Chapter 138 Unfair Negotiation (1)

“Did the ballot box burn down?”

Ryu Su-ah asked in disbelief. I was embarrassed because it happened while the ballot boxes had gathered for a while and started counting the votes.

“Yes. The transport vehicle overturned… Fortunately, no one on board was seriously injured.”

Instead of answering, Ryu Su-ah fell into trouble. The release of her talent report shook up her approval ratings. However, she was still the No. 1 candidate for approval ratings.

The target for which she used delusion was largely because she was the group that was more likely to support a candidate in second place than herself.

Because what’s better than a reliable supply is to steal the enemy’s military supplies.

‘The fact that the report is fake is something that will come naturally over time. So it won’t be a problem after the election. I didn’t think this would end… … Kang Hyunmoo, is this your work, or is it just a coincidence?’

Ryu Su-ah was not naive.

She once suspected that Hyunmoo had intervened in all her variables.

Kang Hyunmoo’s ignorance despite her desperate search and surveillance also fueled her suspicions.

I never thought the election would end without Kang Hyunmoo making an appearance.

As Liu’s silence shook her election camp, her secretary came and whispered.

“Rep. Ryu Su-ah. The ballot box in that area has a lot of support for our side. As a result of the overall exit poll, our side had the upper hand, but it is within the margin of error, so it is not certain. I don’t think the trend will change with just a few ballot boxes… ….”

“never mind.”

Ryu Su-ah motioned her hand to cover her secretary’s mouth.

“Rather, if we lose by a narrow margin, we can demand a re-vote with this incident. It won’t be a problem since our supporters are more loyal.”

If she does, her dazzled supporters will be happy to vote again. But what about the people in that constituency?

Re-voting is not even designated as a public holiday, and there is a high possibility that people will be annoyed by the fact that they have to vote again.

In this election, whether winning or losing, being able to vote again was a boon for Ryu Su-ah.

She said, ‘You’re playing insignificant numbers. Kang Hyunmoo.’

Did she think she would win if she got rid of the box full of ballots that supported her?

I laughed out loud at the childish thought. But Ryu Su-ah wiped her smile by pressing her face tight.

She must not be vigilant.

She didn’t know how she found out about her opponent, but she knew that she even had her dazzling skill.

She must not be vigilant to the end.

‘I’m going to have to crack down on supporters more thoroughly. Up until this point, I was able to win by a narrow margin while restraining myself for fear of being found out with a deceptive skill… … When the report turns out to be fake, my trust in me will rise even more. Because I can make anyone claiming to be a liar a liar.”

Ryu Su-ah’s face was expressionless as usual, but deep in her heart, a deep smile spread.

‘It is your defeat that tried to defeat me in the election. Kang Hyunmoo.’

Ryu Su-ah tried to keep her calm, but she couldn’t help but remember how she had overcome all these adversities.

She herself said she had no intention of ending up as mayor of Seoul. Next, if not, the next is the president.

She herself becomes the face of an ally and an evangelist spreading her teacher’s teachings.

‘For mankind.’

Ryu Su-ah smiled as she recalled her old propaganda saying that she would gladly dedicate herself to her homeland.***

The election results came out.

Despite the damage to the ballot box, Ryu Su-Ah won by a narrow margin of 48.7% versus 48.9%. It was almost in agreement with the exit poll results.

The opponent, who lost by 0.2%, naturally demanded a re-vote. Although Ryu Su-ah criticized the opponent, he took it lightly.

A re-voting was held a few days later, and the results of the votes added from the constituency were announced.

It was Ryu’s defeat.



Yu-min, who had been watching TV with excitement for a long time, could only say one word.

While the results of the national local elections ended in a decision victory for the ruling party, whether or not to go to Seoul was a rare concern.

It also became a drama that drew national attention as the results of the Seoul mayor election were won by a decimal point, and the nonsensical coincidence that the ballot box was destroyed by overturning a transport vehicle continued to overlap.

However, in the last fierce re-voting, there was a great reversal of the defeat of Ryu Su-ah.

In terms of the overall results, the second-place candidate narrowly won by 0.3%.

However, looking at the results of the re-voted constituency alone, it was a complete defeat for Ryu Su-ah.

Ryu Soo-ah could not hide her shock and was caught on camera leaving the election camp, and there was no speech in the uniform.

On the other hand, the incumbent Seoul mayor could not hide his joy at the unexpected reversal.

“This … If Ryu Su or the mayor of Seoul had been filmed as the main character, it would have been a great drama, but it is a bit complicated to appreciate from the standpoint of knowing her inner story.”

“It’s the one who cheated first.”

Yu-min wondered if it would be illegal to manipulate citizens to take pictures of specific candidates with mind control.

As the related laws are still insignificant, it seems to be on an ambiguous boundary.

On the other hand, what Hwi-so Park did was a clear election rigging.

In fact, there was no will of the citizens, and it was as if the outcome had been decided by manipulation, insidiousness, and conspiracy.

“How did you do it?”

“If you hear that, Yu-min, you become an accomplice too.”

“Ah, I mean, I also thought about election rigging at least once when I was in my second year of middle school. But at that time, no matter how much I thought about it, it was impossible, so I thought, ‘Wow, it’s tighter than it looks like our country, it’s a country that has suffered hard due to rigged elections’. ”

Park Hwi-so sighed and opened his mouth.

“First, during the first ballot box, we replaced the ballot box with another ballot box, overturned the car and set it on fire. That made us believe that the ballot papers were completely destroyed. I have arranged it to suit my taste.”

“It seems like a lot of things have been omitted between the words ‘organized’.”

“It gets complicated if you go into details, so just be aware of that. I’ll send you some data later.”

