Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 104: We Become Witnesses of History ... but Do Nothing Basically.

The emperor, who led the suppression army, was killed by the Duke of Nuremberg, as we expected.

Peter, who got the report early, tries to enter the Imperial City with almost all troops stationed on the outskirts of the Imperial City.

Before the Emperor's death caused confusion, the government was forced to take over the government.

Although almost in a coup without legal grounds, anyone who ran for the emperor's election due to the death of the emperor would have died.

The parliament, where half of its members have been killed or replaced in the civil war, is still slow, with the army of the Duke of Nuremberg approaching the imperial capital while spending time choosing the emperor.

In an emergency situation, Peter gets into control of the situation.

He tried to enter the Imperial City immediately, but was naturally stopped by the gatekeeper.

The current imperial capital has been ordered to ban at night due to worsening security.

"No! You can't have people at night!"

"It's an emergency."

"Your Highness, no matter how emergency ..."

The gatekeepers and the gate guards who lead them were so determined that they couldn't enter the gateguards.

Because they are both soldiers and officials, they are faithful to orders from above.

No matter how much Peter asks, you can't open the gate so easily.

Everybody doesn't want to be disposed of from above.

"Are you forcibly breaking through?"

"That's why they don't want to be loyal to their duties.

Peter says so confidently that when he waits for a while, a soldier who appears to be greater than the guardian appears from behind the gate.

"Open the gate and put your Highness inside."

"Are you really happy, Bayer Line?"

"I take responsibility, so let's get it in early."

"Huh ... I understand."

The commander of Bayer Line, a very military person, reluctantly opened the gate door.

Another characteristic of military personnel and officials was the rule that they would not go against orders from above.

It's a big deal that Bayerrein asserted that he took responsibility.

Nobody wants to take responsibility.

"Your Highness, shall we go?"

"I'm going to the Imperial Palace first. I'll leave the Imperial Headquarters to Baron Bonhov."

"To me?"

Gilbert is a little confused by the sudden nomination.

Furthermore, he was treated as a mercenary hired, so he was commandingly strange.

"It's an emergency. I was also targeting Bonhov as a human resource. Even though Wendelin was hiring far ahead, you're really rich."

"Because the emperor was forced to do odd jobs with expenses and reimbursement. What's wrong with ease?"

"A few months ago and now we have little money we couldn't get him in, but now it's possible to appoint Bonhov as the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army."

"I am the Commander-in-Chief .... Your Highness, are you joking?"

"Huh? No?"

"I'm grateful to Earl Baumeister, who over the past few months has trained and commanded more than 20,000 troops, but the Imperial Army did so on retirement."

According to Gilberto, the Imperial Army was probably not a very comfortable place.

He responded to Peter's invitation with a cold, negative tone.

In short, you want to refuse.

"I'd like to appoint a commander of equal capacity to intercept the army of the Duke of Nuremberg."

"It is unheard of, such as the Chief Commander of the Baron."

Gilbert said nothing more.

It seems that he dared to say that even if he forcibly became Commander-in-Chief, it was difficult to unify command because he was rebelled by other proud military personnel.

"I'm in an emergency ..."

"There is no emergency in factions or families."

Gilbert's dislike is actually quite reasonable.

A nation that has achieved a flexible personnel system in accordance with its abilities during the war often wins, but in a peaceful era, the system of seniority is often widespread due to seniority that does not waver in search of stability.

Since the Empire was peaceful for a while, Gilbert, who had the ability but had a low family, quit the Imperial Army and took over his territory.

You probably don't think that the tide will change so easily.

"I'll leave everything to the army. I promise that I won't let the commander speak out because those who follow the emperor because of their family die or run away."

"Oh. If you're killed in the war, that's not the case, and if you escape, you can't afford to stay in office without acquittal."

If the former, it takes time to take over the house, etc., and the latter will not be able to command the reorganized army because the post is being dismissed or demoted.

