Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 154: Watashino Tomodachi @ Wendelin.

"Is Ravel dead?"

"Yes, what kind of person?"

"I was a terrible old man, I should have exceeded ninety. I had the political power. Well, I wonder if it would be ok if I die in that year.

"The magic guild has come to buy various heritages of the ancient magical civilization era, but such a great person should not come directly."

"That's right. But ... I just need to come to say hello once ..."

"Because it's a historical organization, isn't it heavy?"

"They are unnecessarily high pride ..."

In the trade negotiations with the demons, the chairman of the Magic Guild, who was firmly blocking the handling of magic gear, died suddenly.

I ask Blanctark what kind of person he is, but he is over 90 years old.

"Sudden death ... isn't it just aging?"

"Don't say that, but over there, the magic guild is also a collection of the elderly who are blue. The public is ridiculed as" Communal Cemetery. "

Since there is no nursing home in this world, it is a gathering of super-elderly elderly people.

"As expected, the magic guild retires as old as it can't use magic."

However, many magic guilds have a division of labor in the production of magic tools.

Even if the management department is full of grandfathers, those who are in charge of work below do not care.

Rather, when you go up in old age, it seems that few people are dissatisfied.

"I don't know if it's because of this, but the magic has progressed over the last two hundred years."

"Is that true?"

The technical development may be simply difficult, and I don't understand well.

"At least it's true that the technology hasn't progressed. Beckenbauer, who is serious about research, says that those in the magic guild are aging."

Magical tools, which are constantly in demand, will be worthwhile if they can maintain a certain amount of production.

The production system has already been completed and it is overwhelmingly easier than building from scratch, so it is not so difficult, so I can get up.

"Is there anybody who can tell the chairman to make magic tools now?"

"Isravel himself is still a man in control of the production of magic tools."

Thanks to him, the production of magical tools has increased 1.3 times compared to before, and the quality has not dropped at all.

Because of his achievements and political power, he maintained a long-term administration.

On the other hand, there is a notorious reputation that the research department is too thin to allocate human resources to improving productivity and maintaining quality.

According to Blanctag, Beckenbauer criticizes this.

"He seems to have been worried about the influx of magic tools made by demons."

That would certainly be a concern.

Because not only will you lose your job if you do poorly, there is also a danger that the continent will never produce magical tools again and be monopolized by demons.

I can't make general-purpose magic tools, so I'm hoping that more high-performance items made by demons should go on the market.

Wendelin himself may be fine, but he may be disqualified as a politician Baumeister.

There are people who make magic tools in Bau Meister's frontier territory …… on Akitsuma Island… they have less technical skills than Ringaia continent and few people can make magic tools.

Now, for maintenance, management and simple repair of used magic tools brought in by the Demon King, we also purchased broken junk for parts removal.

They are treated as bulky garbage, and it is almost free because it costs money to process.

It was just right to study the mechanism of magic tools.

There are few magic craftsmen, so they can earn while studying.

Of course, I can't say much.

"You have to go to the funeral.

"What are we?"

"Isn't that natural? Earl ... Not.

I, Blanc Tak, and Guru are also members of the Magic Guild, so I was worried about going to the funeral ceremony of the chairman of the Magical Guild, who is a dog and monkey, but I was Baumeister, Blantaq, The mentor and mentor of Radar Maruhagen are likely to be forgotten, but they are the royal palace's first mage.

Attendance is not a problem, or it will be a problem if you do not attend.

"I've never seen a face, but I'm going."

There needs to be an adult.

"Also Elise."

Elise is my right wife.

In such a case, it will be strange if you do not go out with a couple.

"I see. What if Blantark attended with his wife?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a jury. I don't need a companion because I'm going to accompany the palace.

Is there anybody who can tell him directly if he brings his wife?

"I see. I'll prepare."

After returning to Otsu Castle after completing his business in the Imperial City, Elise accepted his attendance at the funeral.

It is a married couple's attendance because there is “momentary movement,” but sometimes it is good to go alone.

"On the way home, why not eat a cake at a new store?"

"Yes, good."

This would be good.

I was busy with the birth of children, dealing with demons, unifying and governing Akitsushima.

It's a short time but a date.

Elise was less visible and continued to treat the island's inhabitants free of charge, genuinely supporting the Baumeister frontier.

Because he was a healing wizard over Ryoko who was appointed deputy of Akitsushima Island, the advantage of the Baumeister frontier was established.

I didn't fight at all, but Elise's achievements are huge.

"Um, the man"

"What happened? Ryoko"

"I would also like to attend a funeral as a deputy of the Baumeister frontier ..."

"But it's a pagan funeral. Are you okay?"

Ryoko was a top religion similar to Shinto, as was Mizuho.

In recent years, Oita has declined and its influence has fallen, and even temples resembling Otsu shrines have been abolished, but they are still chief priests.

When I went to the church funeral, I thought there might be some problems.

"Because Akitsushima's religion is tolerant, it's okay to respect each other."

Isn't it necessary not to accept participation if it is told so far?

It was bad for Elise because it was a case where my date was gone because I was alone.

"If so, you shouldn't wear your usual Akitsushima-style attire. At the funeral, there are people from the church."

If you stand out in different-ethnic clothing, you may be in trouble because some churches are not tolerant of other religions or religions.

Elise was required to wear a lingua continental mourning dress.

"I don't have it ..."

"I will lend you"

"Thank you"

Elise is really kind.

