Shortly after we got home from our secret night walk, Naia ran into the mansion.

"Um!! Hih, what about Mr. Hilda?!?


I was still in the process of wearing my clothes again, and I saw Mr. Hilda naked in his upper body and Naia was about to, but I stomped.

"Oh well, work...... can you follow me!?

"Your job? Did someone get hurt?

"Yes... Ah, no, Lila said, 'Bring him here, probably because he needs a rush'..."

"... Lyla, right? Okay."

Mr. Hilda turns away from the loose atmosphere after the etch and rises wearing clothes as he comes.

"Andy, will you stay with Sharon? Tess, I need you to show me around."

"Oh, yes."

There is no scissors in his mouth, and he is left with Sharon.

"What is it..."

"... that Lyla made Mr. Hilda call by name... well, someone must have been hurt"

Neither does speculation have to be allowed to develop, but we wait for the continuation of the report in a restless mood as Sharon and I meet face-to-face.

I'm sure we're glad we followed, but the fact that Sharon and Tess, owners of the same Rennest land survey, lined up and left Sharon... probably considered their strength as an escort.

I mean, I've been thinking about the possibility that I might be targeted.

Besides, given the speed of arrival, I've never left useless personnel behind.

I guess I decided that was all I needed to rush.

"In the meantime, there may be something. Sharon, let's arm ourselves."


I take the crossbow and the brace caliber out of my luggage for once, and Sharon keeps his sword on.

I feel like I'm overreacting from anxiety, but whatever happens on that sword screen, it's not weird.

Needless to say, overreacting and shoulder watermarks are a hundred times better than crying over unprepared.

About thirty minutes later, Lyla and the others returned to the mansion.

Lyla, Maia and Naia brought in Special Agents Becker and General Kingfisher, respectively.

The look was shocking.

"Duh, what's wrong with it!?

Special Agent Becker Hundred lost one arm from around his elbow, and General Kingfisher had one broken wing.

"Ha... got hit. I hunted down a suspicious guy, and from the side to the strange woman, Gatsun."

"I happened to be walking nearby. I saw Becker's eyeballs, so I went to see what he was doing... damn, I told him I'd been hit with a feather in the daytime."

"Arms and wings, I'll go find them. Smells like blood, maybe we can find it."

"Please wait, Mr. Maia. If the liner ambushes you, even the dragons are dangerous. I'm coming, too."


Maia and Naia rushing out.

And there's no Mr. Hilda at heart.

"Lila, Mr. Hilda should have been there too..."

"Ho. I went to get some medicine after a quick procedure."

"... I see. I'm sure this is not a travel doctor who can handle it..."


What kind of hand is it to completely outmaneuver Special Agent Becker or General Kingfisher?

"Damn... I was alarmed... hey Smythson, listen to me properly. You know, the guy who did me was a silver-haired woman... oh shit, I'm getting weird chills about you dropping too much blood. Maybe over twenty in the year, slightly taller back length. He was about the size of an Almeida, and he didn't have a weapon..."

"Oh, hey, Becker, asshole, it's like a will."

"Shut the fuck up, Tori. You're a disgrace to the intelligence brigade for dying without information. So, so, uh, I even talked to Doc."

Special Agent Becker, a hundred men, is getting quicker and quicker with a blue face.

I got scared too. It's certainly not strange to die of blood loss if you lose your arm.

But I thought only this man would never die.


"I don't exaggerate. I treated you with magic and needles, so you're not going to die. Andy, even if you were slashed in the foot, you survived fighting back, so apprentice a little bit."

There, Mr. Hilda is finally home.

"Mr. Hilda!

"Yes, Dr. Hilda, it's a reappearance. I'll continue with the procedure, so help me with Tess and Lila."


"Ho. Me."

"You're more used to raw meat teasing than any other kid.... Speaking of which, Cairon, what's wrong with you?

"Ho. Right, Lord Owner. Why don't you pick up the fox and do it for me? Sakura Tree Rest Pavilion."

"Oh, I know that there"

"Right. So, Sharon, show me around."

There's nothing I can do about the surgery that's going to start.

Let Sharon guide me to pick up Cairon.

Cairon had been made to wash dishes.

Cairon shouldn't carry much, so he just couldn't have been pushed to pay for four.

"Smythe ~ n... thanks for the help"

"You don't look like you're gonna cry. Just wash the dishes."

"The general in the kitchen yells at me a lot because Mr. Lila puts her ass on the taste of booze. I was scared."

The payment was just generous and Sharon got it done. The clerks who were breathing when they heard they were here to pick up Cairon are also flat-headed for the fact that the black arm came out.

"Bad Sharon. Save it from Lyla later."

"That's okay. They're female slaves."

"... don't let that kind of cluttered accommodation go to dragon opponents. It's not like they're wasting time."

It's a huge gourmet. Plus, my stomach's close to bottomless.

"Yes, sir"

Sharon got sober, but this is fine.

I don't like the smell of financial troubles and stuff between female slaves.