"Non-mainstream non-mainstreams and my comrades do not challenge the command of Bonnoff's Baron. I want to command the fully reorganized Imperial Army to defeat Duke of Nuremberg."

"I agree with your Highness. I can move as a general, but I can't be the Commander-in-Chief. Senior, please come back."

"Bayer line ..."

Apparently, Bayer Rhine and Gilbert were acquainted.

Because they both belonged to the Imperial Army or belonged, it is not particularly unnatural.

"Damian, Armin and Georg. Everyone willingly obeys senior command."

"But ..."

Gilbert looked at me.

I wonder what my current employer thinks of me.

"I can't help keeping this 20,000 corps forever. I will return to the kingdom once the civil war ends. Feel free to undertake."

If the civil war ends, the name of hiring Gilbert and below will disappear from me.

It is better to be an official Imperial Army and secure your status now.

In addition, high-ranking officers of the Empire will be my breathtaking figures.

It should also be a check on Peter not to overthrow debt.

"In the case of the conductor, I'm sure Peter will come out and balance the title and territory. I'll give me the salary I'm paying now and I'll get lots of rewards. Let's be invited for the glory of the Count of Bonhof. "

"I see. It's for 'The Count of Bonhof.'"

Mr. Gilbert, who looks different from what he looks like, seems to have noticed my intention.

I, a noble king, cannot afford to hire him, an imperial noble.

After receiving Peter's invitation, become Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army, and you should only receive the title, territory, rewards, and extra pay.

"What? Wendelin's pay now?"

"I don't think the ruler of the new empire should be stingy to welcome the Commander-in-Chief of the army. If the soldiers knew that they had been treated so preferentially, they would all feel comfortable with the new Commander-in-Chief. It is acceptable. "

"Bonhof was a high-ranking general from the outset, but will it complement that further? It's good. Will Baronhof accept it?"

"I'm glad if you can do that. I will fight with all my might and I will surely head the Duke of Nuremberg."

"To seize the Imperial City Headquarters and maintain the security of the Imperial City. In the meantime, the defeated troops will escape, but I will also ask for reorganization. I will hand this over. I do not know if it will be useful."

"Thank you very much."

Peter gives Gilbert a sword with his personal crest.

Currently, the emperor's third son has no authority, but he seems to have handed it better than nothing.

"I've got more debt. I'm going to go to the Imperial Palace because I can't help but care about the details."

Most of the troops will be separated from us to take control of the Imperial Army headquarters and maintain security.

"I'm going too."

"Do your best moderately"

"It's a strange encouragement ..."

Lel also led the army and followed Gilbert.

The number of people escorting Peter was around a few dozen, but it seems to be justified to draw a large army into the imperial palace, and Peter himself does not seem to care.

"Well, do you go worshiping even the face of a woman whose head is full of cream and bavaroa?"

"His Highness, who is that sick woman?"

"I'm my stepmother. She's the woman who gave birth to my brothers."

"I'm sorry."

"No matter how you repair it, she's a fucking woman who can't help."

Peter answers Blantaak's question dignifiedly without anyone being silly.

The treatment of the current emperor's wife as a fucking woman would be a big problem if asked around him, but he would not like it much.

"I don't think I'm feeling very good."

"I don't really like the Guru, I hate it too much. I'm a stupid person, I'm so proud of my good family, I'm flies in May. Listening to that woman wastes precious time. Let's do it. ''

Peter is the leader, and a group of dozens head to the Imperial Palace.

The guards were unexpectedly putting us in the Imperial Palace.

"Is the previous work effective?"

"Yes, I think Count Landsberg."

Emera answers my questions simply.

Certainly, Peter must have been the cooperator who gave the name earlier.

"What kind of person?"

"Um ... I'm a woman who likes women very much ..."

