Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 95: Starting south, people gather at light mikoshi.

In the end, the first battle between Therese and the Duke of Nuremberg ended without a complete settlement.

The Duke of Nuremberg tried to kill me with the child's witch, Taranto, but failed, and was furious at the sneaky way.

Duke Nuremberg has withdrawn quickly, leaving behind abandoned avant-garde units, as the words "I can't fight if I'm hungry".

Because of that, his reputable eleven thousand people have not suffered much sacrifice except for thousands of squadrons.

About 15,000 abandoned 40,000 people were killed in war by Telese's pursuit order, and about 20,000 were captured.

The remaining 5,000 appear to have fled, but the PLA has killed more than 2,000 people.

In terms of loss ratio, it may be a complete victory of the PLA, but it is hard to say that it has caused fatal damage to the durable army of Duke of Nuremberg.

I wonder if this is a win.

"Al is dead again."

"Is it correct that you are dead and have been returned to their original location?"

"What about it?"

From the front of the main wall where the Honjin was left, me, Blantaq and the guru were talking while watching the ally clearing up after the battle.

I really had to help, but this time I was exempted because of the heavy burden.

"" Summon the Evil Spirit? There's a strange magic. It's a bad feeling for the Earl. "

"Sometimes that's the case."

The man named Taranto was just creepy.

During the dinner, he was introduced to the name of the Duke of Nuremberg and had a meal, but for some reason he did not feel anything.

I can only feel that I am there for some reason.

I was just afraid of a man named Taranto, because I was worried that I might forget his existence as soon as I was a little nervous.

I was guessing that I had been wounded many times a day due to his magic.

To be honest, the blow from behind was dangerous.

I seemed to have unknowingly avoided the key points and internal organs, but the guidance of the guru might have helped.

I was glad I received the training though I was disgusted.

"The teacher is really strong."

"Now, the magic is overwhelming for the Earl, but Al still had that fear. It's overwhelmingly stronger than me."

Mr. Blantaq, who was even pushed by the master's wooden figurine, seems to have fully realized his ability as a wizard.

I think it is arguably one of the continents in terms of good teaching and a large number of disciples.

"Isn't it a subtle way of fighting another melee battle? I can't feel confident that I have more magic."

The three of them are sitting in a chair and talking, and the table has a masterpiece of cane and fine wine from the Kingdom poured into a glass.

Since this is the second time that the teacher has been sent to the world, he has stopped giving off the spicy odor and offered only sake.

I heard from Mr. Blantaq and his mentor that he was a wine scholar.

Speaking of which, there was also a large wine cellar under the mansion.

"Have you blaspheme the sleep of the dead"

"A man not worthy of an emperor. What do you think of Earl Baumeister?"

"It's such a way of fighting, forcing over"

"I can't. Earl's way of saying is strange."

If he had won the imperial election, this would not have happened.

It would have been more centralized sovereignty of the empire while killing the powers of the Lan and Mizuho people in a more comfortable and straightforward manner.

However, he has won power in a coup.

"For the Duke of Nuremberg, the princes of the Duke of Nuremberg and the Imperial troops who have expressed their support are strong supporters."

That is why they always need to consider them.

Because you can't afford to sacrifice, you're going to make heavy use of nasty operations that reduce the PLA, using other imperial nobles and imperial troops who are obeying.

"If they were to be annihilated, they would have thought that they could give the aristocracy's territory to their children and increase their support base."

In the future history book, it will be written in the future history book that it is a devil / todo tactics, but if it works well it will be justice.

If it goes well.

"Two thousand soldiers surrendered ..."

"Therese-sama had a head in management."

Because of being disposable, the Duke of Nuremberg surrendered easily when he retired.

Many aristocratic people were angry with the Duke of Nuremberg, but it was difficult to treat them as they were.

Because territories and families are taken hostage, they may betray again in the event of a battle.

"Is even a prisoner trap?"

"I'm so impressed that I'm impressed in a way."

That was exactly what the guru said.

"But what will you do in the future? Is it glancing again?"

"It's not really there. Of course I'll debate."

Therese will also be added to the story of the three.

While she was in charge of cleaning up after the battle while processing the government affair, she seems to have finally added a paragraph to the processing of documents.

"Is it funeral?"

Continued, therese finds the master's relics on the table and the wine poured into the glass.

"The teacher must have been successfully formed 10 years ago. So ..."

They agree that they happened to show their faces and trained me hard.

And after finishing it, he returned to heaven again.

"Because there is no need for a funeral for those who are already dead.

Mr. Blantaq nodded and agreed with the teacher's remark.

"The concubine only saw him from a distance, but he seems to have been a wonderful person. He was a person worthy of being called in" The Summon of the Spirit. "

"If I had lived long, I would have assumed Alfred as the lead mage of the royal palace. But if I called a certain ancestor, I could not do much."

"Because it was so far away from Taranto's background and combat style, couldn't he show his full potential?"

Although it is possible to summon and cover the dead with nobody, it seems that the power fighter, whose height is more than a few meters, and the slim wizard, who is about 175 cm tall, would have been incompatible.

So I could repel as easily as I did.

