Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 93: Why do enemy bosses want to talk to you before the decisive battle? And Wendelin's

"It's almost time for a decisive battle"

Therese was looking down on the rebels, headed by Duke of Nuremberg, visible underneath the earthen walls, which had been raised further on the field base.

Just after receiving the remnants of the Helmut Remnants of the Army who had fled, and just providing and organizing the equipment, it was confirmed that rebel forces were gradually gathering.

"How many people are there?"

"Yes, about 150,000."

Philippines, who leads the Royal Army, answered my question.

Despite the poker in the inheritance struggle, he was an excellent tactical commander who almost accurately spotted the rebels' strength.

"Many ..."

"The guys on the front are discarded pieces."


"Don't call it the damage. It's good in the past wars. Don't worry."

"I'm in charge of damage ..."

It seems that not only me but El and Eina cannot hide their discomfort in Phillip's remarks.

"The Duke of Nuremberg wants to reduce the damage to his handpiece, and at the same time, those who are in the way of imperial reign are legally ridiculed or exhausted in combat."

"Sure, those guys on the front line are of two-line equipment and skill. There is a Viscount Foot. If you think that Duke of Nuremberg is a dog and a monkey, if you think that it was cleared up, will it be used up at the vanguard? Mm"

While saying such a thing, Therese brought the distant glasses around her neck to me.

Her and her good smell tickled her nose as the face of me and Therese stuck together, but she was observing the enemy's avant-garde without worrying.

"The row is uneven. Are some of them elaborate?"

"I guess they're the ones who don't need the suspicious loyalty or the Duke of Nuremberg. Mitsuhito wants to do things reasonably."

Many soldiers were mobilized to me and other wizards, and a large field base was completed in the Soviet Wasteland.

To prevent the rebels from moving north, a large wall was built using soil and rocks, which was comparable to a large wall.

In front of the castle walls, there are many fences for avoiding horses, and many moats are dug.

The PLA is less able to recruit troops than rebels, no matter how far they struggle.

Therese, Telese had chosen a strategy of killing enemy troops by fighting once in the Soviet wilderness.

Almost five months after the rebellion.

The Soviet Wasteland is a major military base for the PLA.

Therese was busy working on commanding a military base, controlling the aft and nobility in preparation for a long war, and maintaining the PLA's formation and supply.

Because I was also a staff member, I helped Eina and Elise handle paperwork for some reason.

Katarina is an assistant to Blantaq, who instructs other wizards on the construction of the field base.

Luise and Vilma help in combat training.

Elle is studying military command under Philip.

I also trained swords with Haruka.

Speaking of which, what do gurus usually do?

While it seemed that he was sweating in the construction and clearing of the battlefields, and hunting nearby.

Mr. Takeomi is working as an escort in front of me.

Occasionally, when time is available, she turns her eyes and eyes on El and Haruka, but El and Haruka do not mind at all.

We were making a world of just two people.

"Haruka is a child who often comes to my brother and me when I was young ..."

"She will grow up someday."

"I won't accept that!

Blantaq puts some tea in the story of Takeomi, so he sometimes ran away while crying.

I guess it's about being a good adult, but syscons won't heal so easily.

"My escort ... Now it's okay to process the documents ...

I was calmly processing documents even after Takeomi ran away.

There is Eina next to him, and if there are assassins in the office of Therese, the PLA will be over.

"Is the Count doing that kind of job?"

"I can manage it. How about Blanc Tak?

"I'm busy teaching witches"

Blantaq also taught young wizards magic in the empire.

Although the magical power does not increase so much because it is a short period of time, there was no one who came to the right of Mr. Blantark due to magic accuracy and efficiency of magical power consumption.

I guess this is the job of Mr. Bradson, but he is out of business.

Blantark took on this job, and his disciples increased again in the empire.

"The Earl is no longer the confidant of Terese."

