He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(143)

Yunchi thought to himself, how narcissistic.

He shook his head and asked the painter: Does this mural only have one layer?

The painter laughed, pointed to the topless dome and said, Did you see it? What you see is only the last layer. Above it, there are 1,999 layers. Lord Luo Xi God’s calendar is calculated from the time of His birth.”

What about the underground? Yunchi asked, What is the basement used for?

The painter said inexplicably: There is no basement here.

Yunchi found it funny: There is no basement, what is that secret passage?

He stretched out his hand and pointed to a staircase leading down beside the wall.

Following the direction he pointed, the painter turned his head and looked back at him in surprise.

There...there's nothing there, my lord, just flat ground.

The guards behind him also nodded in unison, supporting the painter's answer.

Yunchi's expression changed.

What the hell, the gaslighting effect, right? You want to use the method of denying the facts to make me doubt myself, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling me, right?

I've only been here a few days, and I really can't tell how easy it is for you guys to do it!

He sneered and strode over. When facing such people, the best thing to do is to throw the facts in their faces...

——Oh my God! Yunchi had just stepped on the stairs, but his feet were suddenly empty, and he rolled directly and fell down.

From the perspective of the painter and the guards, the floor looked like a smooth swamp. As soon as Yunchi stood on it, he was instantly swallowed up by the swamp.

My lord is missing!

Come, come quickly! The master suddenly disappeared!

Go and report to the Lord of God, something happened here in the Divine Calendar!

Yunchi had no idea what was going on up there in such a chaotic mess. He only knew that even though he was protected by divine clothing, his butt was still sore after falling from such a high place, and he had to lie down on the ground for a while. Only if you do, can you calm down.

I'll go for it... Yunchi grinned and got up, This is such a good fortune, but it happened to me...

He looked around and found that this seemed to be an abandoned secret passage. It was unknown how long it had passed, but the torches on both sides of the road were still burning, illuminating a path leading forward.

God's anointing. He observed the torch. After being with Sakya for so long, Yunchi also became knowledgeable. The raw materials used to make the torch were exactly the same as the candle oil used for lighting in the strange house. Use this grease to make dots. The flame started will never be extinguished.

Yunchi carefully took a torch and lit it for himself.

Where is this place...?

While he was thinking, he walked forward. He didn't know how long he had walked, but his field of vision suddenly broadened. The murals of the Divine Calendar were like an unfolding corridor, rushing towards him.

Murals! There are murals here too.

Yunchi raised the torch in his hand high, illuminating the scene in front of him.

The protagonist in the picture is a male god who is completely different from Luo Xi. He wears a crown and rides the roaring wind, overlooking the sea and the humans worshiping on fishing boats.

God of Storms, your humble servant begs you, please grant us peace of sailing... Yunchi struggled to decipher the mottled text, God of Storms? This guy is also the God of Storms, so he is...oh.

Yunchi came to his senses: Luo Xi is the fourth generation, so you are the third generation?

He then looked back and had to say that the calendar of the old gods was suppressed under the new gods. This design was quite ironic.

In Yunchi's eyes, what was recorded in front of the mural were all unimportant things, but compared to Luo Xi's height of two thousand floors, the third generation's divine calendar was pitiful, and he could tell that he was a short-lived ghost.

Wait, if that's the case, maybe I can find out Sakya's past?

Thinking of this, Yunchi hurriedly searched.

...I found it, it's this one!

The Divine Calendar carries the past experiences of the gods with extraordinary, documentary-like precision. After the birth of the new gods of the third generation, they had several disputes with the old gods of the second generation. The newly born gods are full of vitality, and the old gods still have the power. After protracted friction and conflict, the second generation of old gods headed by Sakya is still willing to abide by the regulations of the mother goddess Irma and hand over the divine power to a corner of the world. Retreat.

Here, Yunchi finally saw the complete image of Sakya on the screen. He was no different from the statue in the temple. He had thick white hair, drooped eyelashes, holding a pearl shell, and his robes seemed to be gushing. big waves.

The first generation of Poseidon Lunotar was knocked out of a golden egg by the maiden who created the world. Therefore, in the second generation of gods, they still retained the original form of beasts. It was not until the birth of the third generation of gods that they became natural human beings. appearance.

Retreating to the deserted island, Sakya's brothers and sisters merged the shrines and formed a small kingdom wandering on the sea. The glory of the gods, their colorful clothes and complicated etiquette faded away, and they returned to their original appearance. Sea otters of all sizes lived in groups inside the island. Only Saga still retained the power of the sea god, sitting on the throne of the temple. , frowning, doubtful.

You can't keep it forever, brother. The God of Wisdom and Virtue - now a white-faced brown sea otter, is using a stone to break open the shells on his belly, and while eating, he advises, The Mother Goddess's The imperial edict must be obeyed, so what does it matter if you delay it like this? The Lord God of the third generation, you can't keep him waiting.

Young Sakya said: I know, but...

He looked at the round sea otters rolling around on the ground and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

I haven't reached an agreement with Him yet, and I will always leave the power to protect you, Saga said. To hand over the throne and priesthood too early is tantamount to letting it be slaughtered.

Who will be slaughtered by me? asked the god of love and beauty, a sea otter with an elegant body and flawless fur. The first generation of gods have long gone to accompany the mother goddess. After a while, we will also set off to the endless world. The void, living there. It was like this in previous generations, and it has been true for generations. Do the new gods still dare to violate this law?

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