Chapter 247 Utopia (3)

“Uh… are you okay?”

Song Yeo-woon said looking around the messy hallway again.

“Isn’t the inside condition similar?”

“Well, I also came out before the search and seizure began, so I don’t know for sure, but looking at the condition, I think it will be similar. However, I don’t think there was any need to destroy the artwork like this.”

“It seems like we got in trouble while moving the lab facilities. Anyway, if there’s nothing left at the bottom, I don’t think there’s any need to look around.”

“Are you okay? Something like important data…”

“Anyway, Yu-Min saves important data on an overseas backup server. The really important things are on a USB and carry around. I came today just to check the status. Here…”

Hyunmoo paused for a moment as if to calm down, and then opened his mouth again.

“This is also my home.”

“Um, that’s right.”

“But I guess I was too narrow-minded. This is my mistake.”

“Narrow inside… Ramen?”

Hyunmoo smiled brightly.

“Korea is a kind of home, too. It’s my fault for not cleaning the house properly.”

“……Uh, um? That… right?”

Song Yeo-Woon didn’t quite understand Hyunmoo’s words, but she got it right and moved on.

If it was Hyunmoo, it would be like that, well.

Thanks to this, I had no idea what Hyunmoo was thinking and what he was going to do.

“Anyway, if the branch manager announces that the head of the branch has returned, the cause of Park Gyu will also be destroyed. They are moving for a cause.”

“You think naive.”

Hyunmoo smiled and said to Song Yeo-woon.

“Even so, Park Gyu will never give up his control in an intact state. After this, he thinks that the state should have some control.”

Moreover, it only solves the problem, not the fundamental solution.

Even if it wasn’t Park Gyu, it was clear that anyone who was greedy for power or ambitious would always try to take advantage of Hyunmoo’s assets.

Difficulty: Hyunmoo, who goes to Hell periodically and never knows when he will return, had to make sure this problem was solved.

Hyunmoo muttered as he picked up the statue lying on the floor.

“And getting it back ‘completely’ by the guy who touched mine? Nonsense.”


“Hey, hey. Wake up already? It’s just the beginning!”

“Oh, I’m done. I’m a little tired.”

“Child, where are you going? Take a break and come back! It’s still early evening!”

Yoo Seong-yeon was very stubborn, but her colleagues didn’t seem to want to let her go easily at the drinking party.

Finally, promising to come back, Yoo Seong-yeon went out.

A lukewarm summer breeze was blowing through the entertainment district. It was early evening, and everyone was so drunk that I thought that I wouldn’t be able to go in until the next day.

In a situation where the flood was exploding, wandering around drunkenly from the early evening would not have been possible with Lee Ji-tae.

After the life or death of Director Lee Ji-tae became unclear, the discipline of the Tae-seong clan became chaotic. The same was true of Yoo Seong-yeon, the team leader of the Obsidian team.

Although the team leader of the team, who had been out for training abroad, returned, it was not enough to replace Lee Ji-tae’s vacant position.

The team leader of Lapis Lazuli was also said to be a world-class man, but the problem was that his name was not known in Korea.

‘No, in the first place, Director Lee Ji-tae was such a young and healthy person, so of course no one thought about his successor… … .’Above all, the connection with Taesung Group, Korea’s No. 1 company, is irreplaceable.

So Taeseong was swaying under the shadow of a lack of leadership.

Yoo Seong-yeon stumbled into the alley with a dark expression on her face.

Yoo Seong-yeon, who immediately quit smoking, stared at the cigarette for a while, then crumpled it up and threw it away.

Smoking was also one of the habits I developed after Lee Ji-tae disappeared.

‘I’m going to have to stop now. If you live a new life now, you will be able to return to active duty properly… … .’

Today Yoo Seong-yeon and his fellow hunters signed a contract with an immigration broker.

Immigration, I have never thought of leaving Korea to live.

However, as Lee Ji-tae disappeared, he lost responsibility for Tae-seong, and after Kang Hyunmoo disappeared, he completely lost his affection as he watched the state try to swallow the Almighty.

It took a long time to hesitate, but in the end, like his colleagues, he signed an autograph.

“Hey, you haven’t come in yet, what are you doing? Everyone is waiting.”