On the contrary, it seems to be compatible with the type like a teacher, and I was struggling hard.

"Maybe it is. By the way, that Taranto witch ...

"It's such a magician. I think it's natural to be known ..."

Few people knew him, neither the PLA nor the nobles and wizards who surrendered to captivity.

"'There was one with that name,' 'I remember but I don't remember what the wizard was.'

"The most question is how the Duke of Nuremberg found and hired Taranto."

That's exactly what Blanctag says.

Hiring a sparse, renowned wizard was quite a challenge.

"I can't help thinking about those who are already dead.

Talent cuts off, and Terese begins to say ridiculous things with her arms out in front of me.

"It would have put a lot of stress on my heart because I had to compete with the teacher. Hopefully I jump into the concubine's chest."


"Now, don't hesitate to jump into the concubine's chest."

It seems like a strategy of comforting me who is depressed by the master and catching the heart.

I, of course, didn't even know what to do with Blantaak and the guru, so I remained silent.

"Do you care about your surrounding eyes? Don't hesitate to do that."

Therese keeps spreading her arms and keeps urging me to jump into my chest as soon as possible.

I don't know where the knowledge came from, but the expressions of the Terese servants around me are dark.

I'm staring at me with clinging eyes.

"(Do you want me to keep refusing? I'll do what you want!)

From the viewpoint of the vassals, I must not be the son-in-law of Therese.

Because he is an imperial, he wants him to search for his son-in-law from the same imperial noble.

"You. It's time for a meal ..."

If you are embarrassed by Therese who has both arms open, Elise shows that lunch is ready there.

I was jumping into her chest with just a chance.



Elise seemed to be confused, and looked around while being hugged by me.

"Wendelin, why can't you embrace a concubine nearby?"

"Because I'm not my wife"

"Hoho, right."

It seems that Elise has finally come to terms with my interaction with Therese.

A cold gaze at the telese.

"Telese is also persistent."

"Because the concubine's life lesson is' I won't give up. By this word, the concubine stood alone as Duke Philip."

Because of being a puppet, he struggled without giving up and gained dictatorship.

It may be a wonderful quality, but I was suffering the damage.

"I'm sorry because it's a meal anyway"

We go to our house to have lunch.

Put the wand on the table in a magic bag, and the guru drinks a glass of wine before giving me an empty glass.

"It's a good wine"

"Don't drink the offering. Guru."

"If you throw it away, you'll be sad for wine lover Alfred."

"I wanted to drink too."

Blantaq seems to be dissatisfied with the guru first drinking the wine he wanted to drink.

"Isn't the complaint over there? But Blantaak. This is a first-come, first-served basis."

People must adhere to meal times for good health.

Elise came to tell us, we talked to the house and kept walking.

"You, have you done something else?"

"Speaking of which, there was ..."

I felt like I was saying "I'm going to hit you," but now the meal is more important.

I heard later that I came back home, holding hands with Elise.

"Wendelin, you're cold recently."

"Is that so?"

After we returned home, we had lunch all together.

In the menu, boil dried Udon noodles purchased in the Earl of Mizuho earlier and make it fried in a kettle.

The utensil is umeboshi, which is a battlefield to prevent stomach stomach damage.

Everyone was eating a lot of boiled udon, and for some reason therese appeared, and he himself scooped udon with a fork.

"The nature of my concubine is that I will not give up. Even if left alone, my heart is a little stronger than people, so it should not be a problem."

Yeah, there's a little bit more to Terese's heart.

It will be as hard as Orichalcum, and the nerves will be as strong as a wire rope.

"Isn't it better to be older?"

"That's not the case ..."

They often say that their position is a problem, but they also have a sense of poor labor.

"Okay. Let's say today that the concubine is fifteen years old.

"(What, that celebrity's strategy to read the age mackerel ...) Elise. I want more udon."

"I'll boil it immediately."

It was so stupid that I ignored it and asked Elise for a replacement for udon.

Of course, Elise goes to the kitchen to pretend not to hear.

Surely she had trouble commenting.

"I'm not fifteen ..."

"I want you to do" Louise Eternal Twenty-Year-Old Operation "on the contrary."

"I'm having trouble answering"

"I'm a little older than my real age, but not older than Therese-sama."

The other women say me too.

Mr. Blanc-Taak was silent, with his facial expression solidified, and his guru was slurping a large amount of udon without me.

"This, don't react seriously! I can afford to joke!"

"No, I'm not sure if I'm joking or serious."

"Maybe it's a joke!"

Ten minutes later, lunch was over and everyone was drinking tea, and Terese had finally begun talking about the strategy.

Speaking of which, everyone finally remembered that they were going to attack.

"Drop the Alhans"

"Is this an important location?"

I know for the time being because I checked the map of the empire.

It is an important military base of the Imperial Army, located halfway between the Soviet Wasteland and the Imperial City.

A city with a population of more than 300,000 is adjacent to a huge citadel and military base.

Although it is not official, imperial people are important cities treated as sub-capitals, so if you take this, you may be able to see the imperial capital.

"Isn't there enough power?"

"It is also to increase its strength."

