Chapter 309 mayhem (2)


Kirson threw Tsuruya’s torso, which had been cut in half, down the hill, and checked Song Yeo-un’s condition. Meanwhile, Song Yeo-Woon was spitting up her blood.

After confirming that she was not feeling well, Kirsson took out her potion and fed her. After a while, Song Yeo-Woon’s expression slowly began to improve.

“It’s my first time being cared for by a monster,” she said.

She had seen Kirsson before, but she was also unfamiliar with it.

She tames monsters and pampers them like humans. The hunters of the South China Union that had been attacked were also organized by the monsters.

The abilities of the monsters were far higher than that of the Almighty Hunters, and they were on the verge of collapse.

“Haha, if that’s the case, why don’t you just eat monsters…”

“Because what you can do and what they can do are different.”

Song Yeo-un turned her head to brighten her expression at her welcoming voice. But she crumpled her face again because of the pain in her stomach.

“Chief of the branch!”

Hyunmoo was coming down the slope. He also looked like a mouse in the rain, but he took off his shirt as if it was bothering him at all, revealing his curvaceous body.

Song Yeo-Woon looked at her and admired her without knowing it.

“Wow, the branch manager’s breasts are really big. It would be better for the branch manager to breastfeed instead of having a baby.”

“It is something that needs to be agreed with Yu-min.”

“Ah, you shouldn’t tell Yumin that I joked like this… Ugh! What’s with your eyes?”

Song Yeo-Woon groaned as she screamed, grabbing her waist and moaning.

What surprised Song Yeo-Woon was that although one of Hyunmoo’s eyes had poured her potions, she was still short of words.

“Tell me later.”

Hyunmoo answered roughly and looked around. The target he was pursuing was actually Helen, not Tsuruya Miharu.

She clearly thought she was chasing Helen, but at some point the person she was tracking had changed to Tsuruya. It was clear that she had noticed and deceived herself.

‘It’s not an easy opponent either.’

Song Yeo-Woon also looked around her and suddenly asked.

“Does that the branch manager is here, that Adam Fort is also here?”

“No, Adam is moving separately. He’s better off moving alone.”

Currently, if there is anyone who can threaten Adam, it is Helen.

Helen is strong and possesses various abilities. Above all else, her abilities themselves were a threat to Adam. Because of this, Hyunmoo tried to get rid of her Helen prematurely.

“Things look bad.”

“Well, all I can say is that you came at the right time.”

“Good job. It was hard.”

The Almighty’s existence alone prevents other clans from focusing on Adam and Hyunmoo. They were already active enough with a sabotage mission from behind.

“But I have to work a little harder. As always, just try so hard that you don’t die.”

“Ah, of course. I should have known from the moment my friend said this was Black…”

Song Yeo-Woon licked her lips and answered.

“We have to ask anything. Just give us orders.”

“It might be a little embarrassing, but…”

Hearing Hyunmoo’s order, Song Yeo-Woon had a blank expression on her face. She then looked around as if she was looking for someone to sympathize with, but she had no one around to sympathize with her embarrassment.

She looked at Hyunmoo with a questionable expression.”You want to drink the chief’s blood…?”


Hyunmoo replied with a shrug.

“Because it might be embarrassing.”

“No, but how can I drink the branch manager’s blood… the branch manager’s blood contains poison, right?”

“Drink doesn’t kill you. Instead, hmm, it’s like you’re giving me life or death for the rest of your life. If you think I’m going to die, you’ll start poisoning right away. It’s okay, except for small things like that.”

“I don’t think it’s much different from now. It’s from that family, isn’t it?”

“In return, the reward that can be obtained is large.”

Hyunmoo looked at Kirsson. Kirsson gave a slightly shaky expression on his face and then nodded his head.

“You won’t regret it.”

“I wanted to limit it to monsters if possible, but the plan has changed a bit. A strange guy appeared and intervened. So I think I should ask you guys too. I’ll say it again, this is a request. It’s not an order.”

It was the first time Song Yeo-Woon had seen Hyunmoo lowering herself like this.

But she wasn’t the one who would weaken her heart. She said that from the beginning she was Song Yeo-un, and she had no intention of rejecting whatever she asked Kang Hyunmoo to do.

“Give me something. But how do I get it? Do I bite the head of the branch?”

“Oh, soon.”

Hyunmoo pulled out the tom and shoved it into Song Yeo-woon’s thigh at once. Before she could even scream at her, her ride was pulled out again.

The moment the blood was about to spurt, purple crystals quickly formed around the affected area.

“Is this… crystal moss?”

“If you want to sell, sell it. I recommend keeping it as a souvenir.”

Song Yeo-un looked at the cuts on her thighs, and realized that she had healed herself in an instant.

Was she aiming for this? Increase her healing power?

She would certainly be helpful, but she didn’t know if this was what she was going to do. Moreover, Hyunmoo seemed to intend to make her blood drink not only for Song Yeo-Woon, but also for other hunters.

“By the way, is that the only thing you order? Donating blood to us?”


Song Yeo-Woon made a confused expression. As she gradually became more and more she could not understand English.

“What is the plan of the branch manager?”

Hyunmoo smiled bitterly.

“I’ve been constantly teaching you guys. Keep that in mind.”

“Have you ever been taught something…?”

“Of course. What do you do when you feel like you’re going to fail?”

“Um, I don’t perish alone.”

“Who would benefit from my loss?”

“Even if my damage is greater, I make him lose too.”

“What if a guy who’s smarter than you is shy?”

“He somehow pulls it down.”

“I learned well.”

“What the hell is this? Is it a corporation that cancels tickets to hell? Is it the story that if the branch manager makes a mistake and dies, he will loot his property and stab him in the back of the head?”

“I learned so well.”

