Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 155: I'm loud for crabs.

"Hello, it's been a long time."

"Isn't it as bad as Peter says?"

"I work in the center to assist His Majesty and rule in the Duke of Phillippe. Because of his hard work, he sleeps and eats properly. He can't do anything else. He came here today."

"Oh, I came to buy seafood from the north."

"Do you need a guru to purchase?"

"I need it! I'll take care of what I eat!"

A week after playing privately with Peter, we happened to meet Alphonse, the current Duke of Phillippe who had time.

He looks fine, but he seems to be very dissatisfied with his absence.

"No, is it hard?"

"Telese, you look so fine."

"Naturally, I don't have to do a lot of work, I just advise Vendelin. Vendelin still takes care of my concubine."

"Oh yeah, I heard a great location."

"In fact, I don't have the experience of a nobleman. The advice of experienced Therese is valuable."

On this trip to the Dukes of Phillippe, Therese came along after a long time.

However, since it is not good to show your face too much, you are wearing a hood and disguising yourself with a haircut made by Katya.

"Therese, something strange"

"I thought I'd say it, but it might be better, but better than not."

Before there was no bleeding, Therese's twin tails didn't suit her.

When I asked Katya why she had a twin tail, she said, "No way Terese can have this hairstyle."

The twin tails coming out of the deeply covered hood are strange.

"Kachiya, wasn't there a slightly different hairstyle? It's surprising, but it's not enough to lose confidence in being a woman."

"It's okay to return to your original hairstyle when you get home.

"You're good because you look good"

Kachiya is as beautiful as a doll if kept quiet.

It looks great with a twin tail.

I talked a little bit with an old adventurer who had a relationship with Kachiya last time, but it seems that there are many young adventurers who have never seen her before and fall in love with Kachiya.

However, that tone will come out soon, and few male adventurers can beat her.

Because men are high pride creatures, we do not consider female adventurers who are more competent than themselves to be in love.

Only the male adventurers who are approaching parasites and pimps are approaching, and Katya severely eliminates such people.

That's why she wasn't masculine.

"It looks good even with braids"

"Husband, Elise was funny and knitted before, but I don't want to keep that troublesome hairstyle! I have to re-knit every time I wash my hair."

Speaking of which, Kachiya, like me, did not want to take time and effort.

I like to take a bath every day because I like beautiful things, but I don't like braiding hair every morning.

"I can spend a lot of time setting up my hair every day, like Katarina. It's impossible."

With regard to Katarina, she has a bad habit of sleeping and her hair explodes every morning, and she thinks that tedious vertical roll is the hairstyle appropriate for a true noble woman.

"I'm a true aristocrat ... when you go to the royal capital, there's a pretty noble lady with that hairstyle. I didn't see much in an empire."

Speaking of which, there were few women who played vertical rolls in the Imperial nobility.

Is it because you were in a civil war?

"That kind of hairstyle is fashionable. In the empire, it was fashionable about thirty years ago."

"Noble hairstyles are in fashion"

I thought that I would choose from the fixed ones.

Nobles seem to be noisy in the rules of the house.

"As you can see from Katarina, it's a hassle to prepare every day, so there's no one stepping around. Nobles like to stand out, but there are some people who are bothered by such a hairstyle."

According to Telese, it is now the trend of imperial aristocracy women to boast more of the beauty of the hair itself than to rely on the hairstyle.

"Aristocratic women aren't just looking great. They don't care about hair-washing products to wash their hair, hairdressing products that keep the washed hair dry, and so on. So don't spend a lot of money. ''

And some of the high-end materials can only be used in the area of demons.

There are also materials such as blood and oils and fats of strong monsters, and unusual places such as internal organs, which we adventurers collect and make money.

In the case of me, I have to give the materials directly to the store for my wives.

"Vendelin's hair washes and hairdressing products are good. The concubine's hair is also shiny."

"That's right. In the past, I used to wash my hair and dry it."

"Kachiya, you should pay more attention to your figure."

"I care now."

I guess that's the wife of Baumeister.

