Half-elves Fall in Love

New Year's Eve Ashoka 39

In the "Dragon Roof", black and silver dragons give each other wings on their backs.

I saw my relatives, elves, or the barons and tavern masters who took the initiative to guide everyone to start dancing one after the other, and the residents who had pierced their hips at first also wriggled under the dragon's belly.

On the contrary, the Jancha children touched Lila's feet with their dances and began to try to climb up.

"The dragon's scales are dangerous because they slip."

They were quickly stripped by Maia.

"I don't know how scared a child is..."

Johnny and the others who were watching are shaking their heads.

But, well, it could be if you don't treat it as something to be scared of. Maybe it was meant to be a kind of test run, or maybe it was like a cow or a horse.

I don't mind getting used to it at all, but if you piss off a big livestock like that, humans can't help it.

But when it's safe, even children look after and play with dignity.

That's why I don't think I'm scared of giant dragons anymore.

... but maybe this isn't just about dragons and livestock, it's about people.

A foreigner, a foreign race, or just a foreign culture... Sometimes a mere lack of understanding can make a neighbor think of him as more than a monster.

It is often heard that the innocent relationship of the child is relieved.

... it might be a little dangerous not to be afraid of dragons at all.



I'll call Maia, invite her to the dance, and show her what she's up to.

"It's sunset now, but tomorrow is fine." Let the children climb on their backs.... promise me I'll let you climb tomorrow. "

"... if that's what Andy says, that's fine."

Maia with a puzzled face.

...... That's how you get along with the kids in town. Isn't that unexpected?

"It's a way to get the dragon recognized as a fellow in town." It's nonsense to suddenly become familiar with an adult, but I think it's good enough for the child to feel close to me. "

"... nnh. Got it"

I thought, "I'm not a rider, but I can't let you ride easily"... but I used to ride on Phaser's back, so I used to carry female slaves and so on. You were worried.

"I'll do the same tomorrow morning."

"... ah, ahh, that's good." Please, Emma. "

Emma declares this on behalf of the dance to interrupt.

I am grateful for the offer, but I am bitterly smiling that I will have to fix it a little bit in the future.

You still don't believe that I'm close enough to be here, so you'll be tempted to stop Maia of similar abilities from taking her place.

It was elegant, its head was spinning well, and it was a dragon. From the side, there should be no need to compete for trivial things, but after all, there are parts of the world where I don't have the real feelings of being loved by people I identify as rivals.

You may still think of it as a newcomer and believe that time will work out.

... maybe we should talk about it and be cute in the meantime.

But now is not the time for her improvement.

”But... this kind of thing is luxurious, isn't it?”


"Lila's scales and Ryeda's scales are shiny... sparkling with lighting magic." It's kind of like a decorated space, isn't it? "

I raised my gaze a little and looked over the dream space.

No dirt or scratches were found on the scales of the dragons, and Lyra, shining like obsidian, and Ryda, shining like precious metal, each provided a complex sparkle in the space.

... that said, it's a view of the legs and sides of the world's most powerful giant beast, and it's the ultimate in paralysis to think that it's "sparkling and beautiful."

I rarely saw the silver dragon scales like this.... and once again, I think he's a really beautiful creature.

"... although it's normal for us. For the lord... that's how it feels."

Especially since you're a blacksmith.

Silver scales.

Scales in mysterious shades that seem like mirrors or like crystals of unknown metals now reflect only illuminated light and the black of a black dragon.

The blacksmith feels beauty more or less because of the texture of the metal. No one feels anything like refined, high-purity rare metals. The scales of the Silver Dragon resemble it.

"Other people here might say it's a terrible thing."... I think dancing against the backdrop of the dragon's scales is the ultimate luxury experience. At any rate, I always wish it were this way. "

Dozens of hundreds of expressive scales that shine at once every time you change their standing position.

The girl who dances with it on her back looks even more radiant.

I'm sure if anyone but me wanted this, they wouldn't be able to do it, or they'd think I was crazy.

But only I can honestly express my innocent and luxurious feelings.

"... I am proud and proud of you"

Emma is honest with me about it.

As we dance around, we check it out.


"Then you can call us."

... when I looked to the side, I saw Corti and Layla dressed up.

I'm not destroying the dragon. If you want to show me the scales, I'll do it anytime.

"Has the standard been loose lately, Corti?"

"Hee, I'm just free."

Corti blushed slightly at Emma's point, and Leyla smiled bitterly.

Nevertheless, I have no intention of taking such a bad stand.

"If you feel like this, you can rely on other Silver Dragons."... you have other responsibilities, don't you? "


Sniffing and whispering deliberately, Corti's face turns red even more.

... I'm reacting well. I won't tell you because I can't let anybody hear me anymore.

The people of the town no longer say anything to the entrance of a beautiful girl they are not used to seeing.

... yes, because it's me. I know.


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