Chapter 246 Utopia (2)

It was an alleyway with not many people.

The cafe was clearly seated incorrectly, and only flies were flying even at lunchtime.

No, there was still one occupied.

It was like a guest who was not there.

Cafe part-timer glanced at the woman sitting there with a complicated expression.

Dark sunglasses, a coat that doesn’t suit the season, and even the glances anxiously glancing at the entrance and out the window.

‘star… … .’

It was a cafe in a dark place, so it was easy to work, but I was able to meet strange customers frequently.

However, this was the first time again. I wondered if I was even shooting a movie.

Fortunately, there was no reason to wear such a conspicuous attire and do anything that would lead to a crime.

Just sitting there for 4 hours.

Cafe Alba suddenly found that the glass of water on her table was empty.

After ordering a glass of Americano for the first time, I drank only water after that, but the service spirit of the part-timer was activated.

She turned her body to lift her water jug.

“So, what happened?”

Alba was startled by the sudden sound of her voice and turned her head away.

Somehow, a man came into the cafe and sat across from the woman. It seemed that it was not only the part-timers who were surprised, but the women as well.

She stood, barely holding onto her table, in a position where she almost fell.

“Uh, when?”

Part-timer also felt the same way as the woman stuttered her words.

But when she looks back, she hears the door creaking open, and she sees the chair slide.

Still, she was completely unaware of it. As if she were naturally drawn out of interest.

Then the man glanced back at Alba.

Alba had seen the man’s face, she thought, as if she had seen it somewhere. Apparently on TV, she seems to have been a famous hunter… … Then the man snapped his finger.

Alba suddenly remembered that she had to organize the warehouse.

She cleared the counter and headed to her warehouse.


“Oh, I thought I’d order a drink and send it to you.”

At Hyunmoo’s self-talk, Song Yeo-woon looked at him as if it was ridiculous. Now there were only two of them in the cafe.

“What is that? Hypnosis?”

“It’s a skill. If you’re not focused, you don’t even know that you’re being controlled. But unless you give her a clear sense of purpose, you can’t keep it for long.”

Since I planted a sense of purpose to organize the warehouse, it will last for about 20 to 30 minutes.

After becoming a star, it felt like the overall skill ability got stronger.

She sprinkled most of the star’s power, though it wasn’t noticeable to her.

“What’s that outfit? I almost left when I saw it. Why are you so blatantly suspicious?”

“I was taking advantage of the blind spot that a person dressed so suspiciously could not be a suspicious person, isn’t it strange?”

“Isn’t the best way to avoid suspicion is not to get noticed? It’s the worst.”

At Hyunmoo’s point, Song Yeo-woon grunted and took off her coat.”So what happened?”

“You must have read the text message. It’s exactly what it says. Almighty Ryeon and the haunted mansion were attacked and stolen.”

“I can’t understand it, even if I look at it.”

Hyunmoo said with a frown.

“My house was seized? The government is prosecuting the Almighty Leaders? Why did the alternative government suddenly attack the Almighty League? Did that kid suddenly go crazy?”

“Isn’t that what Chief of Staff Park Gyu said right now?”

The reason Song Yeo-Woon sent a text message saying, ‘The haunted mansion was stolen’ meant that the prosecution had come and raided.

Hyunmoo went through all the text messages and read through the news of the past few days as they arrived. But there was something strange about the flow.

The Almighty-Ryeon, which had been treated like a pillar of the Republic of Korea just a few weeks ago, was suddenly being treated as a rebel bandit.

“Well, first of all, nominally because of our refusal to control the flood.”

“Flood suppression?”

“Yes. Team leader Seo Ji-hoo refused to subdue a flood from the Gangwon-do side. However, as the boundary was breached on the military side, monsters flowed in, causing damage to civilians. ”

“Are you crazy?”

“I know. I should have suppressed the Flood. But there’s a reason…”

“No, I wondered if Park Gyu was crazy. If you judged that way, there must be a reason. But I don’t understand Park Gyu’s son. Are you making noise in our house over such a thing?”

Song Yeo-Woon had a slightly moved expression on her face.

But Hyunmoo was sincere.

A gloomy feeling rose up, but before that, a reasonable reason came to mind.

“You took a break from my absence.”