Apparently, the two lost hands and wings were recovered safely, and Mr. Hilda spun in full and the junction was complete at dawn.


"The connection is connected... but normally it will take six months to get back to the scene."

After all, with Mr. Hilda's technology, it doesn't work out so easily.

"Quar... If you can fly properly in six months, it's your word..."

General Kingfisher says so with his feathers peeled off (apparently in the way of sutures) as he looks at a single feather with visible scalp.

What you're saying and not having a tone of voice is probably still because of the possibility of it being unbroken.

"... because I felt good with Dr. Lucia, but it's not like this..."

"Oh, why? It's not an honor injury."

Even if Mr. Hilda tells him so, General Kingfisher shakes his head.

"What do you think Birdman's wings will do with the poor minister? It's over..."

"That's Birdman's value, isn't it?

"So you're saying you can appeal to me with something else! Birdman's charm is his wings! Damn it, it's over."

"I'm in trouble... if it's just a comeback from an injury, there's a way to make a full comeback in a week or so."

"I'm no longer sure I'm going to live beyond this"

General Kingfisher.

... In that place, the sound of knocking on the front door.

The procedure was done in the entrance hall so everyone on the spot paid attention to the door.

"Excuse me. I heard there was some boredom...... did Sieg Becker get hit? This is serious."

It was Lord Buster.

If you come in, you'll sleep in a long chair. I look sinister when I see Special Agent Becker Hundred.

Special Agent Becker's hundred was magically sleeping because he was too much blood drained and slightly confused. The bandage that covers its arms is magically consolidated and gipsy.

I heard that Celesta is one of the best when it comes to assassination skills and dodging abilities.

"There's no doubt about that one. I can't wait."

General Kingfisher sharpened his eyes.

"Just the guy Becker's bastard was after was pretty hands-on, but the woman who apparently came out later was pretty good, too. That's Captain Deane's class, too."

"... Dragon, huh"

Boosh and Sir Buster mutter.

That everyone on this scene, presumably while speculating, had not spoken out.

At least, he said at the time Naia was there was no woman brave except Naia in Karlwin. Then where did the mysterious hand trick that joins Liner Excelisa come from?

That's a simple explanation if it's a dragon. It can also be a means of movement and an escort.

And that also means the possibility of completely nullifying our military advantage.

Master Night Class Powerful. If that's all there is to it, there are many of us in our squad... only Dragons can really cross with Dragons.

I can't get my hands on it when it's an empty battle between dragons.

And more than that.

"If the man were a dragon rider, my Maia and I would be out of hand in the first place..."

"What is it?"

Lord Buster frowns.

"Dragons are basically untouchable with dragon riders. That's what's happening in the Covenant. If it is a dispute between the dragon riders, the dragons of the two factions must never lay their hands on each other until the riders themselves have settled."

"... what will such a decision be? Don't suffer from understanding."

"I've got my hands on it, but at the end of the day, that dragon and its riders get out of protection by covenant. The whole clan will naturally be rid of evil dragons and their leaders. In that case, there is no future for us to make it through the scene."

"I see… and the rider himself, the strongest comparable to the dragon. Don't make it harder."


The two shut up with a serious face.

Carlwin has distortions, and even if he can reach them, he's hard to attack.

Although there is only an intermediate goal of demonic territorial development, it cannot naturally be ignored.

"... but we'll figure it out. It's harder to win by pushing... well, that's not all national negotiations are."

Sir Buster ends the conversation by saying so with a sigh.

I look like a hassle, but I guess I have a plan for something.

He then turns to General Kingfisher and sees his wings shaved.

"... you're unharmed"

"Can you not tell me? This is depressing, too."

"No, no remnants are no remnants. Very cool."


"But I think so.... that a man can only be strong when he admits his faults"


"What do you say, Clay Kingfisher? Will you leave one to me?"


"Actually, I've been doing this kind of magical study of growing barren land for fifteen years. But it doesn't work. Something that's not supposed to grow, or just rough skin..."

"... fine"

"Well wait. But research is in the final stages. I rowed my hair-shaved puppy to the point of turning it into a hairball in three days. But when it comes to use on people, it also points to the danger that maybe hair roots will develop all over their bodies and become some new beast man. But"

"... if we're Birdmen, we might as well have said so, but that's the face."

"No, no, no, no, because if that happens to your whole body, your house will just grow. What I need you to do is work on selective hair growth."

"... qua?

"I mean, it's a good opportunity, so I'd like to encourage rapid hair growth in 70% of this bald area. If we fail, Birdman won't be so harmful because we'll just have more feathers, right?

"... ku, ku"

"Okay? A dull vulture may soon heal. No, it's healing. There just might be an extra part to grow."


Sir Buster and General Kingfisher are staring at each other.

And Tess, who was listening to it, smiled.

"Um... I think we should do that kind of negotiation in hiding, brother."

Thank you. He forgot to negotiate with me in front of the crowd.

(cont 'd)

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