Chapter 300 worst person in the world (10)

While Adam stopped, other hunters were gathering one after another.

Meanwhile, Helen of the South China Coalition instructs her other hunters to detour her ability to keep her in check.

Helen was able to afford it as she was attacked, so she ran back towards Adam. A black trail drew the air like an ink painting.

Even then, Adam stood still.

The moment she thought that her neck would be cut off, Helen’s body stopped suddenly. Kang Hyunmoo was holding her ankle.

“what are you doing!”

Hyunmoo swung Helen away and threw her on the floor.

I expected her to bounce off the ground, smashing the ground, but Helen just disappeared as if submerged in the water. No, she broke through the ground.

In the place where she had been thrown, the traces of her who had penetrated remained as a silhouette.

Hyunmoo grabbed Adam and shook him.

“Are you going to die? That’s not okay. The thing I hate the most in the world is that the people I hate do well!”

Then suddenly Adam shoved Hyunmoo on the back.

Because it was pushed by hand rather than by invisible force, Hyunmoo just stumbled.

Adam frowned and looked at Hyunmoo.

“I was thinking a little bit about Professor Keller’s intentions.”

Hyunmoo made an absurd expression.

“What explanation do you need? Makes you the worst bastard in the world. I kill you. Mission finished. Simple, isn’t it?”

“I don’t want you to think that Professor Keller is a simple person like you. Dear Professor Keller, I am not a card that will be used and thrown away. Even if the world is nearing extinction, it is the strongest team that has the potential to turn around in the end.”

Are you confident? But it was embarrassing to call it that. It seemed to me that it should be called excessive self-consciousness or excessive narcissism.

Hyunmoo wanted to tell him what Adam Fort was doing in Difficulty: Hell, but he couldn’t afford it.

The moment he felt alive, Hyunmoo jumped up. A black trajectory cut exactly where his knee was.

Piercing the ground, Helen seeped through her surface like a shark.

“What are you doing, Kang Hyunmoo? Are you on the side of Leviathan?”

Helen was asking, do you also want to be photographed as an achievement of mankind?

An ominous black aura was dripping from her hand.

Seeing her swim through the ground without any obstacles, her black aura seemed to annihilate everything it touched or send it somewhere else.

“Why, if you twist it, you’ll hit one hit?”

“There’s nothing I can’t hit.”

Helen moved her hand, engulfed in her aura. But she did not move easily.

She has already collected and watched how strong Kang Hyunmoo is many times.

And then there’s Adam Fort. She was not good enough on her own.

“I will protect you, Kang Hyunmoo.”

Suddenly, Adam opened his mouth. She returned with polite, indifferent eyes.

“Then I’ll ask you to clean it up. I’ll have to think about it a bit.”

“Huh? What? Wait, what now?”

Adam’s body floated up before Hyunmoo caught him. Then Helen quickly passed Hyunmoo and tried to grab Adam.However, Hyunmoo reflexively attacked Helen again, breaking her stance. Her hand could not hold Adam.

That was her last chance.

Adam quickly vanished into the air, unable to catch neither Hyunmoo nor Helen.

Someone shouted and attempted to shoot, but they were interrupted by Adam’s unidentified power and scattered in vain.

Helen and Hyunmoo looked at each other as if they were ridiculous. Soon, Helen’s face contorted.

“Your boy…”

Soon afterward, American, Russian, and other hunters arrived one after another.

As the Almighty Hunters arrived, a strange tension arose.

Hyunmoo realized that Adam had fucked him in a very simple way.

And from now on, she was troubled by how to excuse the reason for protecting the achievements of the entire human race.


“Is it dangerous to kill Adam Fort now?”

Helen asked suspiciously.

Even after Adam left, the tension between the powers continued.

It was partly due to the fact that everyone had entered the shadows, which gave them a strange sense of upliftment and continued excitement.

However, the mood did not get any worse as the two representatives of the faction, Helen of the South China Union and Kang Hyunmoo of the Almighty, gave up their will to fight.

“It’s ‘if you kill it clumsily’. If you can’t kill it all at once and only inflict injuries, the situation will only become more dangerous.”

“What do you mean? Do you know something?”

Hyunmoo just shrugged his shoulders.

She didn’t have to explain to her about her difficulty: Hell.

There, Adam Fort, despite being wounded, did not weaken, but exerted power close to that of a real monster.

And the more he gets hurt, the more he loses control of him, she said.