"I'm still wondering if that's okay"

I'm a foreign noble, but I've been part of the PLA, but I'm not a problem because I've been honored as Empire's Honorable Earl.

The rest is the biggest.

"Baumeister has an honor. If you want to take over that position, take your command in the next battle. ''

Terese seems to have eliminated interference from other nobles.

But I don't want to insist too much.

It can improve your morale, but if you do poorly, you may be defeated by the duke of Nuremberg.

`` In a time when war has not been around for a long time, there is nothing more worthy of a nobleman than a medal. ''

That's exactly what Terese said, which seemed to increase my strength.

But, if you can't contact your Majesty, is it okay to hold the title again?

Unprecedented, bureaucratic aristocrats are likely to make noise.

"I don't care if I care. I have no choice but to win now. "

Still, I was grateful that there was a guru by the side.

If he explained to His Majesty later, the right situation would be transmitted.

Of course, you can expect a lot as a force.

"I agree. I can only win now. "

"It's time for war. It just removes any extra inconvenience and just slays the enemy in front of you. '

The pirate gazes into the enemy rebels in sight, as if they are intimidating the entire enemy.

There was an exchange like, but now I am watching the rebels approaching next to Therese.

Stuck your face with one binocular.

"Is it almost an army?"

"As expected, it is almost at the moment."

I think Elise's mood is definitely dropping, but he is now ready for war.

I wasn't distracted by the rebels, as I asked her later.

Not because Elise was afraid.

"Because there was time in the consolidation around the Imperial City to dispose of the invading Royal Army, in the meantime this field base was completed. So, being on the front line is a prerequisite to use up. ''

Therese is convinced of seeing the noblemen on the front line who could see their faces.

As Philip says, those on the front line are victims.

Therefore, there is no problem with poor equipment or lack of training.

"I'll be able to repel or destroy ..."

"That's right. My army will also wear out."

Sacrifice and fatigue.

Bows will also be consumed in large quantities.

If attacked by the elite of the favorite when exhausted, there was a risk that the field base would fall.

"It's a terrible measure, but it's very effective."

"I can't help preventing it."

It is a terrible rational thought that only sees noble aristocrats and soldiers as consumables.

You may not feel itching so much because you and your people are not in the sacrifice.

"Ready to intercept!"

At the same time as Telese's command was passed on to the entire army, the rebels ... did not move.

Although he is ready for battle, the three knights approached here with a white flag.

"Duke Philip is here!"

"I'm here!"

The knights with white flags were military ambassadors.

Calling Therese, she responded.

The opponent was a rebel, but it was courteous.

"Can you surrender?"

"The Majesty says it's preferable, if possible."

"Huh! Do you want to steal the country in a rebellion and take care of your Majesty? He is a man with a vessel smaller than expected and he is disappointed. The Dukes of Nuremberg is

The knights listened to Terese's hateful response without saying anything.

"Once it's done, until you button it in the battle"

"That would be quicker, but I would like to avoid sacrifice if possible."

"Your Majesty thinks the same way. By the way, the story changes ..."

The ambassador makes an unexpected offer to Therese before returning to his position.

"What is the purpose of dinner?"

The condition that the ambassador sent out to Therese was that they had dinner with each other before the battle.

What is going to be like that?

This is often the case in this kind of story, is it the flag of the enemy's boss who talks about himself when he actually speaks, saying, “Enemy has circumstances and there is no completely bad person”?

Or rather, you don't need that much now.

Because I want the Duke of Nuremberg to be destroyed on its own if it is destroyed.

"If you think normally, it's a matter of caution against murder."

Unusually, the guru was giving a decent opinion, and everyone, including me, had a surprised expression.

"No. I can come up with that much."

"But, can we prepare the venue and meals here?"

Mr. Blantaq is also near Therese, so I have heard about the conditions for dinner with the military.

For both parties, up to three participants including the top.

The location was just halfway between the two glares.

Furthermore, you can prepare meals here.