Although she was a good actress Song Yeo-Woon, she still didn’t have time to keep joking around.

Time was passing.



By the time he finished transfusions for most of the Almighty Hunters, Hyunmoo felt a weak but heavy shock. He was nauseous.

It meant that Adam was fighting somewhere nearby.

“I’ll go first. Once it’s settled, keep doing what you’ve been doing.”


Since his business with the Almighty Hunters was over, Hyunmoo moved quickly.

Almighty Hunters will now do their part. But he left Adam alone for too long.

About five minutes into Hyunmoo’s run, someone stopped in front of him.

It was Helen, the head of the South China Confederation.

“Kang Hyunmoo.”

She muttered as she let out her white breathed sigh in the heavy rain.

“How are you going to make an appointment?”


Hyunmoo replied with a tone of hearing about it for the first time. Helen smiled as if Hyunmoo knew that.

She said, “I already knew that trust was just bullshit to you.”

“You know that well, so why did you promise me?”

“It doesn’t hurt me to be a little late to kill Adam Fort.”

Helen looked up at the sky and said.

The sun was now nearly 80% obscured. There, the whole area was dark as night because of the clouds and heavy rain.

All civilians who could not evacuate within this shadowy area would have become members of a monster or a certain star.

“In 23 hours, the world we knew will end. Kang Hyunmoo.”

“It sounds like you’re expecting it.”

“I’m not looking forward to it. Why not? To be honest, I’m starting to think that it would be more beneficial to let the ‘Leviathan’ mission fail. As Adam stopped ravaging the shadows, his family grew tremendously. ”

Helen looked satisfied.

“There are guys like Tsuruya Miharu who seem to have a lot better potential than trash. In Las Vegas, there are really greedy scumbags. As the number of people I can control increases, my powers have also increased.”

Hyunmoo laughed bitterly. This was one of his concerns.

As the rank increases, the power of the stars also increases. However, Hyunmoo, who was only a newborn star, could not enjoy such benefits.

“Thanks to you, most of my competitors have been eliminated. Even if the starving star fails to choose me as my representative after a failed ordeal, it’s enough to make me the only option left. Now I’m his only apostle.”

“I’m sorry.”

“So what are you going to do, Kang Hyunmoo?”

Helen asked, standing at an angle with her hands in her pockets.

“Are you going to keep your promise or not?”

She said whether she would kill Adam or not.

But what Hyunmoo promised was whether or not he would kill the ‘worst man in the world’, not Adam.

Hyunmoo checked the time and decided it was still too early.

“Of course, if you make a promise, you have to keep it. I am a person who is like a symbol of trust.”

“I see. I’m sorry. That promise no longer needs to be kept.”Simultaneously with Helen’s words, Hyunmoo felt the power to press him down. In an instant, dozens of debuff skills had been putting pressure on his body.

The mud on the floor gripped his legs tightly, and he felt his muscles twitch and drain.

His tongue stiffened and it became difficult to breathe. Hundreds of hunters surrounding Hyunmoo appeared.

“At least one of these is rat poison to you.”

Soon, snipers aimed at Hyunmoo flew in. Although Hyunmoo’s reflexes were markedly slow, he could figure out that some of his numerous attacks were fatal to him.

He could purify the poison he had and turn it into fresh water, and there were attacks that pierced his heart by predicting his movements.

There was even a skill that made the body decay by exchanging lifespan. Hyunmoo dragged his heavy body and avoided it.

He had many skills that did not end simply by blocking.

This is why he is more dangerous to those with power than those who are strong alone.


If Adam Fort had a single fight with Helen, there’s a good chance Adam would have lost.

She’s exceptionally strong in her skills, but her ability to prepare for such a multi-on-one battle is on the low side.

And that’s why Helen was voted ‘the strongest person in the world’ in Difficulty: Hell’s World, and that’s why she was selected as ‘Leviathan’ at the time.

She even survived the war. Powers and abilities, and even a fierce battle of intelligence to survive.

But now it is different.

In the original timeline, this should have happened a year from now, and Helen was when she was promoted to agent.

There was no ‘teacher’ in that timeline, and there was no Adam Fort who was suddenly assigned as Leviathan.

Difficulty: There was no hearthstone that could lead to Hell.

Above all, there was no Kang Hyunmoo today.


Hyunmoo sprinted to the floor.

Helen opened her eyes wide and quickly ran away. After a close gap, Helen managed to save her life.

She looked at the Hunters and Hyunmoo alternately with a puzzled expression.

Hyunmoo was still crouching as if his body was heavy, but his expression was annoyed.

“Well, it sure is heavy.”

“…is it a monster?”

“Is it possible to fight on an equal footing with a penalty like this? It’s been a long time since an opponent who ‘sees and avoids’ me on this difficulty level.”

But Hyunmoo didn’t intend to prolong the fight.

Hyunmoo summoned an ego weapon in his hand without hesitation. Helen moved quickly, taking her evasive action.

But in Hyunmoo’s eyes, it was a slow movement that could be grasped.

The ego weapon was launched.

It wasn’t fast enough to satisfy, but it was enough to pierce Helen’s body. In an instant, the ego weapon pierced her heart.

At that moment, instead of screaming, Helen smiled.

Aura, heavy as ink, dripped from her chest, Helen’s.

Helen traced where her ego weapon should have pierced, and she shoved her hand right through. Soon she took something of her out of her chest, no, from the ‘warehouse’.

What was trembling in Helen’s hand was none other than the ego weapon Hyunmoo summoned.

“It’s a fun weapon. It’s such a murderous weapon.”

Hyunmoo put on a confused expression. Helen threw her arms back as hard as she could, and then she threw her spear at Hyunmoo in one breath.

The spear, overflowing with ferocious murderous intent towards Hyunmoo, rushed towards him frantically.

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