“Just tell me that there will be a better time. If you only inflict clumsy injuries, there will be catastrophe. Although there is no evidence.”

Helen looked suspicious. Hyunmoo would have done the same.

Helen raised her own right hand. A strange auror like ink ran down her fingertips.

While the normal aura shoots upwards like fire, Helen’s aura feels heavy and sticky.

“This is a skill called ‘Warehouse Keeper’. If it touches this Auror, it will move to somewhere else.”

Helen said so and grabbed one of her stones. Then there was a hole in the stone exactly the size of her handprint.

“As you can see, it just ‘moves’ it regardless of its defense. If Adam Fort got hit by this skill and only his head went somewhere else, can you say that he’d die ‘clumsy’?”

“It doesn’t mean that you will die unconditionally if you take your head off.”

Especially if the other party is a representative.

At Hyunmoo’s answer, Helen bit her mouth. Even her agent, she would know, that Hyunmoo was right.

Hyunmoo took a closer look at her Helen’s skills.

[Storage Keeper (Legendary)][Special Ability: Creates an Auror-shaped ‘door’. Any object that touches the door moves to the warehouse owned by the Starving Star, Yogulem, and the moved object is recognized as a sacrifice sacrificed to Yogulem. In case of emergency, objects can be taken out of the warehouse, but the storekeeper, who is a member of the family, must pay a corresponding price to Yogulem.][Talents: Extended, Scarred]

It was like using the infinite magic bag that only appears in fantasy novels for attack.

‘By the way, Yogulem, this greedy bastard has a lot of things he wants from his subordinates other than mana. You’re like a sample of a bad boss.’

But apart from that, it was a coveted skill. Who wouldn’t want an infinite magic warehouse?

He took the part that he had to pay the price, but he thought that the part called ‘the warehouse keeper who belonged to the family’ was a blind spot.

It’s not from the ranks, but by what means would Yogulem charge him a price?

He wasn’t a thief, and he tried to eat it raw, but there was nothing he could do right now. Because Hyunmoo doesn’t have the ability to extort skills.

Helen looked at Hyunmoo with an annoyed expression. She looked like she was anxious to chase after Adam.

But she couldn’t move, leaving Hyunmoo behind her back to interrupt her. She thought that Hyunmoo might kill her if she was even a little vigilant.

“Then what do you mean? No matter how much Adam Paul Tra, she can’t live if she scatters her limbs. As long as you don’t interfere ….”

“You’ll know when the right time comes. Not right now.”

Helen seemed annoyed by Hyunmoo’s vague explanation. It was a natural reaction.

Hyunmoo added her condition to appease her.

“Okay. At least it’s up to you to kill Adam Fort. When that time comes, you can do whatever you want. I won’t stop him. I won’t even touch Adam Fort.”

Helen looked at Hyunmoo with her suspicious eyes. He looked suspiciously as to whether he was up to something.

“How do you believe that?”

“Oh, then, why don’t you go and stab them right away and destroy them together. If Adam Fort goes crazy, you’ll be the first to die, so there’s no way you’re going to miss it.”

“…At first glance, it seemed that there were forces protecting Adam Fort. Is there any guarantee that you are not a member of them?”

“If I had chosen to protect Adam Fort, then why would Adam leave me? If I had fought alongside Adam, I could have taken everyone here to the underworld.”

After hearing Hyunmoo’s words, the mood of the capable men became harsh again, but Helen restrained them.

“It’s not wrong, but it’s not something you can make friends with.”

Helen quietly stared at Hyunmoo.

“I don’t know what your purpose is, but you’d better avoid such an attitude, Kang Hyunmoo. I’ve studied you for a long time. My relationship with Seo-yeon Lee. You’d better not look at me so easily.”

Hyunmoo heard those words and politely raised the middle fingers of both hands.

“Do what you want, ma’am.”


“Have you been in touch with Lee Seo-yeon?”

[Yes. Helen must have been ordained by a starving star. She is said to have suffered a common ordeal not only for Helen, but also for all of the Starving Stars, and she promised a great reward to those who succeeded in the ‘Leviathan’ mission.]

Hyunmoo was in touch with Yumin outside the shadows.

Radio communication was difficult due to electromagnetic storms near the Chepesh case, and Hyunmoo was forced to leave the area of ​​operation a bit.

In order to find Adam anyway, the shadows had to know where they had to go, so the other forces were scattered to the places where the radio waves could reach.