They may put poison, but that's OK.

"Do you show your resilience to rebel soldiers?"

"But it's valid."

In this rebellion, at the worst, there was a hand that we would kill with magic.

However, the method was actually stopped by Therese.

"Aristocrats are high-pride creatures. No matter how much rebels are killed in such a way, rudeness will worsen. It may affect future governance."

"Duke of Nuremberg was not beaten by Duke Philip in his abilities, but died in the middle of his life and ended his life. Duke Philip, who should have been a legitimate winner, has a bad empire in her politics On the other hand, what if I, who inherited the will of the hero Duke of Nuremberg!

The next rebel will find the murdered Duke of Nuremberg accessible.

"It would be awkward to be used as a tool for idolatry. In the short term, there are many sacrifices. It may have little damage. ''

Unsatisfied remnants and other nobles could use him for the rebel banner.

There is a concern that those who had joined the Duke of Nuremberg may have joined forces with other dissidents and hinder Telese's reign.

"Everyone needs the fact that the Duke of Nuremberg has died in the war and has died. There is no room for further discussion, but if he did not, would he suspect the small vessel? Maybe you're expecting it to come. ''

You may be trying to advertise the timidity of Therese to your foes.

"Let's take it. It's going to be an outdoor lunch or dinner ..."

Therese sends a messenger to Earl Mizuho, also armed in the center.

"It's unfair for both the local cuisine of the Duke of Philippe and the local cuisine of the Duke of Nuremberg. I'll have you make Mizuho cuisine."

A few minutes later, Earl Mizuho appeared and he was accepting Telese's request.

"Telese. I'll take over if asked. Will the Duke of Nuremberg eat Mizuho food?"

Earl Mizuho immediately ordered his vassal to set up a dining tent at the midpoint between the two sides.

Furthermore, the cooking utensils etc. are moved, and the chef holding the Mizuho family starts cooking.

Apparently, they are making something like kaiseki, but the concern of the senior Earl Mizuho is that the Duke of Nuremberg, who is famous for hating Mizuho, eats Mizuho food.

"If you don't eat, you can suggest that you have a dinner to show your courage, but you're actually nervous and advertise that you can't eat anything. In fact, that guy is not good at local food."

"It's my first time."

Senior Earl Mizuho expressed a surprising look at the personal information of the Duke of Nuremberg for the first time.

Surely, usually, you can feel the image that you love the locals and the locals have the highest priority.

"What kind of food do you eat in the Duke of Nuremberg?"

"It tastes strong"


"The taste is extreme. It's sweet and spicy, and it's a luxury if you use a full seasoning anyway. Until fish dishes become popular, potatoes, bacon, sausages, and sauerkraut I was ridiculed that it was only.

"Lords who hate local food ..."

Electors and their successors have long been in the imperial capital.

That may have made local cuisine even worse.

"I guess he likes light dishes. Locally recommends light dishes that damage their health, but this is the only thing that is not popular with the people."

It seems that the opinions of the elderly mainly are strong, saying that "it is poor, such as thin taste," and "it is better to use a lot of seasonings."

"Because it is such a Duke of Nuremberg, it will go well with Mizuho cuisine."

A few hours later, the tent was set up and the food was ready.

"Is it the finest Mizuho dish by a chef holding it?

I want to eat, but only two people accompany each other.

I am a foreign noble, and I cannot be chosen.

"Because I don't know the taste, it's the right answer without choosing."

It's exactly what Luise says.

Even if you dine with that Duke of Nuremberg, you will not know the taste of the food.

"After the war, go to a delicious restaurant."

"Yes, do you eat a cup?"

"In Mizuho, there are many shops you want to go to."

Vilma, who is now wearing a prototype sniper rifle, is looking forward to visiting Mizuho restaurants.

In his hand, a booklet called “Mizuho Country Store Guide” was also held.

When did you get it?

"So, who is going to be selected?"

"That's right ... Will Katarina go?"

