Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Extra 4 episodes-a story that caught a cold after a long time.

"If I got the equipment, I would have mistaken it."

"Most of the kingdoms are trained all the time. The motivated princes and others are in Zara when they are in line when they are in platooning.

The survivors of the Royal Army advance who fled after losing to Duke of Nuremberg were in a beautiful line under the command of commander Philip.

He took a break and was given the equipment he had lost, so he was ready for the military, so he was performing a parade ceremony in front of me, a general, though he was a decoration.

"What about morale?"

Despite the Kingdom's orders, they attacked the empire, which had been ceaseless for 200 years, in a rebellious manner, and were easily broken without fear, and had to escape the mountains for more than a month.

Even though we were able to join us, we wondered if we would be motivated to fight in the future.

You don't have to be too enthusiastic, but you won't be able to listen to orders.

"The morale has risen with the success of breaking through the enemies, and working under Earl Baumeister can be a normal accomplishment. I don't think we need to worry."

If Christoph says so, then it is.

Anyway, I can't do anything.

"Are you good, Elvin?"


And Elle was first forming a group of about a hundred to learn how to command the army.

The instructor is a middle-aged veteran officer recommended by Philip.

It is said that he is a so-called “Marshal Marshal” who has earned the rank of officer by winning a few slots from a single soldier, and he is also good at teaching young soldiers.

Because he is a seasoned veteran, he has survived this defeat.

Sufficient human resources as Elle's leader.

"If the commander issues a command with doubts, the soldiers will be caught and the movement will go wrong."

"What if you were confident in giving an order and it was wrong?"

"Immediately give out new orders with a face that doesn't eat anything. If the commander is dossily, the soldiers do not care much. I hope you do not make mistakes if possible."

"So that's it"

Elle was seriously taking notes and under the guidance of a veteran officer.

It seems Haruka is taking notes with her and checking if there is any oversight.

`` Every wife of Count Baumeister and Elvin's fiance are smiling as a result of their help. ''

Philip looked envious of Elle.

Since his wife is the daughter of Bloom Marginal Commander-in-Chief, who was executed as a war criminal, she was sent to church with the widow of Blois Margin.

Since you haven't heard the story of welcome to your wife afterwards, it will be more difficult in your home.

"Well. Our Elises are ...!"

I suddenly came out of sneezing when I was thinking of making Elise's pride.

Usually, it is strange that the rumored one gets a sneeze.


At first, I wondered if someone was rumored, but I immediately felt something wrong with my nose and throat.

Apparently, I have caught a cold after a long time.

"Count of Bow Meister. Is it a cold?"

"I haven't had a cold in the last few years."

"The county of Baumeister is warm in the south and the empire is relatively cold in winter. That's the case. Some soldiers have caught a cold. Count Baumeister is a general. You need to cure it as soon as possible. "

"I'll do so"

I was told by Christophe to heal as soon as possible.

"Vell is a cold? Have you ever caught a cold since you met me?"

Ell came to see this strange thing and was surprised to hear that I had a cold.

Because I caught a cold before when I was ten years old, and had never fallen sick since I met Elle.

"I used to pull it in the past"

That was when I was exploring the wilderness.

I suddenly got cold, so I hurried back home and dived into bed and slept.

When I told my mother about it, I only remembered that the only meal I had was a soup that was boiled vegetables as softly as possible, and for me it was extra torture.

I understand the feeling of something good for digestion, but I feel like I'm stinging for some ingredients.

After all, I was hungry and had no choice but to make and eat porridge myself.

Nobody gave them such food, so they did so-called bocchi treatment.

"is that so……"

"Why the hell"

"No, I'm not going to catch a cold."

"I don't want Elle to tell you."

Even in this world, there is a saying that stupids do not catch colds.

Eru was rudely watching me with a cold astonishingly.

"Ell can't even talk about people."

"Unfortunately, I caught a cold when I was thirteen. Didn't Vell remember?"

Not only Elle, but also other members, including Elise, remember that she had become ill due to a cold or the like.

Maybe it ’s just me that does n’t catch a cold in front of everyone.

"I'll go back and sleep"

"Please do it."

"The battle will not begin yet, but please be in good shape by then."

"all right"

Due to the decisive battle with the Duke of Nuremberg, it will be serious if your physical condition is poor.

I was urged by Philip and Christoph, so I quickly returned to my mansion and immediately changed into a nightmare and dived into bed.

"You are alright?"

"I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose, but I don't think it's that bad."

"Uh. The heat is ..."

When Elise came along with Odeco, I felt a little cold.

Maybe there is fever.

"I have a little heat."

Elise seems to have come to the same idea as me.

"I make something good for a cold."

Elise went back to the kitchen after re-blanking me.

It may be because you are used to nursing care, but it looks like your mother.

"I made porridge. You"

In the kingdom, when I caught a cold, I tended to eat soft-boiled barley porridge, but Elise came to make rice porridge under my influence.