After all, I decided to make time for a date later.

Even if a child is born, such time is necessary.

"If that is the case, I'll be with you too. You'll need to take care of Ryoko."

"That's me!"

"Snow will be busy as Deputy Deputy Secretary, so I'd be better."

Yui, daughter of Matsunagahide, also ran for Ryoko.

If you are not alone, is it better to format it properly?

Many other nobles will attend the funeral.

Is it necessary to have a delegate for Akitsushima and a minimum companion?

"Now, I'm going too."

"Lulu will also go."

A five-year-old child's combination also ran, but when it came to this, it was not surprising that he simply wanted to visit the capital city.

"I can't do it because I don't have clothes."


Fujiko, who knew he would not be taken to the Imperial City, was a little shocked.

"Because it's a funeral, I can't go too far with Zorozoro. I'll plan sightseeing in the royal capital when I'm a little more free.

"It's fun"

"Wow, thank you, Mr. Wenderin."

However, no matter how smart you are, your child is a child.

When he told me he would make up later, he immediately corrected his mood.

Actually, we are planning to swim on the southern coast of Akitsushima Island along with this, so let's understand.

"So, do funerals go with four people. Everybody else is bad but asks for a job."

"I knew that."

"Do you have any doubts? Elle"

"Did you exalt the frontier?"

, even if it is said ...

As a territorial aristocrat, I don't have a pension increase, the southern leader remains Breichrader Margin, and I'm his parish.

The fact is that nothing has changed.

"I don't think it's real, but it's the Earl from the Earl to the Frontier. If the celebration isn't going to be big ... yeah, Mr. Elise."

"I can't help doing nothing."


The funeral ceremony of the guild chairman who does not know well is still good, but is it a celebration party that calls a large number of customers just because the rank and rank have risen ...

If you think it's troublesome, Roderich will contact you with a magic mobile communication device.

"I heard the matter of the shrine, the Lord. If you become a frontier, the palace is a great noble. This Roderich doesn't stop tears so much!

"Oh, oh ..."

I didn't confirm because it was over a communication device, but it looks like she's really crying.

I don't think he was impressed so much when he was given the territory and became an Earl, but at that time he might have been too liable and far away.

"Please be assured. I will prepare for a luxurious party. We will continue to select and invite attendees, so we hope that the museum will focus on the governance of Akitsushima Island. "

Although there was no burden in preparing for the party, attendance itself seems to be troublesome.

Who shouldn't call anyone to write an invitation or do something tedious?

If I had such time, I guess it would be magical to develop it.

"A party?"

"Um, the man"


Ryoko seems to have something to ask.

"Are you Mr. Roderich's blood of Mizuho?"

"No, I don't think so."

I think Roderich is a real kingdom.

Because it's western style and your hair color is green.

"I'm the first person to hear myself, except my old book."

"He's a little strange ..."

According to Ryoko, it has been a long time since there is no one in Akitsushima Island today who calls her “myself”.

I explained that he was capable but a bit weird.

"Do not look good. Ryoko is."

"Thank you, thanks to Elise for lending me."

I was in my usual robe to attend the funeral of the guild chairman, but Elise, Ryoko and Yui were changing into mourning clothes.

Ryoko resizes Elise's spare mourning dress a little ... mainly in the chest.

Yui wore Lisa's mourning dress almost without modification.

She seems to be more apt to lose weight than expected.

"A beautiful lady looks good in mourning."

"Mr. Blanc Turk, a beautiful woman looks good no matter what she wears."

"That's right. Will Ena not attend?"

"I have something to do, and aren't Vell and Blanc-Taak apparently unwilling guests?"

"Because it's not stupid, I think I'll stick to social order."

The magic guild and the magic guild are really bad friends.

Still, they are both adults, so they attend the top funeral.

Because we use the air to wrap the inexpensive incense book, we want you to say at least a little hate or sarcasm.

"I didn't want to go."

"Vell, we'll all go to the capital later."

Luise was relieved not to attend the funeral, and Vilma urged him to take him to the royal capital on another occasion.

"That's right. I'm a refresher of magical tools, so I belong to the Magic Guild. Lisa-san, right?"

"Making magic is a special skill among wizards. I don't know at all."

"Hey, I belong to the Magic Guild .... Isn't there a Baumeister frontier who belongs to the Magic Guild?"

Certainly, Katarina, Lisa, and Katya belong to the Magic Guild.

No one, including me, belongs to the Magic Guild.

"It's terrible. I don't belong to both, my concubine."

"Even if you don't belong, you don't have to worry about anything."

"Well, I'm not going to recruit people who are in troublesome positions like concubines."

Former Duke of Philip, my unofficial lover.

Sure, I don't think I'll recruit even the top of the Magic Guild.

"Wendelin, my concubine wants a Zorante cake as a souvenir."

"Yes, I'll buy it."

We flew to the royal capital with "momentary movement" after receiving the wife's see-off.

Because I heard the funeral hall was the church headquarters in advance, there was no need to worry about where to find it.

Fly a little away and walk a little to see the church headquarters building.

"It's gorgeous"

Ryoko couldn't hide the surprise of the luxury of the church headquarters.

On the other hand, on the island of Akitsushima, where the power of religion had weakened, it was in the process of repairing a company that had not been repaired and had been abandoned.

"I can't say that the church is so powerful."