Because there is a maid in the mansion, the person prepares himself for each use without doing anything.

"Your wife is using a high-quality material from the Devil's Forest as a raw material. It looks like it works."

"Alphonse, let's split the concubine?"

"Would you like me?"

"I see ... you're struggling, too."

If you think that therese guy is strangely kind ...

Yeah, Alphonse's guy is so busy at work ...

"Ah, therese and Vendelin. Do you think my hair is suspicious? I don't think it's hair loss, I just wanted to take care of my gray hair a little more now!"

Alphonse asserted that he was still in his twenties and had not bald yet.

"That's right. Alphonse is tired. I'll send you a cleanser and a hairdresser."

"Therese, I'm not bothered by hair loss!"


"Wendelin! I'm not wearing hair!"

I think I'm still young and I don't think it's there, but I think it's a bit suspicious because Alphonse is particularly strong.

I heard that there are wigs and hairs that fall into the category of magic tools that are difficult to bale, so I tried searching with “Detection” just in case, but there was no response.

I didn't know if it was a normal wig or false hair.

"I just got a little gray hair. By the way, is the northern port your destination today?"

Here, Alphonse visited the purpose we came here to switch to topics other than hair.

"Well, Wendelin wants the seafood of the north."

"Wendelin, reunited with me and seafood. Which is more important?"

"It's a difficult question, Alphonse."

"Please tell me that you can be a lie."

Alphonse seems to be free for a long time today, and will be accompanied to a fishing port in the northern harbor.

He brought an escort, a mentor who wanted seafood just like me, Therese who came home secretly, Kasiya the escort, and the rest.

"It's cold in North, but I'm looking forward to it because it's my first foreign country."

There are not many people today who have no schedule, and I am also taking care of the Friedrichs, so I brought my busy sister-in-law Amarie.

This is my first overseas trip because she has not participated in civil war.

In addition, the movement was relatively small.

"But this fur is warm. Thank you, Vell, for this expensive product."

"It's not that expensive"

Because the candy fur processed the fur of the demon I hunted in the Demon Forest.

Only a real processing fee is charged.

In that case, she would like to give two pieces of material and return only one piece. She was all treated like a candy woman. Guru is especially so. Because I told …… they are actually free.

"But I hear that silver apes fur is precious."

"Isn't that OK?"

Silver Apes was a large monster resembling a gorilla with silver fur.

This is also an albino species of black gorilla, which is rare and rare.

An ancient book, "Illustrated Monsters and Products Taizen," stated that the fur of this demon is suitable for processing coats, so I asked Candy to process it, and I asked Amarie-sister for a prototype. It was a present.

"I'm taking care of the Friedrichs and it's a gift from me."

Elysees could not take care of the children, especially when unifying Akitsushima Island.

So the fur coat was also a gift from Elise and others.

"Thank you"

"Soon, give me a gift to my concubine."

While we were talking about that, we arrived at a market in the fishing port.

If you go on a tour, you can see the fish from this morning.

We used a unique sign to sell, and we didn't know how much it was dropped.

"I have tuna."

"Aristocrat's husband. All of the tuna have been sold off by Mizuho wholesalers."

Several dozen bluefin tuna were placed on the stone floor of the fishing port, but all the Mizuhos seemed to have dropped off.

Mizuho people like tuna like Japanese people.

"Mizuho love fish. I like them too."

Alphonse was staring at the tuna that had been dropped.

"You just have to buy something else and cook it in the house"

"Yes, because there are many other things."

The seafood in the northern seas was strangely not much different from that of Japan.

Thailand, yellowtail, flounder, Pacific mackerel, scallop, oysters ...

"Isn't it overbought a little?"

"Even if you leave it in a magic bag, it's okay."

"I don't know if you'll waste your magic bag like that."

"I'll be careful"

"Wendelin is also vulnerable to Amalie ..."

Actually, I had a half-sister, but there was almost no contact, so Amarie-in-law was more like a real sister.

If you are warned occasionally, you will truly reflect on it.

"Wendelin seems to be vulnerable to older women."

"What about Alphonse?"

