Chapter 264 Sky Tower (2)

Russia, St. Petersburg.

The South Korean presidential plane landed at Pulkovo Airport on the outskirts of the city.

When the presidential flag landed, reporters along with Russian bodyguards gathered.

Many rituals were omitted. It was not a state visit.

Even now, at Pulkovo Airport, there was a procession of distinguished guests from all over the world, such as prime ministers, presidents, kings, or their representatives. All were gathered because of an urgent invitation from Russia.

Reporters camped out waiting for the South Korean president to appear.

Shortly after the security guards conducted a safety check, someone appeared. In an instant, a curious murmur spread among the reporters.

“Who are you? You look like a Hunter?

“Uh… ah, you idiot. It’s Kang Hyunmoo! Have you been with us?”

The first to appear was not the president, but the hunter Kang Hyunmoo.

Some of the reporters were in charge of dungeons and hunters, so I quickly recognized them.

South Korea’s president followed Kang Hyunmoo’s footsteps.

It looked awkward, but I took the picture of the president thinking that the strongest hunter got off after a safety check.

And soon the Korean hunters followed.

“Chief, you look very strange in a suit.”

Song Yeo-woon whispered as he stuck behind Hyunmoo.

“Isn’t it a good fit for me?”

“No, it’s natural to look good. It’s a custom suit in the first place. I mean, it looks very strange.

“I like to wear suits.”

“That’s surprising. I thought you didn’t like stuffy clothes because you were naked in the dungeon every day.”

Hyunmoo smiled as he touched his tie.

“It feels like the main character is hiding her power. Gap is the way to explode when a beast-like figure is revealed behind an intelligent-looking appearance, right?”

“…Ah, it’s the branch manager. I don’t know the gap, but the cramps are exploding.”

“Aren’t you being too nervous to fit in?”

“Yes? How about me?”

Hyunmoo looked at Song Yeo-woon.

She and all her hunters also wore her suits like Hyunmoo.

Song Yeo-Woon did the same, but her face was flushed red with excitement, and her hands and feet were going out all at once.

“It doesn’t matter as long as you don’t feel awkward.”

“Huh, really. What do you say I’m nervous about? Are you ignoring that it’s my first overseas trip? You said earlier that you have to take off your shoes on the plane as well.”

“I really didn’t know you were going to take it off.”

“No, I know that much. But since it’s the president, I wondered if there might be an exception…”

Song Yeo-Woon gave her excuses while gibbling.

Hyunmoo nodded her head and looked around her.

The president’s condition was not good even with good words, but it is enough to serve as a signboard for the face anyway.

The actual job performance will be performed by the attendants assigned by Min So-ha.

It would have been better if Min So-ha had come, but it seemed that it would not be good for the martial law commander to go abroad under martial law.

Because Min So-ha had a responsibility to protect Korea.

“Yeah. I get it, so don’t be afraid.”

“Who is what now…”Song Yeo-woon bit her tongue while talking with excitement and fell behind.

Hyunmoo looked up at the sky.

The sky in Russia was a heavy gray. Hyunmoo remembered his partner who had left here a day earlier.

‘I’m sure they’re in contact soon.’


The reason why the international convention was held in St. Petersburg rather than Moscow was simple.

Now Moscow was in a state of chaos.

The cause of the catastrophe that hit Ulaanbaatar has not yet been disclosed to the public.

However, rumors spread around the families of the missing Koreans, and soon after, survivors of the disaster appeared.

They all testified that the sky suddenly darkened and monsters appeared, and the city was destroyed in an instant.

The testimonies were mixed as to what kind of monster and what kind of destruction occurred, but at least one thing was the same.

The monsters all moved like soldiers conducting an occupation operation.

And as the testimonies of such survivors continued, the governments were forced to disclose information.

The trajectory of the disaster was coming from Ulaanbaatar to the west—Moscow.

It has been speculated that it is currently slowly crossing the deserted frozen frozen mountains in eastern Kazakhstan.

The slow but steady, silent approach of disaster fueled fear.

St. Petersburg was not without fuss. Still, it was quiet compared to Moscow, where it was aimed like a target.

Yu-min went into the phone booth while watching the ambulance running while sounding a loud siren. Then he started calling some numbers.

The beep sounded quite long. Yumin waited patiently. Soon someone answered the phone and asked in Russian.


“A landline wouldn’t be safer. Call a safe number.”

[who are you?]

“Star-eating monster.”


The phone is disconnected.

Yu-min leaned against the phone booth and waited for a while.

A minute later, the phone rang again.

Yu-min waited twice as long as he had made him wait before, and then he picked up the phone.

[…] … Yumin, we know each other’s numbers even if we don’t do spying like this, right?]

Yu-min and Lee Seo-yeon were business partners. Of course, I knew about a personal number.

“You were so thoroughly prepared to hit me in the back, how can I trust you and bet on that number?”

[You were deceiving me, too. Can you trust this number now?]

Yumin sighed.

“You were the one who wanted to contact me in the first place. So I thought you would have realized by now that there’s no point in plotting behind the scenes. I’m trusting your judgment more than you. Didn’t you tell me already?”


Seo-yeon Lee smiled low without any sign of nervousness.

[You are using sweet expressions. Mr. Yumin. You guys probably wouldn’t be that sweet.]


[But at the same time, I am envious. A person who can be trusted like that is such a strong person. I had one like that.]

Yumin hung up the phone.

It’s not that I’m sorry anyway. It was because Lee Seo-yeon had contacted me first to provide useful information.