From the serious Elise's point of view, the church may be uncomfortable with a luxurious church.

As Cardinal Hohenheim says, it seems difficult for her to enter the center of the church.

"Let's go."

I handed incense at the reception and went into the venue.

The gurus had returned to the royal residence the day before to prepare for the funeral, and Blantark had magically sent him to the royal capital, Braichrader, in front of his house yesterday.

"Well, it's 96 years old. The cause of death is senility. Such a funeral is better."

If you are a funeral for a young person or even a child, you will feel depressed.

If you are old enough to be so old, you will not be sad.

"Rather, the man below is pleased."


We all closed the guru's mouth all at once.

Certainly, the magical guild executives who are attending are not so different from the deceased chairman, so they should have had a good chance to become the next chairman before dying.

Because it is too old, I don't mind thinking of falling down here or dying, but I'd like your guru to speak for a TPO.

Surely, these grandfathers were putting pressure on the kingdom in negotiations with the demons, so it's no wonder that your guru, your Majesty's best friend, won't have a favor.

"Again, chairman among those grandfathers?"

"Yes, because you're an executive."

At any rate, there seems to be no less than eighty members of the Magic Guild executives.

Naturally, they are also magicians, but they have already retired as active magicians.

If you manage the organization, there is no problem even for the elderly.

Rather, they are maintaining the magic guild with experienced management.

"Everyone will be the same anyway."

Blantaq doesn't seem to have any interest in becoming the next chairman of the Magical Guild.

It seems that no one will continue the movement to stop the import of demons into the kingdom.

Their influence was enormous because they had the fortune.

The other nobles attending the funeral ceremony also placed the incense and incense, prayed a little in front of the coffin, and called out to me who was also a frontier.

"In a short period of time, I'm terrified of the rising of the frontiers. You conquered the island you found and turned it into a new territory."

"It's almost a day to become one of the most influential in the south, surpassing Breichrader.

"No, I'm often helped by the Breichrader Frontier, and I'm very dependent on it."

When a person has succeeded, have you already started to pull?

I guess he's trying to get along with Breichrader Margin and make it his own interest.

This funeral gathers many nobles and is like a semi-official venue.

Here, I proudly declared that I was relying on Breichrader.

If you don't say that, it will be troublesome because nobles will come out and say something extra.

Actually, without his help it would be a big deal.

"(Elise, who is he?)"

"(Huh ... I wasn't the Earl-sama, the frontier Haku-sama is a good man, remember the noble's name.)"

"(So, it's too much)"

Blantaq says so, but Lauderich doesn't say anything if he's just developing with magic.

Elysee knows most of the central aristocrats, and there is also a coat of arms.

"(Viscount Bulo, related to Earl Platte.)"

"(I'm convinced)"

He wasn't stupid enough that he didn't realize that he deliberately negotiated the return of Ringuaia at the expense of only the stupid son of Count Platte.

He couldn't get angry with me on the official occasion, and he may have begun to harass me secretly.

"(Is this a problem?)

"(Take care, you)"

Isn't this a great enemy?

I'll report it to Roderich later.

"Cardinal Hohenheim also seems to be busy at the funeral and will say hello and return ..."

Now that you've done it, let's go home.

When he greeted Cardinal Hohenheim at the funeral home, he seemed to be very busy hosting the funeral.

"Oops, it wasn't Earl Baumeister, congratulations, congratulations, Groom."

"Thank you"

"I want to talk slowly, but it's good to see you. Will you show me Friedrich's face later?"

Cardinal Hohenheim was very busy as the funeral director of the church.

"Okay, but it's a huge funeral anyway."

"The magic guild has money."

Even if demons' country-made magical tools are imported, they may lose much of their power.

Is it natural to rebound?

"It seems that there are various circumstances, but the church does not have the authority to speak to the magic guild."

I could only receive the wind saying that the church didn't want to stimulate them badly and turn them to the enemy.

"If you come to a celebration party as a frontier, you will meet Friedrich."

"Are you looking forward to doing your busy work? Elise was fine."

"Yes, there are various things every day."

"I can't help it because it's my son-in-law. Be careful of your body."

The story of Cardinal Hohenheim and Elise is over, and we leave the funeral hall.

Even if you stay longer, it is troublesome just to talk to the nobles who are coming to me.

"Ryoko, how was your church funeral?"

"It was very gorgeous. It seems that the funeral of Choyoshi Miyoshi was not so powerful."

A heavenly man who held the central part of the island, and a guild boss of a country that controls half of the lingua continent.

At times, did the latter have more money?

"Even if the funeral is gorgeous or frugal anyway, you don't know if you die!"

"Uncle, as expected ..."

Elise complained to the guru.

That's it, but I want you to make it your voice if you can.

Because the young priests are still waiting for customers outside the venue.

"How are you going to do this?"

"That's right ... it's over sooner than expected, so let's wander the royal capital and buy souvenirs for everyone."

"Is it OK?"

It's strange that when Yui says that, it really feels good.

This is the daughter of the same name as Yukio, and she is still on the watch.

"You. It's a long time coming, so why not buy Ryoko and Yui's clothes?"

"Is that good?"

Ryoko is the representative of Akitsushima Island, albeit nominally only.

Because the opportunity to interact with Bau Meister's territory is increasing, linguaian continental-style clothes will also be needed.

"It's just for you."

"The mansion and Ryoko are the top priorities, and I'm good after Yuki."