"I'm also vulnerable to people who were nanny. Even now, when I'm alone, I'm told that I should eat vegetables. It's like my mom."

Men are creatures that are scolded by women at any age.

"But something is low overall."

"That's right."

Therese also agreed with my opinion.

Originally, as Duke of Phillippe, he was working on the industrialization of fisheries, so he noticed that the fishing port as a whole was not lively.

"I do not think so?"

"Alphonse doesn't really want to talk, but it looks like he's catching less than half of what he normally does. If anything goes wrong, fishers will starve if they don't deal with it immediately."

I know you're busy, but you know what's inside the territory, and Therese nails Alphonse.

Fisheries in Duke Philip's territory have continued to grow, and in the past, more than half were Mizuho, but now many Duke Philippe ethnic groups, including the Orchids, have started working.

In this situation, they may lose their jobs.

The territory becomes unstable if the number of inaccessible territories increases.

A woman wearing a mysterious hood gives advice to Alphonse, who is unaware of it.

In fact, it is a secret that its identity is the former lord Therese.

"Alphonse would usually notice it too."

Peter is busy, but Alphonse is busy.

Not only does Duke Philip rule, but Peter must help.

It seems that the territory cannot be inspected easily.

"This is a piece of advice."

"I'm sorry to put out an extra mouth."

"What is being said is gorgeous"

Alphonse accepted the advice of Therese.

The breadth of that measure was also evidence of his suitability.

Most of the lords did not want to hear the ex-lord's remarks, and many did not have any ears to hear.

"Why are catches decreasing?"

Alphonse immediately asked an older fisherman there to explain why the catch had fallen.

"It's not a no-fishing, no time limit to secure catch, right?"

"Yes. In fact, strange giant creatures have appeared in the northern waters."

"A giant creature?"

"Yes, it's a huge crab!"

I don't think there is no demon territory in the northern sea, but the appearance of a huge crab in the area where you usually fish is a wild animal like a sea dragon?

No, but do crabs look like aliens, so are they in the demons category?

"Is that a big crab?"

If you think with common sense, you know how big a crab is.

Alphonse seems to be wondering if a crab sized to hesitate to catch such a fish really exists.

"How big is it?"

"Hey, it's over 20 meters tall. It's slow, but there's no one to hit the ship with such huge scissors. In fact, a fishing boat was sunk."

There were no casualties because the fisherman of another boat rescued immediately, but thanks to it, fishing was possible only in a small area.

An older fisherman says that fishermen have to be reduced if they remain this way.


"It looks delicious!"


I and my guru were more interested in the giant crabs than I thought the fishermen were poor.

Basically, crabs are high-end products, so I thought that I could somehow beat them down to sample them.

"What crab was it?"

"Hey .... The whole body is covered with short spines .... There are only eight legs. Is the color close to purple?"

I heard the characteristics of the monster crab from an older fisherman, and I immediately thought that it resembled some kind of crab.

"(Are you crab?)"

"Are crabs not having ten legs?"

Naturally, crabs live in the north, and some species are edible.

He was often presented to the Duke of Philip, and Alphonse knew the common sense that he had ten crab feet.

But if this giant crab is a close crab species, it is not exactly a crab because it is a member of the hermit crab.

I don't care about that, but if the giant crab is king crab, this must be sampled.

You have to beat it to taste it.

Let's defeat early and sample.

"Have you ever seen a small individual of the crab?"

"No, the most famous crab in this area is thistle ..."

It was a relatively northern area where Japan and fish and shellfish were caught, but shrimp and crab were actually more abundant in the south.

Especially large shrimp and crabs inhabit the southern area a lot, and the crab most eaten in the northern area is a smaller version of the blue crab, commonly known as “Gazami”.

Prawns are only about the size of sweet shrimp, and the southern part where lobster-like shrimp are caught is famous as a production area.

"(Why didn't there be a big crab in the north, but it was inhabited by a huge species like a sea dragon far north ...?) Isn't there a big crab?

"I don't have this, but there are actually sightings in addition to the giant crab ..."

