Lew and Fran left Kingsley Chamber of Commerce Wangdu Branch.

Bring Michelle Estrelle and Olga Flavigny, students of the School of Magic Women.

The two girls are as dear as the cats they've borrowed.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting at the Chamber of Commerce."

"Yes, no!

Michelle said, "Boom!" He shook his head to the side.

Sarah's blonde hair is shaking.

I'm nervous enough to bite Fran's words.

"You ladies, are you going back to the dorm now?

"Ha, ha! I'll have lunch on the way back.

Now Olga replied in an unusually fast tone.

Fran is:

"Then it's just fine. Let's all have lunch together."

I say, giggle.

Surprised are Michelle and Olga.

"Oh, yeah!

"Here, Principal! Oh, that!?

Obviously, I didn't look disgusted...

Obviously Michelle and Olga's hips are pulling.

I'm uncomfortable...

I want to get out of this place, at least as soon as possible.

It was obvious that I was thinking so.

"Not good, hey, Lu, don't you think?

"Yes, dear Francisca, meals are better served by a large number of people"

Being a superior on the outside, they were just the two of us...

My breath fits "perfectly" already.

You may say that you will hold the right to the deprivation of life, Fran, acting principal.

Michelle and Olga, students who did 'hey', did not have the technique of saying no.


The store where Fran brought the three of us...

A shop with a spicy building and a tarnished atmosphere.

The sign says Kaorufeng Pavilion.

Michelle and Olga are circling their eyes...

"This is it?

"I've never been to a store like this."

Usually two people live in student dormitories.

Usually eat in the student cafeteria.

Sometimes eating out is about a cafe and rarely comes to a restaurant like this.

"Ugh, lunch would be fine"

Fran giggles.

"Besides, this is part of the class."

Fran called me a 'class', and the two girls look suspicious.

"Ju, class......?

"Huh? Class? This is it?"

Fran's intent is…

Michelle and Olga don't seem to understand.

"Well, that's good. Then let's all go in."

"Quickly, quickly," Fran said, hurrying everyone into the store like a child.


1 hour later...

"It was delicious!"

"Here we go again ~ I!

It's different from the look on your face before meals.

Michelle and Olga are dreamy with their dessert cakes on their cheeks.

"Hehe, good for you. But Lew needs to study some more manners."

"Ha, I'm sorry. I'm a country man."

Lou scolded by Fran, but laughs calmly.

A delicious meal, too, if you look at Luu like that...

Michelle, who was completely relieved of the tension, reluctantly asked.

"Um, Principal... wouldn't it be a problem to just eat like this with us? Why don't you tell me about it?

"It won't be a problem at all."

In response to Michelle's question, Fran answers confidently and continues the conversation.

"This is an important lesson to get used to eating as a lady. If there's anyone you want, I'll take it from you."

"A meal as a lady?... Oh yeah!

Now Olga shouted and slapped her hand as she was convinced.

"No, Olga. 10 points less now. You're not a lady if you make a scene at the store."

Fran laughed prankily as she watched Olga.

"Well, can you tell me more? Principal."

Now Michelle smiled and talked to me.

"Yes, because when you grow up, you will be eating at various stores. It's that field practice today."

"Is this field practice?

"Actually, I'm practicing Lew."

Fran replied with a funny smile.

I don't think I'll have to worry about getting mad anymore...

The two girls rinse their tea as if they were relieved.

Did Fran see it as fitting...

I encourage Michelle and Olga to greet Rue again.

"Ladies, it's a good opportunity to introduce yourself to Dr. Brandell."

"Ha, ha!

"That's right!

"Ugh, I'm fine... but not in this store. We'll both lose 10 points each."

That's what Fran told me. The Michelles said, "Shit!" He lurks his voice with the expression, "he names again.

"It's Michelle Estre. Magic Girls School, Group C, Wang Du Knights, Magic Knights aspirations."

"I'm Olga Flavigny. Just like Michelle, two years in Group C, the Wang Du Knights, Magic Knights aspirations."

"Whoa! I'm Lou, Lou Brandell. Say hello to Michelle Olga."

When Lew greets him, Fran quickly follows him.

"He... Lew is an extraordinary teacher who goes in on the recommendation of me and the head teacher. The details are yet to be determined."

Fran stressed that, as her mother Adelaide said, it was a recommendation from herself and the head teacher.

"What!? Oh, that teacher's?

"Ho, is that true!?

You two stutter...

Again, Kelly...

From that personality, he seems to be a famous teacher in a way (...).

Luu's mouth angle rose slightly.

... Then I played the story of the four of them.

They were also students in Fran's receiving class.

In this Valentine's Kingdom, the Knights of the King's Capital are floral, among which the Magic Knight is regarded as superior.

Their aspiration, the Female Magic Knight, is to protect the royal family and senior aristocratic women, starting with the Queen.

There was a lot of demand, but chronic manpower shortages were also applauding the fact that female magic knights were elite.

To that evidence...

Female magic knights of the same sex are rarely responsible for the protection of Fran.

What is a female magic knight in the first place...

Being a basic knight, even a luxurious woman must be good at martial arts.

Appearance was also important.


Combining martial arts and magic talent, there's not a woman named Teriyu.

Michelle and Olga, daughters of Sir Knight, who originally excelled in martial arts.

When I find out I have a magical talent, I take the School of Magic Girls rather than marry right away and pass brilliantly.

I decided to go my way to a female magic knight.

But when it comes to enrolling and sailing smoothly, it's not.

In fact, Michelle and the others will be attending the spring course starting in two days.

I studied for a year after enrolling...

I have a lot of difficulty acquiring and activating magic knowledge.

I'm desperate to improve my skills for the new year.

It's new to those Michelles, and it's also very exciting to have heterosexual teachers in.

"Wow! Will Dr. Lew be your deputy?

"Really? Dr. Lew?

Because I cracked it...

Soon Michelle and Olga's, the way they called Luu had changed.

"In the meantime, during spring courses. … will ultimately be a decision based on the opinions of the president and the head teacher."

"But I look forward to it!


Fran was smiling bitterly.

There will be some blame for Luu being heterosexual, but I've never seen anything like this with Michelle and Olga.

When Fran thought about it, all of a sudden Michelle and the others apologized.

"We misunderstood the principal, I'm sorry!

"Yes! I'm sorry."

What's a misunderstanding?

Fran is distracted.

Now Luu followed.

"They both say they didn't know the real Franciscan."

Michelle and Olga listen to Luu, nodding hard and returning the words.

"Yes! I can't believe the teacher is so casual... can I talk to him about a lot of things from now on?

"We want to be absolutely magical knights! Please work out! I'll do my best!

Fran naturally smiles when she sees the two people she intends to.

She is now for the first time in her life...

He was experiencing happiness as a teacher.

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