Because there was a sacrifice in the previous unreasonable offensive, I do not think that there is a victory even considering the force difference.

Terese said that I would make up my worries with the usual POWs.

"Do you invite the aristocrats north of Arhans to leave?"

"Because of the opposition to the Duke of Nuremberg, once their territory is in the PLA's territory, they don't have to worry about betrayal, because from the rear and new reinforcements are coming. The disadvantages should have shrunk. ''

"That's true ..."

"The Duke of Nuremberg has lost a great deal of food and supplies. For a while, not all troops can be offensive."

It seems that I burned down a large rebel supply station in the previous battle.

"Once again, it takes time for more than 100,000 troops to collect enough supplies to move for a long time. It should have fallen close to the Imperial City in view of running out of supplies."

"Is it okay to refill with a magic bag?"

"Is it Wendelin who burned that magic bag?"

The military uses a large amount of supplies, so it uses magic bags and ordinary packing materials in parallel.

The reliance on one side is simply for security.

The Pia depot also contained supplies that were transported in the usual way and general-purpose magic bags.

They were all burned down by my magic.

"The power of Wendelin, who can use the magic to burn down the dumps that are far behind, will also cool down the Duke of Nuremberg."

"Is that so?"

I think it's unexpected, but I'm not a good soldier.

I wonder if I'm not vigilant.

"Anyway, I want you to join the advance team."


Following Terese's orders, we start south with a force of 60,000.

However, our 1,500 Kingdom Army Group is treated differently in the army.

"Captain Elvin. You don't have to be so nervous right now."

Elle entrusted to Philip, entrusting about 500 members of the Royal Army and commanding his army as company commander.

Although the number is small, it is only 16 years old and this heavy burden makes me nervous because of the tension on the horse.

"Ell. Relax."

"Haruka is nervous and nervous, so relax."

Haruka works like Elle's assistant, not just because of her fiance.

A middle-aged king soldier, who is a deputy captain, was pointing out that he was trying to solve the nervous El.

"I'm not nervous."

"Since I was young, I'll take a deep breath now and settle down. There's been no fighting for a while."

"He's saying that ..."

I questioned the middle-aged deputy commander, who assisted Elle, and asked Philip, who drew a horse dignifiedly next door, to know what he meant.

In the Royal Army, he can only be seen as a commander by any means.

I was a young man, but no matter how hard I tried, there was a shortage of records.

"Because he has forced such a relentless force into the army of a nobleman who is not his own. Nobles who have territory near them may be angry with the Duke of Nuremberg."

So Philip expected that little combat would take place until the target, the Alhans.

"Of the 60,000 troops, a significant proportion of the aristocrats have territories north of Arhans. They should return to their territories and announce their participation in the PLA."

Although the Liberation Army has killed many allies, joining the Nokonoko Rebel here will only be thrown away again.

Until now, the Duke of Nuremberg had been scared and had to follow.

I feel the sorrow of the nobles directly.

"We're going to leave Alfons with the negotiating affairs in the area and the post-occupation military affairs, and we're moving forward. We're not at the forefront anyway."

"Do you not cope with guerrilla war that cuts supply path?"

"I know that, of course, there are things you can and cannot do with 1,500 people, and this unit is a stranger and a mercenary. Christoph."

"Yes, brother."

"Example map"

"here you go"

Christoph gives me a map.

There was a detailed description of the roads in this neighborhood that were quite detailed.

"Replenishment by packing is temporarily secured, but this is taking into account the possibility of being cut off. That's why Count Baumeister has a lot of food."

This was increasing the food in the magic bag from the lessons of the previous battle.

After that, Katarina is also strengthening it.

"Just to be sure, there are five escape routes when something goes wrong."

"I'm also studying mountain routes that aren't very accessible, using lessons from the past."

"That's safe."

I understand that Philip and Christoph explain.

They were in favor of their policy of fleeing at all.

"I wish I could use that ability in conflict."

"So don't say that."

To my extra words, Philip had clouded her face.

Then, the attack by us will continue.

If you pass through several noble territories or towns on the way, you will be stopped there.

Because they don't have much food and have been asked to sell them.

"I have no food?"

"Yes. Before and after the battle I heard that it took place the other day, your army bought it ..."

As expected, they did not loot, but they were forcibly bought at a much lower price than the market.

"Because it's very lasting until the harvest, I want you to sell it if you have a little ..."

"It's a subtle scorched earth tactic ..."

It must have avoided explicit looting for the same imperial territory in the civil war.

Because it buys all the surplus food, it seems like a sabotage to the attacking PLA.

I could only imagine that the PLA was trying to buy food locally and buy back the local people.

"I'm sorry. We don't have any extra food."

Proceed forward while continuing to decline requests.

Many territories have returned and joined the PLA, but there were also lords who had died in battle and had no affiliation, and during this period there were nobles who attacked the Duke of Nuremberg.

Because it's local, I took advantage of the land and tried to surprise here.

"I can't afford to sacrifice too much."

Several tens of people attacked from the side of the mountain path, but they were already aware and responded quickly.

"It's about a knight. Elvin. I'll take charge of the left wing."