"Before that, I will never be chosen."

Therese hasn't announced any companions yet, as it was a sudden proposal from the other side.

But I, a foreign noble, couldn't have been chosen.

Will not be a candidate, such as his wife Katarina.

"No, Katalina's brilliant manners can help Duke of Nuremberg stand out."

"Mr. Wendelin, aren't you complimenting me? Isn't that kind of seat aimed at uke ...?"

Catalina seemed to remember I used to say that her manners were brutal.

"A good candidate would be a Duke of Baden and somebody more like an Earl?"

Is Eina's expectation almost reasonable?

However, Elise's opinion seemed different.

"You. Get ready to go."


"Yes. I think you will definitely choose."

"I can see if the Duke of Nuremberg is a beautiful woman, but I'm not interested in bastards."

"Are you an old man around you?"

I'm amazed by Elle, but since I see Duke Nuremberg as a brilliant handsome boy, I'm just an enemy to me.

I'm always annoyed by people, and hopefully Elise won't be as expected.

"Count Baumeister, His Excellency Duke Philip is calling you."

"Elise's expectation was correct ..."

But Elise's expectations were met, contrary to expectations.

I was ordered by Telese to accompany me, and had to go to worship the face of Duke of Nuremberg, which I did not want to see.

The reason there is no option to refuse is probably because there was a habit of salaried workers who had to entertain even the most unpleasant people.

"It's been a long time. Duke of Nuremberg"

"He's so strong, Duke Philip."

"I was about to be killed by someone, but it seems like I'm bad luck. I'm still here in this world."

"It was good, because without you, the world would be a lot less interesting."

"I say so."

"No, this is true."

Duke Nuremberg and Therese were greeting each other halfway between the two troops.

There was an ironic exchange of words between each other, but both sides continued their words with a smile without anger.

I was observing the exchange of the two great nobles from a small citizen's point of view.

While thinking that it is likely to be a historical drama.

"Because the Prince of Duke of Baden will not join?"

"No. I'm good ..."

With the last defeat, Duke of Baden was quietly returning to work quietly as Number Two in the PLA.

Also, if you do something, it may be interesting in terms of material, but it is not something that we actually suffer from us.

I pray that the present adulthood will continue.

He himself does not like to be willing to engage with the Duke of Nuremberg.

He only gave a light greeting in accordance with the social order.

"So, do you want to eat?"

At the time, dinner was prepared because there was preparation.

Tables and chairs are set in the tent, and flower arrangements and scrolls are also displayed.

It is not a tatami flooring, but this may have taken into account the Duke of Nuremberg.

Chopsticks, spoons, forks, etc. are placed in each seat, and when everyone gets to the seat, the Mizuho waiter brings the first plate.

"Would you like to introduce each other first?"

"Yes, exactly as Terese says. Oops, rude ..."

"Max. My concubines might be better called this."

"So, let's leave it. My companion is Taranto, a staff member and wizard of Squire, the Squire."

Sauken is a man who is about 50 years old and has a well-tempered body characterized by a scar running on his right cheek.

Taranto was a man without the characteristics of a thirty year old.

It has a medium flesh, and there is no impressive part on the face.

A normal man who seems to be in any town.


Although there is no feature, on the other hand, it is too empty to feel something unknown fear.

Because there is no Mr. Blanc-Taak, I search hard, but it is estimated that it is a little more than the previous Katarina.

I think it can be dealt with enough, but it is obviously better than those four brothers.

The most scary thing was that he couldn't read this man no matter how many observations he made.

"Taranto is interested in Earl Baumeister, so he brought him in."

Taranto bowed to me without expression.

It doesn't make you feel rude, but it doesn't give a good impression to your opponent.

"(What's this? This disgusting feeling ...? Yes! There's nothing in this guy!)

There is a male wizard with considerable magic, but it doesn't give me any impression.

I just feel creepy at him.

How did Terese feel about Taranto?