Thank you because I like that too.

The porridge was very delicious, with the skill of Elise.

"Yes, please."

"I can eat it myself"

"You are sick, so don't overdo it."

Elise is a doctor, a nurse, and a wife, so I can't resist her.

Sometimes such situations may be good.

I had Elise eat the porridge.

"If you look like this, it looks like a newlywed. Earl."

"I heard that I had a cold and came to see him."

When you are eating porridge, Blanc Tak and his guru come to see him.

"Cold is rare"

"Sometimes that's the case."

"I do occasionally, but the hangovers are overwhelmingly more than that."

Blantaq sometimes gets hangover from drinking too much.

Every time I was single, I came to my house to cook a light breakfast from Elise or to relieve my hangover with the magic of “detoxification”.

“Detoxification” of the healing magic has the effect of decomposing the alcohol remaining in the body and reducing the symptoms of a hangover.

However, using the magical power that can be used for precious healing magic for a hangover that heals over time does not give a very good impression to the outside.

Especially from church officials and others, it was unnecessary because there was the idea that "past alcohol is past desire."

Elise also uses reluctant magic because she is a person I care for, and it may be the only drawback of Blantaq, who is a good wizard.

"I wish he could cure a cold with healing magic."

"It's really impossible to have a cold"

"Is it true that a cold is impossible for my wife?"

"If anyone can cure a cold with a healing magic, the church will be recognized as a saint."

The cure for injuries caused by healing magic has been established, but the treatment of illness is still under study.

If you cast a bad magic, the pathogens will be activated and the symptoms will become more severe.

There is no choice but to use magic bullets made from medicinal herbs or leave them to natural healing or symptomatic treatment.

"Is cold, cavities, athlete's foot healing wizard an eternal theme?"

"I can cure athlete's foot and caries"

"No, I wouldn't like it that way."

"Do you hate it?"

"Was your wife treating a severely burned woman before?"

Athlete's foot casts a healing magic on the soles of the feet by peeling off all affected skin with a knife.

He also says that he cuts the decayed tooth with a knife and applies a healing magic to it.

"I don't like adults who have a good age, and they often leave athlete's foot and caries."

"What about healing magic?"

I'm a guru who has cured the keloid without cutting the affected area, so I think it might be.

"Oh, Countess. I think that if you apply a healing class healing magic directly to the affected area, you will get a whole body attacked by athlete's foot.

It is a sight that your back is frozen just as expected.

No matter how much the treatment seems to hurt, you should not be left out.

"Oh, Count Baumeister. A cold seems to be tough."

"Is it really difficult? Isn't the teacher catching a cold?"

I felt something stuck in the way the guru said.

"Um. I have never been sick since I was born. I have no experience of falling asleep, so I don't know if it's really hard."


If you have not been sick for more than 40 years since you were born, you may be a guru in a sense.

It was also a big point that I couldn't imagine the sight of the teacher falling asleep due to illness.

"It's amazing that I've never been sick."

"This is also the result of continuous training!"

Blantaq seemed impressed on the surface, but in fact, he thinks, "Baka doesn't catch a cold."

When I looked at me, I saw a meaningful smile.

"Vell. You caught a cold?"

"I'm here to visit you"

Luise and Ina continue to show up, but Ena has orange-like fruits in her hands.

"For a cold, this kind of fruit juice is good"

Indeed, even in this world, cold seems to have the idea of vitamin C.

Of course, we do not recognize vitamin C, but we may have learned from past experience.

"I have no tools to squeeze."

"I'm OK because I'm there."

Luise wash his hands, hold oranges in both hands and start squeezing.

It seems to be using a little magical power, and the juice is squeezed to fill the glass.

They show their wrecked oranges with their hands spread out, but they were as small and dry as umeboshi.

"No tools needed"

"Opening a juice store may not be a dream. Yes, Vell."

I get orange juice from Luise and try drinking it.

The taste was exactly the same as the one hundred percent fruit orange juice.

If you drink such a thing during a cold, you will feel delicious.

"Hey. That's a great skill."

"Is that so?-It's probably the basic of martial arts."

Blantaq was impressed by seeing oranges shrunk to the limit, but Luise doesn't seem to think that much trouble.

"I'm not so much in that direction, can I do that with Ena's lady?"

"Not as good as Luise ..."

I just drank my first glass and gave an empty cup to Eina, and she squeezed the juice in the same way as Luise.

Squeeze the oranges with both hands with a little magic.

"I can't squeeze as efficiently as Luise"

When you spread your hands, you'll see a larger squeeze residue than before.

"Tangerine juice. It's delicious."

"Vell. Drinking too much will break your stomach."

"I'm done with this."

I thought while drinking juice, wouldn't it be a squeezed juice by a girl or maybe a business?

Is it because I'm being smitten by heat?

"Let's narrow down a certain thing"

"Why burn such a rivalry ..."

