Chapter 301 time between dog and wolf (1)

[I’m not sure. Because I am not a psychiatrist. I didn’t even meet Adam in person.]

“Hmm, no. It’s understandable. Adam was originally crazy regardless of hallucinations.”

Difficulty: In Hell and Now Adam is a complete madman when it comes to Maria Keller.

Baek Gol didn’t write phrases like ‘I didn’t treat Adam Fort as a madman’ for nothing.

‘Cause she’s crazy no matter who you look at

[Among the hunters who go in and out of the dungeon, there are many PTSD patients who suffer from hallucinations or hallucinations. Adam wouldn’t be special. There she… … Because it is placed in a slightly special environment.]

In short, Hyunmoo has to protect Adam not only from the world that opposes him, but also from Adam himself.

Just by performing the Leviathan mission, her mind was already pushed to the limit.

‘It wasn’t like this in the future… … .’

Difficulty: In the world of Hell, Adam Fort appeared in the Leviathan mission only after things got considerably worse.

It was only after it was accurately known that the creatures inside the shadow had no possibility of salvation, and rather had become in a state comparable to that of a monster.

Even the Leviathan, who had become a target, had openly turned the world into an enemy in order to survive clearly.

In the end, when it was decided that there was no other way to do it, Chrome and Adam Fort stepped in.

But in the end, Adam Fort failed.

The Leviathan mission failed and the world was enveloped in shadow.

However, unlike now, Adam Fort and Chrome could become an axis and hope for mankind.

It wasn’t that the process was smooth, but it became clear that those with that much power were on the side of mankind.

The failure at that time was not because of Adam’s weakness, but because of internal strife and conflict.

‘It is strange that the Leviathan mission started too early, but Maria’s response is strange as Adam said.’

Something is strange.

She had a strong feeling that something she didn’t know was illuminating the situation. She was forcibly driving Adam away.

What would happen to her Adam if she had her final blow that would mentally knock her down? … Hyunmoo stopped thinking there.

“It’s ruined.”


“Yoo-min, please find out more about Maria Keller’s whereabouts. And what I said was to tell Hwi-so Park to prepare thoroughly. Because that’s my life insurance!”

[Oh, okay. But, you have to do it first, so how do you get insurance? … .]

“Sorry, I wish I could tell you everything, but this is…”

tooth profit.

The radio was forcibly cut off. Hyunmoo frowned and looked up at the sky.

The magnetic storm, triggered by the Chepesh case, was blowing in the wind and spreading through the central United States.

The gloomy, weeping clouds herald a typhoon soon.


Adam Fort floated hundreds of meters in the air. Because it was a place surrounded by clouds, he could neither find himself nor find himself.

She was there, looking down at her ground, with her child thrown in the air. Adam didn’t know what he was going to do.

Her way of thinking is simple.

1. Do not harm Maria Keller.

2. Subject to Maria Keller’s orders, as long as it does not violate 1.

3. As long as it does not violate 1 and 2, protect Adam Fort himself.

Maria, as Adam knows, is now at the headquarters of the UN Special Inspection Department.

It may not be the safest place in the world, but it is relatively safe.

Maria’s command is clear. Annihilate everything within the shadows.

The problem is number three.

Adam Fort couldn’t die.

life is not worth itFirst of all, it was basically impossible for Adam Fort to harm himself.

The more she tries to harm her, and the more she gets hurt, the monster she has suppressed by her reason begins to wake up.

At a certain point, the body’s restorative power has already surpassed its self-injury ability, and it becomes a monster and runs rampant.

For this reason, Adam could not even commit suicide.

Her stellar nature is only dormant, but when she wakes up, it devours her immediately.

‘There’s no way Professor Keller wouldn’t know this first.’

And above all, Adam Fort himself had no intention of dying.

When he dies, he has no one to protect, watch over, bind, bind, and hold on to Maria Keller.

To be honest, mankind was nothing more than a hostage to keep Maria Keller in bondage to Adam.

She wouldn’t need herself if Maria didn’t love her humanity that much.

‘But why did the professor give such an order?’

It could be that Agents Chrome are lying. Then she had to go to the Special Inspection Headquarters right away.

