Half-elves Fall in Love

Mission Invisible [Sharon Tetes Hilda]

After lunch, accompany Tetes and Sharon to the clinic where Felios is supposed to be.

And you came to see me at the same time I finished lunch, and I bowled in front of Berga and the front door.

"Well done, Sharon."

"What about your brother?

"You're blurry. Once one of the nurses brought the plants into the hospital room, she began carelessly to take care of it"

"As an elf, it's never strange to do plant tanning, is it?

"... can anyone imagine in the arcus that Felios is staring at the plants and smiling all day"

"... so is that. Brother, are you all right?"


Berga closed her eyes without expression.

Peeping into the hospital room, Felios headed to a simple round table, in front of a small potted tree like riding on both hands, in the afternoon sunlight with a gentle expression.

The mercenary-specific tension that was drifting from his entire body was without a trace, and all that was there was just a prince of an elf who loved the plant and had a transparent eye.

"Coming in, Felios"

Even if Berga tells us he's coming, it won't be picky.

I'm unresponsive enough to believe it if you tell me it's a doll like Felios out there, but I don't think any genius puppeteer can create that shaping beauty.

Sharon was also called there.


"... Sharon"

Felios looks up like he woke up from a dream.

And he put me in his sight.


His face turns blue instantly and slowly falls off the chair.



"...... Gaha, gehu"

I threw up blood again when I thought I crawled on the floor.

... Um, is that just what you saw in my face?

"Tetes, get me a doctor! Easy, Felios, breathe slowly."

"Brother, be careful"

"Gohoo, Goho... Ki, you... Kisama, Andy Smythson... heh! I'll kill you!

"Hold on, Felios! Don't let the golden arm sneak up on you! At least turn it into a sword!

There's something wrong with that encouragement, Berga.

Felios, extended hospitalization.

It seems that the medical condition has worsened to the same extent as it was at the time of hospitalization.

"Perhaps we should have refrained from paying our respects..."

"Uh, I think your husband existed worse than the chief knight."

"You didn't even say a word."

"Maybe the fact that my sister is still cheerfully collaring as a female slave was too spicy..."

Sharon tilts her neck with a troubled face.

"To the extent that I went under a man, then your brother would be dead if I got married or something..."

"No, because female slavery is a super serious situation, in general terms."

"That's not true."

I think it's harsh to ask my real brother to understand that.

Everyone returned to the mansion, and late in the afternoon, Special Agent Becker Hundred did not return.

"I wonder if you're searching so hard... but the Secret Service Chief doesn't know the characteristics of the opponent or anything, and I don't think he can do his best."

We decided to ask the nearby cafeteria to come forward for dinner, and we'll wait and relax at the mansion.

You can eat and walk, but there's a fine dining room in the mansion, so there's nothing to walk around every meal.

"If you can't catch up with your own eyes, some hands say you'll listen. If someone walks into the city, no matter how covert they move, someone's watching."


"Come to the city and just take a nap in the shadows and go home... oh my god, unless you have a vain imitating intruder"

"... well, you're supposed to be in contact with someone who's here"

I can convince Tess.

A city is nothing but a collection of people.

If you're here to get something, exchange information with someone, or do something, it's unlikely that you'll come into contact with anyone first.

Thinking about it, is the interview effective?

"But I'm not accustomed to the land, but I don't know if I can hear it well."

"Yes, you can. There are a number of reasons why the general public reluctantly gives information, but the hardest part is if you don't want to give it out delusionally because of your rural habits. If the next is expected to be severe punishment due to power control. Neither is Rennest, so if you're reluctant, if you know the 'value' of the information."

"... be gold, or something like that?

"Right. So if you can find someone who's intelligent about the situation, well, if you spend a little and you know your sincerity, it's crisp to get back information and everything."

If that's what you're doing, just half a day would be natural.

It's exactly time after the meal.

Apple and Aurora's mesh is never bad either, but decent store food is still delicious. If it's Selene or Jeanne, I can't even beat that.

"Owner, the town has a wide variety of drinks. I'm going to have a drink."

"Oh, me too..."

"Can the owner ask to be away?"


