Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 96: Every day's competition.

We have been called by Alhans, who has been dropped by the PLA from Therese, after we have made the town of Sarcutt a hub.

Since he has a base where he can see the Imperial City safely, he wants me to be a staff member.

While we were away, I was not lonely because Mr. Blantark and the guru were escorting, but it may be that Telese is still attached to me.

We left the town of Surcutt, which had almost completed its construction, to other imperial nobles and Poppeks, and we arrived at Arhans with Philip and Christoph.

Indeed, Alhans was a larger city than Breichburg, just as a sub-city.

Therese has been told that she cut off supplies during the siege operation and then dropped it during surrender negotiations.

Thanks to that, there was no noticeable damage to Arhans.

"It looks like you've dropped a good place."

"Well done?"

Alphonse, who came to pick us up, was grateful to us for securing the town and fort in Surcutt.

Although it is useless as it is, the expansion of the town and the fort seems to have the conditions to oppress the rebels.

"That's the town of Thirkat. The fort was stored by local merchants thirty years ago, so no one noticed until the report was received."

You may be able to use it if you repair it, but if you do not repair it, you will not be able to protect yourself, so you did not feel the need to drop it.

Before that, no one was aware of the PLA soldiers and nobles.

From Telese and Alphonse's point, they seemed to be a problem before they remembered because they were fortified before they were born.

"By connecting the road with Alhans, I was saved because I could squeeze the Imperial City on the front. It seems that the roads have been considerably improved."

"Because I was free without fighting."

In this march, I have almost no battle.

“Low-frequency treatment device” magically threatened Poppek and surrendered.

Rather, Poppeks seemed stupid at first, but they calculated everything and attached to us.

The town of Thirkat became the PLA side, and the town and fort were strengthened.

Because their territory is also in the economic zone, they are elite soldiers of the former Imperial Army even though they think and move so much.

While you're in the town of Thirkat, you're going to work almost without construction.

After that, he entrusts the command of the Royal Army to Philip and Christoph, and in the process also asks for Elle's education.

With the help of Haruka, El was busy but fulfilling.

"I'm quite free ..."

"Vell goes to work. I'm busy studying the commanding of Haruka and the troops. ''

"There's no difference in what I'm doing so much before .... Elle is going to flutter again? In fact, Haruka-san had a secret lover. '

"Is there! It ’s not lucky. ”

Considering the construction of the fort and town, I think there is not much difference from when it was said to be a civil adventurer.

Nevertheless, he and his fiancé have a good time working and living together, and El's guys are enviable.

"It was a big success. Wendelin."

"A big success?"

Therese was struggling with a large amount of documents at the government of the town of Alhans.

Because it is a territory and also a big city, occupying and governing would require a huge amount of work.

Many documents have been generated due to the management of surrendered POWs.

"Mr. Blanc Turk organizing documents?"

"Because there are no Counts ..."

Since there was no Elise or Ena, it seems that Blanták, a escort for Therese, had to do part of that.

Since he is an educated and intellectual, he can do this job normally.

He is a natural person who is treated by Bleichrader Marsh.

"Um. Uncle?"

"Wife, do you think that guru is processing documents?"

"Um .... I guess you're very rare ..."

Elysee replied unreliably to Mr. Blantaq's question.

Witches are seen by the world as brain workers, and their proportion is said to be high.

But actually, there are many people who do magic only with imagery, so many people are surprisingly uneducated.

The gurus are thought to be awkward by the surrounding nobles just by appearance.

Actually, there isn't such a thing, but I'm not good at paper work that has a personality, and I seem to go out because I don't want to be entrusted with such work.

"Isn't it the escort of Therese-sama?"

"If you are in the current state, I think that Blanc-Taak alone is OK ..."

El and Haruka had a mysterious look at the guru who was an escort but not near Therese.

"If you are, here you are!"

"I came out!"

Jewel seems to be surprised by the guru who suddenly appeared.

"I was waiting in the next room. Elvin, boy. I'm doing all my escort work."

"Is that so, but why aren't you there?"

"It's decided. I don't like paperwork, so I'm decided!"

"I confessed ..."

Haruka was always uttering the words of the guru who lived true.

Since the country of Mizuho resembles Japan, it may be that people such as gurus are experiencing culture shock.

"Anyway, it's nice that the Wendelins are back. Let's start by sorting out this large amount of paperwork."