"Roger that"

He seemed to lurk and try to surprise us, but he was found first and was surrounded.

Elle, with the assistance of Haruka and the Deputy Captain, was moving his units exactly as Philip ordered.

"Do you wrap it all at once?"

"No, wouldn't you say, 'chew a cat?"

"Will you surrender without ever fighting?"

"I'll do it"

Philip was skeptical, but I stepped forward and sneaked into the enemy army lurking in the tiny Elias Stan.

The power is as low as a low frequency treatment device, so they scream and surprise and completely expose their position.

"If we don't surrender, we'll all die shortly before we cut."


When the surprise attack failed, the commander's nobleman immediately abandoned his weapon and surrendered.

It seems that most of the soldiers and others were recruiting poorly equipped peasants and the like to form various lords to lower-class nobles, who are thought to be elder knights.

"If you don't pretend to be fighting ..."

The elder aristocrat was a poor knight, and was greatly tossed by this civil war.

At first, he announced that he was participating in the rebels, and he was so small that he was ordered to guard the streets without going to the front.

Thanks to that, I didn't sacrifice because I didn't attack the PLA field base.

"I don't know how to say this with a surrendered body, but what about civil war?"


It may be the sorrow of the small lord at the border between the two powers.

If you make a mistake in the poor power, not only you but also the territory may be killed.

"Because we're still going south, we'll soon be in the PLA territory."

"Huh ... Are you Alhans?"

"I can't say it because it's in operation."

I'm a strange old man.

I've been skeptical, but if you think about it normally, the Duke of Nuremberg should have noticed that Alhans is the immediate goal.

Will you defend or give up because of the concentration of your strength?

I don't know, but I think only Alhans will be defended, and the rest of the northern area will be abandoned temporarily.

From the central northern part of the empire to the southern part of the northern region, a lot of shredded territories and small lords are mixed like a mosaic, and their management is troublesome.

If you take the army, you will surrender immediately and allies.

But, in fact, you may betray, and if you increase your vigilance to prevent it, you will use extra personnel.

It is necessary to devote an army of trusted children.

In such a troublesome area, I was going to leave the surrender to those in charge of military administration in the rear and keep moving forward.

"That's why you should be quiet on the territory without thinking about extra things."

"Um .... will you take me?"


I inadvertently gaze at Philip.

Add forces that have just surrendered and move forward.

It is a common pattern in war stories, but I don't know if I can trust it.

What if you were betrayed further south?

Because I couldn't decide, I asked Philip for advice.

"What do you think of Earl Baumeister? The story will not proceed unless you, the general general, decide."

"We will have more troops and will be a navigational guide. If we drop Arhans for sure, this area will be a safe area, so maybe it's OK."

"I have the same idea."

"That's directions. "

A few hours later, we continued south.

I was accompanied by an old man, a knight named Poppek, as a guide, but only the old army brought me after returning to my territory.

"The surplus food has been cheaply beaten by the Duke of Nuremberg, and young people have field work."

Most of the army of about thirty people were organized as old men.

"Count Bauister, I want to join the lords of my neighborhood."


"I don't have to worry about collecting."

With the approval of Philip, nearby lords join the army one after another.

"He's a lieutenant of the territory. He's a small, narrow place, so it's almost like a hereditary noble."

Poppek, who looks like a normal grandfather, looks surprisingly wide.

Within a week of his participation, many aristocrats and delegates from the territories under his jurisdiction had joined forces, and his army had nearly tripled to 4,000.

However, most of the soldiers were elderly.

I don't think there's any problem because those who can't move aren't participating, but Christoph's expectations were being realized.

"It seems that the elderly are taking the initiative in military service because food is barely available."

I can't help but feel like a good trash dump, but it doesn't look as weak as expected.

Because everyone was involved in conflicts over territorial territory and controversy over their interests when they were young, they were accustomed to actions such as setting up a row and walking.

"Resupply from the rear is on schedule, so there is no problem right now."

As the number of troops increases, it stands out and calls for the participation of other nobles.

However, if you find out that there are many elderly people, the nobles will bring only elderly soldiers.

"I have to pray that it will not be a battle"

"It wouldn't be possible, and it's much better than recruits."

Elder soldiers were very used to preparing meals and making tents to sleep.

When I arrived east of Alhans, continuing south for about two more weeks, Poppek, now a leader of the elderly, began to say ridiculous things.

"Let's drop the circut"


When we hurry up and search the map, we find a town with such a name about 10 km south of here.

"What do you do when you drop this town?"

Elle's question was right.

Rather, it would be easier to stop further south and join the Alhans attack.

Since this is only an old man, he will be waiting behind you.

"Next to this town is an abandoned fort."

"Is it discarded?"

"Hello. That's what you're doing today. You've consolidated military facilities to save money."

The fort adjacent to the town of Circut used to function as an important defense base in the past.

"In ancient times, when the empire was still a small country and there was an enemy in the north central region, it was an important defense base."

After that, the northern cutting of the empire proceeded safely, and the fort next to the town of Thurcut greatly reduced its value.

The story of destruction had been raised several hundred years ago, but it seems that it was realized about thirty years ago.