Ignoring Ms. Blantaq's muttering, the guru begins to squeeze oranges with both hands.

The palms are large, so the oranges look like kumquats, but the shoe seems to be squeezed properly.

However, when I opened my hands, the squeeze was larger than that of Luise.

"Woomm. Some are still immature."

The teacher gives me a cup of juice while saying so.

I don't feel like it is darker than the ones squeezed by Luise and Ena.

"I don't really need three cups."

"Is that so?"

The teacher seems a little disappointed.

Actually, it was a secret that I didn't want to drink the juice that seemed to be mixed with “Goshi Juice”.

"Vell. Are you sleeping properly?"

"Wendelin, I'm here to visit."

Continued, an unusual combination of Elle and Therese appeared.

Did he meet at the entrance of the room?


"I came out of the training with a little waiting. I was asked by Philip and Christoph to come and see him."

"I'm worried because the general is sick. The kingdom wouldn't work without Wenderin."

Because it is a mikoshi and sponsor, it would be troublesome if there is no one.

No matter what elite, you can't fight if you're hungry.

"A citrus juice. It's said to be effective against the classic cold."

Therese glances at the orange juice in the glass.

"Vell. Don't you drink?"

"In fact, I've already taken two drinks ..."

He emphasized the reason why he did not feel disgusted because the teacher squeezed, and that he drank two more glasses.

I don't lie because I don't really want to drink another cup.

"I see. So, can I drink? I'm a little thirsty."

"thumbs up"

"So don't hesitate."

El was drinking deliciously the orange juice squeezed by his guru.

I felt slightly guilty, but not poisonous.

They also wanted to drink, and convince themselves that demand and supply were just interlocking.

"Wendelin, I want you to heal me as soon as possible.

"I don't need to share a bed."

"I'm joking that the first arrow was suddenly broken. The concubine is a general and can't get sick. Naturally, avoid the risk of getting a cold. Visit is a cold medicine directly from the Duke of Phillippe. Then "

Therese was pouring the liquid from the water bottle into an empty cup.

Is the color between black and green?

It looks like a liquid at room temperature, but for some reason, it is making bubbles.

Furthermore, the smell as if the muddy green juice had been strengthened had begun to drift in the room.

"Telese-sama. What is it? What is this smell?"

"It's a cold remedy. It's not delicious because it's a medicine."

"I don't think it's a matter of taste, but more fundamental safety ..."

Blantaq looked at the liquid in the cup with suspicious eyes, as it would be tough if I was poisoned.

"Blantaq. If there's something in Wendelin, the concubines are in trouble. It's bad to look at, but this is a medicine for all the people of the Dukes of Phillip who caught a cold.

"Therese-sama. By the way, what kind of material do you use?"

"It's a secret because it's a secret of the Dukes of Phillippe.

"Is that so ..."

As expected, the teacher did not want to take this medicine alone.

"(I don't really have a poison ...)"

"Knowing the proverbs of the Earl of Mizuho, Wendelin really loves Mizuho culture."

I suddenly became a nobleman, so I was wary of what I was eating.

However, I only search in advance with the magic of "Poison Detection", and I have never received any poisoned food so far.

I didn't care much about the problem, because there was the poisoning of the water system magic.

"I'm sorry ..."

Although it sounds unpleasant, it is strange because it looks like medicine when explained.

I drink the liquid in the glass at once.

"Uhh ..."

"Vell. What kind of taste is it?"

"It smells very bitter and bitter. It's like eating green vegetables from the field with the soil."

"It sounds bad ..."

When I told Eina about the taste, she had a face that she never wanted to drink.

"You. Please come back."

Elise casually gave me water for remake, and I thought this was a good wife.

"I'm okay if I'm sleeping, because this medicine works anyway."

While for some reason Terese was so confident in the medicine of the Dukes of Phillippe, my cold was completely healed the next morning.

It was not clear whether the medicine really worked or whether it happened to heal spontaneously.

"My medicine really works."

"Then I should sell the recipe secretly."

"I sold it once, but the bad thing was that it wasn't selling because of the neck."

"I wish I could make it sweeter and less unpleasant."

Same as sweet pills for children.

If you don't like it, make it sweet and make it taste good.

"I see. After the civil war, do you sell it?"

Later, the secret drug of the Duke of Phillippe will be released after sweetening.

It had a great effect on colds and fatigue, and became a new specialty of the Duke of Philippe.

And, in contrast to my cold healing, there is only one sick person.

"Ell. Are you OK?"

"Isn't that strange? I didn't remember eating a strange thing, but my stomach hurt from the morning ..."

Ell, who drank juice containing guru juice, will suffer diarrhea of unknown origin the next day.

"I guess it's because of the guru juice"

"Vell. There is no such thing. I and Luise washed my hands before squeezing oranges.

"It was simply dirty hands."

Since then, no one but himself has been able to drink the juice squeezed by his guru.

While the world changes, wash your hands before touching food.

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