"Oh! Isn't this the Highness !? I've been taking control of the Imperial Palace as I've been planning for a long time. By the way, there's a lot of beautiful women besides Emera. The pretty young ladies. My name is Hartmut Kaiser von Landsberg. ''

Earl Landsberg was a noblewoman in his early twenties.

Although he has darker blue hair than Luise, he is well-groomed and shiny.

The clothes seemed plain at first glance, but they seemed to be spending considerable money on sewing using good materials, and their individuality was outstanding.

Your face may be higher than your teacher or Erich.

It would be appropriate to call it a perfect long-lasting, noble son.

"I was contacted earlier by the Highness and locked the May fly in the room. One perfume-smelling Babaa was making a lot of noise."

"It was hard"

Even from Landsberg, a woman who likes women, Peter's mother-in-law is told by Borox.

Possibly the behavior was usually terrible.

"Yes, Your Highness. However, there are five splendid young ladies here. I would love to hear my name in her beautiful voice."

The teeth were flattering, but mysteriously, Count Landsberg said.

After all, a good-looking guy is a good-looking guy whatever he says.

It was something that my master and Erich knew.

"My name is Elise. I am the wife of Count Baumeister."

"Eina, also wife of Count Baumeister."

"Louise. Same."

"Vilma. I am the same."

"My name is Katarina. I am also the wife of Count Baumeister."

Because it is such a time, the self-introduction of five people has been omitted considerably.

Count Landsberg seemed to care about the omission of the Elise greetings.

"Oh! All five beautiful women who caught my eye, the hunters of the Empire's best love who acknowledge themselves and others, are all the wife of Count Baumeister! Count Lundsberg.

"Huh ..."

Count Landsberg, who is boldly surprised like a play.

It would be a good idea for ordinary people to lose their laughs.

But strangely, when he does it, it becomes a picture.

"I'm sorry but full, but tonight I met many beautiful women and it was a feast for my eyes. I'm a hunter of love. I'm not going to be crazy.

I didn't know what to do, but Earl Landsberg sat on one knee and greeted the back of the five hands with a light kiss.

The situation was very elegant and I didn't feel frustrated at all.

The Elises would have refused to greet them if they were very uncomfortable, but they would not have had a bad impression on Count Landsberg because of their obedience.

"I'm here, Count Landsberg."

"His Highness, I don't like Aisumi. Anyway, his poison made my eyes cloudy. He was trying to recover with beautiful people, including Emera."

"It's as usual, Count Landsberg."

"I can always quit a love hunter if Emera will be my wife."

"I don't trust you."

"This is tough.

Emera seems to be favored not only by Peter but also by Count Landsberg.

The response seemed to be no different from Peter.

The room led by Count Landsberg was a private room where the current Emperor's wife lives.

"Wow. A lot of dresses and decorations."

The room, which is about fifty tatami mats, had many expensive accessories.

Louise makes an exclamation of the volume.

"It's a waste of money. I have a cream in my head so I buy it if I want."

Although not because of his mother-in-law, Peter looked down on the empress as a boroxo.

"Uhh ... I'm familiar with those people ..."

"Do you remember?"

"Yes, the one who is the aunt of Breichrader Margin ..."

Ena, a spender woman with a loose-headed screw, tells her that her aunt, Breichrader, is having trouble with her nephew, Breichrader.

I knew he had an unmarried aunt, but he didn't know that.

"It's a story everywhere ..."

"There's a certain number in the kingdom and in the empire.

Peter tells Ena that it's not particularly unusual.

"Peter, what's the fuss tonight?"

The Empress, who is the master of the room, finds Peter and approaches him with anger at his face.

"Did you not get a report?

"I don't want to be called a mother-in-law by a lowly man like you. This is a fuss when your Majesty is away. Nothing is forgiven of his son. Take full punishment later."

Fortunately, the Empress seems to dislike Peter.

It's a pity that only one party has a good relationship, so I think it's good.

The Empress is happily overwhelmed, hoping that the emperor can later be punished by the emperor.