However, the words of Agent Chrome were also in line with Maria’s orders.

Adam did not know what to do.

He dialed the radio frequency to reach Maria, but no response.


Tata Tata.

A loud helicopter sound was heard. Adam turned his head.

The helicopter was soaring hard through the clouds. I saw the Chrome agents riding there.

The helicopter circled around Adam as if it was difficult to stand still.

[Why did you suddenly retreat? It was an opportunity to wipe out the enemies at once.]

Adam was not surprised that they had found him. Somewhere on her body, there must be an inseparable locator.

Because she is a beast that should not be let loose on her own.

Adam took the radio from his ear and broke it.

Agent Chrome watched the scene silently.

[Where is Professor Keller now?]

Adam said in a loud voice. That voice resounded so much that it resounded through the sky.

Agents Chrome covered their ears.

It wasn’t Adam’s voice. It was a voice as if an invisible huge being was bowing down and asking.

Agent Chrome threw the radio down and shouted at Adam.

“The professor is at the headquarters of the Special Inspection Division! He’s got his own important work going on, so focus on your mission!”

Agent Chrome was concerned that his voice would be heard by Adam. But Adam answered correctly.

[I will talk directly with the professor.]

“I said, but now the professor is doing something important…”

[With the professor.]

At that moment, the sound of metal being torn apart was heard.

As the helicopter shook violently, the agents managed to cling to it.

Agent Chrom saw the helicopter propeller torn apart like a piece of paper.

The helicopter caught on something huge was floating in the air, only the propeller was being torn off like a dandelion flower seed.

[Let’s talk.]

Agent Chrome was forcibly taken away from his communications equipment.

It was an object with a much stronger signal than the transplant equipment Adam had.

Adam again contacted Mary through her telecommunication equipment. But so was it.

She did not receive a call.

I had a strong sense of foreboding.

Then Agent Chrome shouted loudly.

“Would you be satisfied if I listened to the recording?”

[No, I will see you in person.]

Adam left Agents Chrome behind and tried to move right away. But at that moment, he felt her body rattle.

Adam felt a stinging sensation in his body for a moment. But there was nothing on her body.

Tata Tata.

Helicopters continued to be heard from all directions.

Adam understood the situation.

[Looks like I finally finished my leash.]

“I wished that if possible, I would only carry out the professor’s orders.”

Agent Chrome answered, hanging from the twisting and crushing helicopter.

“But it’s because you have to be prepared for any contingency. And it will be impossible for you to achieve your goal completely without a leash in the end.”

Adam forcibly twisted her own arm and tightened her body. Against her will, her arms were forced to move.

Adam clenched his teeth. At the same time, a roar was heard from somewhere in the sky.

Agents Chrome looked tense with contemplative expressions. The cloud began to move violently around Adam.

As the clouds pushed away, helicopters and long chains hidden within were revealed.

It was the feat that Chrome had been working on for decades to find a way to redeem the monster named Adam Fort.

Each chain was made of items made by grinding crystal moss.

Its length alone reached several kilometers. Considering the price, it would have cost as much as the small national budget. Adam admired in the purest sense.

[I have collected more than I expected. I really prepared a lot.]

“Do you know anything about this stuff?”

[I know.]

Adam snorted in reply.

[How many times did the professor and I experiment with this?]

So Adam knew that he had been completely beaten. There was no way for her to break free from her special chains.

The gap between the chains that surrounded him with Adam as the center began to gradually narrow.

At the same time, a huge shout rumbled through the sky once more. The chains shook as if they were about to break.

[The fact that you brought this chain means that the professor is also serious.]

Adam said with a sad smile.

The invisible monster howled and struggled.

However, the chains were swaying and steadily narrowing towards Adam in smaller and smaller sizes.

Adam did not move, even though he felt nausea and claustrophobia to his stomach. At the same time, he felt the power she possessed also diminished.

Adam glanced back at the child floating with him.

[great. Instead, ask for this child. If my strength gets weaker, the child will fall too. This child is not in the family. I’ve confirmed that he’s a human, so I’d like to take it from there.]