Lyla laughs thinly and points to the side with just a snap.

Sharon, Tetes and Mr. Hilda were bickering there.

"I will also take Naia, but if you protect me and Maia, there will be no shortage. I'm telling you, the fox will follow you."

... apparently the soul and guts that take me out of it for fun with Mr. Hilda and the others.

"You want to play a bad role..."

"I don't really want to drink. Besides, we dragons do good in the Lord's interest. If we're the best, we'll do it anyway, otherwise we'll be flexible."

"... helpful"

"Ho ho. Well, we'll have them play any day as a reward"

Lyla smiles and turns her back.

How can this be devotional?

... Let's rub plenty of tits next time.

And after the tavern group leaves, a pink air flows between nature and the three remaining people.

"Eh heh... it's Otona's time..."

"Sa, I put up with you till night, so I'm expecting you -... "

"May I mix it up too..."

"That's for sure. Even so, when Special Agent Becker returns, there's no way he'll know."

"Well, you can fix your tracks with a phantom."

Tess starts taking off her clothes as she says something very aggressive.

All three of them are strong because of their facial abilities to use magic on more than that level.

And so Mr. Hilda, who himself put his hand on clothes, slapped Pong and his hand.

"Fine. I'm in the city because of this, and let's enjoy the thrill for a bit."

"... sounds pretentious before I try to say something unscrupulous"

"Oh, it's not lame at all. Yikes?

Mr. Hilda's smile dazzles as he smiles and takes off his clothes.

A few minutes later.

I was holding three chains on the street.

"... you know, 'not impotent at all'... is this it?

The chain is connected to the three collars.

And the three of them... were in a situation where only sandals were naked.

"Ugh. Naked grapevine walks in urban aristocratic neighborhoods... That's Dr. Hilda's first challenge too."

"Oh, haha, this kind of thing... you do mean sooo freaking out... something like this, mixed with fear and excitement, you come to the bin hungry..."

"Ha... something, a feeling of unwanted liberation makes me feel..."

Though I would have said at first that quadruple is a modus operandi or something, the quadruple is usually quite harsh with cobblestones, so I usually let all three of them stand and walk.

Still, three extraordinary beauties in each of them strolled through the town, even though they were hiding in phantoms, and the situation in which I hold the drawstring… quite, I have to be excited.

Rennest on a still chilly night.

In the scattering of men and women who meet here and there, the gendarmerie of policing, the drunkenness of a thousand bird feet singing in comfort, and so on, every one of them is really letting the eye-catching beauties walk in such a fashion.

What an exciting situation.

No, I didn't make them, they started it voluntarily, but leave that alone.

"Mi... they're watching me... so I don't... this, really... you know, reason is being hunted down..."

"Yeah... Oh, my husband, I can't believe I touched you like that..."

"Beto, Sharon"

"Andy, I don't know about this one... ahem."

"Mr. Hilda is nasty too... spread his crotch in a city square like this and let a man mess with you inside"

"Master, don't you want my cock... hioo, butt...?

"You look happy to loosen the hole, too. Even though it's my hometown, I can walk outside softly."

"Oh, haha... why can I... ♪ So, I don't know if I want to be... ♪ I just have to throw it all away, don't even think about it, and serve your husband's dick, porn, maybe I want to be... ♪"

The chain connects to the belt of his hips, enjoying Tess's butthole with his plump middle finger, and alternating between Sharon and Mr. Hilda's nomanko on the other hand.

"Sa... Exactly, if your brother sees you doing this, he could be dead too..."

"When the sisters of the Gold Arm see Deane, the god of war, playing like this all by herself, the world will be noisy... "

In a dim square, bonfires are cooked, making their nudity float thin and orange.

"... All right, Sharon.... Put your hands on the wall"

"Ah... yes..."

He noticed his intentions when he was told, and Sharon honestly hands on the store wall around it.

"I want you to, too..."

"Tetes is that way. offend in the visible alley of the royal castle. Mr. Hilda wants to go home."

"Yan, you're going to put it behind you?

"In order."

Drop your pants and cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha,

"Phew, ahhh..."

My penis buried in Sharon's horny vagina for a long time.