"Do we do it too?"

It seems like we were really faced with various things, and we will be given a document that we can understand, and we will check it.

Of course, the last confirmation and signature was Telese's job.

"There is no Alphonse"

Vilma realizes that Alphonse is not there.

I asked a guard in front of the office and he went to the town on duty.

"Indeed, my heart's friend. It's fast to escape ..."

I praised Alphonse's quick escape while checking documents that documented the merit of the previous battle.

I think this is the skill I need now.

"I guess, is it safe for foreigners to look at these documents?"

"Do you think that information is leaked?"

My mutter seemed to have been heard by Therese.

Conversely, ask me back.

"Well, that's it."

"Even if you pass the information on this document to the kingdom after the war, it will not help because the freshness is already dead.

As expected, he seems to be thinking about that much.

"But if Wendelin remains in the empire as a concubine's husband, there will be many opportunities to access the most sensitive information."

"Telesee. The wrong part of the document is here."

"Telese. The budget items in this document are incorrectly summed up. And this receipt is suspicious. You should nail yourself to the person who issued it."

Elise and Ena hit the faulty papers in front of her and interrupted her, as Therese urged me.

"They are strangely good."

Elise was a perfect superman, so she was good at paperwork, and Eina was well-known in this civil war that she was good at this kind of work.

"Um .... I'm going to add seven and five, so I'm going up one digit here .. That's right, right? I'm worried.

On the contrary, Luise, who has a sense of living, was struggling in front of a large number of documents.

After all, everything seems to be compatible.

"Katarina. I'm wrong here."

"It's strange"

Although Katarina can do some paperwork early, she has many mistakes.

Virma, on the other hand, was slow but accurate and often pointed out mistakes to Katarina.

These two may have opposite personalities, but they may be compatible.

"I think this kind of work is also necessary ..."

"Ell. Let's do our best. I'll make Daifuku into Oya later."

"Yes, let's do our best."

Elle was creating a different world with Haruka.

Basically, Haruka encourages Ell to work well.

Although it is already laid on the butt, there is no problem because Ell does not think so.

"(Is this a woman who controls her husband well ...?)"

About an hour after I was impressed with etc., the paper was finally cleared, so we decided to talk to Therese while eating Oyatsu.

"I'm not very good ..."

Oyatu was Daifuku as Haruka foretold.

The creator himself is humbled by the result, but can not find the difference between selling it at the store.

"The sweetness is modest and delicious. Haruka-san."

"I see. I was relieved."

"Haruka is good at cooking and sweets, so I'm not worried at all."

Looking at them, it looks as if a newly married couple is surrounding the dining table.

When I saw the Therese, she looked very enviable.

I will not see.

"Mame Daifuku and Shio Daifuku are also delicious"

"I thought it would be okay to add salt to a sweet thing, but it's a habit to be sweet and salty."

Louise also seems to like the salt Daifuku that he eats for the first time.

"By the way, what is Daifuku strawberry?"


"Are strawberries and Daifuku?"

My question was that El and Haruka were saying nothing.

It is unlikely that a combination of Daifuku and strawberry is possible between them.

"It's a strange combination. Are you OK?"

Eina is worried about the taste, but I know.

The combination of strawberry and Daifuku is the best.

In this world, strawberries are crops that require time to grow, so they are treated as luxury goods.

It's smaller and more sour than Japanese ones, but it will enhance freshness.

"If Count Baumeister would do that ..."

Haruka begins to make strawberry Daifuku as I ordered.

"I'm worried about the taste."

The teacher was unusually worried, but I don't think it's a useless worry because even a little bit unsavory thing is not likely to break your belly even if you eat rotten things.

"It was completed"

Daifuku's ingredients were left, and I had the strawberries in my magical bag.

"Mr. Wendelin, are you really OK?"

Catalina worried about her, but she refused because she was sweet.

Is diet good?

Only that is a concern.

Everyone else starts sampling at the same time, but the first anxiety seems to have blown away immediately.

We were beginning to praise the taste of strawberry Daifuku.

"You are delicious."

"Huh? The combination is weird, but delicious."

Elise and Haruka, who are good at cooking, praised the taste of strawberry Daifuku.

"But you come up well. Vell."

"True. Strange"

"Huh. I have a food god."

Luise and Vilma also ate the strawberry Daifuku, impressed.