"Is the Imperial Army opposed to cost reduction ..."

Nevertheless, the Sirkat Fort will be abolished after long-lasting negotiations with the Imperial High Command, who have vested interests.

As is often the case in the kingdom, it is a personal misconception that he may have felt a sense of danger in the gradually withering army and participated in the Duke of Nuremberg rebellion.

"But you did it?"

"I lend it to the private sector because there is no budget."

There is a stone storehouse that is strong and has good security, and is said to be borrowed by merchants in the town.

It seems that security guards are regularly moved and managed to prevent tramps and criminals from entering.

"I know because I go shopping in the city of Sirkat sometimes."

"One question!"

"What is it? Luise"

"Did the city of Circut not flourish like Alhans?"

"It's a medium-sized commercial city because there must be 50,000 people. I hear that for a variety of reasons, Alhans has lost prosperity."

"Vell, what do you do?"

"What do you think of Eena?"

I was worried about what to do in the future while looking at the map.

Because it is the story of Therese that leaves the Alhans attack to the main force, it was enough to just ignore it and observe the Arhans attack from behind.

Because there are almost fifty nobles who come with me, this is a good achievement.

"If you don't want to scout and go to Alhans?"

"Is that safe? ..."

It's time to go for a trial, and we will go to the town of Thirkat while putting out the reconnaissance unit with the Royal Army and the old soldiers from Poppek.

In about three days, the reconnaissance unit returns and tells you the situation at the site, but the rebels have all dropped down behind, leaving about a hundred troops stationed.

"It's like buying food again."

"Yes, but if you're a merchant in Circut, would you be good at hiding or forcing you?"

"May the rebels force you?"

"Isn't it impossible?"

Elle seems to agree with Poppek's opinion.

"Why do you think so?"

"The rebels would have aimed at the weak Poppeks to make sure they could withdraw food, but there are 50,000 residents of Surcutt. If they wanted to buy food with a thousand or two thousand troops, they would rebel. Isn't it? "

"Half of the 50,000 men are men, and even children and the elderly do not have any problems. They consume a lot of food and pull their feet, leaving only a few garrisoners."

Philip also reinforced their opinion, and the opinion within the unit was the same for the attack on Sirkat.

"I pray that the inhabitants of Sarkat will not turn to enemies."

"Count of Bow Meister. In the event of a civil war, the commoners just calmly come to the winner."

If the rebels are sitting, they are rebels, but if we drive them away, they will join the PLA.

Poppek insists that it is just that.

"Don't call it cowardly because they have their lives."

I don't have any disgust.

“If you win, it ’s a government army,” and it won't be a reckless challenge to the strong.

"In other words, should I win?"

"If you repair the Circut fort and stick, you can put pressure on the Imperial City on the line with Alhans."

"Mr. Poppek, you are ..."

If you seemed to have made a stupid surprise, you have quickly turned into a competent staffer after surrendering.

He seems to be familiar with the army, and he is quite strange for a country knight.

"I'm just a poor knight. I used to be in the Imperial Army."

He was working for the Imperial Army as his second son, but he returned to territory because his brother died prematurely.

"My older brother had a daughter, so I married my son and took over the territory. In the past, I was still on the elite course."

After briefly talking about yourself, Poppek puts his hands on my shoulder.

"At first I had to join the rebels, but at a good time Count Baumeister came in."


"All the other nobles and soldiers are sick, and if you fail and die, there's still a trace, so let's do our best to drop Surcut. Is this a good gift for His Excellency Duke Philip?"

Originally an elite of the Imperial Army, Poppek, a man who became a poor knight due to his brother's illness, intends to make a profit here and make the last flower bloom.

The aristocrats behind him all seem to feel the same.

So it may be that they are all elderly people who are not regrettable if they die.

"I would like to ask for a fair credit at the Count of Baumeister."

"Huh ..."

I could barely reply to the grandfather's power.

We finally arrived near the town of Sarcut, but the number of rebel soldiers stationed in the town remained the same.

The security of the town was originally under the jurisdiction of the security guards, and they were in a state of refuge.

Merchants opposed the food and supplies in the warehouse, which could have been embroiled in the fort with the highest defense, but they had no choice but to stay in town.

However, they are not very good quality, so they seem to prefer a town where they can go shopping and play. At this point, the Duke of Nuremberg may not have a defensive plan.

"I think it's an important base ..."

Elise was stunned by the rebels.

"It's because I think I can get it back soon."

"What so?"

Elise, seeing the river running adjacent to the town and south of the fort, seems to think that recapture is not so easy.

"Even if you enter the PLA, if you protect only the area around the Imperial City and the south, the rebels will not hurt or itch."

What is important to the Duke of Nuremberg is a troop of eleven thousand children.

With them alone, it is possible to lure the PLA, which continues southward to liberate the Imperial City, and destroy it around the Imperial City.

So, I think that there is no problem even if you temporarily lose one or two of the towns here.

"Replenishment is available from the south and around the Imperial City. The PLA has withdrawn excess food, so don't waste time maintaining the supply for a while."