"(Thick makeup Babaa)"


Vilma sees the Empress and poisons him, and I almost insult.

Even though it may have been beautiful in the past, the empress now looks like a woman in a water business with heavy makeup and fancy costumes and decorations.

Count Landsberg should dislike it.

"I also have a lot of thought that a woman who has only family characteristics like you must be called a mother-in-law on the official occasion. That would be good later. Her Majesty the Emperor argued with the Duke of Nuremberg My brothers are also missing, but you can see that they are almost dead. "

"I can't do that. I'm going to make it happen, even in a civil war.

The Empress, who cannot believe in the death of his two husbands and his stomach, has begun to use Peter's remarks as unscrupulous.

"I don't care what you think, but this is a pure fact. I've been saying this possibility for months."

"I can't keep up with your delusion!"

"Is it a paranoid ... I wish I had no report from Baalton? What is he doing, even though he is the head of the intelligence department?" The former No. 1 partner of the prostitute who became your new concubine seems to be busy. In this emergency, are you waving without reporting? "

"Don't you insult your older brother with a lower body!"

The empress, a typical aunt, is angry like Hannya for being criticized by her brother.

An older brother who pushes his wife to the head of the Imperial Family and gains a profession at the edge, may be called the occupation of a foreign relative in the world.

"It's a waste of time just to talk to you anymore. In a few days, you'll get a report. Monitor the Empress."

Peter glanced at the Empress, and ordered the soldiers to be confined and arrested in the room.

If you forgive it, you will immediately move between the thrones.

There were more than a dozen nobles and soldiers waiting there.

"Well. What is 'Emperor's quill?'"

"Here you are"

One of the court nobles who agreed with Peter's actions presented a gorgeously decorated quill.

"Quill pen?"

"It's a special magic tool. When you sign it, the document is valid."

It seems to be a magic tool made in the past to prevent orders from fake emperors.

When you become an emperor, you can only use it, and the signed document will have a public effect.

It seems that things signed with other pens can be easily identified with a simple magic tool.

By the way, those who forged the emperor's documents and signatures are said to be punishable by death penalty and the law.

"It's a great magic tool."

"That's right. It's said that you can't make it again. I'll use this for a while ...

"That's good, but what about the ministers who really exist?"

"Let me call you. I'm going to get fired anyway. Congress will be recruited in the morning. Only people who can come first will do."

Peter sits down on the throne and gives orders to the nobles and soldiers who have gathered one after another.

It seemed that he had been hiding in advance and having a detailed meeting, and the hustle and bustle inside the Imperial Palace had subsided.

You succeeded in seizing the Imperial Army headquarters, so can this be a bloodless coup?

We are just watching the situation.

Later, I will write in my diary that I was a witness to history.

I haven't always had a diary in the three days.

"My friend, Count Baumeister, with five beautiful women"

"Um. Was it Landsberg?"

"My close friends call me Hart. In different countries, they are both Earl. Let's get along."

While everyone was busy, only Count Landsberg seemed to be free and concentrated on having a friendly relationship with me.

"Is that ... I don't want to count on Landsberg?"

"Elise, for me, the love hunter living in the Imperial Palace, it is impossible for me to be military or political."

The Landsberg county seems to be a nobleman of the Hoi, who has been tasked with working around the Imperial Palace for many years.

Regardless of work in military, domestic affairs, finance, etc., just engage in various works in and around the Imperial Palace.

Due to your duties, you will be dealing with a variety of people, from servants to ladies, so you will be good at communication skills. Because you are dealing with noble people, you will be familiar with culture and art.

And there seems to be many heads who are good at receiving women.

Indeed, he was a beautiful boy, no matter who he saw.

"I'm a man living on the royal palace."

I think Peter doesn't attract good people.

Although it was certainly a meaningless person in political and military terms, the skill that successfully suppressed the runaway of that hysterical Empress was wonderful.

There is no reason to draw him into the Imperial Palace, where many maids and servants come and go to many girls and children.

