Chapter 263 sky tower (1)

Hyunmoo soaked his feet in the waves.

It tickled my ankles as the waves swept past the coral grains beneath my feet.

Hyunmoo wiggled his toes and bounced the waves with his feet next to the car. Serge Hu slyly ran away to her side and frowned.

“I will ask for an allowance outside of work for playing in the water.”

“Do you think we’re here to play?”

“I’m sure you didn’t come here to shop.”

The water that Hyunmoo bounces on Seo Ji-hoo is red with blood.

The waves crashed again. Fragments of fish men were entangled here and there on the calves and toes.

The island they were on was a small coral island that didn’t fit the east coast.

Because it was above the sea, the name had not yet been created, and it was simply called the Ocean Dungeon.

Warships and patrol boats were swarming around the area.

It was natural because the monster had suffered civilian damage a while ago and it was an area where a flood warning was issued.

Even in the summer vacation season, it was difficult to find people along the coast.

Hyunmoo sighed.

“Hmm, I was expecting it because it was the summer sea.”

“The hot sun, sandy beaches, coral reefs, and colorful fish. Which of these are you lacking?”

“The fish are human-sized and have limbs and limbs, and they run with spears at me to kill me? So that I have fish scales and guts all over my body to rip them apart? So I’m going to have a fishy smell around for a week.” About the same thing?”

“That’s why you came dressed properly like me. I’ve definitely warned you.”

Unlike Seo Ji-hoo, who was heavily armed, Hyunmoo wore a simple outfit.

Short-sleeved shorts and summer sandals. If that had been the case, Seo Ji-hoo would not have said this to Hyunmoo. Because it was common for Hyunmoo to go completely naked.

“At the very least, he came with the tube that was wrapped around his waist.”

“I can’t swim, what should I do?”

When Hyunmoo heard that the dungeon to be investigated was under water, the first thing he prepared was an adult tube.

It was not strange that Hyunmoo couldn’t swim.

Even though he had great physical abilities, there were a lot of people who couldn’t swim. Floating on the water is the realm of confidence and technique.

However, it was difficult for Seo Ji-hoo to match the reality that there were things that Hyunmoo couldn’t.

“Then you split the sea in two. If it sinks, you can just jump off the floor and jump.”

“This bastard speaks easily. A tube is better than that.”

“In the end, it was useless, wasn’t it?”

The tube was used until Hyunmoo reached the coral island. In fact, it was a short distance that Hyunmoo could jump and jump. Furthermore… … .

“I thought it wasn’t even a dungeon in the first place…”

“Did I tell you. Well, it was obviously a dungeon from the outside.”

A heterogeneous space that did not fit into the surrounding landscape, that was the most striking feature of the dungeon entrance.

The background of coral reefs in the sea was plausible, but I thought it was the entrance to the dungeon, but I was wrong because it didn’t fit the East Sea.

This coral island was just an artificial structure inhabited by fish-man monsters.

“At first, it was said that it did not come out of the water like this and was about the size of a room deep in the sea. But one day, it suddenly grew up and came up to the surface.””Hey, so what happened to the flood in the first place? If it wasn’t for the dungeon entrance, there would be no flood.”

“Because it wasn’t Flood in the first place.”

Seo Ji-hoo grunted as if it was unfair.

His refusal to suppress the flood was simple. Because it wasn’t Flood in the first place.

Additionally, it wasn’t even a dungeon.

However, the government did not believe the report that the coral island was not the entrance to the dungeon.

The result led to the arrest of the Almighty Leader.

Hyunmoo played the video of his cell phone in the waterproof pack and contrasted it with the coast.

The time of the video was midnight.

It was starting with the scene where the soldiers poured countless bullets into the sea with the searchlights turned on.

A huge number of fishermen were rushing to the shore, shouting unknown words. Most were killed on the beach by the bullets issued to the soldiers.