“Yes. Probably.”

Song Yeo-woon said with a bitter expression.

“Right now, Korea seems very precarious from the point of view of civilians. A four-star person is usually the representative, but there is no Lee Ji-tae, and there is no Park Do-ryung. Oh Dae-seong, however, is a team leader, but it is treated a little lower than the previous two. All of a sudden, Kang Hyunmoo, the branch manager, didn’t show up for weeks…”

Even if the leader doesn’t show up for a few days, there are rumors about his health and conspiracy theories.

In a system in which top-ranked hunters are now mostly dependent on Kang Hyunmoo, his absence seems to have caused quite a bit of anxiety.

Hyunmoo realized that he would not be able to leave his seat recklessly now. Once again, I felt my own place.

“From the beginning, Chief of Staff Park Gyu was anxious to make the Almighty Ryeona a national institution.

This is the so-called empty house.

“There are signs of an increase in the difficulty level, the hunters do not listen, and there is a lot of anxious public opinion, so was it not meant to be eaten while advocating for a powerful country?”

It is impossible for the state to eat away private groups, but in the first place, the Almighty Alliance was half-nationalized to eat up the national budget.

However, since he had no authority to actually control it, he wanted to eat it completely.

“You’re doing something cute.”

“Isn’t that right? I thought that when the branch manager came back, it wouldn’t happen anyway, but it didn’t seem that simple. Uh, um. Some say that the budget use the branch manager received is not transparent. All of the provincial leaders were arrested, so I didn’t know what to do.”

No matter how wildly the hunters run wild in the dungeon, they cannot live apart from society.

A leader or team leader who is loyal to Hyunmoo individual may resist, but ordinary hunters who do not want to be bound by criminals have no choice but to cooperate with the country.

No matter how solid Hyunmoo established an organization, it was eventually built on the foundation of the nation. He couldn’t escape it.

“Who’s been arrested?”

“Team leader Seo Ji-hoo, Dr. Do Won-kyung, and team leader Oh Dae-seong. Miss Yu-min is on the safe side of the house.”

They were people who would have been caught on purpose rather than being caught.

After Serge, if Hyunmoo had asked him to fight the country, he would have fought, but he would have accepted it because he couldn’t do it on his own arbitrariness.

“I think you were wanted too.”

“It’s okay if you don’t catch anything.”

Song Yeo-Woon is the type who wouldn’t hesitate to fight, but she was likewise on the run because she couldn’t fight arbitrarily. But thanks to her, she was able to escape Yu-min, so she was lucky.

“Oh, CEO Kang Sung-gyu was also arrested. He refused to cooperate with the government.”

“Who was Kang Sung-gyu?”

Song Yeo-Woon looked at her as if it was ridiculous.

“…the representative of Almighty Ryeon. You’re the man who the branch manager set up as a scarecrow, isn’t it?”

Hyunmoo just remembered.

Sungkyu Kang.

He was a former deputy head of the Almighty Alliance who saved his life by selling off the Japanese and Chinese assassins who were trying to kill Hyunmoo in a dungeon to the north.

He was now appointed as the scarecrow representative, but it was surprising that he refused to cooperate with the government.

‘No, I don’t think it’s particularly surprising. He is a man whose life comes first.’

In any case, the overall movement seemed to be a unilateral attack on the Almighty by the Korean government.

It is natural for the private sector to complain about the fact that talented people do not obey the state’s control and act arbitrarily.

The government was clearly trying to get talented people on this opportunity with the public opinion on its back.

However, Hyunmoo felt this series of movements was unnatural.

How could he make such a bold move, even when he was away?

No matter how daring politician Park Kyu may be, he wondered what he would do next if he escaped somewhere or even started protesting.

“Then who is controlling the Almighty? Without anyone, the scene would be even more chaotic.”

“Ah, that’s…”

Song Yeo-Woon made a puzzled expression. She also seemed a little shy.

“I’m doing it in Taeseong.”

In that answer, Hyunmoo glimpsed the identity of Park Gyu’s confidence.

Hyunmoo stood up. Song Yeo-woon followed her with a worried expression and stood up.

“Hey, branch manager Kang Hyunmoo. Still…”

“Why? Should I surrender now and bend over?”