Then two of his fellow hunters followed him in. Soon after, one of the hunters who quit smoking began to untie the pants dance.

It was when Yoo Seong-yeon frowned and tried to kick his ass.


Just then, a man approached me from the other side of the alley.

He was a man with a deeply pressed hood. Yoo Seong-yeon asked if he could borrow a cigarette, but his colleague’s reaction was different.

“Hey, bastard… you know who we are, and that’s where we are? Are we a dick?”

“You bastard, you’re drunk. Go in.”

Yoo Seong-yeon tried to stop his colleagues. But it was not easy for him to stop his already drunk colleagues.

Yoo Seong-yeon had no choice but to send back even the man who spoke to her. Even if he is drunk, he is a capable sleeper. If done incorrectly, people may be seriously injured.

“Hey, Yoo Seong-yeon. Don’t stop me. Baby, do you think Tae-sung looks funny?”

“Hey. Mister. Go back. It’s dangerous here right now.”

But instead of retreating, the man looked at the men one by one and said,

“Is it Yoo Seong-yeon, Hwang Tae-kyung, or Lee Min-goo? Team leader Obsidian, Team 3, Senior Hunter of Team 3 in turn.”

The atmosphere froze a bit. The drunken hunters still didn’t know what they were talking about, but Yoo Seong-yeon immediately felt that the atmosphere was unfamiliar.

“What, you. How do I know who I am…”

“That’s right.”

The opponent gave a short answer and then moved his hook arm. Hwang Tae-kyung’s finger, which was pointing at an unidentified man, broke first.

No, it felt like her fingers were shoved into a fist.

Before he could scream, there was a popping sound and his jaw dropped.

Hwang Tae-kyung was stunned while standing, shaking his broken jaw.

As he was about to collapse, Lee Min-gu was attacked.

With the sound of drumming, his body floated up. His ribbed seat was oddly dented.

He tried to send all the alcohol and snacks he ate during the evening refluxed out of his stomach.

But the man seemed to stop even that, and slapped his chin with his palm.

The sound of his teeth being crushed rang out.

Lee Min-goo also passed out with a bad bite.

Yoo Seong-yeon’s reaction was the moment Hwang Tae-kyung’s body began to collapse. But even then, he only managed to get his hand out of his pocket.

Even Yoo Seong-yeon couldn’t see how the two of them had suffered. But instinct was moving to block the attack right away.

However, it was quicker for Yoo Seong-yeon’s consciousness to be extinguished with a popping sound rather than instinct.



Yoo Seong-yeon woke up to the feeling of someone hitting her on the cheek. She was strangely quiet.

He belatedly glanced at the flickering mirror ball on the ceiling and realized he had entered the nightlife tavern where he had been drinking.

There was the smell of alcohol, the stench, and the smell of blood.

Yoo Seong-yeon recalled his memories just before fainting at that moment.

“Aren’t you awake yet?”

And up to the man slapping his own cheek. Yoo Seong-yeon felt the molars rolling in her mouth.

And he soon found the palm that he flew for a second time.

“Wait, wake up…”


Yoo Seong-yeon’s head turned back.

I felt the second extracted molars rolling around.

Of course, he wasn’t the only one crying. He quickly rolled over to get out of his seat, but before that, someone crushed his chest hard.

“It’s definitely awake.”

It was a woman’s voice.

“No, I guess I’m still out of my mind?”

And his third palm was about to fly.

Yoo Seong-yeon exclaimed quickly.

“I’m awake! I’m awake! Now, wait, go, are you Kang Hyunmoo?!”

I could tell just by hearing his voice.

If you’re a contemporary hunter, you can’t be unaware of the strongest hunter left in Korea, and there were times when we went into dungeons together.

Then the woman pulled the whip with both her hands.

“Ah— I got it. What should I do? If you recognize your face, you have no choice but to kill.”

Yoo Seong-yeon felt his face turn pale.

“Come on, wait a minute! Don’t you remember me? It’s Yoo Seong-yeon! Have you ever been to Jeoldu Dungeon and Taean Dungeon together? Isn’t that and that team leader Song Yeo-Woon?”

“I don’t remember. Actually, I don’t think it’s very important.”

Hyunmoo shrugged and smiled under the hood.