Yui said that he should withhold himself and give priority to the deputy secretary, Snow.

I think that a sister who can take such considerations is very good.

"I will prepare for the snow, but I need it today because Yui is in the royal capital and there are many opportunities to accompany Ryoko."

"I'm treated like a maid of Ryoko."

"I can't do that."

Yui's father, Matsuno Eihide, is a top-level witch on Akitsushima Island, a warrior who was heavily used by the late Miyoshi Chokei, a civilian, and an educator.

Treating his daughter as a maid may have a negative effect on later island governance.

"I'm helping with the snow job. Please don't hesitate."

"I'm sorry for the kindness of the mansion. The mansion is a man with a big pocket."

"I do not think so?"

No man is not happy to be praised by a beautiful woman.

That's exactly what her father thought.

"First, wear the clothes that you wear in public. Next is the candy shop."

Ryoko and Yui, you might be surprised to see Candy.

It's a type unlikely to be on Akitsushima Island.

"Hello, it's Wenderin"

I was about to go to see Ryoko and Yui's clothes, and suddenly I was called out.

When I turned around, Peter was the only voice, and I didn't think I was in the royal city, so I and Elise were surprised.

"Congratulations Elise, your child was born."

"Thank you"

"Wendelin is also a diaspora, congratulations?"

As expected, Peter.

I have noticed that I am not happy with the descent.

Nevertheless, I never thought I was in the royal city.

Rather, the first Emperor of the Urquhart Holy Empire visited the kingdom in the history of both countries.

I wasn't hearing anything for some reason, though it was going to be a fuss.

"Because I was late for negotiations with the demons, I supposed that the situation was further confused because I sent a negotiating team here too. I can not apologize officially, but I'm a confidential personal person. I am younger That's why he took care of Hermute 37th Majesty. ''

Peter confidentially visited the kingdom with only some vulnerable vassals and discussed with the Majesty how to deal with the demons.

And they were involved in the turmoil of democracy that the demonic nations worship.

"In a situation similar to that of the kingdom ... what is it here, why not drink some tea?"

"Hey Peter. Why do you say while holding Ryoko's hand?"

This guy has a lot of talent as a politician, but he always does something stupid as usual.

Surely, it is only at these times that he will return to his bare self and relieve his stress.

If so, I should not treat Peter as an emperor only in such cases.

"Because there was a beautiful woman there. According to the information, they are the same ancestors as the Mizuho people. The residents of Akitsushima Island are."

"I'm investigating well."

I was impressed by Peter's or the imperial intelligence.

"Even so, Wendelin's wives are increasing and it's hard."

"Not my wife yet"

When asked about the future, it probably is.

"It's obvious. For Wendelin to rule the island properly, she has to marry her daughters and replace the children born."

That's right.

That's exactly what Peter says.

If you show your disgusting faces to two people, it will be rude, and all three are beautiful and gentle women, including the snow.

I don't think this is an honor.

After all, Japanese-style women are good.

Because I am a former Japanese.

"She doesn't hear that rumor at all."

"Let's go somewhere first?"

We met Peter for the first time in a while, and we decided to drink tea with him as well as report on his recent status.

"It's been a long time.

"Her Majesty congratulates the Earl on the Frontier."

Peter appears to have entered a suitable coffee shop, but the inside of the store was already reserved.

It is not possible to move with a small number of escorts as in the past, many escorts transformed into general customers sit in the seats and watch over while drinking tea, and there are many escorts outside the store It is.

Beside him was the swordsman Marc, who became the commander of the Guard, and Emera, who was officially appointed as the lead mage.

She doesn't feel like she's full of heart.

"Congratulations, Emera."

"Do you understand?"


"Elise, what?"

"Emera is pregnant."

So, was it a little plump?

But my stomach doesn't stand out yet ...

Witches wear robes, so it's easy to make them difficult to understand.

"Did you mention Peter and Emera-san?"

"No, I don't even have one.

Whether you have a child, why don't you do it in the concubine?

Are you not a little cold?

"I'm not going to do that with women other than Emera."

"I understand my feelings ..."

Is it possible for an emperor to have only one wife in essence?

If I can do that ... I don't need to do that?

"Okay, because the Emperor of the Empire is not hereditary. Next, some of the other Elector's children will be Emperors. The Imperial family is almost noisy. I hope my child takes over the Imperial Family. ''

The child born by Emera is recognized.

And heir to the Imperial Family.

Why don't you make Emera a wife officially because you're going to be assassinating her?

Emera is a distraction from the aristocrats who push their daughters into Peter's wife and expect their babies to be taken over by the imperial family.

"If you don't register, Emera is an excellent mage. Both idiots are hard to reach out. And ..."

"in addition?"

"The imperial family has increased the number of noisy relatives due to their marriage policy. The damn dad had a problem with his abilities, but he took care of those relatives who spoke out how many years ago he gave his wife. Too much. ''

Once under house arrest in a coup of the Duke of Nuremberg, Peter's father diminished significantly.

While he was forced to re-enter the emperor's seat, what did he rely on?

"Oh my dad was trying to form a ruling party with his relatives, and he lost his power. He would have lost to a part of Therese, even without me."

After Peter's death, Peter ousted and punished these men, who had attempted to partner with Therese's brothers.

Thanks to Peter, Peter can exercise his dictatorship.

Originally, the imperial family had a role as a bureaucratic organization that created an imperial budget.