It was just a pakuri, but it is not a pakuri unless it is known.

And people in this world believe with a high probability that they are revelations from God.

It's a good cover to break away.

"Isn't that more than that?"

Blantaq, who isn't very interested in sweets, points out that Terese will finally hear his plans for the future.


"Oh, this candy is delicious"

Therese seemed to concentrate too much on the strawberry Daifuku, and had forgotten until he was able to reach out to Mr Blantark.

"I will lead as many as I can and head towards the Imperial City. On the way, the Duke of Nuremberg pulls back and waits."

The Duke of Nuremberg seems to want to take the field battle he is good at and win, and was sent a challenge letter after the capture of Alhans.

"Is the Duke of Nuremberg not good at basketball battles?"

"Rather, that's faster."

It is almost spring, so if possible, we would like to end the civil war as soon as possible and rebuild the nation.

The reasons are different, but they seem to have the same opinion on this.

"If you think so, you have to start a rebellion from the beginning!"

A guru complains to Duke of Nuremberg while cheering on Daifuku.

"That's all right now. There are a few flatlands in front of the Imperial City where large-scale battles can be held.

Because of this, the Duke of Nuremberg has for the most part consumed the breeding force of the Duke of Philippe, the main force of the PLA, and the Army of Mizuho, without depleting as much as possible the strength of the cubs.

"I'm grudged by the abandoned aristocrat because of that."

It would be natural to grudge the Duke of Nuremberg because he was damaged by consumables.

But if the table complains, it can be crushed.

The reason why the Duke of Nuremberg gathers elites around the Imperial City is probably to include checks on them.

"The concubines are in the process of making adjustments. The Duke of Nuremberg should not rely on expecting a betrayal."

"Well. I can't say people here either."

As Blanctark says, there are many aristocrats who are opportunistic because both sides are still in civil war.

You may want to determine the winner because it is related to the survival of the house, but more than half of the nobles participating in the PLA can not count on them.

The number was higher than the rebels, but depending on the situation, it is not surprising to betray the battlefield.

"On the other hand, the Duke of Nuremberg should only fight with eliteness."

No matter how many numbers you win, the quality of the army may be a weak point.

Naturally, we are taking measures, but it is likely to be a battle with many anxiety factors.

"Either way, if the PLA's reorganization progresses, we must aim for the Imperial City."

The preparations are completed in about a week, and the PLA will begin its approach to the Imperial City with almost all troops except for the minimum army guarding the bases and supply routes.

A total of 150,000 people.

Although it increased, it seems that the capture of Arhans was also large.

With that opportunity, there were many nobles who had led the army.

"It doesn't get too much."


I hurry up and close Luise's mouth.

The PLA proceeds without any particular resistance, but a spy and a watch squad at last report that a large rebel army is on Sina Plain.

Hearing that, Therese was frowning.

"I need to button it quickly."


"That idiot! It's a battle in the largest granary in the empire!"

Winter wheat is not ready to be harvested yet, and large-scale battles will be conducted in the fields there.

It was certain that the farmers who own the land would be resentful.

"The rebels seem to be in the middle of the plains. Around 90,000 in all."

"A little less ..."

Therese seems to be thinking about something in the report from the spy.

"Is it just the elite of the elite?"

"Maybe it's that guy. I'm thinking about something wrong."

Perhaps another squadron is lurking somewhere, and is there a surprise attack here?

Given the skill of the PLA, there is a risk of a frontal collapse with a single blow.

"So, are you waiting? @ Therese-sama"

"Blantaq, what's the point? It's just stagnating. There's no choice but to move forward if you decide to defeat them."

By Terese's decision, the PLA heads to the place where the rebels will be deployed in the entire army.

As it progressed, it was necessary to crush the uncultivated wheat fields until they were harvested, which again hurt Therese's mood.

"Later, I have to compensate for it ..."

Finally, the two sides confront each other in the vast wheat field.

The rebels divide the force almost equally in 30,000, and the PLA was in the same formation as almost 50,000.

There is a bomb in the PLA, which is by far the most advantageous in terms of numbers.

"The Duke of Baden in the right army is good, but the question is whether it's the count of Reimei, who leads the left army ..."

Although the PLA has increased in number, it has become more crowded.

The right army, commanded by the Duke of Baden, who has ruled in the army of aristocrats who have participated in the PLA from the beginning, should have been able to fight normally.

