Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 103: The suppression army starts.

"Hey, it's big"

"The shell is very beautiful."

A giant land turtle, whose head has been shot down by Vilma's sniper, ceases its activity, and Eina and Luise, who rush back, look up at the corpse.

However, I didn't think there were two turtle king rainbow assaults.

It seems that usually only one animal appeared, but at least the guru wanted to notice.

"I couldn't help because I couldn't sense the magic because of that shell."

The troublesome part of the rainbow-colored shell is that if the turtle withdraws its head and feet, "detection" becomes impossible.

Without that attack, the rainbow-colored shell would not detect the magic.

The shell shines in rainbow colors, so it is easy to see visually, but it can't be checked if it's buried in the ground.

"I've been fooled in the last few months."

"Even if only one of them is listed, I wanted to be aware of the size difference."

"Blantark, humans can live longer if they don't care about the details."

"In this case, you can live longer if you care ..."

Blantaq, who returned afterwards, complained to the guru, but the guru, whose spirit was as strong as a wire rope, could not reflect on him.

"Another animal. Isn't it hard to dismantle?"

"Because there are hands"

If you take this and return to the town of Thirkat, the emperor of the imperial capital may bite.

Because you don't want to be wary of strange things, you dismantle it in the field and put it in a magic bag, and when necessary, Peter shows it to the imperial capitals and shows off their power.

"Vell, this shell is pretty special, can he pay for it?"

"You can pay.

Peter responded to Luise's question with a proud heart.

Until now, he seems to have been hiding and saving his comrades and money, but of course that is the tears of the sparrow, so he is now full of debt.

However, he's not as bad as ever.

"(I wish Peter was a big one like Julius Caesar ...)

After a while, the dismantling of the two turtle king rainbow assaults begins.

The location was within the territory, but most demons had already been defeated, and this was also being dismantled.

We plan to secure meat for food and sell other materials for military funding.

"Oh, it looks like a delicious dish. As expected, Elise."

To try, Elise was cooking some of the ingredients.

Your turtle meat is your first time, but what will it taste like?

Some of the meat is cooked with soy sauce and miso sauce, as well as the simmered umami stew with vegetables.

"Turtles are delicious"

"I can eat as much as I want"

"Vell-sama, hungry"

Although Vilma had already eaten, she is this time.

I want to eat as much as I want.

Elise was presenting Virma with meat and umani simmered in a bowl.

"It's usually delicious"

"Well, it was delicious today ... not so hard."

The guru remembered today's event while eating a large amount of Riku tortoise meat.

Don't point out the fact that you didn't notice that there were two land turtles and you concentrated on other monster hunting.

There were aspects of force majeure and the army did not suffer much sacrifice because the guru was rampaged.

"The other monsters will be exhausted again tomorrow and annihilated."

"After that, I'll cut down the tree with a" wind cutter "."

Although Katarina wasn't in time for the battle with Rainbow Assault, she was supposed to take care of the remaining demons and cut down the trees in this area.

"I heard that you will create a farm here."

"A sort of rural coalition that feeds the town of Sarcut?"

The territory of this monster was present in a way that closed off between the town of Thurcut and the territory of the Union of Minorities.

Adventurers also gathered with demonic flesh and materials, but because of the small scale, it seems that the side that hinders development and traffic was stronger.

"The release of this demonic territory connects the town of Sirkat to the northern territory of the central empire, facilitating its development. The rarity of the rainbow-colored shell has also been obtained. But with this I return to the Imperial City. ''

"Yes, that was good."

I handed over a detailed invoice about my job remuneration to Peter, who had been arguing.

"Well. Therese is too sweet for Wendelin."

Peter sees the amount and criticizes Therese, who has never paid me before.

"You can't say much about your Highness."

"Emera, I'll be my ally in these times."

Peter smiled bitterly at Emera, who vomited her tongue.

"Sometimes it's the role of minister to say something tough to the master."

"It's true. I pay everything. Of course I'll pay later."

"While paying later was said by both Therese and the emperor."

The two have not officially refused payment.

I just questioned my qualities as two emperors.

"Of course, it's split, but some of the competitors have excellent financial skills, so let me calculate when I enter the imperial capital. I'll make sure to repay while my eyes are white, because if you don't repay, the empire will be behind Venderin and behind Will be dominated by the Helmut Kingdom. ''

"Huh ..."

There is no problem if you know that much.

If you can't pay, just pick up the security you plan to set up later, which is the interests of the empire's territory and mines and ports.

So, if you don't return, the empire will be invaded by the kingdom.

"I'm sure I'll be called a debt emperor in later generations."

Peter was eating turtle meat with a laugh.

The next day, although still in the process of being cleaned up at the scene, the Royal Army and the Imperial Army began marching into the Imperial City with a total of 15,000 people, including 5,000 from the Imperial Army and 5,000 from the Earl of Mizuho. Was.