Peter who has power in the imperial family also has power as the emperor.

The punishment also damaged the bureaucrats organized by the imperial family, but Peter was selected by talented men below the second son of merchants, ordinary people, and nobles who had long followed, and were subordinate to the organization and competent. He succeeded and activated the imperial family.

He reset his goal of fulfilling only with Emera and resetting the imperial family to a strong imperial family.

Achieve both private and public desires at the same time.

I couldn't imitate it very much.

"Well, therese loses."

"She's an admiration of the Duke of Nuremberg, but she had the drawback that she could only move within the framework of the Dukes of Philippe. That would be enough without civil war."

"I can't imitate"

Does Peter only love Emera?

Selfishness as an emperor ... The disadvantage of the choice was that he managed himself.

This guy is a really big guy.

"It's bad for Emera ..."

"I don't care"

"That's just saying," I like Peter because he's kind! "

"I hate you, because I'm ashamed."

Emera who blushes a little.

Unlike before, Peter did exactly what he said.

"The time is short, but the private time is the couple themselves. Emera cooks and cooks."

Did they actually become a couple?

That's good.

"Because it's both a secret visit and a honeymoon. There's no loud guys in foreign countries.

"A demons ..."

"It can't be helped that the negotiations don't go on. You haven't been aware of each other, so you don't have to worry if you don't trade."

"But humans still have greed."

They are trying to make money from trade, putting pressure on nobles and governments.

Conversely, those who are likely to lose money in trade.

"The empire is the same as the kingdom. The magic guild is very sideways. The magic guild of the empire is like a separate division of the magic guild, but because the organization is together, the magic guild rebounds I've been taken care of in the civil war, and at the expense of many things, I'm working hard to rebuild the organization. "

In the civil war, many empire wizards were killed.

Especially, the Duke of Nuremberg had been killed by us and made many sacrifices because the wizards of the field were also recruited and served with hard and soft weaving.

"Because wizards that could make magic tools weren't on the front line, the magical guild's power was relatively higher."

In searching and nurturing new wizards, you must rely on the money that the magic guild earns.

If trade has begun with the demons, if the magic tools made by the magic guild can no longer be sold.

Like the Kingdom Magic Guild, it's a matter of life and death.

"Is the Empire the Same as the Kingdom?"

"It's the Duke of Mizuho, too, which had the best lingua continent's technology so far."

That was not the best because of the demons.

The Mizuho mage sold at a slightly higher price due to its technical capabilities became a very half-hearted product at this moment.

"That's why this negotiation is prolonged. How long will it take to reach trade restrictions and the introduction of tariffs?"

That's right.

It can't be a story, and it's impossible to have a treaty that both parties can agree on overnight.

Because Japan and the United States have been negotiating the TPP for years.

I have to wait for a while.

"Well, that's the end of the difficult story. Wendelin, take me somewhere to play. I like the sea south of Baumeister's frontier territory. The empire is cold.

"It's good ..."

I look at Emera unintentionally.

" Momentary movement "is not good for pregnant women ...

Is a magic airship, but now it takes three days to reach the southern seas.

I was worried that the schedule was OK.

"It's okay with this. Show it to Emera and Wendelin."

"Yes, this is it."

That said, what Emera took out of her pocket was obviously a magic tool from ancient civilization.

On the cross-shaped accessory, colorful little magic crystals, delicate magic circles and letters that are difficult to understand are written as Bissiri.

"It's a magical tool, isn't it?"

Elizé doesn't seem to be a magical tool because of the small magic stone on the cross.

I thought it was a little special magic tool that would maintain something.

"If you have this, is it a magical tool that prevents something and keeps the state?"

"It's Blantaak. It's called the" vibration damper "in the Empire. It was recently unearthed in the former Duke of Nuremberg. Its effect is to protect pregnant women from the negative effects of" momentary movement. " It seems that people were more active. ''

The risk of miscarriages and malformations increases if pregnant women use mobile magic circles or “momentary movement”.

This magic tool seems to have a role to prevent it.

"Speaking of convenience?"

There is no demand, but I think it is extremely low.

The magic circle of the mobile system is under research, and there are few magicians who can use “momentary movement”.

Women, because they have little opportunity to move pregnant women.

"It was useful this time, but it was a secret visit so I couldn't tailor the boat."

"I see. I'll guide you with your Majesty's permission. Even tomorrow."

"I'm looking forward, Emera"


On that day, we had dinner together, and meanwhile, the vassal of the Baumeister, the Imperial Household of the Imperial Court, went to hear His Majesty.

The royal residence was purchased when I lived in the royal capital.

However, since it was a mansion acquired during the time of Baron Baumeister, it seems that it will soon be necessary to buy a larger mansion.

Actually, there is no problem in terms of capacity, but it seems that Hakurakuhaku is not good at hearing in such a small mansion.

This must be bought again immediately, but you need to consult Linenheim.

"Your permission has been granted."

If you entertain Peter without permission, a nobleman will begin to talk to the Emperor of the Empire and the Baumeister Margin, and it will surely be Earl Platte.

He was, in a sense, a noted man at the Baumeister Frontier.

I'm the biggest factor in keeping his son in pig boxes from other countries.

"I have a companion."

"That much"

Even if the number of people increases a little, "Momentary movement" will do nothing.

Having someone watched near the center of the kingdom means that neither Peter nor us can search for a painless belly.

"Who's coming?"