The problem is the left army, headed by Earl Reime.

Earl Rehmee himself returned to his territory to inherit his title, but was formerly a general in the Imperial Army.

The reputation is not bad, and the rank is also an earl, so it is a good person to leave the left army.

However, there are various problems with the nobles participating there.

"It's a troublesome story."

Since there are many new opportunistic groups, they cannot be relied on as their strength.

"Well, let's say they're scattered across the army. What do you think?"

"If you poke it, it's a crisis for the whole army to collapse."

"Therefore, the Left Army is planning operations as a collapsing object, because the Central Army has the Mission Army on the left side."

The collapse of the Central Army will be prevented, and Earl Reime himself has a good understanding of the state of the Left Army.

In the worst case, thanks to him, the elites of the Countess of Reimei, who were elite, were to join the Central Army with some reliable units.

"If you leave half, you can beat at least 90,000 rebels."

Due to the military talent of Duke of Nuremberg, it was difficult for the PLA to destroy it completely.

"It's also painful, but it should be painful too. I've made as much preparation as possible. Which one will benefit from God?"

The two troops confront each other while crushing the vast wheat field and start the battle as if they had cut the weir.

There is no complicated operation, just the two sides are fighting.

Soldiers and knights cut each other, and wizards try to use each other's spells to favor allies.

It seems that he is not using “Wide Area Magical Barriers”, but is focusing on firing magic attacks that reduce the number of enemies.

On the front line, they are shot by a bow, cut by a sword, pierced by a spear, burned by magic, and the casualties gradually increase.

If you are lucky, the injured will be carried backwards.

There he is treated by the service priest.

However, just because he is cured does not necessarily mean happiness.

Even if you return to the front line, you may be killed in the war.

"Even so, the left army is useless."

About an hour from the start of the battle, we were waiting at the central headquarters where Therese was with the Royal Command, commanded by Philip.

Therese who receives regular reports on the war situation while sitting in a chair is complaining to the left army, which is gradually being pushed.

"I think Earl Reime is doing well ..."

The problem lies in the quality of the avant-garde units that hit the front line.

I want to always be elite as Earl of Lehmei, but doing so will reduce the ability of the left army to continue fighting as the fight lasts longer.

The noble lords of the aristocracy who can't help but crush them, but these guys are not motivated from the beginning.

If your army was worn down, the number of workers in the territory decreased after the war, and many people retreated immediately to reduce damage.

If the left army drops too low, the formation may be imbalanced and the duke of Nuremberg may be able to hit it.

Therese was struggling to lower the Central Army and the Right Army slightly together.

"Telesee-sama. Would you do a surprise assault by a separate squad to strike behind the rebels?"

Ell, who has been idle for a long time, gives his opinion to Therese.

"If you look at the story of the invading Royal Army, you will surely find and destroy each one. The Duke of Nuremberg is good at such talent."

"Can't you ..."

"I can't do it for Elvin, but carelessness is dangerous for that man."

"So we're here?"

If we get on the front line and fight, it will certainly be advantageous, but somehow it is preserved.

In addition to watching, Therese seems to have a bad feeling.

"Therese-sama. It seems that the rebels have moved."

Therese's intuition, and there seems to be some movement in the enemy line.

If you are on your guard, you will see something like a lump of metal running towards you.

The front squad seems to be unable to cope with the fast feet of the metal mass.

When the riding knight comes forward, the opponent is a lump of metal and is knocked off and dropped off.

Looking closer, the lump of metal was running on four legs.

"If you think you're familiar ..."

"Isn't it a golem ..."

A lot of golems, who had a terrible eye before, came here.

The shape resembled a tiger or a wolf, and I and Blantaq felt dejab in their appearance.

"I think it's troublesome."

It was soon after that Eina's troubles became more troublesome.

The front-line wizard fired a “Fireball” at the end, but the golem explodes as soon as you touch it.

A large amount of metal splattered like a shotgun, causing a large number of injuries.

"Yeah, if you're not lucky you won't die ..."

However, there are many injured people.

The injured person goes back on their own or is carried to a friend to treat them, but their fighting power is reduced accordingly.

Even if the unit is to be replaced smoothly, it will not go so well because the hole has already been formed in the formation by the golem.

Terese had ordered to retreat and regroup, regretfully.

"I was in trouble ..."

Continuing, the Duke of Nuremberg takes the following steps.