I can't move any more than usual because of my nervousness.

The chain that leads from the collar to my hips is loud and chaotic.

Even subtracting that...... still in this special situation, the strange pleasure of paralysing the brain is multiplied.

I grab Sharon's ass and spar from the start.

"Ah, ku, ah, hu... this, square... this, place, mercy, I don't know..."

"That's right, pervert princess! In the middle of this Rennesto! Stupid big tits and porn ass all in a merger round! We're making a big public of where it's seeded, you! The drunks over there, the shoe polishing kids over there, they're all watching you milk your ass off!

"Oh, oh, no..."

"Haha... the teacher is quick, Andy with you... I want to have a porn show with your husband... "

"Your husband is a no-brainer..."

With Taga's out-of-the-box excitement, dare Sharon to go inside first.

"Huh, ahhh!!

Dop, Dop, and.

Push plenty of the sensory semen, increased with strange excitement, into the back of Sharon's vagina.

"Oh, oh..."

"Look Sharon, you're blurry. Next time, we're gonna get Tess inside."

"Ah, well..."

"Ooh. That's exactly what I'm putting my dick in right now, Andy. You kick ass. "

Yes. It's a little deliberate.

... I'm having a bit of trouble with the seemingly non-sad that's supposed to be acting like this recently about to come out normal.

Pulling his penis through a little rambling, Sharon wakes up flustered.

Large amounts of semen drip through the legs, passing on sandals and dripping to the ground.

That dementia of Princess Elf, immersed in the aftermath of blurring and pleasure, gives me strength again.

It's little Tess who takes it.

"Tetes put his hands on the barrel there. Sir Buster in the castle might see you getting in the way of such crazy porn."

"It's not really funny because it's not weird to look at... Phew!"

Tess inserts herself all the way into her butthole.

Anal rape a grand marquis sister in an alley to leave Sharon and my juicy mud to me.

"Huh, guh... Mi, if they see me, I will, hey... if I do just this, they will let me go..."

"That's right, you asshole girl. Forget it. Be the only woman who can really do my dick."

"... Yes, sir..."

Tess dews her sleeping addiction in the back of her mind more and more as she gets her butthole rubbed off.

"Butt, butt... all over the city, I've been made such a pervert who's happy to be butt dicked, I'll never... brother, I'm sorry... I, Smythson, only ten long dicks, are gone..."

"That's right, Tetes... you're already a de pervert, I'll give you that mark... Yikes!!

"Hagu, ahhh..."

Ejaculate on Tess's ass, too.

It sticks together perfectly and makes me spit out plenty of semen in Tess's ass that unites with my hips.

Gently slap Tess's ass, puffy and spasmodic as I pulse, to mark the end of sex.

"Ha... well, me too, so I can do it with my butt... I guess I'll do my best..."

"Tetes really loves her butt... oh, pompous... it looks yummy and makes her samen reflux "

Two nagging boobs.

When I let Tess stand, I approach Mr. Hilda with my penis standing up.

"How dare you, Mr. Hilda?... Mr. Hilda rides on me. Give me a full porn show."

"Oh... this, we have to work hard... "

Me sleeping in the middle of the square while the chain crouched and Mr. Hilda spanning it.

Two knights and daughters stand beside each other dripping salmon from their holes, passing with parents and children bickering nearby.

The sky is full of stars. Mr. Hilda and I started to rub each other's hips to release the third Zamen.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Hmm, I'd like some more punchy liquor. I mean, there's a lot of booze that doesn't have a clear scent. Here."

"Ho.... this store seems to be mixed appropriately to sow up expensive liquor. I thought the fragrance would deceive you."

"Oh, are you serious"

"Uhm. Noh, Maia"

"Yeah. Big mistake if you think you're going to mislead the Dragon tongue"

"Um, the store is staring..."

"Wish me away from here. We're leaving... hmm?

"... that? Mr. Lyla, what's wrong with you?

"Sorry fox, I'll take care of the payment. We'll fill it up later."

"Oh hey!?

"Yuku, Maia"


"What's wrong!?

"I don't have time to talk."

(cont 'd)

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