‘I’ll call you again if I’m sorry’

As she was about to leave the phone booth, she was startled when she saw the person standing outside.

Seo-yeon Lee, a woman with long brown hair in a beige coat and a deep-pressed hat, was waiting outside for Yu-min.

Seo-yeon Lee put her apparently disconnected cell phone in her pocket and handed one of her bags to her Yu-min.

“take it.”


“List of people from our side and those who have been recruited.”

“Our side?”

At Lee Seo-yeon’s words, Yu-min frowned and accepted her bag.

“If you’re talking about our side, are you referring to the South China government? I know it’s not an officially recognized country, but it seems like they’re already participating?”

“It is already recognized as a nation in the international community. The old China is trying to stop it, but because we have many friends, it is only a matter of time. In the modern capitalist society, there is nothing more powerful than greed.”

What Seo-yeon Lee said was true.

Already, the old Chinese government was called North China and was treated as a separate state.

Already, Xinjiang Uyghurs and even Tibet were divided into independent countries, and things were messed up here and there.

In comparison, South China was much more stable and united. As Taiwan declared unification with the South Chinese government, the flow was accelerating.

Because of this, Yu-min couldn’t understand Lee Seo-yeon’s attitude any more.

“Why are you blaming such a powerful group? Betrayal is your hobby?”

Seoyeon smiled lowly.

“To be honest, I’m using you guys.”


Yumin raised the corners of her lips.

She understood her intentions right away as soon as Lee Seo-yeon brought out her word that it was her exploitation.

“The roster isn’t exhaustive. Maybe your competitors?”

“The key factors are there. You’re smart, so you’ll be able to quickly check whether the list is real or not. Once you get rid of them and I’m done my job, the organization will have to admit me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Opportunities come in crisis. I’m going to give a starving star a crisis. And it’s up to me to prove my worth in that opportunity.”

Yumin folded her arms. There was nothing wrong with Lee Seo-yeon’s words, but her subtle discomfort remained.

“Oppa doesn’t like having his intentions taken advantage of anyway.”

“Anyway, Mr. Kang Hyunmoo told me to climb up enough to go up.”

Seo-yeon Lee said as her eyes gleamed over her sunglasses.

“Then it wouldn’t matter if we used it a little bit. It’s because we want to be nice to each other. There’s no harm to you either.

Yumin smiled bitterly.

What Seo-yeon Lee said was true. She believed that this mutually beneficial transaction format was more reliable than she simply helped her out of favor.

Seo-yeon Lee will also find it difficult to set her foot in Korea, putting her position at risk.

“Okay. I’ll pass it on to you.”

“Thank you. And…”

Seo-yeon Lee raised the corners of her lips, she said.

“I wish you the best of luck.”


Hyunmoo stayed with the president in his room under the pretext of security.

As soon as he entered the room, Hyunmoo politely asked the president.”I’ll use the bed for you, sir, sleep on the sofa.”

“I see.”

Hyunmoo’s family… … The president, who became more like a slave than anything else, put down his luggage under the sofa and sat down, listening to the tombs.

He felt a little bit of remorse as he tried to treat the old man harshly. But he didn’t care for more than three seconds.

Hyunmoo immediately forgot about the president and checked the schedule.

The meeting was scheduled to be held in the morning of tomorrow, as there were talented people and national leaders who had not yet arrived.

There will be countries that do not participate until the end. Few state guests would like to visit a country where disaster strikes.

Even now, something unidentified was approaching Moscow every moment.

Whatever I did, I was in a hurry.

‘Considering the disaster to come, we should pour our energy into it as soon as possible, rather than holding a meeting.’

But Russia is not making the wrong decision.

The Tianru is not a crisis that the country alone can handle.

The world could suffer unacceptable damage if the capable people did not unite at the same time and put all their efforts into it at an early stage.

‘I’m curious about Russia’s position.’

At tomorrow’s meeting, the positions of the countries will likely differ sharply.

And Hyunmoo will be able to guess which country has been occupied by which star and which powerful person by their reaction.

Among them, the most important reaction is also Russia.

Depending on Russia’s actions, the future development will be completely different.

Hyunmoo lay down on the sofa.

It was right to think about tomorrow’s work. Because for now, there was nothing I could know other than a big overview.

It was then that Hyunmoo found the president, stiffened by the sofa, with an awkward look.

Hyunmoo remembered that he had belatedly yielded the sofa to the president.

“Thinking about it, the carpet is also soft, so I think it’ll be fine. Sleep on the carpet.”

“…that’s right.”


The next morning, Hyunmoo put on her suit again and went to an international conference with the president.

The place was a winter palace that was white and splendid, resembling a winter snowfield.

It was currently used as an art gallery, but it was freshly renovated for this conference.

It was a pretty plausible protocol for an international conference that was held in a hurry.

There was a bloody atmosphere all over the meeting room with strict security personnel.

Before the meeting began, Hyunmoo looked around lightly. He also saw hunters with a pretty strong atmosphere.

Hyunmoo enjoyed watching Admiral Ren’s stats and levels with his one-piece glasses.

‘Everyone is a gangbang guy.’

But none of them were worth paying attention to.

Those who wanted to be a little bit concerned had their faces covered with something.

Hyunmoo looked around and suddenly found someone.

A woman was entering the conference hall with an elderly woman in a wheelchair with a hard expression on her face.

Hyunmoo immediately mumbled her name involuntarily.

“Adam Fort.”

At the time of the restoration of Pyongyang, a powerful man who tried to put an end to Hyunmoo with the Chepesh case when the situation went horribly wrong.

she was here

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