"What kind of crab?"

"The height of the shell is about 15 meters. The shell is close to a triangle, the body color is dark red, and the legs are smooth."

It's definitely a snow crab.

"Actually, I'm still here ..."

Do you have three huge crabs?

"This is small. Still, is the shell about 10 meters tall? ... The whole body is dull and full of hair."

This can be understood by any Japanese.

It's definitely a crab or something similar.

"Three types of giant crabs ... haven't there been any sightings before?"

"It has been said from a long time ago that a fisherman witnessed a giant crab at the end of the north. The features are similar, but they have never been seen in everyday fishing grounds."

For some reason, did the crabs living further north move south?

Did you notice abnormal breeding, defeat in a territorial struggle, and lots of food in the south?

Either way, the response will not be split depending on whether the southern part of the crab is temporary or will continue to be localized.

"I'm going to go there"

"Some will accompany you!"

A delicious crab as soon as possible ...

Giant crabs are not likely to be monsters, but they are still a threat to the general population.

Here, we wizards cook crabs deliciously ...

You have to get rid of and make the fishing grounds safe.

Yes, this was just a story about killing crabs in the spirit of Noblesse Oblige for fishermen who live seriously every day.

"Wendelin, guru, will you go?"

"Of course, Alphonse! Are we friends?"

By the way, I do n’t need any money for subjugation.

If you can get the right of the defeated crab.

"The arms ring!"

"So why would you leave the boat? Oh, therese, Kachiya and Amarie-in-law are answering."

"I don't think it's going to be too strong on a ship," he said.

Kachiya also had increased magic, but did not have the means of attack to reach the huge crab on the seabed.

Because it's dangerous, you have to answer.

"Should I have a concubine?"

"It's bad if Telese is active."

Although you are in disguise, you may have noticed the identity of Therese.

If she uses magic in such a state, some people may want to return to the lord again.

It would be better to disguise the magic and pretend to have gone home to the top secret.

"Would you like to learn cooking from Amalie?"

"We'll cook what you've purchased, so let's return and eat it."


"Wendelin, are you a child ..."

It's been a long time since the North Sea.

If the defeat of crabs goes well and it is a kind that can eat crabs as I imagine ...

All you can eat a huge crab.

The sea dragon's meat is not an eye.

"Let's have a crab party!"

"Is it possible to eat such a strange crab?"

With Amarie's sister leaning down and Terese, Katya and Alphonse seeing off, I and the guru were sailing on a boat operated by local fishermen and sailing to the northern sea, where the seas were rough and cold.

"Noble husband, this is where the giant crab came out."

After half a day of traveling by boat on the northern sea, we arrived at the point where a mysterious giant crab came out.

It is not far from the lingua continent and there are no islands around.

The northern seas are subject to more wind and waves, and are constantly at risk of frost death and distress.

Nevertheless, the seafood from this fishing ground sells high, so everyone takes the risk and challenges the sea.

"Guru, are there any reactions?"

"Mmmm! More north!"

They explore with the magic of “Detection,” but the giant crab is not a monster but a kind of wild animal.

If the monsters are the same size, a bigger reaction will be produced, but the reaction like a giant crab will be smaller.

If I was a little further away, I and my guru would not have been able to find it.

"More north!"


At the leader's command, the fishermen turn the ship further north.

The fishermen are often devastated by dangerous work, but unfortunately their gurus are more devastated.

There was no cloud in his command.

Everyone works from the beginning as if the guru is a leader.

I can't do this very much.

"Just right under this."

"You're under the sea!"

This sea area should be several hundred meters deep.

There were multiple reactions that seemed to be giant crabs on the sea floor.

Whether to feed or to tell fishermen not to break the territory, the giant crabs have come to the surface.

The area may be different from crabs caught in Hokkaido and Russia.

There is no crab that attacks fishing boats on earth anyway.

"Is it coming up?"

We waited for a while as we were there, but the reaction like a giant crab still stayed on the sea floor.

You may not notice because there is only one ship, or you may think that ascending will not add to your stomach.