Gilbert is in charge of the Imperial Army, Philip is the Royal Army, and Elle also has a thousand of them.

The Army of Mizuho was commanded by a heavy minister named Mneka's Tachibana Mizuho.

Guru, Blantaq and Elise will accompany me, and I will leave the administration of the town of Sarcut to the Deputy Secretary, Christoph and Schulze.

You can leave the command of the remaining troops to Poppek and his recruited personnel.

"Everyone will soon come to the Imperial City ..."

As expected, partly due to the training, the army was orderly and quickly set up near the Imperial City.

I will be called by the emperor immediately, but I will omit this.

I was just called out and told me that I would leave immediately and be quiet and guard behind me.

The tone was a bit more polite, but he didn't seem to take us.

"I guess my father is excited about the completion of a gorgeous specially made mikoshi."

"I should practice riding a horse."

As expected, I could ride a horse normally.

I'm just amazed by the emperor who doesn't even make an effort.

I haven't reached the elderly yet.

"Is that gorgeous mikoshi soon turning into a coffin soon?"

On the night of the audience with the Emperor, we were talking while eating dinner at a location on the outskirts of the Imperial City.

It seems that Peter came secretly from a friend living in the Imperial City.

According to the report, the emperor smiled at the sight of the ornately decorated custom-made mikoshi.

"What if the general cannot ride on a horse?

"That's right. Anyway, an old soldier who has been fighting on the battlefield for many years."

It seems that the Imperial Army in the past also had such soldiers.

However, the emperor has never participated in military training.

It is said that the training of the prince troops who report directly to the Imperial Family has now been entrusted to their sons.

"Peter's older brothers are excellent."

"Is it good at being able to do what I was told to be excellence? Isn't it true that you can't ride a horse, but how do you beat the Duke of Nuremberg?"

The imperial capital of the present day is surrounded by some kind of enthusiasm, because it is before the defeat army starts.

Since the emperor gave the soldiers a lump sum, they used it to wash their lives.

Some people are the last, so I'm not going to say that in itself.

Rather, we almost certainly expect them to lose.

Hopefully it would have been better to stop, but they eventually ignored advice from some nobles and Peter on the basis of confidence that there were many.

Although it looks cute, it can be said that it is self-sufficient, so I had to have a complicated mind.

"It's going to be good at first."

"Well, Venderin's tactics. Let's ask."

"It's not that big of a thing. It's much easier for the Duke of Nuremberg to slay the Emperor and to cause great damage at the same time. "

Although there are three invasion routes, it is a difficult tactic to counterattack, but the ability of the Duke of Nuremberg is more than enough.

First you will not fail.

I want to get as much as possible out of the Emperor's sons and executive classes.

The more sacrifice, the more confused the Imperial City.

If you think that it might be possible to make a bloodless castle if you do well, you will focus on the destruction of the suppression forces.

"Because even the leaders of the subdued army are aware of that, he said," Even if we are incompetent? "

"I have to wait"

Everywhere, I'm expecting the Emperor to die in war.

I ca n’t tell Peter what to do.

"Peter? You're good at using Count Baumeister so that there's no uproar around the Imperial City."

"That's your role as the third son."

Eventually, a defeat army will be launched from the huge front gate of the Imperial City.

First, the elite cavalry of the Imperial Army walks in a row, and then the emperor on a gorgeous portable shrine responds by waving his hand to the noblemen and subjects.

There is also Peter in them, but he just looked at him once and did not say anything.

When the march approaches the middle, the eldest son and his second son, the successors of the emperor, the older brothers of Peter, appear on a horse.

They were commanding the Imperial princes' army and were very excited.

They are not the next emperor, but only the successor of the imperial family.

However, he seems to be aiming for the imperial family to succeed to the throne, including this war, in the turmoil of other electors, and this defeat cannot be failed.

However, he seemed to have a sweet dream after the victory, talking to Peter with an unpleasant smile with his eyes above his eyes.

"I wish my brother victory."

"Our glory is for you too."

Peter continued to bow down to his two brothers who returned and returned to the march until they disappeared.

"I don't get into my head often."

"My brother's mother is a noble daughter, and my mother is a commoner. I was used to it."

While saying so, Peter raised his head and he was sticking his tongue out, and Ena looked awkward.

I've played a useless younger brother while being embarrassed and endured so far, so I guess there is nothing special to think about.

"So what do we do?"

Blantaq asks Peter while seeing off the end of the suppression army.

"Because we can't be in the Imperial City, we're going to be popular around.

About six months after the Duke of Nuremberg abandoned the imperial city and the imprisoned emperor regained power.

It is not unusual for places where security is still deteriorating.

So we moved to see the situation.

"For those with minor injuries, this is it."