“Certainly, if you look at this, you might be mistaken for a Flood.”

“Yes. But even though the boss monster didn’t appear, I fell into a lull by itself. But after a few days… the sea is open, isn’t it? Even though they surrounded it with fishing nets, some of them broke their nets and escaped.”

“And it attacked a private house?”


Seeing that they were easily attacked by magic bullets, it could be assumed that the monsters occurred in 2-star to 3-star dungeons.

“If it wasn’t for the Flood… it would be a massive attack.”

Seo Ji-hoo wrinkled his forehead and carefully opened his mouth.

“A raid? The monsters have never made a planned attack until now.”

A flood is a phenomenon in which excessively enlarged monsters are pushed out of the dungeon at once.

There is no order and no purpose.

However, the monsters revealed in the video had a consistent direction, and their movements were consistent.

If the soldiers had not been supplied with magic bullets, the damage would have been several times greater.

“Does this mean that the monsters are becoming more clever than they are now?”

“It would be nice if I could simply be wicked.”

Hyunmoo murmured while looking at the blue sea.

In his mind, the scenes he had seen in Hell came to mind.

“What if this coral island is some sort of outpost?”

“…what’s the outpost?”

“I don’t know what it is, but there are a lot of these things in that blue sea, and they may be looking for a chance to crawl out.

What Hyunmoo thought of was the Fallen Empire.

A nation of monsters created by the Ratman.

In the future, monsters will form a nation and use strategy. Now, if it is a simple tribal society, the state becomes a different size.

The sign of an increase in difficulty was clear.

The symptoms appeared late because it was difficult to establish a place on land, but the harbingers were already emerging from the sea.

Soon it will appear.

In the sky, not the sea.

It was three days later that Hyunmoo received an urgent call from the Blue House.


“General Min So-ha, it’s been a while.”

As Hyunmoo entered the front door of the Blue House, Min So-ha, who had been out beforehand, distorted her face.

Martial law in Korea had not yet been lifted.

In order to remove the remaining remnants of Park Gyu, the title was attached, but in fact, it was an opportunity to wipe out the deep-rooted evils of Korean society.

Moreover, the martial law was poised to continue for some time.

“You motherfucker, follow me.”

“Hey, why don’t you go to the Blue House?”

“I’m going to the bunker. Dr. Wonkyung Do is also waiting for me.”

Hearing that he was with Do Won-gyeong, Hyunmoo raised his lips.

‘It’s finally starting.’

Min So-ha was walking in the lead, so she couldn’t see that smile.

The place Min So-ha was guided to was a secret air defense shelter buried under Bukhansan Mountain, a little far from the Blue House.

He was also a commander with the infrastructure to command an entire army even if the civilian infrastructure was blown away.

Inside, Do Won-kyung, some officials from the Ministry of National Defense, and the president were waiting.

“Why is he here?”

Hyunmoo pointed to the president and said ‘that’. Minso said, taking a deep breath.

“Still, he’s the president, so I’ll have to let him go. He said he can’t do anything stupid because he listens to you anyway.”

“Hmm, it doesn’t matter.”

“Is the chatter over?”

Do Won-kyung tapped his desk as if knocking. As Hyunmoo sat down on the chair, Do Won-kyung skipped a greeting to Hyunmoo and instructed the staff to play the video.

Do Won-kyung said, turning off the lights in the room to make him more focused.

“I’ve already finished the analysis, but Kang Hyunmoo is here, so I’ll see you again.”

The video started with a scene of young Northeast Asian children throwing tennis balls and playing catch balls with their bare hands.

The ball drew a parabola and was easily caught in the hands of the children, and the filming of the video was also enjoyable.

Then, the ball hit the child’s head and bounced off. A mischievous laugh erupted.

At that moment, a hook shadow fell from the sky. Surprised, the photographer lifted the camera up.

The sky that had been clear before had turned black. When the surroundings darkened as if it had been night, the children were frightened and rushed to the photographer.