Golem's raids concentrated on the Central and Right Armies, but suddenly concentrated on the Left Army, a weak point of the PLA.

Naturally, the left army panicked.

"Telese-sama, what should I do for help?"

"It's not the place."

This time, almost all rebels are inundating the Central Army and the Right Army.

The shortage of troops was resolved by stopping only movements, despite the collapse of the left army.

"This is bad"

More than 80,000 rebels clash with the PLA's Central Army and about 100,000 right-handed troops.

The PLA seemed to be pressed by the rebels who always took the lead.

"I see. A strategy to win 150,000 with 90,000. He's a military genius."

Therese turns his gaze to the left army, but due to the rush of golems, he has no form of army other than the elite of Count Reime.

Because the golems were blasted by magic, more troops were confused with more casualties.

Even the Central Army and the Right Army were at odds with anyone looking at the turmoil and formation created by the golems.

"What will you do?"

When I asked Therese for a solution, she thought about it for a while and explained the next strategy.

"Let's take advantage of the numbers as originally. Because there is only it. Blanctag. Guru."

"Is it your turn?"

"Is it a turn?"

"Blantaq puts my safety first. I lose if my concubine is injured or dies."

"It is"

Blantaq immediately puts up a “magic barrier”.

I also noticed that the unexploded golem that was disturbing allies exploded all at once, and the debris flew so far.

Does it have a timed blasting device?

There is no surprise in the country of Mizuho because there is a magic gun, but it may be an excavation from an archeological site.

"It's a really disgusting golem. My guru likes it on the front."

"I'm entrusted. Let's go after a long time."

The trainer straddled his own Dosanco horse, changing his cane into a hammer and running straight to the front.

As if in a hurry, the knights of the escort chase the guru by horse.

"Well, Wendelin."

"Is it left-handed and the rebels attacking?"

"I understand well"

If it is possible, the situation will turn over again.

"I'm going to cheer!"

Anyway, we have to deal with the confused left army.

I also approach Philip and Christoph, and work with the Kingdom Team to support the left army.

"You're new!"

The Left Army was confused and stranded by only a few thousand rebels and golems.

Due to the difference in numbers, the rebels do their best to maintain and widen the left army's chaos, without forcing them to be annihilated.

He was very well trained and noticed our entry very soon and sent in a small squad of responders.

"Bad, but I don't have time."

Unexpectedly, Vilma, who learned to shoot with a magical gun, snipes at a commander-like person, Luise jumps over the enemy horse, knocks down the knight, then jumps back to her own horse, and Ena skillfully spears on the horse. Manipulate and defeat enemy soldiers.

Everyone seems to have got used to Oita warfare because of this civil war.

"I'm in the way"

Catalina finds us and destroys the attacking golem with a "wind cutter", and when the debris comes flying, prevents it with a "magic barrier".

Even so, if you do damage, it will explode, and even if you are silent, it will only be an annoying seed such as a golem that will explode if you have time.

"Mr. Wenderin, I came up with a good idea."

Katarina discovered that if she was surrounded by the magic of Rock Wall, she would self-destruct and the debris would be blocked by the rock wall and would not fly away.

Other witches begin to imitate, but sometimes the magical power is stifling to make the "rock face" thinner, and some shards of the rock face also scatter and increase damage.

"Don't click on the magic!"

Angry by Katarina, the beginner and intermediate level wizards were trembling.

I can't imagine from the appearance and the usual behavior, but Katarina is a magician who can enter five fingers on the continent without me and a guru, so everyone is watching with awe.

"Finally arrived ..."

In the center of the left army, in the center of the army, Reimei's army was transferring to his own lords and armed forces of several trusted nobles into defense combat.

The number is about 10,000, and about 40,000 others are confused around it.

Earl Rehme tries hard to calm down the chaos, but it seems that the golems and the enemy forces are not good enough.

"Is it Bourmeister? I'm struggling because there are more confused units."

Still, it doesn't confuse the core squad, so you can say that Count Reimei is a great soldier.

"I just want some time. If the rebels have a chance ..."

"let's do it"

I had an idea.

A small number of rebels regularly replenish their golems to disturb the left army.

I cut off that flow and came up with a way to confuse them.

"(Do not be angry if you fail)"

Use a fairly large amount of magic power to deploy the magic of "Ishibutetsu" over the enemy left army.