I can't hear it now, but I was really worried.

"I'm hungry. Should I start?"

At the signal of Therese, a young male soldier in Mizuho clothes is served as a waiter, and a meal is carried.

The contents seem to be similar to kaiseki cuisine.

On the table, the menu was written in handwritten characters on paper similar to Japanese paper.

Prefix: Tofu, abalone, butterflies, Unohana

Bowl: Sea bream yuba wrapped, baked Chinese ink, Maitake mushroom

Difference: black tuna, squid, flatfish, shrimp, red shellfish

Eight dimensions: clams, mizuna, immersed in locusts, grilled bamboo shoots with pepper, sardine simmered, komochi kelp

Pottery: Sawara pickled in Saikyo, butterbur sprout

Boiled food: small turnip shrimp egg egg tea width, Chinese cabbage, small potato

Vinegar: Sayori, red turnip, tree jellyfish

Meal: Matsutake rice

Stop bowl: red soup stock

Incense thing: Chinese cabbage pickled shiba

Dessert: mizuyokan, pear, matcha

"(Stunning kaiseki cuisine ...)"

The menu is very similar to the high-end kaiseki cuisine that was taken only once during the days of a business employee.

The seasonal feeling of the ingredients was different, but this may be because if you put them in a magic bag, you can keep them fresh.

That was an advantage over Japan, and the dishes that came out in order were also delicious.

"Early Baumeister is good at using chopsticks."

"Is that so?"

Even though I decided to concentrate on cooking and keep quiet, the Duke of Nuremberg immediately came to me.

I'm not a Mizuho, and I use chopsticks so well that I may have been suspicious.

"The previous life is a Mizuho. Surely."

In fact, they are Japanese with similar cultures and customs, but I can't really tell them.

As I said, there was little chance of being believed.

"I see. Has that kind of change been made?"

"It just happened to be quick."

"Is Earl Baumeister good at learning Mizuho culture along with magic?"

"I don't have any other specials."

Duke Nuremberg talks to me somehow.

If you start by negotiating with Terese not to surrender, there seems to be occasional talks and he's concentrated on cooking.

Duke of Baden was also focused on eating, and the other side, Sauken, had extra food to serve.

Because it is a seasoning that makes use of the ingredients, it will probably feel light to humans of the genuine Duke of Nuremberg.

Taranto was eating food silently like a machine.

"(Is this a bargain?)"

"Now, it's useless to say that each other has surrendered. So, when you meet, you will not be surprised. Mizuho cuisine feels very delicious to me. Sauken is the difference between northern and southern taste preferences. I was curious because there was

The Duke of Nuremberg was more common sense than I expected.

I can only follow people who are not good at Mizuho cooking.

"However, the accumulation of such differences creates conflicts between regions and territories. It is a resolution to correct them."

"Can we just leave it to nature and time?"

"I'm impatient. It's better to put this continent together."

The Duke of Nuremberg proudly stated that he would unify the continent.

The way of speaking eloquently is very different.

There may be many who are attracted to this and are on his side.

Everything is good if you look good.

"It's a grand dream"

"If Count Baumeister is my guilt, it may be surprisingly easy."

I expected, but I saw a momentary distortion of Therese's face when she was pulled out of the Duke of Nuremberg.

"Max, that statement is a serious offense."

"I'm sorry. Therese. I just want it."

Therese apologized for reproaching Duke Nuremberg's remarks.

"I don't know that Count Baumeister is a man who needs a concubine."

"A man, not a vassal. But he doesn't seem to be going well."

"Count Baumeister is a bit shy. She should come to the concubine soon."

"If Terese says so, wouldn't he?

"Maybe Max."

Because he is a man aiming for hegemony of the empire until the rebellion, it seems that giving up is bad as Terese says.

"What does Count Baumeister think about me?"

"If he had that military talent, he would have been safe as an imperial army."

I can only come up with this much.