"Bone stuck, but please rest for a few days."

"Is no one receiving any treatment?"

Katarina, Elise, and Guru perform round-trip treatments in rural areas.

"I can't use a crop thief. I have to buy it myself. Oh, will you resist? I'll have you stun."

"Crop thieves are villains in me."

"Why are we two girls like this?"

Luise and Vilma work hard to find hard-to-find criminals.

"Oita's skill level has improved."

"Yes, Elle."

"Ell, this food application document. The calculations are wrong."

"Huh? Really?"

"I'm messed up by the last sum. See here."

"Is true……"

Elle and Haruka worked hard under Philip to train their units.

Eena is helping to run the military.

"Let's go straight on this path ... long ..."

"But how long will we be working?"

"here we go?"

I and Blantaq live a life as a civil adventurer.

I don't think it has anything to do with maintaining security, but this too depends on the situation of the suppression forces.

For now, the results of the battle, such as crossing the border line unharmed, and successfully releasing some villages and towns, are coming one after another.

I guess they want to advertise their achievements in a flashy way, but when they hear the details, they rarely fight.

The leaders of the defeating troops seem to think that they will gather almost all the troops behind the territory and go to the final battle.

And if it is done, even if they win with triple strength.

"It's frustrating to just wait for the result."

"Yes ..."

Still, I don't think I had to leave the army with the emperor.

When I was working for civil engineering, I heard bad rumors from the people who helped me.

"(I know that Duke Nuremberg is a rebel, and I know he needs to be defeated ...)"

"(Did something happen?)"

"(My friend told me that the occupied villages and towns seem to be a hell of hell.)"


"(That's it. Don't say it in front of too great people.)"

Because the suppression forces are a raft, it is likely that troops are not under control.

It seems that civil war loots and slaughters are common in war.

"I thought it was such a thing."

I heard Peter's gossip that night, and he wasn't surprised.

She has a natural look.

"Have the emperor issued a ban notice?"

"It's out. Not surprisingly, but is it the hardest thing to keep the rules?"

"Yes, because I'm actually cutting soldiers."

Philip is struggling to uphold the discipline of the Royal Army in this distant empire.

Some soldiers ran robbery or rape in an attempt to clear their resentment because they escaped from life or were captured.

This is what Gilbert, who leads the Imperial people, has also experienced.

"Even though they are the same imperial, if they live in different territories or regions, they have less awareness of companionship."

If you were in an old war, you might have been even more aware of that.

However, in this era, your family and hometown are absolutely top priority, and there will be a certain number of people who are willing to work badly in other places in such an emergency.

This was an inevitable reality for any army in the world.

"There is a way to reduce it to almost zero."

Philip and Gilberto beheaded the soldier's head in front of the residents of the town of Thurcut.

Cruel, but we are renting out in town.

If you do not correct military regulations, such crimes will increase more and more.

"I guess the fucking dad and brother aren't doing anything just saying beautiful things."

"They will not hear them, fearing reprimands and punishments from the Emperor."

If you lose for that reason, you will miss the glory that comes after the defeat of Duke of Nuremberg.

As a result, they seemed to have concluded that such inconvenient scandals would not be heard.

"The Guru is likely to speak directly to His Majesty the King."

"I will not hesitate to say."

"I'm jealous of Her Majesty the King"

Your Majesty and your guru are close friends.

That's why the guru intends to give a painful advice for his best friend.

But the emperor has no such vassals.

Perhaps because of that, Peter may be a little compassionate about his father.

"The work of the Duke of Nuremberg is spreading quietly."

"That's right, as Wendellin says. Even if the wrongdoing of the suppression army is true, such scandals will not leak from allies."

Duke Nürnberg's remaining intelligence officers are gradually spreading the emperors' wrongdoing throughout the empire.

It may be taken that the emperor slaughtered innocent inhabitants of civil strife .... Indeed, the Duke of Nuremberg seems to be working after the battle with the defeat army.

"Do you still lose?"

"Elise, there are churches in the town and village. Don't lick the network of priests."

The Church has taken a position to protest the rebellion of the Duke of Nuremberg, and many priests have served in the Liberation Army and the suppression forces.

However, many churches in the south are participating in the rebels or declaring neutrality and continuing their usual activities.

"What do they think of the evil deeds that the church in the Imperial City believes to be justice? What do they think?

"Is that so……"

"As expected, the Duke of Nuremberg. Indeed, it is difficult to defeat him at Therese, so do you want to bring your father back to the throne and use his strength to defeat him ..."

"You made the wrong time. Duke of Nuremberg."

"Is that such a man suitable for the turbulent world?"

Peter seems to be frustrated that he cannot manage this situation.

I find that the end of the mouth is distorted.

