He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(144)

Actually, what brother said is quite reasonable...

Ah, if I had known, I wouldn't have handed over the priesthood so quickly!

You idiot, who told you to leave no room behind?

The goddess of malice hid behind the pillar and snickered, and a dispute suddenly broke out in the temple. Saga pressed his forehead with a headache and announced: Okay! In three days, I will discuss this matter with the new Poseidon. Everyone, please stop making trouble!

Three days later, Sakya left the temple as promised. Before leaving, he carefully guarded the island. No one could leave or enter without his permission. After making all preparations, he set off for the palace of the new god.

Under the protection of their elder brother, the sea otters play and play happily, grab food from the seabed, and lie on the rocks to enjoy it. But they didn't know that there were already malicious prying eyes in the sky, staring at this place with fear.

Yunchi moved the torch and saw many new gods gathered above the clouds, commenting on the scene below.

It turns out that the old gods, who were aloof and self-reliant on their seniority, were just born as beasts.

Even so, there are still a large number of believers who refuse to give up and vow to follow them...

Just because of these beasts, our priesthood is still incomplete. Unfortunately, when the second generation of main gods also returns their divine power, they will be nothing!

The second-generation main god? Haha, if you take off that skin, you won't look like this clumsy, right? Like this, you are only worthy of being my prey...

Among the many evil words, only the goddess of peace did not interrupt. She saw the aura of war brewing in her compatriots and couldn't bear it, but could not disobey her brothers and sisters, so she turned around without saying a word and pulled the wealth. With the hand of God, he quietly withdrew from this gathering.

On the other side, Saga also reached an agreement with the new Poseidon. He will retain the priesthood of protecting the family. The new generation of main gods also vowed to live in friendship with the old gods facing the Goose River in Tonela.

Yunchi moved the torch slightly and looked away. Even though he already knew the ending, when it was finally revealed, he still didn't dare to watch the too vivid truth.

The new Poseidon took over the power and power of the old god. At that moment, he finally fully controlled the ice sea and indirectly weakened the barrier left by Saga.

Thank you so much, my friend! I will definitely keep you here for the banquet, Poseidon said heartily. You will be generously rewarded for your right choice!

The new gods who discovered the flaw were like fierce eagles thirsty for blood. The long-term discord and conflict, the flames ignited by contempt, hatred and greed, flowed blazingly in their veins. The goddess of peace never thought that when she left because she couldn't bear it, what she left behind was a fuse called warlike.

The new gods swarmed down, and the God of Hunting blew the horn of the round-up first. The old gods were caught off guard and neglected defense, and were brutally slaughtered in the palaces and coasts that were their homes. They called out Sakya's name, and before they died The miserable howl spread across the sea, and golden blood flowed everywhere, dyeing the water surface into a desperate glow.

After this battle, the third generation of new gods finally got their wish, fully taking back their due real power and ranks, and benefited a lot, returning full of skins.

Does God have to be perfect and infallible?

This is not the case, because human beings are just creatures created with reference to gods. Gods' love, hate and desires are actually a hundred times greater than humans, and the consequences of one thing they do wrong are also a hundred times more serious than humans.

During the banquet, Sakya was restless and frightened, as if something terrible had happened that made him feel terrible. He wanted to leave, but the newly born Poseidon stubbornly stopped him and ordered the stunning maid to pour wine for him.

West Wind, who was wandering in the sky, saw this tragedy and knew that the remaining three wind gods were also involved. He finally couldn't bear that the once powerful old gods met such a miserable end, so he sneaked into the banquet secretly and told Sakya the news.

Yunchi let out a shaky breath.

The Sakya in the mural once again turned into the familiar big white sea otter with round ears and hairy hands. However, this time, Sakya did not show this form just to show his cuteness - he crushed the golden cup and Overturning the banquet, the huge figure completely opened up the gorgeous underwater palace. The battle soon came to an end. Sakya tore the new god's body alive, swallowed him into his belly, and violently ended the rule of the third generation of the main god.

He ran wildly back to the island where the sea otters lived, collected the bones of his family members in the blood mixed with sea water, hugged their bruised bodies tightly to his chest, and cried bitterly with regret and sorrow.

He mistakenly believed in the oath of the new gods, thinking that this was still an ancient era, where both humans and gods followed the primitive and primitive rules, and they must do what they promised, even if they shed the last drop of blood on their bodies... But in fact, their world has passed away long ago, and it has passed away with these old gods who are getting older.

With bloody tears, Saga caught up with the first God of Hunting in the clouds who realized something was wrong and ran away like crazy, tearing his body into pieces. The God of War and the God of Blood who followed him were not spared either. The broken bodies of spring, summer and autumn gods fell into the sea, the bones and flesh of the southeast and north winds were thrown to volcanoes, the named gods howled, the nameless gods begged for mercy... Yunchi could hardly recognize what his sea otter looked like originally, and the sun was afraid The earth retreated into the void, the moon also hid silently on the bottom of the sea, and the stars mourned and cried at the same time, praying for Sakya's forgiveness and understanding.

No beam of light dared to penetrate such darkness, and no surviving god dared to poke his head out and denounce his compatriots. The world is soaked in the blood of the gods, and the winter god escaped due to his sleep. Peace and wealth protect several ignorant new gods, hiding in the temple in fear; the west wind knows that it has caused a big disaster, and also goes up to the boundless void. Go and confess your sins to the Mother Goddess.

Seeing that the third generation of gods was about to be slaughtered, Irma finally appeared.

The mural shows the figure of the Creation Girl, wearing a golden light on her head. She sighed three times in front of the blood-stained and crazy Saga.

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