You may be training in the meantime to increase the strength of your child rearing.

"Don't see the tactics of the Duke of Nuremberg well when you are young"

Philip had the same mindset as me, and unusually praised the tactics I had reasonably expected.

"While strolling near the northern part of the Imperial City, the long-awaited PLA is trying to stop its breath at a stroke. Judging from the PLA's position, he would lose if he couldn't fight the battle with almost all his might. If you defeat the main ones, the rest will be dominoes. ''

The PLA, which has lost its leaders and cadres, will easily be suppressed by the rebels.

"I don't think anything about the empire after the victory."

"The Duke of Nuremberg tends to lean toward the thinking of the military ... Try it or something like that. ''

Everyone, including me, nodded to Christoph's expectation, convinced.

"Let's drop the base in front of you first, rather than the previous story."

However, the plan has already been decided.

"Rebels! Bring the circut and the fort at last!"

"What is it? What is Jijii doing?"

Mr. Poppek has begun to provoke a garrison at the entrance to the town with a selection of old men.

When they appear, only soldiers over 70 are provoking themselves.

There is no difference in the number, but "Do you lose to such sick! And began to pursue them out of town, furiously.

"Do not run away!

"Even though I was left behind, my voice and attitude were loud. I'm a habit of treating people in town."

"Jijii! Absolutely kill!"

It seems that the star had been pierced, and the garrison soldiers forgot about themselves and were chasing Poppeks.

Demon gokko continues for a while, but when they enter a certain rocky place, they notice that they are under siege.

"Good work. Customers must treat them with respect."

Katarina showed up in front of them, and cuts a huge rock neatly with the magic of Wind Cutter.

Too much power, they keep their mouth open.

"If you say you're going to fight, I won't stop, but at that time everyone's face and torso will be parting forever."

There should be no high-ranking wizard who can compete with Katarina in a mid-forsaken base.

All garrisoners abandon their weapons and surrender.

"It should be a pretty important base ..."

Haruka, who commanded the disarmament, seemed unbelievable, but still succeeded in successfully dropping the town and fort of Surcutt.

"Is it an unprotected city declaration?"

"Yes. During the war, we are standing in the fort, so we can't take care of that. We'll leave security to the security guards, and the administration to the Deputy Government.

"Huh ..."

At a government office in the town of Sarcutt, which was occupied without any sacrifice, I told my deputy that there would be no military administration.

The reason is that if you have such a hand, it is better to do the fortification work.

There is a river in the southern part of the town of Sirkat, and the fort was not as damaged as expected.

Still, it was necessary to rehabilitate and remodel as soon as possible to strengthen defense capabilities.

"The rest is for merchants."

"Is it food and supplies in the warehouse?"

"Yes. I want you to sell it if possible. At the market price."

"Is it in the market?"

The merchants were reluctant.

Because it is a wartime, you think that if you stick, you can sell more than the market.

"I don't think prices will rise so much if there is a supply route between this town and the PLA."

The aristocrats with the territory behind are also on your side, so the food shortage should go away.

In addition, even if you sell us food at a high price and get a temporary benefit, there is no point in being televised later.

I didn't buy and beat at the low price of Duke of Nuremberg, so I was keen to sell at the market.

"I won't force you,"


The merchants sold surplus food at the market with a reluctant expression.

"And, you know ...

After threatening to provide information to the rebels and concealing spies, the force swelled to 4,000 people enters the fort.

It was an important base in the past, so all troops could enter the fort.

"I wish I could break only the unnecessary parts and use it to expand the town."

"It was said that the government wanted to stop such use and renovation work because it might be used in the event of an emergency."

Suddenly, Mr. Poppek, who had been the leader of the elderly, was familiar with the circumstances behind him.

It is a fact that anything was saved.

In preparation for the long-term basket castle, everyone begins to move quickly.

"What? The average age is high."

Elle spills, but the old men were tremendously helpful.

Although it is at the conflict level, everyone has experience in the military and lives on a rural territory so they can do various things.

Immediately, the walls and fences that had been neglected for many years had begun to be reinforced with plaster, and the management of POWs had begun voluntarily.

"It seems to be more useful than me or Elle."

"Do you leave the inside?"

Philip sent the Royal Army on alert, asking the rest of the elderly to repair the fort.

I and Katarina also go to a nearby rocky mountain to secure usable stone materials.

"I understand why the town of Surcutt couldn't be developed."

The southern river was good, with the wetlands and rocky mountains scattered around the rest, and the area of demons, albeit small, making it impossible to expand the town any more.

Development is possible if you are worried about that, but it seems that Arhans was probably given priority and was left alone.

"Wendelin is likely to be reclaimed in a short time."

"Because there is no earth and sand. You can't use movement magic to go get it, and it's a country from another country.

After the stones are collected by two people, the fort is expanded and strengthened.

If the rebels attack, we will construct the fort so that we can defend it alone.

I'm asking the deputy in the city of Thurcut to declare that we have nothing to do with it at that time.

You can't physically defend the town and the rebels are the same imperial, so they won't kill or loot the inhabitants.

If you do that, the Duke of Nuremberg should be aware of the bad reputation.

