Chapter 137 Enemy of Mankind (5)

Hyunmoo frowned when he saw something bizarre coming out of his fingertips. He thought it was a piece of meat, but the feel was not like touching a muscle or nerve.

It felt like a sticky jelly made to protect something inside.

[Facility Manager Marf Eve (LV 61)][The effect of the title ‘Hell’s Strongest’ will increase the level-to-level stats.]

‘this? Eve is a monster?’

[I am… … !]

Eve was about to shout something again as she groaned. Hyunmoo found that the red mass was still partially extending into the inside of the round object. Hyunmoo completely tore off the remaining strands.

At that moment, it snapped, and all power to the facility was turned off.

Even the minute vibrations felt in the facility stopped.

The hallways and rooms, which had even been lit up with emergency lights, were completely dark, and only the light from outside illuminated the surroundings.

Of course, the collapse of the already weakened section and the fire continued.

Hyunmoo looked at the red lump in his hand.

‘Eve… … Is it because I pulled this out?’

Then Eve squirmed in her hand. Hyunmoo tossed Eve against the wall, thinking to put an end to the eerie feeling.

At that moment, Yerdan leapt and ate it up from the air.

“Don’t take anything, child!”

Yerdan simply gnawed his tongue and stared. From now on, it seemed that I had to be careful when throwing something.

As I went out into the hallway, I saw the scarecrows that were facing this way completely spread out. It seemed that Eve and the facility were completely finished with this.

Hyunmoo felt complicated.

He had a crush on him because it was Yu-min’s legacy, and there was no sense of trying to interpret it favorably.

He, of course, didn’t want to break it, even for practical purposes. If this facility can be operated, the efficiency of the shelter now will jump several times.

But now, it was a story that crossed the water. Even if I fix a few things, it will take a while.

“Ha… damn it.”

I won, and my skills were strengthened, but it wasn’t a pleasant ending.

‘No, it’s not over yet.’

It’s not over until we find the hearthstone. Hyunmoo grabbed Eve’s core and tried to let Yerdan sniff it.

He thought that if he knew where Eve came from, it would be easier to find the Hearthstone.

Then I saw Yerdan clenching his head and clenching his fists to the floor.

Yerdan coughed a few times before spitting something out.

It was a hearthstone. It looks similar to Hyunmoo’s, but the pattern is different.

The slimy red mass seemed to cover it. It seemed that Eve was in control of even going out, or that Eve needed the power of the Hearthstone to control the facility. Or both.

Hyunmoo used Eve’s hearthstone with Eve’s core on his side.

***With a sense of escaping from the dungeon, Hyunmoo was standing in the basement’s white bone room.


Jerdan was also there. Hyunmoo sat down in a sudden feeling of emptiness.

He felt like he was going to solve the question and only came out with more questions.

‘Why did Eve suddenly go crazy?’

Hyunmoo suddenly remembered where he saw the word ‘Marf’ in Eve’s name, ‘Facility Manager Marf Eve’. Hyunmoo opened the status window of ‘Battle Helper’, a skill related to this facility.

[Battle Helper (Legendary/Unique)][Special Ability: Record/control the user’s movements to correct the accuracy and predict the enemy’s movements to aid judgment. By consuming mana, you can create an aura that enhances attack power and defense. By forcibly embodied the recorded target’s abilities in the body, it helps them to exhibit similar combat abilities.][Talents: Strength, Reaction Defense, Strength]

First of all, as the Battle Helper rises to Legend/Unique rank, a new attribute called Strong God has been added. Hyunmoo was troubled by the explanation.

What do you mean by ’embodied in the body of a recorded target and exhibiting similar combat abilities’?

Hyunmoo put this question aside for now and turned to the commentary.

[Note: Professor Keller succeeded in realizing a legendary skill by making a pseudo-golem called Scarecrow from the remains of Marf obtained from the Sentinel’s Spire. In the end, Professor Keller did not see the results of the study, but both of his body and abilities were perfected by Scarare Crow himself, who became a self in later generations.]

Marf. mentioned here.

Judging from the fact that it was obtained from the watchman’s spire, it was a kind of dungeon, and Marf seemed to be a monster.

Then, from the beginning, Eve meant that monsters were created as prototypes.

‘… … The credibility of the placenta in what he said has dropped significantly.’

There were many doubts from the beginning. No matter how difficult it was to live, did people need to leave the facility where the safe and clean air was maintained? Is Yu-min weak enough to commit suicide?

The way he spoke was also hard to see as ordinary artificial intelligence.

On the contrary, it was very close to that of a human being.

You might laugh at the mysterious power of mana, but when you start to doubt, everything becomes suspicious.

Maybe Eve was crazy from the start.

Monsters hate humans. From the time he began to acquire his self, he may have gradually driven the people of the facility to death.

like you did to yourself.

Hyunmoo began to be suspicious and angry about everything Eve had done, like putting firewood into a fire.

He could not stand without doubting Eve. If you were going to kill yourself in the first place, you should have put it in the capsule and killed it. Why do you wake me up and kill me?

It means that Eve is not sane enough to make rational decisions.

Then, at one point, Hyunmoo slapped him on the cheek.

It was a blow so strong that his teeth shook. His skin was torn and blood was seeping out.

Hyunmoo muttered as he bit his teeth tightly.

“I didn’t do anything wrong.”

I am not the star of the end.

I did not destroy mankind.

I am not the enemy of mankind.

However, at the same time, one assumption came to mind, and fear also rose.

If what Eve said was true.