"What do you want to do, Baumeister?"

"In this case, let's invite with food."

"Is it bait?"

"Yeah, it's a bit of a shame ..."

Take out a huge bear that was previously exterminated as a vermin, but was still in a magic bag because blood removal and dismantling were troublesome, tied it to a long rope and threw it into the sea with a substitute stone.

A lot of blood floated on the sea surface because I was hungry at that time.

"I don't know if crabs eat it, but I wonder if it would be effective if it smelled blood like this."

"I see. Baumeister has been thinking!"

It seems like anyone can think of it, and if the guru thought it, I wouldn't do anything.

"I came!"

"It works!"

Several minutes after the bear was submerged, several reactions on the seabed began to move toward the surface of the water.

It must have emerged in response to the smell of the bear's blood.

Apparently, giant crabs are carnivorous like sea dragons.


"I'll see you soon!"

At the same time as the bait was raised, the surface of the water rose greatly, and giant crabs appeared on the water.


Its body color and characteristic are the king crab itself of the earth, its total height is nearly 25 meters, and its full width may be more than 50 meters.

I was wondering how this giant floats on the water, but now I'm cooking more than that ... it wasn't.

"Aristocrat's husband! It's bigger than the individual I encountered before!"

It seems to be a bigger crab than a bad dragon, and larger than the first fishermen encountered.

The fishermen who were so rough were so big that they were all rising.

Because they are not adventurers, they are not used to huge creatures.

"That's common. I'm sure I'm the father of the previous crab."

And big is convenient.

Surely, their shells, feet, and scissors will be packed with lots of body and miso.

"Aristocrat's husband is easy to be irrespective of appearance ..."

"It's just big"

"Hyper! Noble Husband!"

A huge crab attacks the ship with its large feet, but it is prevented by the “magic barrier” that was set up in advance.

Seems to be just a giant crab, and there is no sign of breathing.

Because it is not a dragon but a crab, do you breathe?

Let's get delicious food like sea dragon.

"Baumeister Marshal?"

"I'll do it"

"What is that heart?"

"Guru, to study the cooking methods and the parts that can be used, that crab must be beaten as intact as possible."

I know the best way to cook crabs, including taraba.

Boiled at the beach is the best way, but it is not good to hurt the crab before that.

If a leg breaks, there is no need for it.

Hurt the shell part?


If the best delicious miso is spilled, do you think humanity has any more loss?

Therefore, let him die in its shape.

That way, everyone can be happy except for the giant crab.

As soon as you die, put them in a magic bag to prevent deterioration, and when you boil them, you just have to put a crab.

Boil, bake or steam ...

Don't worry about how to cook.

Because the crabs are huge, should we first give priority to feasible methods?

"Noble husband ..."

"It sounds great ..."

While I was thinking, the giant crab continued to attack "Magic Barrier" with my feet.

Every time the “Magic Barrier” made an intense noise, the inexperienced fishermen seemed uneasy.

I don't have any worries because I'm completely lacking in offensive power, but I would like to not put too much strain on my feet.

If the giant crab does not work and the leg breaks, it is not possible.

However, it is a very active crab compared to the earth's crab.

"Be assured that the 'magic barrier' will never be broken"

"Is that so?"

"The body is large, but not as aggressive. It's a big animal after all."

"It's just such a magician!"

Still, if the swinging foot hits a human directly, it will die immediately, so if you can not use the "magic barrier", it will still die easily.

Is it difficult for fishermen alone to defeat this huge crab?

"Guru, these crabs came from the north, is this evidence that they have extended their habitat into the waters?"

"The reaction is only a few animals in this area! I could just say that I just went south! Even if the habitat of the giant crab spreads, some people can't do anything!"

He hunts today with the permission of Alphonse, but he, who is originally Duke of Philip, has to mobilize princes, adventurers, and wizards to do something.

In addition, we received a subjugation request only this time under the condition of collecting loot today.

If this becomes permanent, no one will accept the request for defeat unless the Duke of Phillippe makes rules in detail, such as the share of the huge crab obtained in the prize at the time of defeat.