"Somehow, you're used to ..."

Elle supervises the construction of the wall, but the old people do their own home and road restoration work, so they plastered the piled stones with dexterity.

I have difficulty in hard work, but I leave it to young people, or I'm almost magically stacking stones.

The work was proceeding smoothly.

In the fort, the old men were building log cabins and the like for their dexterity.

"Awesome power for the elderly!"

It seems that there are many healthy old people in this world as well as in Japan in the previous life.

"Anyway, I don't know when the rebels will recapture. I'll be working on my guard."

Since the main members agreed, work hard to finish the fort reinforcement work as soon as possible.

However, there are many elderly people, so they are taking regular breaks.

"Well, the rebels shouldn't come?"

For a week since I stayed at Circut Fort, I could not see the rebels across the river for some reason.

He keeps on guard 24 hours a day, but never shows up.

"Vell. Is this really an important base?"

"That's right on a map ..."

The river blocks the imperial city, but there is no difference between the distance and the distance from Alhans in terms of straight-line distance.

I explain while showing the map to Luise.

"Rather than that, a town representative is coming again."

"I'll see you again ..."

In the direction of Eina's line of sight, there was a representative again.

It was a town in Surcutt that declared no military administration, but complaints came in a few days because trade with the south was cut off.

To do this, I leave the work of the fort to Philip, Christoph and Poppek to maintain the highway with the north.

"Count of Bow Meister. If trade with the north does not begin, we will starve. ''

"all right"

Although there is already a highway, the northern part of the town of Surcut is a vast swamp.

It is a winding road avoiding that, so it seems that trade with the north will drop by the detour.

"As long as trade with the south is interrupted, trade with the north. We need to promote trade with the Alliance of Poppek Lords at the fort ... "

"Is there any help for that reason?"

I will maintain a road that extends straight north from the town of Thirkat.

"Why is this a wetland?

"It seems that the water of the river flowing in the south is flowing in."

We begin construction with Katarina who was rushed together, but there is no way we can make a road unless we manage the wetlands first.

The river flood control and revetment work had to be started first to prevent river water from flowing into the wetlands.

Create a dike with soil as a countermeasure against floods, and then shoot fireballs one after another into the wetlands to force them to dry.

If a global environmental protection organization sees this sight, they say, "Destroy the wetland ecosystem! ] Would be a fuss.

"It's not very elegant"

"So, how do you do Katarina in a brilliant and time-consuming way?

"Well. Shall we continue construction?

Catalina fires "Fireballs" one after another and begins to forcefully dry the wetlands.

Dry only the part where the road will be made, carefully remove the soil on the surface, and then lay a stone to complete it.

There may be land subsidence for a while, but that's what the town folks of Surcut will do later.

"No. It's a better way than expected. "

Mr. praised him, but what was more worrisome was the ingenuity of digging trenches to avoid drainage at the side of the road.

"Incidentally, we are improving the degree of completion of the highway."

"By the way ..."

It seems that the deputy hired a person to do the work.

"What are those guys?

Some farmers seemed to plow the somewhat dry marshes and sow seeds.

"Because this wetland is not due to groundwater, the development of the river will soon be undertaken thanks to the construction of the river by Count Baumister. Thank you. However, since it takes time to completely dry the ground, we should grow cereals from the viewpoint of securing food. Moisture is also absorbed by the crop. "

"is that so"

It seems that this deputy is plainly familiar with agriculture.

"I won't bother Count Baumeister. We are doing it on our own. "

"Hah ..."

Due to such circumstances, the cobblestone road leading to the north in about a week was completed.

"So what's your business today?"

"Actually ..."

It seems that they want to sort out the roads that are bypassing the west because of the wetlands.

"Early Baumeister seems to strengthen liaison with the Alhans to the west, putting pressure on the imperial capital on that line."

"I can't say it because it's a military secret."

Although it is , if you have a little knowledge, it is a strategy that can be understood by children.

There is no reason this representative doesn't notice.

"Yes, you know. Count Baumeister is a commander assigned to the army in this area. I know he is eager to keep military information secret."

The commander in this direction would be exaggerated.

The main is the great army of the Alhans capture, and we are treated like an army.

I came to the town of Sirkat because of Poppek's wisdom.

"In other words, make a straight road in the west?"

"Actually, people in the town are eager for development in the west .... Trade with the south would have been cut off. In the north, a good road was made thanks to Count Baumeister. Will also proceed ... "

"Yes, west."

"If trade with the Alhans is promoted, will the strategic value of the town increase?"


I will take Katarina again and head west of the town.

And they understand why this town is so small.

"North is a wetland, and west is a hill in the hills."

Anyway, there is no square meter of flat land.

There is no place to expand the town.

"Easier than wetlands ..."

I and Katarina spread the road to the west while leveling the ground.

The soil from the hills was purchased by the merchants as material for the embankment on the west side of the river, stone was used to strengthen the embankment, and there was demand in the town.


"The second phase of construction of the fort?"


"Because the staff has increased"

Immediately after the completion of the northern highway, a nobleman from the north who had not dispatched troops to the PLA sent troops to the town.