This is most likely a parallel world.

If so, he was probably here too.

He didn’t get a hearthstone and he was still a miner and lived in poverty on his own.

Then, the difficulty level went up, and I awakened my abilities for some reason… … It may have been something very crooked.

Some people just want to see the world burn for no purpose.

It’s just an assumption though.

“After all, it’s me. Everywhere I go, it’s not normal.”

Hyunmoo tried to mumble as if it was funny.

He wasn’t funny at all.


The approval rating is 52.8%.

Ryu Su-ah was ranked first in approval ratings by a narrow margin.

She, of course, was on the far side compared to a few days ago. The votes began to gather as the candidate who had been ranked third in the Seoul mayoral election abruptly abandoned the run.

Although the second-place candidate and the camp were similar, it was a unification that everyone thought was difficult because their opinions were running in parallel lines.

Thanks to the soaring approval rating in line with the unification, the incumbent Seoul mayor, the 2nd candidate, has risen sharply.

The goblin haunting incident came to an abrupt end. Rumors about Ryu Su-ah also faded away.

She was fortunate for Ryu Su-Ah. Whether she really has the ability to summon monsters or not, the fact that she grows with her abilities shouldn’t be discovered.

The basis on which she has created her approval rating is her ‘deceptive’ skill.

If she hadn’t used this ability to persuade and support her opponents, she wouldn’t be where she is today.

Conversely, the moment you find out that you have this skill, there is no such thing as ‘delusion’.

Everyone will treat you with a suspicious and wary attitude.

Although she was catching up with the second-place nominee, Liu Suah was confident of her victory.

Kang Hyunmoo’s threat further heightened her sense of crisis. Ryu Su-ah was desperately trying to persuade people and run an election campaign.

She doesn’t have to win overwhelmingly.

She had already been dazzled by herself and the floor to which she gave her absolute support and the people who supported her if it were her own party were enough for her to win.

Now, no matter what Kang Hyunmoo does, she herself will win.

But she dropped her cup of coffee while watching the 8 o’clock news that day.

[Seoul Mayor Ryu Su-ah Candidate… … Ability judgment report appeared.][Monster summoning skill, dazzle skill is excommunicated.][The secret of Ryu Soo-ah’s approval rating is revealed?]


It was a long time ago that Ryu Su-ah had her dazzling skill.When Hyunmoo went to meet Ryu Su-ah in person, Hyunmoo had already seen through Admiral Ren’s one-piece glasses, Ryu’s skills and abilities, and was making a plan based on that ability.

The ability to deceive was too strong to stand up on the election board. Therefore, there was no way to win in a normal way.

The method Park Hwi-so chose was a strategy that when Ryu Su-ah came to her senses, she was in a swamp from which she could not get out.

“It’s a really cool thing.”

Yumin’s lab. Hwi-so Park looked at the document that Yu-min handed over and said with admiration.

“The font, font spacing, seal, signature, and even the deterioration of ink and paper are all fabricated items, so even the Sejong Institute staff will have a hard time recognizing them. Besides, I heard that the director of the Sejong Institute is missing and it is not working properly, so it is even more difficult. I guess. If not, it will take two weeks.”

Election ends in two weeks. However, the fact that the report was already released was a huge issue in the political arena.

In addition to that, rumors on YouTube and SNS, which had been consumed as humor or ridicule until now, became a hot topic as they began to attract attention all at once.

Now, it was the stage where facts and rumors were mixed to create new rumors.

The internet was already a mess, with mind control memes and hatred for the capable.

“Where did you learn these skills?”

Yumin replied with a smirk.

“Ah, my second year of middle school, my dream was to steal money from the country by making counterfeit bills or forging official documents… then that experience helped me a little.”

“…a counterfeit bill?”

“At that age, doesn’t everyone have such dreams? Am I the only one?

I think that’s what Park Hwi-so also thought about. It’s surprising that Yu-min really seems to have even tried.

“Anyway, will this be a huge blow to Ryu Su-ah?”

When Yu-min asked, Hwi-so Park shook his head.

“No. The subjects that Ryu Su-Ah deceived will support her no matter what crime she is convicted of wearing a chainsaw. It will last for at least a month. Ryu Su-ah can already win.”

“Hmm, I know that deceptive skills are quite rare, but I’ve never seen them play so well. Surprisingly, there are quite a few politicians with similar skills, right?”

“I don’t know what other countries are like, but in Korea, talented people are managed well. Unless it’s a multi-level scam or an evangelist, it’s difficult to be active.”

Park Hwi-so nodded his head and continued his words.

“Thanks to her allies, Ryu Su-ah is so high-level and powerful enough to use her skills on a large scale. She has a solid social foundation. That’s why she was able to rise so high. ”

“Then how do you win?”

After Ryu Su-ah wins, it will eventually be revealed that the report is fake. Then you can’t even grab your ankles.

But once you drop it, it doesn’t matter if the report is real or fake. So, when an election takes place, dirty black propaganda continues.

“Well, it is enough to lower the approval rating even a little. If the delusion is shallow, there may be a support group that is awakening. The important thing is to make the support rate sensitive by touching something that Ryu Su-a loves so much. And even if Ryu Su-ah loses, it is ideal. We’re just creating a situation where we don’t, because we can’t win the election anyway.”

“Yeah? So what do you do?”

“There’s only one way.”

Park Hwi-so smiled darkly.

“Election rigging.”


and Election Day.

At Ryu’s election camp, the news broke that the NEC transporter carrying the ballot box overturned and burned all the ballot papers.

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