And, "You have already killed so many people, what do you think about it? There was a thing, but this was in the chest.

"You are young, but your mindset is defensive."

"I see. Most people in the world want to live normally, but even if they have ambitions, will they attain the highest ranks and succeed in business?"

"I want to aim for the empire's hegemony, and later for the unification of the continents. Unless you say this much, it seems that it will be difficult to seize the empire's hegemony. That's a genius.

"A genius? I?"

The Duke of Nuremberg declared me a genius.

There is a point that you can nod with magic, but I do not really feel much because I think the others are normal.

"You're a magical genius, so I don't understand my feelings. Would you like it? What are the elements needed to change the situation today? It's bad giving up."

"Do you give up?"

"A genius can live in that society without any hassle. So I don't want to change society. I don't give up. So I wanted the empire's hegemony until the revolt."

Efforts were made to win the Emperor's election, but it was just one step away.

So he occupied the Imperial City even after the revolt.

The Duke of Nuremberg talks about his thoughts.

"I don't want to apologize to the victims so far. I'm in this battle with the backwaters. If I win, I get the empire's hegemony, and if I lose, I die as a stupid rebel. It is only criticized for being a fool in later generations. ''

"I wanted you to think a little more about your concubine."

"If I lose, is Terese an empress, because governing the empire is troublesome."

"Is your Majesty alive?"

"I'm alive, but that guy is mediocre. If I reinstate after a rebellion, I'll just become a puppet. Therese has no choice but to do something."

The eyes of Telese and the Duke of Nuremberg meet.

They think that if they choose only by their ability, they will be worthy of the next emperor.

"The one who wins will be the next emperor.

"Huh! Max is convinced that he will win, otherwise he will not open such a seat."

"Oh, I'm convinced. Therese has some great wizards, but my Taranto isn't too much."

Just being brought to this dinner, Taranto looks like a witch of the duke of Nuremberg.

He does not say a word, he is politely and quietly bringing food to his mouth.

There is no “delicious” or “delicious”.

Since I was eating food silently, I had forgotten his presence for a while.

"(It's wrong ...)"

I can only feel strange because of his lack of presence.

I'm just going out of the way of being inconspicuous, and I'm wondering if something like this is due to some magical talent.

However, there was no sign that he was using magic.

"Taranto is a little special wizard. Earl Baumeister. I am convinced that you will lose to Taranto. Try"

Then it was enough, and Duke of Nuremberg, who enjoyed the last matcha, returned home.

We also left the tents and other tidy up to the senior Earl Mizuho and arrived on the way back, but on foot because the horses could not be used.

The uncomfortable Duke of Baden has rushed back to his base as Terese frequently talks beside me.

Due to my past history, I wasn't particularly friendly with me so I didn't help.

"Wendelin, are you worried about the Taranto witch?"

"I'll take measures by tomorrow. No, I don't know the magic used by that man."

"Isn't it okay to be a night fight?"

Duke Nuremberg had declared that the war would begin early the next morning.

Not just because he is a fair man who wants a fair and dignified fight.

Even in the Empire, organizations are extremely limited in the units that can be attacked at night.

It may be that there was no point in doing the night raid over the moats and fences of the horse avoidance, which are stretched many times in front of the field battlefield castle wall, because it would only increase wastefully and make no sense.

The units that can be attacked at night are the hands of the Duke of Nuremberg.

"I just have to respond on the fly. There is something more important than that."

"Is it important?"

I lean my head without knowing what it is.

"My concubine is an unfortunate woman who kills Max, my acquaintance. Is it natural to be comforted here as a man?"

"Are you so close?"

"I would call each other by first name. I used to play with them several times when I was a kid."

Do you want to say that you are near age and a childhood friend?

For that reason, I didn't show that kind of behavior at first.

"For the past few years, Max was like that. It's natural to be alienated, right?"

"Is that so"

I don't know if it's true, and I'll hit it appropriately and deceive it.