In addition, it seems that volunteers have volunteered from the town of Surcutt.

"Are you a volunteer? Isn't that bad?"

I thought in the battle that the town of Surcutte would declare neutral, but that no soldiers would be out of it.

"That's why they are volunteers. The stance is that the town has nothing to do with volunteering."

Christophe has ex-postly reported that he accepted the situation.

"Because it is troublesome, if the rebels attack here, I will participate in the defense war. However, after our advance, will you reorganize as a defense army that protects here? "

Although it is more useful than expected, it can not be used for decisive battles with elites led by Duke of Nuremberg.

They are doing well enough at this point, so they shouldn't go crazy.

"When Terese sends a military commander, he'll take command and defend it here."

"Before that, Earl Baumeister has been brilliantly used as deputy representative of the town, but please use it at best. For our security."

"Let's go! I was fully aware!"

That's why I and Katarina spent another week building a cobblestoned highway west of the town.

As expected, all roads to Alhans have not been rebuilt, but the number of extra detours has been reduced, and the distance should have been significantly reduced.

In addition, a vast flatland spread to the west of the town, and the river embankment also extended to the west. At places adjacent to the flattened town, a representative instructed carpenters to build a residential area.

"Creating a residential area?"

"In this town, the shortage of housing has recently become a problem. I was in trouble because there was no land, but I am very grateful."

Thanks to me and Katarina's construction, the Deputy was happy.

Carpenters are also working on the foundation immediately.

By the way, the material of the house was mainly the stone we cut out and sold.

"What a thank you, but I sent out the heroes as Philip and Christoph are working on the expansion of the fort."

Needless to say, Christophe, I am being used as a substitute.

However, thanks to that, food etc. can be sold at a reasonable price, and the town has been providing daily workers for construction work with a daily allowance.

It's not too hard to rule, and for each other I have to continue construction with magic.

"If this happens, I'll do more and more!"

"You. Don't be so crazy."

"Elise is kind. It's not a fight because it's not a battle."

Come north and west, this time in the eastern part of the town.

Again, the terrain is bad, and the place where a lot of rocks of about 20 meters in length protrude continues until it hits the river, so this is also forcibly cut out with magic and flattened, the road is maintained, the river on the east side The embankment construction was also underway.

One month before all these works are completed, the rebels do not attack for recapture.

Thanks, all the construction was completed as planned.

In the town of Surcutt opened by three sides, the hammer of construction sounds, and many people come from nearby territories returned to the PLA to work in trade and construction work.

At that time, there were regular updates from Therese.

"Alhans is under siege. Wait in the town of Surcut for a while. "

It is not a breeder of the Duke of Nuremberg, but it seems that around 20,000 rebels are in the castle, so they have decided to siege and reduce their sacrifices.

Then, the Duke of Nuremberg forms a separate squadron on the siege of the PLA and hesitates.

It is evident that he intends to drain the PLA, so there is a letter informing that Therese is also leading reinforcements in the Siege of Alhans.

"The Duke of Nuremberg is so obsessed with this that he can't seem to give Wendelin a bit. I'll ask you to reinforce the circut so that you can be alert. "

"What should we do to strengthen?"

"I'm already doing it"

"I'm already doing it."

"The Deputy Chief of Staff has commissioned Earl Baumeister to demolish the old downtown."

"That fucking deputy. It's a belly that exhausts me!"

I'm angry on the surface for the time being, but receiving a request will lead to my safety, and if I think about it, I'm still doing as much as I did when I was in Earl of Baumister.

The management of the army and nobles is left to Philip, Christoph and Poppek, so they only have to eat, take a bath and play with their brides.

"I'm grateful to the townspeople for their support, the fort expansion has been completed, and the river pier has been completed. The army has grown to 6,000, and we are meeting the expectations of His Excellency Duke Philip. You can get lots of rewards later. "

The Phillips may be fine, but I would like to return to the Earl of Baumeister early.

"By the way, Elle?"

I ask Philip where El is.

Now, with the help of Haruka, he was able to command his army accordingly.

"He's off duty today. I went to date with Miss Haruka in town."

"What! Pell that!"

Even though people are working hard every day, they are going to date their fiance.

It would be an unacceptable violence.

"I'm with my bride, I'm playing with my brides at night. Earl Baumeister is an unacceptable man."

"I agree with my brother's opinion."

"I'm enviable, but I'll do my best if I'm younger."

A week later, I was finally notified that the Alhans rebels had surrendered.

He secured the line connecting Arhans and Circut, and succeeded in turning the back into the PLA's sphere of influence. However, when the Arhans merchants resumed their work and came to Circut, everyone was surprised.

"The west highway is straight, paved with cobblestones, and the town is undergoing expansion work! Why?"

"The reason is simple, because I'm in charge of construction and the deputy here is rough."

By the way, this deputy is a bureaucrat of the Empire, who will do whatever it takes to prosper in the city of Sarcutt, where the rebels win, but the PLA wins, but heritage reigns.

"You did your best"

"Yeah, I did my best in people's country."

While listening to the surprised merchant's voice, my wife and I finally took a vacation and went shopping.

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