You may think that it is "stone crush", but it consumes a considerable amount of magic when considering the distance and range.

"Why this sober magic?"

"Golem measures"

Several seconds later, “Stone crush” falls on the center of the enemy left army in charge of the left army.

It was less powerful than Golem's shards, but immediately saw a massive explosion.

A stone hit the golem before being sent here, and the shock exploded.

It seemed that there were many in the vicinity and the rebels were in great confusion.


The rebels have so many elite units that they can't spend much time.

Philip cooperated with Earl Lemmey, and the confusion of the left army was calmed to some extent, and on the contrary, the enemy left army was attacked.

"There are more numbers here! Press!"

Philip strikes the enemy left army in devastating cooperation with several lords.

I and Katarina, who are standing on the front line, fire magic, El and Haruka slash with their swords, Ina with a spear, Luise comes out and defeats enemy soldiers.

"Vilma. That's it."

"all right"

Vilma was also killing commanders and wizards one after another with a sniper rifle from the horse.

Some wizards have prevented them with “Magic Barriers”, but they have forcibly breached them with “Boost” with my magic.

No matter how elaborate, even if the wizard or commander becomes incapable of combat, you will lose control.

The enemy left army, which had begun to be confused by the avant-garde, gradually retreated, being pushed by a large number of allies.

"Press! Press!"

Philip was suddenly treating him like an avant-garde general, hitting and pushing the enemy left army.

Indeed, it's a wonderful commander.

"Why was the conflict useless?"

"Don't say that. I'm at least compassionate."

Christoph by me gently follows my brother.

Although the battle between the enemy central army and the enemy right army was almost equal, the enemy left army was finally driven.

Philip, in cooperation with Earl Lehmey, continues to attack by hitting other dexterous and low-morale butt.

"Vilma. He is."

We will also be on the front line and actively kill commanders and wizards.

Find the knight who tried to take over the command after the commander's death, and ask Vilma for a sniper.

The commander-in-chief was killed in a sniper by Vilma, who had almost a hundred skills, and the enemy left wing, who could not easily rebuild the avant-garde unit, gradually lacked unity.

"Mr. Wenderin, he's a guardian."

"I thought Katarina would prevent me. Katarina is kind."

"Nothing comes out even if you praise it."

Bows and magic fly at me on the front line, but they are all prevented by Katarina.

Furthermore, witches and knights are being killed one after another after her counterattack.

Despite the name of "Storm", everything was cut by the wind.

"Vell and Katarina are merciless."

"I can't help it"

Even if you lose one wizard at the beginner level, the damage will be great, but you have already made many sacrifices in this civil war.

The impact should be great after the war, but if they are killed with care, they will not be taken care of.

And if you kill it on the battlefield, you can never use magic again.

Rather than flashy wide-area magic, I assigned a greater amount of magic to "Boost", which punches through the "magic barrier" of enemy wizards.

"I'm the same because I don't want to die ..."

When Ina throws a throwing spear with magic, she pierces the body of a knight who leads a small cavalry.

The knight fell and stalled on the ground.

"There must be a general leading the left army."

Except for the kingdom group led by Philip and the troops that Earl Reime had complete control of, they were still members of the Wrath, but now they are pushing the enemy, so there is no cooperation or shit, but they will take part in the attack By the time the confusion had subsided.

"It's another push!"

The enemy left army is confused and continues to retreat, but the number is small and it does not show a decisive collapse.

Isn't it truly the army that the Duke of Nuremberg is training?

Nevertheless, he saw the soldiers commanding the enemy left army in sight.

"I don't know who he is ... Vilma."

"Roger that"

As soon as Vilma aims the demon gun on the horse, he triggers.

The two wizards who noticed it unfold "Magic Barrier", but the number of wizards seems to be running out.

Since the upper level of the intermediate level was two people, let Vilma sniper this too and pierce the "magic barrier" with "boost" at a stretch and defeat it.

With the deaths of these three men, the enemy left army was increasing its confusion again.

"I'll leave it to Earl Rehme. Earl Baumeister. Let's go."

The enemy's left army has not yet completely collapsed, but should not be able to enter the offensive for a while.

He left the enemy to the enemy's army, leaving it to the Count of Reime, with about 10,000 commanders under Philip's command.

"Will you split the enemy central army back and forth?"

While firming up the side of Philip who runs with a horse at the top with Katarina, he starts rushing into the Central Army commanded by the Duke of Nuremberg himself.