“No. I’m afraid that Kang Hyunmoo, the branch manager, is going to beat Park Gyu to death.”

“Don’t worry.”

Hyunmoo said, taking Song Yeo-woon’s unnatural sunglasses.

“I should go home first.”


ghost mansion.

Built on the hillside, this sheltered mansion was famous for rumors of its owners’ unfortunate later years.

According to rumors, the dense forest was nothing more than a gloomy and ominous forest, and the quiet mountain road was just an isolated and rugged terrain.

Two police officers and two hunters from Taeseong’s side stood guard in front of the haunted mansion. The search and seizure was over, but the seizure was still in progress.

Hunters on Taeseong’s side were talking about ominous rumors about the haunted mansion.

“From generation to generation, they went crazy, committed suicide, or were killed. Now, Hunter Kang Hyunmoo is also listed there. In the form of disappearance.”

“Hey, would a crazy person like Kang Hyunmoo get attacked by a ghost? I thought that human would chew up ghosts too.”

“Hey, child. Would you start thinking about fighting if there is a ghost? When you wake up from your sleep, think of a ghost with a face the size of your torso crawling and crawling while breaking your limbs. You’re not tired, can you fight?”

“Ah, bastard. Don’t be too detailed about it. Still, my dream job isn’t good since I took over the security here.”

“I don’t know about ghosts with a face the size of a torso, but I’ve seen giants with about a hundred joints or a snail that drags a head the size of a house, but they say it’s worth fighting for.””Hey, you’re scarier… who are you!”

The two hunters who were having a conversation stood up in surprise.

A man in a mask stood behind his back. Hunters felt motion sickness just by looking at the mask.

The mask, which strangely closed his eyes, erased the man’s presence.

But at the same time, Hyunmoo was constantly shaking the senses of the Hunters by letting his presence flow.

It was then. Suddenly, I wanted something to seep into my head, and the hunters lost consciousness and collapsed.

“What? You suddenly treat me with a mild taste.”

Song Yeo-woon, who had quickly subdued the two officers at the front door, approached Hyunmoo and said,

She might have killed her if she had pulled out her weapon and jumped in, but now there’s really no reason to. Song Yeo-un, who said so, had not killed the police.

She said as if Song Yeo-un was warning her towards Hyunmoo before she opened the haunted mansion door holding it.

“Really, don’t be too upset when you look inside.”

“That’s for me to decide.”

Song Yeo-un shook her head as to whether Hyunmoo’s answer was plausible, and she opened the door.

As soon as Hyunmoo opened the door and walked in, she could see why Song Yeo-Woon had warned her.

The house was a mess.

As is often the case where raids and seizures take place, all drawers in the mansion were open, and everything that could be turned over was turned upside down.

Documents containing Yu-min’s research data were also scattered around. It didn’t seem like there were one or two things that were taken carelessly.

Song Yeo-woon glanced at Hyunmoo. Hyunmoo had a faint smile.

According to her memory, Hyunmoo was expressionless before entering the mansion.

And the more I looked around the mansion, the more my smile grew.

Perhaps that smile is proportional to the anger.

Hyunmoo suddenly stopped in his room.

“The computer…”

“Ah, do you have any important work or sensitive data? Because only Miss Yu-Min…”

“I used that computer to frequently post malicious comments on articles on the Internet.”


“I also wrote complimentary comments on my article… Maybe it will all come to light.”

“It’s definitely sensitive, but…”

is it? Is it really sensitive content?

Song Yeo-Woon felt confused, and she headed to the second basement floor.

Then she arrived in the central hallway and flinched as she saw the things lying on the floor.

Those were familiar things.

Song Yeo-un quickly realized that they were statues sculpted by her older sister, Song Ji-min.

Some of the statues Hyunmoo bought for tens of billions of dollars fell to pieces on the floor.

“Ah, what is this…”

Song Yeo-Woon thought she was heartbroken, but it was nothing compared to the fact that the mansion had been stolen.

The person who hurts the most is Kang Hyunmoo, who robbed the house.

Song Yeo-Woon tried to lift her foot, but realized that she couldn’t hear the sound of her following.

When she turned around, Hyunmoo was making a big smile like never before, revealing her teeth.

“I think I can just look at this.”

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