill can put in and remove anything, but interest is calculated from the starving star when you ‘loan’ the stuff you put in.

Instead of her, she can borrow items of great power, but she knows the danger of the cost, and Helen only uses it when she ‘stores’.

However, the speed of the ego weapon was too fast for Helen to perceive, and the amount of treasure that was pouring out was enormous.

From rubbish to simple treasures, even equipment and items that are difficult to measure value were coming out of her fingertips.

The ego weapon struggles to pierce Hyunmoo, but eventually the treasure slows her down significantly. Hyunmoo simply grabbed the ego weapon.

Hyunmoo broke the ego weapon and smiled at Helen.

“Why do you look so bad?”

Helen thought the way Hyunmoo was holding her hand was like clutching a heavy net.

She was actually invisible to her eyes, but the net existed.

A net made of shadow cobwebs.

Hyunmoo had woven it into an ego weapon and threw it into Helen’s ‘warehouse’. The result was starving stellar treasures glued to webs.

But what Hyunmoo was aiming for with the net wasn’t just the treasure inside.

Hyunmoo quickly clasped her hand once more before Helen regained her senses.

The moment her Helen stumbled, she saw her own right arm floating in the air with her screeching sound.

Her right arm, still wrapped in a black aura, was dragged into Hyunmoo’s hand along with her treasures.



Helen turned pale. There she lost her reason.

Treasures pouring out from there become interest calculations to the starving star in real time.

If it wasn’t put back in quickly, it could have been a disastrous price.

“You bastard, give me my arm!”


Helen quickly pushed Hyunmoo in. But Hyunmoo now knew that she couldn’t use Helen’s ‘warehouse’ skill the way she used to.

It was thanks to her paying close attention to the movements she took whenever she used her skills.

It is her right arm that has her ‘storage’ function. On the other hand, it was the left arm that had the function of ‘loan’.

Now that his right arm is in Hyunmoo’s hands, he won’t be able to fight as if he’d cut everything out like before.

But in fact, this was Hyunmoo’s carelessness.

Helen still had a left arm that functions as a ‘loan’.

After several short workshops, Hyunmoo thought it was time to end the fight.

No matter how many debuffs were applied, it was not Hyunmoo who would be pushed against a one-armed man who had a hard time balancing the left and right sides of his body.

But at that moment she noticed that Helen made her bizarre movements.”Give me my arm!”

Something strange came out of Helen’s left arm.

Hyunmoo, who was about to hit Helen’s left arm, felt a piercing sensation in his stomach and chest, and fell straight out.

A huge snake shining like gold was biting Hyunmoo’s body.

The snake dragged Hyunmoo to the floor while biting him. Hyunmoo smashed the snake, but not even the scales.

“Wow, you snake bastard!”

“My arm!”

Helen screamed and followed Hyunmoo as she was being dragged by the snake.

Even without Admiral Ren’s spectacles, Hyunmoo could see that this snake was something different from an ordinary monster.

And, perhaps, the price Helen is paying for summoning this is enormous.

Helen was a greedy gambler chosen by a starving star, though she might have lost her temper.

She opted to raise her stake itself to hastily overwhelm her opponents, even at interest.

Although her hand was a shortcut to disgrace, Helen chose to gamble.


Then the golden serpent opened its mouth wide and struggled wildly. Helen discovered that the fangs of the snake that had pierced Hyunmoo’s body had melted.

On the other hand, Hyunmoo was just looking at the snake bite with an annoyed expression on his face.

“It’s a bit of a sour poison.”


“You are…..”

Helen ran towards Hyunmoo again. However, Hyunmoo wasn’t much different from before, despite his injuries.

No, it felt like it got stronger.

Helen quickly began to feel overwhelmed. The debuffs that captured Hyunmoo were disappearing.

“What are you doing…”

Helen tried to yell at the Hunters, and then looked around. The hunters on the hill were being slaughtered by something with the silhouette of a monster.

“Give me my arm.”

Helen wasn’t talking.

Those were the words Hyunmoo greedily gleamed with her eyes on the other side of her Helen’s arm.

Helen felt a chill creep down her spine. She made up her mind before things got any worse.

With a bang, a roar, Helen spreads the distance. She then lifted something of hers out of her left hand as she quickly took it out.

Hyunmoo again? She looked at her with a smirk, but what Helen brought out this time changed the air around her.

It was a light blue window.

No, it was more like a giant spit than a spear.

“If you don’t want to die, give me your arm now!”

It wasn’t just a simple blackout.

this is unreasonable

Hyunmoo had a gut feeling. The momentum emanating from the spear Helen had pulled out made her shiver that Hyunmoo’s intuition was dead.

Difficulty: None of the items Hyunmoo made in Hell were like that.

It was a weapon close to an ‘external’ existence that was seen very rarely.

Helen was doing something crazy to kill herself. Even Helen herself was a lethal weapon. I didn’t know what that was, but I couldn’t even imagine how much Helen would pay.

“Should we calm down and settle this through our conversation?”

It meant that Hyunmoo was at a disadvantage for trying to talk. Helen, too, was unwilling to use this weapon, just holding on to it.

But at that moment, something no one expected happened.

A golden serpent rattling and tossing from her floor suddenly stood up to her feet and attacked her Helen.

“No, what is this, ah, damn it!”

Helen couldn’t even throw her weapon and was sucked right into her snake’s mouth.

She was seen naked as a lump grunting and dragging in the snake’s throat.

Not sure what the hell happened, but Hyunmoo was trying to use a weapon Helen shouldn’t have used, and he sensed that someone was trying to stop it.