Attacked from the side, the enemy army is divided cleanly back and forth.

This made the front part of the enemy Central Army seem to be sandwiched between friendly Central Armies commanded by Therese.

"Is it your way to win with the Tereses?"

"Not so sweet"

It is certainly dividing, but it is difficult to siege.

If we don't run through the spot quickly, there is a risk of being destroyed by the enemy troops in front and back.

Philip denied my idea.

"We slip to the right while the enemy right arm splits back and forth."

After splitting the enemy central army back and forth, immediately attack the right enemy army and split the army back and forth.

At that time, attack as much as possible to increase damage, but you can not stay long.

In this situation, it was amazing that the rebels did not disintegrate and each unit was responding to each unit.

"I'm enviable and elaborate."

Nevertheless, Phillip's enemy troops have taken advantage of allies for a while.

"Wouldn't it be broken down if you cut it from the side .... It's a big difference from the liberation army of the Uraai people. I'll go again."

"Huh? Again?"

"We're here to support the left army. We have a decent army from Earl of Reime and we can go back to where we were once again."

"It's true, but don't think about terrible things ..."

Philip quickly regroups and begins to charge again with the right enemy.

"Thinking honestly, the enemy should think we're going to siege the right army.


"The rebels' skills are extraordinary. The left army may be dangerous."

"So that's it"

Philip says that he may have already rebuilt and weighed on the weakest left team.

Me and Katarina pierce the enemy right army side by side with a medium-sized "Cutter Tornado" and start charging again.

Only the enemies blocked before me and Katharina's magic, El and Haruka's sword, Eina's spear, Luise's stoning and hitting, and Vilma swing a big ax on a horse after a long time and defeat them.

The counterattack was intense, and the victims were quite sacrificed, but the rebels who were struck sideways should still suffer more.

"Because the intestines have been breached. If an ordinary army, it should have collapsed ..."

With his own sword, Philip seems to be half-amazed at the strength of the army trained by the Duke of Nuremberg.

"Early Baumeister. Can you blow off the enemy at once with greater magic?"

"I think it's useless."

Philip was an excellent commander, but apparently not familiar with wizards.

If you are preparing overhead to try to make a huge “Fireball” and hit the enemy, ice arrows will fly from various directions and will be countered.

"you see"

If you're a veteran wizard, you'll immediately notice when I try to cast huge magic.

The army of the Duke of Nuremberg seems to be coordinating well, and even if I couldn't do it myself, I overcame my Fireball with more than one.

The only way to prevent this is to fire a series of small magics and gradually reduce the number.

"I'm sorry. I'm being pushed again."

After cutting the rebels left and right again and returning to the position of the left army, he was again pushed by the rebels who recovered the confusion.

Count Lehmee fights hard, but for some reason keeps being pushed by a small number of enemies.

"I've just defeated a person who looks like a general ..."

"Is it the successor to the junior commander or the perfect, maybe it's just the appearance of the soldier, and he's commanding in the style of another soldier?"

If you do that, you're out of luck.

If you're a wizard, you can tell by disguise, but it will be difficult to tell the disguised commander.

"It's been pushed all over."

Philip notices that the Central Army, commanded by Therese and Alphonse, and the right army, led by Duke of Baden, are also being pushed.

"I don't have to worry about collapsing because I'm pulling it slowly to control the damage ..."

I can't laugh if I killed the suicide golem but was pushed by the skill of the original army.

The orchids commanded by Terese and the Mizuho Army commanded by the Earl of Mizuho are known for their strength, but apparently have been forced to retreat due to the lack of cooperation with other princes.

"What's the magic gun unit of the Earl of Mizuho?"

"That is vulnerable to close combat."

It is not so easy to use as long as the front is in a fierce battle.

"By the way, the Duke of Nuremberg has already taken measures."

Christophe, who is not leaving our side because his arms are not good enough, was getting information via a messenger from the Central Army.

She immediately prepared a metal shield to prevent the evil gun.

"What is the sword squad?"

"You're also struggling."

Enemy troops have units equipped with a "magic sword", and they seem to have overwhelmingly better magic sword quality than before.

"It must have been kept secret by the Duke of Nuremberg. It seems to be overwhelmingly better than the evil sword that was equipped by the former Imperial Army."