Agent Chrome looked around Adam with a puzzled look. But there was no such thing as a child.

The other agents had similar expressions.

Agent Chrome, wondering if he had left it somewhere, was relieved by Adam’s human appearance.

“Adam, again, our purpose is not to attack you! I don’t see you as a monster, nor do I think of you as an apocalyptic beast!”

Agent Chrome shouted once more at Adam. Adam’s cooperation was essential to the carrying out of their purpose.

Nor could he allow Adam to act on his own terms. Because of this, Agent Chrome was desperate to persuade him.

“Professor Keller told me to save mankind with you! He said this is the best future!”

[The best future?]

Adam muttered blankly.

“Yeah. Only by doing this can humanity…”

Adam’s face, which had suddenly become quiet, contorted, and Agent Chrome said what he had said wrong.

But at that moment, Adam began to twist his body violently. At the same time, the chains in the air moved like crazy.Even though the Chrome agents believed that it was impossible, they couldn’t give up their hopes.

All experiments up to this point have been done under Adam’s obedience.

[Is this the best thing? no. That’s not right.]

But what if Adam and the monster run rampant at the same time?

“Stop it!”

In an instant, large arrows were fired from the helicopters.

They were like the arrows that were sniping Helen. Arrows as long as small spears pierced non-lethal parts of Adam’s shoulder and thigh.

[It may be best for everyone in the world, but at least not for me!]

Adam groaned and struggled. But the arrows sniped right through her body.

As soon as ten arrows passed through her body, Adam staggered and began to slowly fall to the ground.


Just before Adam slammed into the ground, the tight chains tightened and lifted Adam’s body.

Adam gasped for breath and saw the arrows piercing himself.

These arrows were also specially made for her, and even the pilot test was done with her body.

Adam has been making his own things by tying himself up like that.

As the helicopter landed hastily, agents were seen jumping.

Adam looked up blankly at the sky. It was raining under the clouds.

Her blood was clearly dripping onto the floor. If she stays like this, she will be able to die at Professor Keller’s orders.

It would be impossible to clean the inside of the shadows.

‘Still, the Leviathan mission will be over. But what about next?’

Professor Keller may even be confident that he would do the job without himself.

That’s how it was originally

In the end, she just sets out to find a more appropriate tool.

So Adam tried to get rid of the proper tool as early as possible, but it was only one beat late.

“Adam, are you okay?”

An agent approached and drew an arrow and asked. Adam almost burst out laughing because it was so funny to see them put arrows on them and ask if they were okay.

It was then. Adam found a ray of light crossing the sky.

In a situation where everyone was looking at Adam, only Adam was looking at the sky, so he could find it.

The rays of light broke through the rain clouds and hit the ground in an instant.

A pounding sound rang out that pierced his ears.

No, actually, some of them collapsed and lost consciousness as their eardrums burst.

The agent right in front of Adam noticed the surprise and hurriedly raised his weapon. But before he could pull out his weapon, a fist hit his chin.

With a dull sound, an agent, one of Chrome’s high-ranking abilities, rolled his eyes and lost consciousness.

Adam looked at him disbelieving the man in front of him.

A man with his huge wings of light was standing in front of Adam in the rain.

He said, “Lee Ji-tae … I thought he was dead.”

The man with the wings of light ripped off his chains roughly with one hand.

He must have weighed a few tons at this, but he seemed no fuss to him.

Adam felt the monster freed from bondage stretch out loud. But it was Lee Ji-tae who was really thankful. He was looking at Adam with his eyes mixed with sympathy and gratitude.

“I felt your performance in St. Petersburg. Without you there would have been terrible damage.”

Adam wanted to point out that he didn’t do it for him or for anyone else.

It wasn’t a good memory for Professor Keller because it made Professor Keller angry with him.

However, Lee Ji-tae did not know Adam’s heart at all.

“Your teacher said to save and reap. You have been waiting for this moment. Come to us, Adam Fort.”

Lee Ji-tae held out his hand to Adam who was lying and said,

“Maria Keller has abandoned you, but she never forsaken you from her teacher. She wants you to be with him in the best future we can dream of.”

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