Half-elves Fall in Love

New Year's Eve Asobika 40 [Lila Ryeda]

Eventually, the New Year's dance party with dragons was very busy.

After all, some of them were frightened by the appearance of the dragon, and some of them returned to look at the figure of the dragon (Lila's story), but it still worked well for the baron, the master, and the elves.

Well, now that I've accepted the Elves as my drinking friends, I'm sure they've taken things for granted and enjoyed themselves... and they've become some kind of psychological cushion.

It can be said that the trust as a friend earned by spending days in the tunnel, and the deep awe that the elves do not matter what kind of crazy culture they have, both worked in a good way.

This will make it a little easier for you to use your dragons in the future.

For now, I will continue to take care not to surprise you, but during the day, you may not have to hide so much to move the dragon out of town.

And I said, even though I danced with female slaves one after the other until the beginning of the day, there was also a cold and I couldn't say that it was only happy time...

If you have eyes, don't be afraid to win.

Christy leads all female slaves to a junction village, where they will continue.

... no, I said continue.

"When I and female slaves gather together, it almost becomes promiscuity, and it's usually good to have a warm secret hot spring or a house."

"Huh. That's good, too."

Lila flips a dress that she rarely wears properly.

And Ledda wrapped up her usual Oriental mountain-inspired folk costume and grabbed her hand and turned around.

“You can have a little fun with us, too. In that sense, it's a continuation.”

”Ah, ahh... yeah, that's it”

In the square, the two of them were stuck on the roof.

That's good, and I think I enjoyed it, but after all, do you want to dance at a time like this?

But I think it would be nice for the two of us to stay at home.

If you're serious, you want everyone to have fun as well, right?

Mr. Lukino brought the instrument with him. And Mr. Nolle.

Instruments and players are definitely needed if the two dragons are going to have an extended dance fight.

If you can play it well, it's a waste just for the two of you, so let's do it together.

While I was dancing with all the female slaves, I was able to discuss setting up such an aftermath.

"Huh. And even if we just dance, immorality is our color."

Lila said that, waving her hips confusingly to the Lukino and the others who started playing the instrument, and kissing me on the face...

He's also a rich man.

While riding the music with a rippling waist, I was entertained by my very fervent deep kiss... and I responded to it by being unremarkable.

A small village square that is always noon.

While listening to the whispering accompaniment, she clenched her lips and tangled her tongue as if she were competing for which was more lewd.

...... while enjoying it plenty and licking each other's overflowing saliva.

"...... Kikuku. No matter how lewd you are, no one here will stop the music." The more you desire it, the better it will be for us to see it.♪ "

"Then it's the same as orgy after all..."

"Maybe." There is no art in the monotony of just being naked with us. Just in the name of dancing, how much you can fool us... don't you think it's not a bad thing sometimes?♪ "

"...... Damn. You must be a servile female slave."

Huh. Did you notice that around now?

Lila smiles provocatively and accepts my milk rubbing.

Rather, they try to guide their hands into their clothes while bending their hips.

While enjoying the softness of that skin, I will also put my hand on Reida.

While putting his hand into the national costume and taking off his skin, he also kissed her intensely...... while holding Lila and Lyda and the beauties with their breasts on their hands, he rides the music with just his waist appropriately.

Open woods. Grass floors and never-setting sunlight.

In the accompaniment of the female slave's claws, she crawls her hands as she can to the women who dance while leaving her to herself.

Surely this kind of thing might be a little fun.

While seeking immorality, the subject of the venue is dance.

No matter how much obscenity you try to work on them, the music never stops. Even if you expose their vaginal holes here, cumming and sprinkling semen on them.

A feast where women seek shame for themselves, which can only be done with the agreement that any act is a continuation of the dance.

Of course, sex is also an ant, right?

"Please feel free to...♪"

Even though I was going to ruin the costume I was wearing, I smiled satisfiedly and entrusted myself to me, provocatively swinging my chest and dancing.

”Huh. Screw it into any hole... while insisting on that dance♪”

Lila also lost, pressing and slipping her tender flesh in a dress she can no longer put in front of the public, and she will not fail to appeal.

Eating both is fascinating, but Lila raped her this morning.

”Well then, Leyda... I'll fuck you in the asshole”

"... fufufu♪"

Even if she suddenly designates the hole that is the most out, Reeda just waits and breaks the cherry-colored cheeks and rolls them down.

An anus that shows a sacred white ass and a slightly pigmented color that doesn't make people feel at home.

A beautiful woman who shows it to a man and shakes it in a waltz rhythm to invite him.

Satisfied with the sight, I took out my dick and twisted it.

”... nh♪, fu... my... dick dance...♪”

Leda swallowed her anger into her rectum as she muttered in a trance.

... I know it's a flow that needs to be followed for now, but I want you to stop saying that phrase because I look like such an asshole.

At a glance, both Lukino and Nore continued to play with a smile. No matter what, I don't think I'm going to stop playing the accompaniment.

... while holding Lila in one arm, occasionally kissing her, rubbing her boobs, and even pinching and playing her newly appeared nipples, the dick engraves the rhythm of the waltz in Leada's asshole.

While exhaling sweetly, Ryeda waved her hips, woke up and leaned against me, and pulled her hands toward rubbing her boobs even harder.

...... I've seen "showgirls gang-raped by excited men during strip shows" on erotic scrolls occasionally, but on the contrary, I've never seen multiple erotic women in a dance. Because it's unnatural.

It wasn't just Lyla and Ledda. It's clear that the female slaves who were watching were also sober and thinking of doing something if they cut off the flow.

"Nchu... chu, chu....... Fu...... the owner. The joy of dominating a beautiful female...... On the contrary, don't forget that the dominant side also has the joy of subjugating a beloved male......♪"


"I feel so strong a bond that I can be disgraced... that I accept your desire to be secret, so tarnished with the dignity of a woman... that I am filled with such a close relationship, burnt to the joy of dedicating everything to you, abandoning everything and becoming a slave to you... For you, a female slave may be nothing but a subject, but there is such joy...♪"

"...... Lyla"

"With that kind of gaze, this kind of madness is definitely a reward for female slaves... don't♪hesitate to use the females as you wish." Let's play with the inanimate body as you like......♪ "

Lila whispered something even more spoiling for me as the two of them entertained each other with the finest female meat.

...... I can feel the gaze of the female slaves gathering and their exhale, and understand that the hot dance still continues.


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