The screen shook rapidly as if the photographer’s anxiety had been contagious.

Then, suddenly, there was a bang. A huge mass of slime hit the clearing from the sky.

Green slime splashed everywhere and the children screamed. And as they dug into the slime mass, procrastination black figures began to crawl out.

The video, which was followed by screams and shouts, ended by illuminating the ground.

“…it was filmed by a traveler from Ulaanbaatar around 11 am today. It went viral because it was being broadcast live on YouTube.”

Do Won-kyung muttered with a dark expression.

Blue House bunker.

The only people who came in were Kang Hyunmoo, Do Won-kyung, Min So-ha, and a few people related to national defense.

Hyunmoo checked the current time.3:44 p.m.

Nearly five hours passed, but it was not that slow for the time when the Blue House emergency response meeting was held due to circumstances in other countries. Korea is probably one of the fastest.

“The video has been taken down on YouTube, and an embargo has been put on the press.”

“Is there no possibility of manipulation?”

“Currently, there is no phone connection with the Korean embassy in Ulaanbaatar. There is no one who can contact the local residents at all. After discussing opinions with the governments of the United States, China, and Japan, the same is true for them. Communication infrastructure is all At the same time, the taste was gone, or…”

Ulaanbaatar was blown away entirely.

Although Mongolia is not a developed country, it is more than a shock and a frightening thing that the capital of a country has been blown away in one day.

Even if no one knows what happened to the situation.

Even when North Korea collapsed, it was clear that it was because of the Flood.

“Isn’t it going to be satellite observation?”

“It was taken, but…”

Wonkyung Do posted the picture as if he knew Hyunmoo could ask.

Satellite images taken over Ulaanbaatar were mediocre. The city was intact, and there were no broken roads or burning places. However, a closer look reveals something strange.

“The picture is cropped.”

From some part of the photo, it looked as if a new photo had been added to it.

If you look at the large-scale photo, it becomes clearer.

Smoke was coming from somewhere in Ulaanbaatar, obscured by something. Like an awkwardly composited photo.

“Yeah. Something is covering the entire city. Analysis shows that it is about 18 kilometers in diameter. It’s three-quarters the size of Seoul.”

“It’s big.”

“It’s not just the size.”

Do Won-kyung showed a picture taken from a much greater distance with a firm expression.

“I couldn’t understand why such a sudden thing happened in Ulaanbaatar, so I looked up pictures of other areas as well.

In the photo, traces marked by Do Won-kyung were seen at each time period. It was subtly changing the map, like a snail very slowly leaving traces of slime.

“About 56 hours ago, something huge was moving from the northern tip of Siberia to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, northern China and Mongolia. Most of it was a sparsely populated area, but it seems that no one has escaped from that area yet. This is the first time I’ve done it.”

Except for Hyunmoo, everyone’s expressions hardened. Modern surveillance technology is beyond imagination.

It was shocking that even though Mongolia-Siberia had little attention, he had not yet realized this fact.

“No, the US didn’t know either? Still, they must have been monitoring the nuclear facilities hidden in Siberia.”

Min So-ha asked angrily. Do Won-kyung shook his head.

“Perhaps they were only paying attention to nuclear facilities.”

“Or I was deliberately ignoring it.”

At Hyunmoo’s answer, Min So-ha and Do Won-kyung looked at him.

Hyunmoo was struggling to hold back his smile. Hyunmoo believed that the US had already discovered ‘that’ and ignored it.

Because Hyunmoo would have too.

Sooner or later, ‘that’ will be given a name.

Skydrops, Rapture, Bungcheon… … However, the official name given in Korea is Hana.

The first mobile aerial dungeon, the Sky Tower.

It was the first large-scale crisis faced by mankind, who had been negligent in dealing with the dungeon until now.

At the same time, it was a golden opportunity to stand out for those who aim for the stars.

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