"I don't know that."

It seems that the vassals who returned from the Royal Castle could not ask who was going.

I'm looking sorry.

"Someone might be a royal family or a minister who seems to be free."

"Guru, there is no free minister in the present kingdom ..."

Because even the Foreign Minister who is supposed to be the most free time is very busy.

Other ministers must also deal with the various effects that would be experienced if various goods were imported from the demonic nation.

Even without war, ministers are busy.

"I will know tomorrow!"

And the next morning.

Peter stayed at the Baumeister Frontier House and flew from the yard to the southern sea by "momentary movement."

The place is near Vilma and that sandy beach that caught seafood.

As many people as possible will participate, and they will swim in the sea, fish and do simple fishing, and barbecue.

Waiting for those coming from the castle to watch, the person appeared shortly before time.

"What? Prince Highness?"

"Congratulations to the Bourmeister, Earl of the Borderlands, I am busy, but today is also an important participant for the Emperor of the Holy Empire of Urquhart. I would prefer to attend directly. "

Considering Peter's status, His Majesty is impossible, but His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince attended.

"(It seems that the Bau Meister Marshal, Your Highness was very much looking forward to it.)"

The mentor taught me in a whisper, but it wasn't much noticeable.

Probably, there shouldn't be much problem with participating in this vacation.

Rather, she looked so happy that anyone could see.

I'm honored if you are so pleased, but if you point out that, it's likely to be a problem ...

I think Peter knows, but I wonder if it's okay to announce in front of him that there is no presence of His Imperial Crown Prince ...

"Thank you for your busy schedule today."

"Don't worry. I and Baumeister will be relatives from now on."

My daughter Anna is married to her son, and her daughter is married to Fludrich.

In the double marriage, I and my Highness became deeply connected.

"Wendelin, you're getting harder and harder, but I and Wendelin are more of a friend who struggled on the same battlefield and deeper than that kind of relationship. No. "

Hey, Peter.

Don't provoke your Highness suddenly.

Your highness changed in an instant.

"Peter, for me, Wendelin is an important friend."

Suddenly your Highness told you, are you a friend?

I haven't played with or met so much together, and are they deeper than my friends?

Become relatives in the future.

"It's the same for me. I wish Wendelin was an imperial aristocrat.

"That's a shame. I'm also going to be children. I'm a forbidden mother, but I want to make friends and get married as much as possible. think"

Is this a daddy friend?

I've heard of my mom friend in my previous life.

Nevertheless, did your Highness plan to have the children meet regularly?

You have to consult Roderich later.

It's good when we go to the Royal Castle, but on the other hand there is a security problem.

"Wendelin, you can call me Wald in these seats, because we're friends."

Peter and His Highness, Wald both smiled, but sparked with their eyes.

"(Baumeister, Marginal, popular)"

"(Like that human resources ...)

"(It's a fact of HR!)"


The mentor teases me in a whisper.

The two who start a silly battle under the water, which is my true best friend.

I'm not proud of it, but will it be fun to get my friend who was zero and bocchi until twelve?

"When I reign as king, Wendellin will be supporting me as the royal palace mage. My father is also an armstrong guru and a close friend.

"I and Wendelin are close friends, regardless of their country, status, or job. In a status like me, those friends are precious."

"I'm the same, Peter."

"That's right. Your Highness."

They sparked more and more, and I was very worried about what would happen today.

"Peter, during the Imperial Rebellion, says he fights with Baumeister Margin, but he doesn't give him. He will be my relative and best friend."

The Prince of Helmut and the next king, I, Wald, for some reason, had a weak presence.

My father acknowledges that I am worthy of the next king.

The same was true of his brother, who had avoided the successor struggle and had already married the Dukes of Metternich.

He seems to support me as the Duke of Metternich.

My wife is a beautiful and well-groomed woman, and she has a blessed son and daughter.

I was happy, but I noticed a fact.

That is the fact that I have no friends.

Because I am the Prince, there are many acquaintances.

Although it's not noticeable, it's easy to go anywhere.

Well, they are not friends if they are told.

My father has an Armstrong guru, but I don't have that kind of existence.

If so, I decided to find a friend.

The candidate is Count Baumeister because it smells the same as me.

But he had a close friend of his vassals and was very enviable.

Furthermore, there is information that he seems to have deepened friendship with Peter who became the new emperor in the Imperial Rebellion.

He had visited secretly in connection with trade negotiations with the demons, but I heard.

"Because I've come to the kingdom, why don't we go out to play with Wendelin?

"Your Majesty, Baumeister is very busy."

"It's okay. Wendelin is a friend and will give you flexibility for a day. '

I was very upset when I heard him and his vassal.

It is useless!

He will be my best friend!

Cause would be so?

From now on, my daughter will marry his son, and my son's wife is his daughter.

We have a deep connection.

I don't know if you're an emperor of another country, but I'm the true best friend of Baumeister.

Why do you carelessly call him by name?

I suppose I was qualified!

In this case, I have to participate.

This was not to admit that Peter was Baumeister's best friend, and no matter how private, if the emperor of the empire and the great wizard of our country made friends with the frontier, the noble who would give no accusations appeared. May come.

I, his best friend, must prevent Suspicion of Baumeister from being suspected.

If I participate, there will be no such rumors.

That's why I turn down my father and take part in today's holidays.

Today will be a fun day.

After all, I'm a close friend of Baumeister Margin.