Then suddenly the sound of thunder rang out. It was different from the thunder and lightning caused by a typhoon.

The moment a flash of light flashed in front of him, Hyunmoo bounced off the spot. When he barely lifted his head, he saw a golden snake that had turned to black ash in front of him.

Kwajik, Kwak. Helen poked her head out struggling to smash the coals. The golden snake was completely made of charcoal to the inside.

Soaked in her gastric juice, she staggered out with a troubled expression.

Hyunmoo didn’t miss a beat and ran straight to the face of the injured person, who was hard to control.

The sound of her jawbone being crushed resounded with excitement.

Helen couldn’t even get out of the coals, and she drooped.

“Where’s that, is it?”

Hyunmoo soon found an unknown weapon in the snake’s stomach. The color had faded a bit, but as soon as he saw it, Hyunmoo didn’t hesitate to look back and immediately threw it into the warehouse with Helen’s right arm.

She didn’t even think that she might write one someday. Because there are things in the world that you can touch and things that you can’t.


After barely breathing, Hyunmoo felt his body become lighter.

The situation on the hill seemed to have settled down to some extent. As Helen suffered, it was natural for the starving powers to disperse.

Now it’s time to reflect on one of the reasons Hyunmoo pursued Helen.

Hyunmoo’s gaze turned to Helen’s left arm, who was stunned.


“Lee Ji-tae. Are you ready?”

Lee Ji-tae turned her head. Park Do-ryeong stood on the edge of a mountain cliff high enough that her clouds flowed beneath her feet.

He was once his friend, his teacher, his enemy, and then his colleague.

Do-ryeong Park had an extremist tendency that could not be compromised. For this reason, Lee Ji-tae has been thoroughly stepping on him over the past several years to prevent him from coming to the surface.

But in the end, we had no choice but to hold hands with the future ahead.

“…it looks like everyone is ready.”

It wasn’t just Lee Ji-tae. Numerous allies were waiting on top of the mountain.

As it was originally, they were people who served different stars that could or should not hold hands.

A warlord of a certain country, a clan representative of a certain country, a hunter of a certain country, even an apostle, even a deputy level.

They suppressed nationality, politics, history, and all those issues and gathered in one place.

And there were more people moving out of the shadows than those gathered here now.

Although there were minor conflicts and confrontations, the purpose was the same.

‘The best future… … .’

And all of them were looking at the man holding a signpost pointing to the goal of ‘the best future’.

It was the man everyone called the teacher.

The teacher was standing at the edge of the cliff, looking down at the cloud-covered ground.The ground, where the clouds twisted wildly and thunder and lightning flashed, was Abigail itself.

The sun in the sky looked like an ominous black sphere, as if foretelling the coming hell.

Lee Ji-tae tried to approach her to call her teacher. But just before that, the teacher had already returned from the edge of the cliff and stood by his side.

Lee Ji-tae was not surprised. Because it always happened.

But Lee Ji-tae said cautiously.

“Teacher, are you okay?”

Barefoot, jeans and a white T-shirt, as usual, was simple, but today was a little different.

Gray hair grew on the broken mask attached with tape.

The teacher has taken various forms, but this was the first time. Why did he have to take such an old-fashioned appearance before such an important moment?

“Don’t worry. Lee Ji-tae.”

Lee Ji-tae thought he was worrying unnecessarily.

The present reality is the future ‘chosen’ by the teacher. There can be no mistake.

The teacher stood in front of his allies and looked around.

“Hello everyone. Thank you for answering my call like this on a day like today. You know, today is a very important day.”

The allies remained silent. The teacher looked at him and smiled.

“There have been a lot of confusing things lately? Is it really okay to follow me, or do I really need to work hard if history is supposed to flow in a better direction anyway? Is that really history going in the right direction? Questions like these.”

The teacher walked slowly and took one of his coins from his pocket.

“Some people repeat this question and eventually turn away, and some choose to turn away from me. But I don’t blame them. I understand.”

Lee Ji-tae remembered Park Hwi-so. He drew himself into the alliance, but he himself was attached to Kang Hyunmoo.

I don’t know what made him like that, but the teacher didn’t blame Park Hwi-so, nor did he hold him accountable.

“In the beginning, in the huge flow of history, it is difficult for those who are floating on the water to understand the situation immediately. Only in later generations will they understand, ‘Ah, that’s how it was then, and that’s why it’s such a result!’”

Ting, Ting. The coin bounced in the air and then flew towards Tak Ji-tae.

Lee Ji-tae skillfully grabbed the coin. The teacher didn’t even ask him to open his palm or tell him what came out.

“I chose the future where the coin is heads.”

The teacher looked around her allies expressionlessly and said:

“There was also a future with a reverse side. But I erased it. For me, seeing the world with the coin side, this moment is just the past.”

This was why the allies followed the teacher.

The teacher chooses the future.

A better future, a better future.

best future.

The bad branches are cut off, and only the good ones are climbed.

“For me, the future is not uncertain. We are moving towards a better future!”

The moment the teacher raised his hand, his allies also raised their hand with all their might.

They were people who put aside their beliefs and ideologies and gathered for the cause of mankind.

Of course, Lee Ji-tae knew that the ‘best future’ they drew was different.

Even so, they have sacrificed a lot of things for the best ‘for mankind’. If the world goes to hell, people willing to sacrifice their lives to stop it.

I also thought that if it were a teacher, I might give them the best I could to satisfy them all.

“We are not satisfied with overcoming despair.”

Lee Ji-tae also clenched his fist, holding the coin with all his might, and lifted it up. The teacher spoke with all his might to everyone.

“We are moving towards the best future!”

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