"That's why my concubine is an unhappy woman. Please comfort me."

As soon as I say so, Therese crosses her arm and puts her face on her shoulder.

That was just before the main gate of the field base.

Surely, the soldiers on the wall looked at us with a startling look.

"Therese ..."

"Before the decisive battle, appeal to the generals and the chief of staff."

I don't think this is the case.

I felt killed and looked in that direction, and found Elise with a cold expression.

"Elise is angry"

Elise, who rarely gets angry, has been angry with Therese recently.

Because you have no expression today, you may be angry enough to forget your laughter.

Elise then gently put her hands on Luise and Vilma's shoulders.

They took advantage of their astounding physical abilities and jumped over a certain wall for more than 5 meters, and rushed to me.

"Welcome home. Vell"

"Vell. The food was delicious."

They peel off Therese and solidify my sides.

"I'm here. Will you look for a restaurant that offers a similar dish the next time you visit Mizuho?"

"Yes. Wow. There are various things."


Luise and Vilma were watching a Japanese paper with today's cooking menu.

"No. Playing the concubine suddenly, is there anything?"

"Therese-sama, don't do it."

"Except. We just picked up Vell."

They calmly say back to Therese's protest.

Because such things are so common, the servants of Therese have already said, The noise was gone.

-They don't want me and Therese to stick together.

"Vell. Let's sleep for tomorrow."

"It wouldn't be useful today."

"I know that. Just sleep together."

Sleep normally by connecting the beds together.

Yes, that's what I was looking forward to.

"I want you to mix my concubine."

"The general is determined to be lonely. Sleeping alone is enough."

"Vilma. Your poisonous tongue has been polished ..."

I walk through the front gate while listening to the quarrel between the three, but Takeomi, my escort, was renewed.

It seems to be Haruka's case again.


"Uhh ..."

A little away, Elle, who had been waiting for Haruka to return, was talking with her happily.

"Mizuho's fine cuisine. How long do you want to cook?"

"That's right. If you are going to a store where you can go, it's a private course from 5 sh

"Is it delicious?"

"Reputation is delicious"

"Now, let's go together next time."

"But it's expensive."

"Sometimes it's okay. I need to be rewarded later because it's a war. Let's go to a good place for the first date."

"Dating ... first date ... yes, I'm looking forward to it."

Haruka happily responded to a date invitation from Elle.


Of course, Takeomi of Syscon screamed like a beast.

Naturally, the soldiers around are moving backward as if they saw scary objects.

"Sister is too cute"

"Yes, but I don't understand because I don't have a sister ..."

In my previous life, I had only my brother, and in this world I was the youngest child.

I couldn't deny the possibility of having another father, but there is no guarantee that I was a younger sister.

"You, welcome back"

"I'm here. Elise"

After that, we will all return home and sleep normally to prepare for tomorrow.

We have to do our best tomorrow to avoid tiredness.

Because that spooky Taranto was still in my mind.

And the next morning, the decisive battle between the two armies finally begins.

"Teacher. What was that dinner after all?"

"Don't ask me ... I didn't participate in the first place, ask the Earl."

"Mr. Wenderin said," The last encounter between childhood friends who have been alienated for a long time. "

"If the Earl says that, I guess so. There are many great people."

The rebels were moving a lot while Blantaak and Katarina were chatting.

The morning after the regular dinner, the vanguards began a rush toward the field base.

"An estimated 40,000 rebel vanguards are going to saturate this intercept ability."

Moving the central team over the front gate, Therese watches the elegantly approaching rebel vanguard assault.

Naturally, arrows and magic fly, but for that, Blanc Tak and Katarina are waiting to prevent them with the “magic barrier”.

The magic was only released by the beginner level wizards, so it was lightly prevented by two people.

There is also a premier army of Mizuho in the Central Army commanded by Therese, so they immediately release their ballistic-specific ballistas and cannons.