It seems that it is still not as good as "Makatana", but there are so many people wearing it and it has been stuck with the sword squad.

If the mass production units do not function, you can easily understand why the Central Army is struggling.

"What is your guru?"

"This is also struggling"

"Funoo! Is it a golem again?

Duke Nuremberg will understand that if he collides with him, the army will melt.

There, he seems to be hitting a guru with a large amount of self-destruction type golems he has prepared.

It is as expected, and the good results of the economy are not heard.

"In other words, I was thinking about a way to completely counter this strength."

"What happens then?"

"If it's a bit pushed and it's dusk, we'll retreat from both sides."

As Phillip predicted, at dusk, the two army retreated.

The rebels begin to retreat gradually toward the Imperial City.

"I'm good at inviting"

Since the left army was tired and tattered, neither Philip nor Earl Remeh considered pursuing.

The same is true for Terese.

However, here came the weakness of the mixed forces.

"Chase after the battle!"

Some aristocrats took the invitation and started the pursuit with the army without permission.

"I must stop it."

"it's useless"

Here, the weaknesses of the mixed lords are exposed.

For the time being, Therese, Earl of Reime and Duke of Baden have higher command, but they are not enforceable.

Since the lords are a kind of independent army, there is no basis for severe punishment even if they pursue them alone.

Actually, there is an ambiguous part of the kingdom when it comes to unified command.

Most of the aristocrats obeyed common sense, but it was not a crime if they did not obey.

"As expected, the Kingdom and Imperial troops will be punished."

Philippe swiftly turned off his pursuing troops, confirming that, as most would expect, he would retreat with great damage.

"The responsibility for the defeat is attributable to you."

All lost soldiers are territorial members of the territory.

By the time you lose your valuable workforce, you are already severely punished.

"What will happen tomorrow?"

"I guess it's still there"

"If you know it, why not tell Therese?"

"It's dangerous if I'm a king and noble, making an extra exit, because Count Baumister is a favorite of Dukes of Phillip, and it's strangely tingling."

It seems that bargaining has begun among the aristocrats participating in the PLA over the political situation after the civil war, because all had won so far.

If you can, you often become the son-in-law of Therese and have a greed on your skin.

"I don't know if I can win, but it's already such a consultation."

"The more stupid you get drunk with the rosy-colored future that's floating in your head. I used to be."

Philip, who has failed in the past, is compelling.

I slept early on that day, but then for five days.

The PLA repeated the same battle every day.

Pushed by a small number of enemies, he was perfect in dealing with me, the guru, and Mizuho's Army, and continued fighting wastefully until the evening.

Indeed, the fool who pursued the rebels who were gradually retreating toward the Imperial City had disappeared on the first day.

However, the army of the Duke of Nuremberg was so elite that he was able to perform a night raid, and Telese took extra time to deal with it.

And without a night raid, the PLA was wasting fatigue.

"I'm frustrated"

In a six-day battle, the rebels retreated to the suburbs of the Imperial City.

It is estimated that 13,000 people were killed in war from the abandoned bodies, but the PLA has killed 25,000 people.

Why? There will be.

My magic didn't contribute much because of the instructions to preserve it in case something happened.

If we push everything, we will be complained by other nobles.

Therese, the head of the organization, has to take that into account.

"Is it going to be a capture battle if you stay in the Imperial City as it is?"

"Don't lose if you do that"

If you get to the cage battle against Elle's expectation, you will not be able to win even in the field battle, but it will be a story outside of the siege battle.

The PLA has gradually increased the number of participating nobles and perfected its troops, but has not yet broken down the rebels' main forces.

It was not a partner who couldn't be careless.

"Do you want to sleep for tomorrow ..."

"Is it a week in a row?"

I will go to bed for tomorrow, agreeing with El's lament.

However, when I get up in the morning, something unexpected happens.

"Wendelin, the rebels abandoned the Imperial City last night and retreated south."

"Uh, I don't understand."

"I see. The concubine is just saying."


"I want to know such a concubine."

Urgently called from Therese and heading to the base, he received incredible reports that the rebels had abandoned the Imperial City and retreated.

The Duke of Nuremberg has abandoned the PLA's greatest capture goal without any fuss.

"Some of the nobles are happy to be innocent ..."

It seems that there is something to do with it as long as it abandoned the Imperial City easily.

Thinking that way, I and Terese weren't happy.

And that concern soon becomes a reality.

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