By the way, he knows the location of the quill pen well.

He must have been very effective in persuading the guards and aristocrats he guards.

"Your Highnesses seem busy. Vells are welcome to the State Guest House."

I was called Vell by the count of Landsberg, but I didn't find it strange.

"Is it alright?"

"I don't mind. Tomorrow we will use the help of the vels again, but at that time it is better to be full of magic and not tired."

Tomorrow there will be talks with the called ministers and lawmakers.

Some may dispute Peter's actions and send out a small number of troops.

The magician is useful for that measure.

"If so, let me rest."

"That's good, because tomorrow there will be many people making unnecessary noises."

"I ended up being used by your Highness."

"Speaking of which, right?"

Peter said he would take control of himself, but eventually we are in the imperial capital.

I finally noticed that it was pointed out by Ena.

"Beautiful and clever Ina, how about here? Your Highness wished Vell and his guests to participate in the perfection. Makes sense from the imperial budget. Furthermore, if the Kingdom Government leaves Vell's influence in the center of the Empire, it is also the Kingdom's influence. "

"Did you accept the influence of the kingdom yourself?"

"No matter how good the Imperial Highness is, the Empire's state power will fall behind the Kingdom for at least a few decades. Or not. "

"Lundsberg, you ..."

"Iena, I'm a resident of the Imperial Palace and a hunter of love."

I realized that Count Landsberg had the qualities to be a good politician.

If you are just a royal palace resident, the option of sticking to Peter would not be possible.

"And one more thing for your Highness."

"Politicians often change what they say. Still a good politician with results? Hart."

"That's right, Vell."

Count Landsberg affirmed my statement.

The next morning, we got breakfast after getting up and headed to the throne again.

There were already many ministers and military personnel there.

"I can't admit such illegal acts!"

She was screaming at Peter sitting on the throne, some empresses making noise last night.

"This is an emergency. Rather than that, Baalton. Did you not know that the defeat army lost?"

"Um .... The reason is unknown, but the regular contact has been cut off ..."

The empress's brother was given the emperor's intelligence-related status that no one else could trust.

However, it seems that he had no knowledge of the destruction of the defeat army because he had neither the ability nor the aptitude.

While wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, he answers Peter's questions in a whirlpool.

"So the information here is that all the troops invaded from all sides have been destroyed and are losing !! Why don't you know! Military Minister Sauken. You naturally know? There's an intelligence agency. "

"Until you know where your Majesty and the Princes are coming from ..."

"So how many of the 500,000 people, including logistics personnel, will return until the Duke of Nuremberg approaches the imperial capital?"

Nearly all of the nobles gathered to Peter, who talked about the future with a mean smile, almost pale.

"By the way, Nuremberg's army has been hardly damaged."

More than 100,000 elites rush into the Imperial City.

It seems that Peter's seizure of power is no longer necessary.

Because you put a sting here and say, "Well, do you! ], But I do not have any chance of winning.

"I know the information about His Majesty's death. So what's next?"

"That's fixed! Alexander or Julian!"

"Is their survival almost desperate. Before that, there is no legal basis like me."


Yes, in the empire, even if the emperor dies, his children have no authority to elect the emperor by election.

To get it, you have to win the imperial election.

"Assuming they were living miraculously, the army of Duke of Nuremberg will be approaching before or almost at the same time before returning to the Imperial City ..."

Someone has to fight for the Duke of Nuremberg.

Peter asked everyone who had gathered his will.

If you are confident, are there any other candidates?

"What about your mother-in-law? A mourning battle between your defeated Her Majesty and your son. However, if you lose, you'll be chasing after you. No, I'm sorry. With the help of your brother, come and take a look at the Duke of Nuremberg. "

"I am?"

"Yes, it's okay with your brother's help."


Empress and his older brother, Barton, had turned blue on the suggestion of Peter.