“Come on, wait! Why, why are you doing this? I can understand everything you say! Oh, ho, is it because of the government?”

Hyunmoo left it unanswered. He seemed to want to hear what he had to say.

Yoo Seong-yeon thought this was a kind of interrogation, and desperately said anything.

“It’s not something we do because we like it! If Kang Hyunmoo were alive and well, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place! The government’s crazy policies would also lose their justification!”

Of course, the current government’s policy was also dissatisfied with the hunters on the Taeseong side.

Regardless, Kang Hyunmoo is the second most admired hunter after Lee Ji-tae.

However, he had no choice but to accept it as he pushed to cooperate with the government in Taeseong, the second most powerful organization after the Almighty.

There was still not enough justification for group action.

However, the anxiety that Almighty Ryeonu was going through could ever happen to her was still there.

“That’s all right. I’m interested in something else.”

However, Hyunmoo stopped Yoo Seong-yeon and brought up the matter.

“Who’s in charge of Taeseong’s side right now? Tell everyone you know, from the team leader, to the top level, to the people in important positions.””Why is that… No, no! I’ll tell you. If you give me a pen and paper, I’ll write down your contact information.”

Song Yeo-Woon made an absurd expression and took out her pen and paper.

Yoo Seong-yeon quickly started writing down her list.

She felt guilty, but if her opponent was Kang Hyunmoo, she wouldn’t even try to resist.

It’s just a matter of time.

Yoo Seong-yeon wrote down her list and only then could she look around. The entire entertainment pub, where Taeseong had almost rented out, was as quiet as death.

On the floor, all the middle-level hunters of the obsidian team were lying dead. No one appeared to be dead, but I couldn’t be sure.

There were certainly many people who wondered if a person’s limbs could be broken to that point.

Yoo Seong-yeon had a chill.

He said that even though he was drunk, it was just the two of us who got rid of all the Obsidian executives?

“I, but why are you like this…”


Hyunmoo said calmly.

“It seems that the country doesn’t seem to know the value of talented people, so I’m going to teach you a little bit.”

“No, then we’ll just have a group strike…”

“That’s why you’re doing it. A collective strike.”

Yoo Seong-yeon bit her mouth. He didn’t know if Hyunmoo was crazy or if he had chosen a crazy method because he wasn’t efficient.

But I figured that wasn’t the only reason Hyunmoo said.

He is doing some kind of retaliation. He dared to punish him for the sins that touched him.

If the opponent is a nation, the hunters who come forward are just limbs.

Yoo Seong-yeon carefully looked at the atmosphere.

Song Yeo-woon and Kang Hyunmoo seemed unwilling to harm him, but he also seemed to be true that he was being chased by the state.

Even though he is alive, he is going secretly because the government is targeting him.

If so, Yoo Seong-yeon thought that Hyunmoo was thinking similarly to her.

“Me, me, actually, I’m also looking for a part, so I’m preparing to immigrate soon.”

“Immigration? What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“Ho, if you have any thoughts on Mr. Kang Hyunmoo, please just tell me. Honestly, is this the country? They push Hunter into rough terrain and confiscate his property and lock him up because he doesn’t listen?”

Hyunmoo tilted his head.

Although it was absurd, Yoo Seong-yeon’s words were unexpected.

“We are already receiving love calls from Korean hunters from all over the world. If you like Kang Hyunmoo, I will introduce you to a broker I know.”


“Yes! It is a broker that connects directly with the hunter clan or company overseas. He takes care of everything from immigration procedures to nationality and salary negotiations.”

Yoo Seong-yeon encouraged Hyunmoo with his mouth dry.

“Already, our Taeseong side is also competing for names. There is no general manager Lee Ji-tae anyway, so there is no need to live in a country where hunters are treated as slaves anymore!”

Most of the hunters of the Taeseong clan are tied to an exceptional person named Lee Ji-tae.

But now that even the connection with the Taesung group has faded, it means that all the restraints have been released.

“Immigration brokers. Taeseong’s talented people are all gathered there?”

“Yes, he is a very capable man.”

Hyunmoo chuckled.

Seeing that smile, Yoo Seong-yeon was convinced that Hyunmoo was also attracted to his proposal.

“Tell me her name.”

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