"What? @ Men around each other over Vell?"

"Luise, wouldn't you stop misleading people around you?"

"I don't say anything wrong."

Today, Peter and His Highness, Wald and his followers, will be swimming on a private beach at the southern tip of the Baumeister frontier.

I carried the participants in "Momentary Movement", and many people are participating.

Elysees call in from the house, and maids below Dominique are preparing food and drinks including barbecue as before.

Swimsuits had a lot of fabrics because there were no members of the Baumeister frontiers, but all enjoyed the tropical sea.

Peter and Wald were in a weird position, and Luise asked me why, so I explained that way.

"I can't help thinking that."

"I know ... I don't have that kind of hobby."

Even if such rumors were made, it was fatal to both sides.

"What a joke. Joke. But your Highness is really great. Vell also has few friends, isn't he better than that?"

"That's also a dangerous statement."

While me and Luise were talking, Peter was swimming in the sea wearing a traditional swimsuit full of fabrics.

The swimming method is a butterfly taught by a guru, and he is the only guru who wears black boomerang pants that I got before without worrying about himself.

"Guru, it's a swimsuit!"

"It's easy to swim!"

"I don't think there is any resistance to water."

Blantaq, who had never seen his boomerang pants before, was also surprised, but before, the Elises were dressed in crisp swimwear.

Now they have others' eyes, so they are wearing swimwear with lots of fabric.

"Oh, Vell. Help me ..."

"What happened?"

Elle, who took part in the sea bathing as an escort, was buried in the sand, playing against Lulu and Fujiko.

A large amount of sand is being applied to the body one after another with only the face out of the sand pit.

"Ell is good at playing with children."


"Yes, it's just playing."

"Hey! I'm sorry! Luise!"

Luise said that Lulu and Fujiko had the same mental age, and Elle was angry.

"I have an escort job ..."

"I'll be fine"

There is no other escort from the Baumeister frontiers, and Peter is a minority of Mark and Emera, and there is also an escort at His Imperial Highness.

"So it's OK to be buried."

"Wendellin, add more glass of sand."

"I'll help you too"

Both Perlu and Fujiko enjoyed playing with the sand on the sandy beach.

Even if you're an adult, you're still a child of the year.

"Can I swim too?"

"Don't become! I won't be sorry to your Majesty if something happened to your Crown Prince!"

"Something is hard. I swim normally."

Peter was swimming as much as he could in the southern seas with a butterfly taught by his guru, but His Imperial Highness was stopped by his elder.

If your Highness drowns, it will be their responsibility.

"Peter is swimming."

"Your Highness, other places are other places.

The elder-in-law of His Highness, Wald, doesn't say anything like my mother (the previous life).

When I was a child, my classmates went abroad for summer vacation, so when I told them I wanted to go, I was told the same thing.

To them, if Peter were to drown and die, he wouldn't be at their own risk.

"I don't have the flexibility ..."

"Your Highness is also hard"

"Wendelin, call me Wald."

"That ... Is it difficult ..."

Because they have the eyes and ears of the guards, it is unbearable to call down His Imperial Highness and be disrespectful.

"I think Peter calls him by name."

"That's why the greatest people in the empire say it's okay, and all of them are acquaintances ..."

They just met during the civil war, so they don't care if I call Peter out in private time.

By the way, they're all friends and vassals since Peter's favorite activity.

Even if Peter swims in the sea, no one cares.

If you drown, you can go to help yourself.

Before that, I knew he was a good swimmer and was unlikely to drown.

"Uhh .... I came to the sea with Wendelin .... Let's pile up the sand."

Hall, who has nothing to do with just looking at the scenery, begins to immerse himself in making the sand pit filled with El even larger.

I wonder what it means, but when I thought I was alone in my previous life, I just silently crushed my bubble wrap.

It may be the same.

"Your Highness is fun"


"Oh, Fujiko. Please take me out soon."

"It's your Highness's request. Be patient."

Perlu and Fujiko are accompanied by it, and the sand pit is getting bigger.

Lell was unable to escape anymore.

"It's good for playing alone with your Highness."

"Luise, see!"

I feel a little sorrowful for that figure.

I'm glad I wasn't the Crown Prince.

"It's almost time for your meal, Prince Waldo."

After a few minutes of swimming and playing with the sand, Dominiques were ready to eat.

"It's nice to bake and eat seafood outdoors"

"I recall that in the past, everyone baked and ate the results of hunting."

Peters, along with us, linger at the barbecue prepared by Dominiques and enjoy tropical juices using fruits from the Demon Forest.

They are like those who hunted with Peter and earned coins.

Eats deliciously without any resistance to seafood burning on the net.

"Isn't this a delicious dish?"

"Don't be your Highness"

"Huh? What do you do when you come to such a place and do not eat such a thing?"

"Please be assured. We received the ingredients and cooks from Bau Meister, the frontier of Bakumeister, and let your Highness create a suitable course."

"The Armstrong Guru is eating normally."

"Guru is okay."

I usually eat more than anyone else, but there is an image that a guru does not break my stomach no matter what I eat.

Even the elders with your responsibilities are not responsible for your guru breaking your stomach.

Even if you pay attention, it will be useless, and you have no authority to stop it.

"You will not be your Highness"

A senior minister at Prince Wald told me that barbecue was not good because there was no hygiene or no guarantee that third parties would not be poisoned, and I had the cook prepare a course menu.