You killed a crab for death, but there are no rules, and if the Dukes of Phillip took advantage of their position to take full advantage.

Freelance wizards and adventurers with no guarantees can't take that risk.

Until the rules were decided, there was a danger that giant crabs would run around this area with my own face for a long time.

"Today, we should just take these few and bring them home."

"That's fine."

"Aristocratic husband ... Are you okay?"

"Should be fine"

All right.

The giant crab is not strong, and I know the key.

If you boil the crab alive, it will run wild and your feet will fall off.

Then, the delicious part of the torso flows into the hot water, so it was necessary to tighten it immediately before cooking.

The key point of the crab is to pierce it with a sharp knife or cone deep in your eyes, in your mouth and here.

"It's slow, so it's not too hard."

I made a sharp cone-shaped blade with a length of about 10 meters using magic, and stabbed it between the eyes of a huge crab at once.

The giant crab, which was not very quick in response to this attack from me, could not respond, and the cone of magic penetrated deeply between the eyes of the giant crab.

"How is it?"

"It has stopped working."

Even though it is huge, it seems that the key points are the same because it is the same crab.

When the magic cone disappeared, the giant crab stopped moving at all.

The life reaction disappeared, and I succeeded in successfully defeating the giant crab.

"It's weaker than a sea dragon."

"They work better!"

Although the attack power is higher than the sea dragon, it is not difficult to respond because the attack is slow.

The key points are easy to understand, so if you research, you will be able to defeat even a non-witch.

"Oops, before the next ..."

If you leave the crab squeezed as it is, the quality will deteriorate even in the cold northern sea.

I was in a hurry and ended up with a giant crab in a magic bag.

"Baumeister Margin is next!"

"Noble husband! Different types!"

"(I came out! This time it's snowy!)"

The next giant crab was a huge snow crab, 15 meters high and 50 meters wide.

Maybe different, but very similar.

"It looks very delicious"

"Aristocratic husband ... It's not the point."

"Is that more important than anything else?"

If you don't like the animal or demon that looks bad, you can charred other than the material, and if the material isn't great, you can shred it to save time, but the opponent is a crab.

Besides having your feet come off, you have to tighten them carefully as they are.

"The next crab is also great ..."

"OK, it's weaker than the previous crab"

Compared with taraba, the attack power of the foot is inferior.


If you keep attacking as it is, will you get good feet?

"If that happens, there is no point"

Once again, he made a cone with magic and stabbed it deeply between his eyes to kill a giant crab.

"After that, if there's someone with hair, you'll win all kinds."

The hair crab is delicious in miso.

If it appears, you must tighten it more carefully than taraba and snow.

We have to think of a way to bring it home quickly and boil it.

Anyway, everyone is big.

Is it difficult to custom order a pot?

"Baumeister is another kind!"


The next crab was 10 meters high and 20 meters wide and small.

Hair is growing on the whole body, and it is exactly a hair crab itself.

"Kill this in the same way!"

This time, before being attacked by the "Magic Barrier", you defeated first.

"This conquers the northern three species."

There was no guarantee that I could eat one hundred percent, but now I feel like boiling it even a second.

Because it must smell delicious.

"Baumeister Margin, four more reactions!"

"There is no response afterwards."

"Is it happening south?"

No one knew the answer, but I secured two giant crabs like the king crab, two giant crabs like the snow crab, and three giant crabs like the hair crab that day. It was successful.

"There was such a creature in the northern sea. I'm just searching for it ..."

In the end, the giant crab disappeared once I got rid of the flock of seven.

Although we could not deny the possibility of going south again, it is Alphonse's job to respond.

He was struggling to find a wizard, but he should have some time.

I am returning to my mansion in Baulburg to cook a giant crab caught north.

Alphonse was invited as a party, and Peter who was interested in giant crabs came here and looked at giant crabs with interest.

"How do you cook this crab?"


Limit crab to boiling.

There is no need for other useless cooking.

"But there is no hot pot for such a big crab."

"What if I cut it into a pot?"