Park Hwi-so said it was simple, but there was no way he could take his ballot box out of his pocket like a coin.

In addition, the problem becomes more complicated when we consider electronic counting, identity verification, analysis, and monitoring by the National Election Commission.

Although the explanation was rough, all kinds of conciliation, threats, and conspiracies must have come and gone.

“As Yumin said, rigging an election is not an easy task. Ryu Su-ah may be able to control her to win, but not on our side. It’s not a dictatorship, so you can’t manipulate all the ballot boxes in downtown Seoul. ”

Yumin smiled bitterly.

“But it’s said that only one ballot box can be manipulated.”

Therefore, a re-voting process was necessary.

“Ryu Su-ah must know we’ve done something, wouldn’t he ask for a re-vote? We can’t use the same method anymore. Unless we burn the transport again.”

Park Hwi-so shook his head.

“I won’t.”


“This is the result of a re-vote already, but it would be difficult to demand another re-vote just because you lost. This is a claim that is difficult to make no matter how brazen. It will be difficult for the public to accept. The image will plummet. Do you know what I said to the candidate who asked for it?”

“I was told that I was a poor candidate who could not accept the obvious arithmetic and turned the circuit of happiness in a delusion.”

Park Hwi-so nodded his head.

“You can see his words come back intact. Even at the election camp, he would say that it would be better to prepare for the next general election. If the image is ruined, there is no next time. Rather, resigning from here will keep a clean image.”

Park Hwi-so showed a fishy smile.

“Of course, there is no next time for Ryu Su-ah.”

Park Hwi-so left those words and started putting on his coat.

“Where are you going?”

“Ryu Su-ah.”

Park Hwi-so carried his fedora hat and staff and spoke.

“Ryu Su-ah believed that she would remain in power. She made her promises she couldn’t be held accountable for, both at home and abroad, in politics and in the business world. If you don’t do it, someone else might kill you first.”


Ryu Su-ah was desperately packing her luggage.

She doesn’t need a lot of luggage. She already had many assets abroad.

All she needed was her fake identity so she wouldn’t be pursued, and enough cash to last her several days.

She first told her secretary that she was going to the United States for a while, where she would come to study politics in developed countries.

Her departure will only be announced in the form of her announcement after a few days, and only then will her people know that she is not in her country.

However, Ryu has also cut off her flights to the United States and flights to Japan, Canada and Australia. As she went over with one of these she went over and with her fake identity she cut her plane back and she was thinking of moving to a third country.

She would then rent her private plane to a place where no one could find her.

She said, ‘Just a moment.’

The moment she lost her election, she lost everything.

Election rigging doesn’t matter.

Her fake talent report will get worse, her political offensive will get worse, and countless groups that have promised her a lot will demand her debt repayment all at once.

And her secretary, Park Gyu, won’t be able to protect her anymore.

‘But it’s not completely over.’

She needs to build her foundation even abroad. Her abilities had many uses outside of politics.

If she could be a high-ranking official in a small country, or even a warlord… … .

“Ryu Su-ah.”Ryu Su-ah turned around, startled by the sound behind her.

A man in a suit was standing with a serious face.


Ryu Su-ah was relieved and pressed her chest down. He was a person who could be more reassured than anyone in this situation.

Shibin reassured Ryu Su-ah by patting her trembling back.

“I heard the news and ran from Shanghai. What’s going on?”

Ryu Su-ah was going to talk about Hyunmoo. But at that moment, her mouth shut tightly.

If she tells Shibin her story about Hyunmoo, she will be angry with Shibin.

Then she drags him into this fight over.

And when two of the alliance members face Kang Hyunmoo, the teacher is forced to intervene.

‘That’s not allowed.’

You can’t make the teacher come to the surface because of this.

The secret of the alliance had to be kept, not only for respect for the teacher, but also for practical purposes.

It is impossible for her to save her own life without the help of her allies.

“I made a mistake… I made a stupid mistake.”

“A mistake? Don’t be ridiculous. You’re a woman who won’t make mistakes.”

As for Ryu, she didn’t even have the strength to argue with what she was talking about. When she didn’t even smile, Xubin seemed to sense that her situation was quite serious.

He frowned upon finding the airline ticket in Ryu Su-ah’s luggage.

“I don’t think we just lost the election? Does Korea also have a purge after losing the election?”

“It’s not like that. But…”

Ryu Su-ah bit her lips tightly.

What does it mean if she dreams of a comeback without a promise by escaping abroad without borrowing the hand of her alliance? Isn’t that just a life where you can’t die?

The teacher’s utopia, the promise you made to protect the sustainable future of mankind, will not be able to be kept in the end.

At the moment when a heartbreaking emotion swelled up, Shibin pressed her palms against Ryu Su-ah’s eyes.

The warmth of her warm palms and the pressure on her eyes seemed to encourage her. She knew Ryu Sui and when she first decided to become a politician, she reminded her of the heart she had then.

After a while, Shibin took her hands off. Her palms were slightly wet.


Shu-bin felt that Ryu Su-a’s eyes, which had been terrified by her just before, had changed to straight. She was the figure Ryu Su-ah he knew.

“Thank you. I think I know what to do now.”

“I can help you if you’re having a hard time.”

“No. This is a problem I have to solve. There is no need for an alliance yet.”

Ryu Su-ah took a deep breath. Then I closed the trunk where I was packing my luggage and tucked it under the bed.

He recharged his cell phone, which he had turned off, and prepared his mind for the countless conversations and threats that would continue from now on.

“I’m Ryu Su-ah. I was Ryu Su-ah before awakening as a capable person.”

She decided to negotiate with Kang Hyunmoo herself.

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