“That’s why Helen risked her life and ran to Adam.”

Helen is her conspiracy type. Up to this point, she has barely appeared on the surface, integrating powers in Africa, South China and Southeast Asia.

It may seem a bit out of the way, but in fact, it was thanks to China-led initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that seized the economic sphere of the region.

Helen made huge profits from the business, with a Chinese businessman as the boss of the trousers.

She then established herself as one of the most powerful forces, bribing South China’s bureaucrats, one by one, who led her business.

Moreover, she also benefited from Kang Hyunmoo, with the fall of North China and the immigration of her political rival, Linhu, all in Hyunmoo’s hands.

It was an achievement that was difficult to achieve with simple trickery. She meant she was very good at moving behind her blackout.

Even so, in the end, ‘strength’ itself is a wall that must be overcome in order to unite the stars.It was clear that her lack of fighting ability was the reason she remained in Sado without becoming an agent. Helen seemed to want to establish herself as an agent for sure with this ordeal.

She said [Lee Seo-yeon said she decided not to participate this time. Instead of her, as Helen’s agent, she got to run the South China Union, an attitude that was reflected in her humility to Helen I guess. Hagisa A huge ordeal like this would not be missed by an ambitious person… … .]

“I will.”

Seo-yeon Lee is starving and she has no intention of becoming an apostle or agent of the stars in the first place. If Hyunmoo’s guess is correct, she is already the agent of the Whispering Star.

It is not clear when she has been hiding, but Lee Seo-yeon will be able to swallow up the starving forces from within.

She was plagued with conspiracies and conspiracies.

“Ah, I really like those kinds of idiots. Originally, they are used by children with bad brains. More important than that now, I suspect that Adam Fort is probably, um, … crazy.”

[Your hair?]

“He kept talking about the child. But there was no way the child was alive in the shadows, and I couldn’t even see him. He even beckoned into the air.”

[…] … It sure looks bad. Hmm, maybe I’m seeing hallucinations. I was hit by a hallucination skill.]

“It could be. If a strong man like Adam was so easily hallucinated, the situation could turn badly. If it was enough to hallucinate Adam… all I could think of was a whispering star.”

Hyunmoo has already seen Hallucinations of Whispering Stars in Difficulty: Hell.

I suspected that the Whispering Star or Lee Seo-yeon might be interfering while pretending to be indifferent to this situation.

If that’s possible, she’ll decide who she wants to kill and keep alive, and then commit Adam to suicide.

“Either way, it is not a situation to be vigilant about. It would be better to monitor Lee Seo-yeon a little more.”

[Well, but Seo-yeon Lee is on the other side of the world. Are there any other possibilities?]

“Other possibilities?”

[Adam Fort could be really sick.]

“what do you mean?”

[Possibly Adam is going crazy.]

Yu-min knew more about Maria Keller than Hyunmoo.

She was also an authority in academia in her field, and she read every single one of her articles. She even regularly perused the apocalyptic scenarios that Chrome releases every time.

[Professor Keller is a contradictory character in many ways. Although she is pessimistic about the future of mankind, she tries to overcome the situation by using that pessimistic future. Sometimes he looks like a human hater, but sometimes he looks like a humanist.]

“That’s right.”

[Honestly, it’s already at the level of psychosis. And Adam Fort is the most powerful child in the world who worships and follows Professor Keller. But she must also feel the contradictions of Professor Keller.]

“What if there is a contradiction?”

[For example, telling us to love a human, yet she orders murder.]

Adam Fort killed countless lives at the behest of Maria Keller. He believed her words and followed them without hesitation.

But at the same time, Maria Keller wanted Adam Fort to have a will to love humans.

So she hoped that she would be a shepherd dog and a fence to keep humans safe.

But Adam only thinks simply.

Maria Keller.

Because only Maria Keller was the fence that protected her reason.

[This Leviathan mission may be the last drop of water that pushes Adam Fort’s limits. In fact, if I were Adam Fort, I wouldn’t be crazy.]

Yu-Min guessed what the ‘child’ Adam Fort was talking about.

[Adam Fort may want to see himself protecting the ‘innocent man’ while slaughtering everything in the shadows, in order not to disobey Professor Keller’s orders. That must be the picture Professor Keller wants. So Professor Keller will like it.]

Ira’s existence is simply a delusion created by her brain in order to be exonerated by Professor Keller.

Yumin said so.

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