Only Prince Wald will eat the course menu prepared on the table with a few guests.

It looks good because the ingredients are good, but His Highness seemed very dissatisfied.

Certainly, even if you come to leisure outside and eat your own restaurant-style food.

In such a case, barbecue would be more delicious.

But I can't say anything ...

"Peter eats seafood grilled normally, but ..."

"Other places are different places. We are ours. Your Highness must always be healthy and there must be no danger."


He gave up and started eating a course meal, but I knew somehow why he had no friends.

Although Peter is in a similar position, he was not the third man to be emperor in the first place.

These guys are in similar positions, and those who are going to say something annoying are being wiped out by civil war.

Although at his own risk, Peter was relatively free to act.

"These big shrimp and shellfish are delicious"

"You have to burn it while you're alive, or you just tighten it and put it in a magic bag."

"I had a good meal because Emera also needs nutrition."

"A magical tool that can transport pregnant women by" momentary movement "..."

"The demand is not so much."

I don't know in the past, but there are extremely few people who can use "momentary movement" now.

And it has a very limited effect on preventing pregnant women from miscarriage.

"I understood the effect of the excavated item in a short time."

Magical tools are excavated on a regular basis, but they are not conveniently excavated with instructions.

It is good if you know the development of modern magic tools and what you can find in the past, but sometimes it takes a long time to find out what they are used for.

I think that vibration suppression devices are particularly difficult to understand.

"Imperial magic guilds are also very good. I don't know because I can't use magic. I measure the flow of magic when the device works, and there are many other ways to investigate. want to see"

I understood how to use the vibration suppression device safely, and Emera was able to come to the sea bathing.

"Is it still time to be born?"

"Yes, over half a year is ahead."

"I'm looking forward. Is it a boy? Is it a girl?"

"Either will be born safely"

The women are eating while talking happily.

The center of the topic was pregnant emera.

Luise and Ina are stroking Emera's stomach.

"Lulu wants to have a child like Wendelin in the future."

"I want to grow up fast."

Perul and Fujiko also touched Emera's stomach and said they would like to have my child as soon as possible.

Two little girls say great things, but there are only nobles and royals here.

Nobody, except me, thinks it's funny.

"Uhh ... before Lulu and Fujiko, we are the teacher's disciples!"

"Agnes, I've grown up."

"I am an adult next year, and Cindy is an adult next year. It's my dream honeymoon."


Even though the number of brides is completely overflowing at this point, it seems that the situation cannot be refused because of that.

"Vendelin is also difficult. I'm the best of Emera alone."

"Because you're an emperor, make a shrine"

"Is the Emperor the Imperial Palace? It's just an image. It's a story."

The emperor of the empire is decided by vote.

The number of wives was the same as that of a normal nobleman, as the child was unlikely to be the next emperor.

During his reign, he calls him the shrine, but he says he just calls it for the sake of the outside.

Even if the child does not succeed to the emperor, if there is a gorgeous shrine, it will be difficult to clean up after the abdication.

There seems to be no formal shrine in the empire.

"If they weren't there, they would be noisy.

Nevertheless, it was common sense that several wives, including the right wife, were said to be married, but Peter did go through the exception.

"Speaking of which, what about Highness Waldo?"

"How is it?"

"My wife. Isn't there really one person?"


Speaking of which, I don't know much about Highness Waldo.

You have your name, your wife, your son and your daughter.

Is there a concubine because you are the Crown Prince?

I have never been rumored.

"... I'll know a lot from now on."

"Even though you're going to be relatives, you're kind of subtle ..."

"That's not the case! I and Wendelin are tied with deep friendship and bond!"

No, your Highness.

Even if you say it in such a loud voice ...

Somehow, if your Highness is so aggressive, I'm a former Japanese and I'm going to pull it in reverse.

If you think about the relationship you have had so far, I wonder if the bond is so deep.

"is that so……"

Peter has many friends, so he seems to have been desperately pulled down by His Highness.

"Speaking of which, I'm Alphonse."

"He's busy?"

"Because he's less powerful than Mr. Therese, he seems to be having trouble organizing his house. I invited him today too ..."

Alphonse is an excellent man, but he is originally the head of a branch.

Even if Terese's brothers disappeared, he seems to be struggling to seize the Duke of Philip.

I'm a guy who didn't want to be my head, but he's actually a man with a sense of responsibility.

"Then, why don't we go to the Dukes of Phillipines next time? I'll have a souvenir here."

"Good. Alphonse is a precious friend who supports me. I'd be glad if I could meet my friend Venderin."

Because he and I are friends with the same taste.

Do you still enjoy your wives with naked aprons to release stress?

"Let me go!"

"Um ... Is it difficult to see your Lady ..."

Don't take the Crown Prince abroad so easily.

I'm not a royal family, I'm a light-hearted person who can escape quickly by magic, so I can go to other countries freely.

"I see ... I'm sorry, but next time I want to play the kids!"

I think everyone enjoyed the southern sea until the evening.

Why is there only one desperate Lord Wald?

"Well, that's exactly what Luise said. Her Highness is worse than Vell."

"I have quite a few friends."

Because this is important, let's emphasize it!

"That's why it's worse than Vell."

Jewel seems to have felt the same atmosphere as when she was twelve years old from Highness Wald.

I have the same atmosphere as me ... I think there is a problem with your position, but I thought that you might be as boctic as me.

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