However, if at this point you are poorly intervening and helping the emperor, you will have to fight the Duke of Nuremberg while keeping your upper hand under control.

You have to close your eyes to the temporary sacrifice and let the emperor die.

"So what about the naked Emperor?"

"In three days, the headquarters, led by the emperor, will collide with the unit led by the Duke of Nuremberg himself. Since he is waiting with about half his strength, there will be plenty of countermeasures."

"Is it an underground relic?"

Before, even the guru was tossed by the exploding golem.

In subjugation troops, where the number and quality of wizards are declining, measures may be delayed and fatal.

"Now we have to wait for the results ..."

It's hard to wait for the outcome of a fight that you're almost losing.

Nevertheless, the results will come naturally over time.

Ten days later, a spy secretly lurking in the subduing army by Peter rushes to him with Hayama.

"Allies are defeated! The Emperor has been defeated!"

"After all ... and what about the details?"

In a tent where the main ones were gathered in a hurry, a spy who was out of breath attempted to start a detailed report.

"Ah, this ..."

"Thank you, wife."

The spy reports after Elise has drunk up the mate brewed quickly.

Detailedly, brewing tepid tea on purpose at such a time is truly Elise.

"The enemy made a charge with a small number and the entire army ..."

"Did you break down your army with a massive suicide golem?"

"That's later. There's a metal dragon golem ..."

"Did you excavate such a thing!"

As long as it appeared at the underground ruins of the kingdom, it was also possible that it was excavated at the underground ruins of the empire.

Then place it in its own base and report that thousands of invading subjugation troops have melted away with a few breaths.

"After that, a lot of self-destructive golems ..."

Although it is a large army of 100,000 people, it only collapses when done so.

There, the Duke of Nuremberg attacked himself, and the shrine carrying the emperor was turned over.

The emperor, painted in mud, begged the duke of Nuremberg, who had a sword, but he was beheaded with a blow saying "unsightly."

"I understand that well."

"I was in the back, and one of my enemies fled there with a pale blue face."

Because the surroundings were noble, he managed to lose the emperor and stay on the ground to gather the collapsed army.

The spy ran out with a horse and fled to here.

"A stunning escape. Gatra's fast horse technique deserves praise."

The name of the spy seems to be Gatra.

Naturally he was also a comrade of Peter.

"How about your brothers?"

"It seems that he was in command of the other two troops, but probably the same."

"I guess."


The Duke of Nuremberg once retired from the Imperial City because he was confident that if he invited him to the local area, he would win the relics of the underground ruins.

Dragon Golems are heavy, so if they are installed, they will probably be locals that can use human resources for construction.

Naturally, the other two troops and Peter's brothers, the commander, should be safe.

"It was as expected."

That's exactly what Peter says.

Most of these guys have been moving for months, anticipating that.

"Can the suppression army survive half?"

"I want you to survive that much, because if you reorganize, you'll manage to compete with Duke of Nuremberg."

It is highly likely that the duke of Nuremberg, who has won, will advance his army to the Imperial City.

By then, Peter would have to take control of the Empire and regroup.

"For now, will we be able to rely on the remaining Imperial troops and the comrades who have been turned home? Vendellin."

Peter puts his hands on my shoulder.

"Your Kingdom Army and the Imperial Army formed in the town of Thurcut. I also rely on the Earl of Mizuho. I guess there are many stupid riots due to foreign troops, but now speed is a game. I'll announce his death and take over the government at once. "

I can't seem to sleep until morning.

A dispatch order is issued to all troops, and the noise of soldiers spreads throughout the base.



"Enter the Imperial City and make the same report to Bayer Rhein and Count Landsberg."


"Wendelin, are you worried? Because they are my comrades, they open the front gate of the now closed imperial city."

At the same time as the main gate opens, the entire army will seize the Imperial Palace and Imperial Army facilities, and Peter will take control of the Empire.

This was also a coup, but at this time it would have no help.

Due to the death of the emperor, the duke of Nuremberg will take away the capital again unless someone inherits power.

"Wendelin just needs to be close to me, and we must take the initiative in doing this kind of work."

"Yes, but when I'm nearby ..."

I think it will be about one sign, but ...

According to the plan ahead, we should have been waiting.

"When it actually happens, I really want to have more hands.

Peter seems to be full of me.

"I'll give you a fee in order to achieve no lending and borrowing."

"That's of course. Let's go."

A few minutes later, you're ready and leave your few answering machines on the outfield for the entire army to head to the Imperial City front gate.

Since the coup, the merciful Emperor Urquart XVII, who has been manipulated by the Duke of Nuremberg until his death, ends his reign for a short period of about six months.

I checked it later in the book, but his reign was 278 days.

This is the second shortest number among successive emperors.

The Emperor with the shortest reign was Arkart III, who died on the seventeenth day of his reign seven hundred years ago.

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