"Nuuuuuu! If you do that, delicious ingredients will flow into the hot water!"

"Do you deny so strongly?"

I completely denied Eina's opinion.

Crabs have no meaning unless they are boiled.

First, giant shrimp and shellfish caught in the southern seas are not individually cooked.

After all, delicious parts flow.

"But if you order a pot, it will take time. How long will it take to complete this custom-made pot that can boil this huge crab?"

Luise said he had no pot and had to give up and do what Ina said.

"But that's not acceptable! I'll boil it magically!"

The point is that the whole crab should just be boiled in boiling water for a set time.

"Teacher, how do you boil?"

Boil a huge crab magically.

I need an application and my apprentice Agnes seems curious.

"Make a lot of" steam "with magic?"

"Cindy, without a way to confine that vapor, you'll need a lot of magic and it's annoying around you."

Cindy and Betti were also thinking hard about the issues I had as teacher.

In order to improve the applicability of magic, it was necessary to improve hard thinking and thinking hard no matter how stupid the task.

The three are working hard to figure out what to do.

"What if you burn it all at once?"

"Um, Katarina. It's that big, so it wouldn't make sense to burn only the surface and leave the inside raw."

I think grilled crabs are also good, but first you need to fix the boiling.

"What do you do for Wendelin?"

"I won't take a very complicated method."

For a pot that holds a huge crab and a large amount of hot water, the shape of the “magic barrier” can be changed to a pot shape.

"Magic barrier" is designed not to leak water.

Naturally, if leaked, cold air will penetrate and damage the user.

First, make this into a huge pot, pour a lot of water into it and boil it with “flame” magic.

At that time, do not forget to add salt.

If you do not boil crab with salt water as much as seawater, the taste will be blurred and it will be unpalatable.

"is this OK?"

"As expected, Lisa"

A large amount of water was transferred to a pot-shaped “magic barrier” with salt, and was boiled well with “flame” magic.

"Place crabs here"

Put a huge crab at the bottom with "telekin power".

At first, I chose the snow crab that I liked the most in the past.

"The shell is below."

Otherwise, the miso will flow into the hot water before it hardens.

When I explained the reason, Lisa was convinced.

"It is better to weigh the crab so that it does not come up while boiling."

"I understand."

But, because such weights could not be prepared suddenly, Katarina suppressed her crabs with "telepower" to keep them from coming out of the hot water.

"Teacher, is it possible to do all this alone?"

"I have a lot to share today, but I can do it alone."

If you can't do that, you can't boil it again if you get a crab.

If you can't do it, you will struggle and master it.

"When you boil it, it turns bright red."

"I think it looks delicious"

The boiled crab is brightly dyed red and has a very good smell.

This smell is definitely the smell of a freshly boiled snow crab.

"Boiled crabs are immediately pulled up and left until steam stops."

This time, the crab was large, so I boiled it a little longer, but fine boiling time still needs to be studied.

One leg of the boiled crab is cut off and magically searched for poison, but it seems that there is no particular problem.

The shell is very hard, but it seems to lose strength when boiled.

When I peeled it off with the “Wind Cutter”, the crabs that seemed to be tasty were clogged up.

How many years have you been a snow crab since the previous life?

When I sampled, that nostalgic ... I don't remember having eaten so much nostalgic ... but my sweet taste spread to my mouth.


The crab is delicious anyway.

Even if you don't say it in your mouth, crabs have a taste that makes people who eat them silent.

"How are you?"

"It's so delicious. It was worth the boiled. Elise was quick."

She cut her body and let Elise eat it, so she went silent.

Delicious crab has the power to silence people.

"Take your own risk."

"I can't be shown so far and eat it."

"Wendelin is poisonous. Emera, was the crab poisoned?"

"No there is not"

When Emera was okay, he hit the drums and everyone began to swarm and eat.

"Even though it was just boiled in salt water, it's really delicious."

"I don't know how bad a dish is. I wonder if I'll send a request to the Adventurer's Guild HQ this time."

"Let's go to the branch of the Duke of Philip"

Both Peter and Alphonse continued to eat crabs.

