"Excuse me, Principal!

"It was a treat!

"Both of you, go home with care!

Michelle and Olga wave delightfully and leave.

They're headed in the direction where the School of Magic Women is located.

I heard there was a student dorm on the premises you showed me yesterday...

Lew was remembering.

Michelle and the others will return to their dormitories.

"Come on, Lou. Let's go home too."

Fran prompted me to go home, and Luu thinks.

From the first time we met, Fran said she was extraordinarily beautiful.

The further blonde hair of the semi-long stretched out to her shoulders shakes and a clear blue eye stares at Luu.

The cherry tiny lips beneath the neat muscles of the nose move and one pleasant word after another.

Her skin is white so that it falls out, and when she talks to Luu, she has a slight pearl on her cheek.

The more all the men on the road look back...

Now Fran shines wonderfully.


A long-sleeved man leaning aside - admitting Lew...

A hot gaze at Fran turns into a gaze of envy and hatred for Lou.

From the sight of such men, Lew walks as if to protect Fran.

Eventually, when we arrived at the Mansion...

A young male knight who was packing at the main entrance saluted him.

When Lu and Fran responded to the knight, they returned to their chambers.


1 hour later...

The door to Lew's room was knocked rhythmically.

"Lew, can I help you?

A voice hangs from outside the door.

The Lord of the Voice is… Fran.

"Oh, that's good."

When Lew stood up and opened the door, Fran came in to slip inside.

"Hey... it starts the day after tomorrow, I want to do a springtime refresher"

"Oh, I read all the textbooks I got last night, and I remember them all."


All the contents of the textbook?

To Lulu, who says so, Fran has a frightened face.

All the textbooks I gave you...

Sure, there must have been more than 10 books...

Just last night, remember?

What, that?

I'm sorry, but Lew is a weird guy...

Fran, who laughed bitterly, decided to explain to Lou again.

"The basic textbooks I gave you are from I to III in magic."

"As long as it takes."

"I need Lew to help me with my new two-year C group spring course. The lesson will be a review of I, which I learned in my first year."

All humans possess the qualities of wizards...

It is the word of Louis Saleon, called the ancient Magic King.

From there, it is the Royal Valentine's School of Magic for Girls and Boys, founded by men and women, that trains wizards as full-time professionals.

Magic I is the first textbook used in its School of Magic.

In other words, it can be described as an introduction to all this Valentine kingdom, for the wizard.

Let's start with a relaxation to keep the mind stable, and an item on how to build focus and imagination to activate magic…

Using the initial magic formula and mastering the magic of life…

Until the respective attribute aptitudes were identified were noted.

According to Louis the Magic King...

From birth onwards, humans are set with one magical material called magical aptitude.

Adelaide, for example, has the magical fitness of fire and the magical quasifitness of wind, as does her daughter, Fran.

Magic aptitude is directly linked to the difficulty and effect of magic activation as it is.

Magic other than aptitude must not be chanted using a magic formula…

The magic of inappropriateness is remarkable and falls.

Few all-attribute magic users (all-rounders), like Lou, can activate all magic with similar effects, including the four major attributes.

By the way, life magic is literally the primary magic of starting a fire or generating drinking water.

"Review is very important. But that's not all, because some kids lack the willingness to learn."

Fran continued her explanation with a smile.

Only those who wish to learn about magic II will be given the course in the form of a preview of only the "touch" part.

The magic ii to be used after sophomore year is......

It is a book that teaches the magic of application, which further ranks up the magic of life.

With the activation of the magic of life, we have identified our own magical suitability…

Intermediate Attack Magic Activation, using a magic formula.

Initial summoning magic activation.

In other words... knowledge acquisition and practice such as summoning demons to use.

It also deepens pagan magic and other enlightenments, including spiritual magic.

By the way, the magic iii used in 3rd grade......

Advanced magic mastery and its practice, are their applications.

As a matter of fact, Luu, having heard Fran's explanation, seemed almost to understand.

"There's a different part of Grandpa's way, but I think this magic is a pretty good book. I learned too."

"So you can use the magic that's on by magic iii?

"Oh, just like I said before. No magical chant, maybe neither."

Fran wasn't surprised anymore.

Because Lou is, as always, out of standard.

I can't believe I remembered the contents of more than 10 textbooks in just one night and said that the magic ceremony can be activated without chanting...

"Plus the non-magic textbooks were interesting, and I learned all the magic on them. We'll just try to activate it later."

"It's sloppy, Lew."

Fran gets stupidity.

I feel sorry for her, though.

I feel a huge difference in talent from myself.

Lew opened his mouth to comfort the depressed Fran.

It is a gentle, serene expression.

"Even Fran, his qualities are still asleep. Good luck, because you can be a better wizard than you are now, including magic."


Now what!?

Do I still have a stretch of magic?

At the end of the first semester at the School of Magic Girls, a final measurement of magic power and ascertainment of attribute aptitude will be made.

Because they say that humans are about 16 years old and their magical qualities are confirmed.

Identification of magic quantities and attributes…

It is said that the key is how talent can be flowered through the learning and training that builds up from it.

Fran bites the words that Luu tells him.

Memories are handled.

My current total magic power is…

When I was 16 years old, it hasn't changed since I measured it with a magic measuring machine at the School of Magic Girls until now...... why?

"Lu! duh, duh, why!?

"Whatever you say... you can tell by Fran's Magic Wave (Aura)... don't worry."


"So Fran, be confident. I can help you awaken all your qualities."

When Lew said that, he called Fran's shoulder "Pong!," he slapped.

His unyielding smile quickly erases Fran's anxiety.


Instead of anxiety, Fran's whole body is filled with joy.

I feel great, I come positive.

Enough already!

This guy!

Why not?

You're gonna tell me what makes me so happy?

Why not?

You make me feel so happy?

Fran also feels like the first time he saved his life.

Oh, shit!

I'm dying to be thoughtfully sweet on Lew!

That's good! Because this is my house!

Not at school... but here!

Fran hugged Luu as much as she wanted after staring at him.

Bury his face in his chest.

Luu, on the other hand, took Fran in silence without saying anything.


Fran also smells Luu.

From Luu...

Gentle wind and...

It smells like sunshine...


Rest assured.

Oddly enough, Fran was whining in his heart about what that tailor Elda had said.

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