I could not afford to think that it was a fight that I could win until now, but I am not confident in the defense of the Imperial City due to the destruction of the suppression forces.

If you lose at the top, the Duke of Nuremberg will definitely execute themselves.

Because you understand that, you probably do not want to receive it yourself.

Especially, the empress was suddenly weakened from the brave attitude mentioned earlier.

"I return to my room to submit to my husband's mourning."

"I resigned taking responsibility for failing to complete my intelligence mission ..."

They leave the throne to escape if they leave that much.

"Me too……"

"Suddenly ..."

Furthermore, the majority of the nobles who gathered here were dukes of Nuremberg during the coup, and until now they were justified by the emperor.

It seems he wanted to escape from the sinking ship, and almost all ministers had resigned and disappeared from the throne.

"Wendelin, is it terrible?"

"I don't know unless the kingdom is in the same state."

Because there are many people who are excellent in peacetime, but are not good in such an emergency.

"It's good that the stupid resignation was voluntary, and they don't have a job again when my eyes are black. That's okay, so next is Congress. "

When we rushed to the Congress Hall, less than half of the members were there.

"Members of the Diet! First, let's explain the current situation."

When Peter explains to the members of the Diet what has happened so far, almost everyone is silent.

To be honest, I don't know what to do.

Even in the election of the Emperor, the duke of Nuremberg will be flooded before candidates can gather.

"So how would you like Peter Oswald Delius von Arkart to intercept for regent status?"

In response to Peter's question, lawmakers remained silent.

Because the law did not anticipate such a situation, you probably do not know how to judge it.

"I'm okay. Now you should be ready to intercept as soon as possible."

Here, the head of the Mayer Chamber of Commerce, who is also a noble member, expresses his opinion.

"Yes, it's not the case for formalism now."

"I'm sorry for the time. I need to prepare the Imperial City's defense system even a little."

A few more supporters appeared, and Peter was safely appointed to regency by a resolution of members who had no other opinion.

He became the de facto leader and decided to intercept the Duke of Nuremberg, which would approach the imperial city.

"It's good so far."

Peter, who was appointed regency, was busy.

He left the command of the Imperial Army to Gilbert, and other appointed ministers are also busy.

With reports on the current situation and requests for reinforcements, including those in the north, the Mizuho Countries, which had anticipated this situation as soon as possible, will soon send 20,000 troops.

"Mizuho's army is in time."

When we left the town of Surcutt, we were already planning to launch an advance team, so this may be natural in time.

"What about the northern princes?"

"Alphonse will do something."

Therese is definitely not in time.

Even if you put your soldiers out of the Soviet wilderness field, it will be a bare line.

"Aside from helpers, what about the Imperial Army?"

Apart from the Royal Army, there are only 20,000 people I have collected and 20,000 from the Imperial Capital Away Unit.

The cadres and officers who oppose the invasion have been removed from the suppression forces, so they have all the personnel.

However, the skill of the remaining units is not excellent at flattering.

"Some of the logistics supporters and some of them may have been able to get away with it. If we could reorganize it ..."

In addition, Peter is likely to be busy collecting food that the suppression army has brought in large quantities and pulling garrisoners from the southern part of the capital to the capital.

"Should the southern defense be thinned?"

"There's no point in distributing troops, even though there's no guarantee that they can win when they come together."

"But is it OK?"

Suppression forces are looting and assaulting women and girls in the south.

The Duke of Nuremberg, which felt resentful, could do the same.

"That's because my dad was incompetent. He's been a rumor by the Duke of Nuremberg, and he's a laughter all over the empire with his head caught up in his words. I don't think he's going to be the same stupid."

If you do the same thing before approaching the Imperial City, you will be rumored by Peter, and the reputation of Duke of Nuremberg will fall to the ground.

"That's why I'm intercepting in the Imperial City, but I'm counting on Venderin."

"all right"

Peter's bloodless coup has set the new empire's regime.

But no one knows what the future will be like.

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