Emera and Marc are eating crabs deliciously because they are caught.


"It's delicious!"

Verma and his teacher began eating crabs in a way that competed with nature, and both Elise and Lulu and Fujiko, who were today in the mansion of Baulburg, are eating crabs in a delicious way.

" Hah !! This doesn't go well with sake."

Blantaq also tastes crabs with sake. Anyway, because of the large size and large quantity, the Baumeister frontiers, soldiers and maids continue to eat crabs silently.

Everyone was very satisfied with the freshly boiled snow crab.

"I cooked as Vell told me."

"Thank you. This is also delicious."

Amarie's sister-in-law boiled the pasta to make crab pasta.

This also contains miso, and the rich taste of crab miso restores appetite.

In addition, various dishes such as gratin, fried rice, crab balls, miso soup, crab scissors cream croquette, salad, tempura, shumai, ankake tofu, pot, bouillabaisse, porridge, spring rolls, soup etc. It came out.

"This is a crab of good quality and taste. Defeat seems to be difficult ..."

These Mizuho-style dishes have a very good taste as Akira and Delia, who run various stores in Baulburg, made them on a business trip.

Especially, this miso soup and crab meat sauce are good.

It goes well with fried tofu.

Steamed potatoes mixed with crab meat, mashed yam, egg white, and broth are also wonderful.

I guess Akira won a victory when she cooks like this.

"In the north, there's such a big crab. If your father in the royal city asks you, you'll want to buy it."

"It looks like you've gone south by accident. It's no wonder that the north is an unexplored area, because there are giant creatures like sea dragons in the south."

"I agree"

There are still a lot of crabs, so sometimes it's good to have Akira cook Mizuho-style dishes.

"Vendelin, feast. I want to form an expedition with a wizard to defeat crabs."

"Unfortunately, there is no room for wizards."

"I know ..."

Alphonse denied Peter's proposal to form a giant crab hunting squad.

Because of the civil war, the sacrifice of wizards was large, and even if early education was provided to minors, there was a significant shortage of personnel.

With recovery and new development plans in mind, there may be no room for a wizard to explore the north.

Although there is a plan itself, the fact is that progress has not been made easily.

"When the crabs come in the meantime, I'll do something with the Duke of Phillip's wizard, because I've been told Wendelin how to defeat him efficiently."

"That's good, because it's okay if you don't hit the key."

"I care about it."

If you get your feet off or the miso in the shell leaks out, isn't it natural?

"If I run out of stock, I have to import it from the Duke of Philip.

"Is it a new specialty?"

"I have to get it regularly"

However, the herd of crabs seemed to have drifted south by chance, a few decades before the Dukes of Philippe could go fishing to their homes.

"Well, that crab was delicious."

"Yes, Elle."

"Okay, today we brought our own Dora-yaki."

"Good. Let's eat together with tea."

After the party of crab dishes, Peter and Alphonse, all busy, returned to the empire.

If your family alone is enjoying the after-meal reunion, the magic ringtone will suddenly sound.

When he got in a hurry, his correspondent was Prince Wald.

"Wendelin! Why don't you invite me?


"I've heard that Peter, Alphonse, and you ate the prey you hunted today."

"Huh ..."

Indeed, the next King Majesty.

But there are many noisy vassals in His Highness.

They can't admit that it's a huge crab dish that can't be found.

Peter and Alphonse have said that they are at their own risk, and they acknowledged that and participated in the dinner.

We trust each other, and we have many wizards, so even if someone puts poison, we immediately noticed it, and because of Elise, we could detoxify it.

In a party to eat giant crabs, it was natural for them not to invite, as the highest place among the attendees, Highness Prince Waldo, would not be able to eat crabs, which would open the space.

"Even if you invite your Highness, there is nothing to offer."

"that is……"

"That's why I could not help this time."

"... Next, please invite me. After all, we're friends and relatives. "

Finally, the Highness turned off the magic mobile communication device.

"So what is that troublesome person?"


To Eller's disrespectful point, I even shook his head.

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