Although the weapon still had problems with its usage limits and costs, it was still stripping many soldiers who were in range.

Arrows and bullets fly where your feet are stopped by moats and fences.

Soldiers fall, injured are left behind, dead are left untouched.

The first small unit was almost destroyed, but soon the next unit was launched.

Although there are many sacrifices, the moats are covered with boards one after another, and the fence is pulled down by horses.

The rebel vanguards were gradually approaching the ramparts, making many sacrifices.

"How much can you kill before you get to the wall?"

Philip, who is in charge of the kingdom, ordered me and Ell to give brief explanations and use the bow for the kingdom.

Although it's still awkward, there are some things that can't be helped considering the past.

He was in charge of command, and for a short period of time he was well educated.

"It's like wasting a soldier ..."

"Not really."

Philip seems to have no doubts about the tactics of the Duke of Nuremberg.

"Either elite or discarded, the rebels won't be able to attack north without dropping this field. If it's normal, would it be normal to wear them out first?"

Dry feeling that only sees the strength by the numerical value.

It may be necessary for the commander, but I can't do it.

I mean, I'm not good for military personnel.

"Even if you don't forcibly attack from the front, for example, you can make a detour and surprise ..."

"Early Baumeister. It's easy to say, but it's not as easy as a surprise attack."

"Is that so?"

"Most of the lords north of this field base belong to the PLA. If they detour, they will be immediately notified and will have a counterattack. In the meantime, Duke Philip and Mizuho's higher count Easily get caught in the net "

It seems that the battle situation cannot be changed so easily by surprise as in the story of the war story.

That is, a person who succeeds in a surprise attack is evaluated in the history book.

"So why did you lose?"

"Because the Duke of Nuremberg was excellent and terrestrial, and Marquise Reeger was terribly incompetent as a soldier. Once the main unit melted in a surprise attack, the only option was to flee the remaining soldiers to reduce their sacrifice. Mai "

In that situation, Philip fled here, going north.

Even now, his commanding movements were terrific, and the evaluation of Military Commander Edgar was correct.

"I wish I could use that military capability in the earlier conflict."

"It's absolutely"

"My brother. If it was done from the beginning, I would not have lost the dispute, and the dispute itself had not occurred before that."

Christoph, who supports the rear of the Kingdom Army, leaks out.

They must have been crushed by their relatives and vassals and have gone wrong.

If you weren't troubled by the inheritance problem, there were no such troops from the beginning.

Because it was more constructive and less costly to use the method of pushing Carla against me.

"If you win this, you may be able to divide the rank as much as possible. Let's kill it at best. The stock of arrows is OK for a while."

I guess Christoph's way of saying is emotion, but there is no mistake in what he says.

We just have to kill the rebels.

"Early Baumeister can conserve his magic"

About three hours later, enemy troops had begun to attach to the wall.

I felt that I was struggling for abandoned pieces, but the reason is simple.

Because there was a military unit behind him, and he was always able to release a lot of arrows.

By the way, the Duke of Nuremberg had also assembled high-ranking wizards into his direct defense unit.

If you escape or betray, you may be threatened to fly magic.

After all, your family may be hostage.

"It's the ultimate way out!"

"Well not a valid hand."

As the Duke of Nuremberg, even if the vanguard is annihilated, it will win if the PLA with little reserve is damaged.

If they disappear, you can freely control their territory and rank.

Giving it to your own breeder will increase the control of the Duke of Nuremberg.

The guru and Blantaq who know this seem to have a conversation in the usual tone, but think that they are not interesting inside.

Along with Mr. Blantaq's companion, a guru was throwing a huge rock at the commanding unit.

The archers who hit directly die like insects and die.

A commander who never expected to reach that distance tried to retreat, but was crushed by the rock he threw next.

"I'm angry, but I can't get rid of all the squadrons."

Only one squadron was crushed by the stone, but he seemed to have succeeded in cooling the rebels.

The front line units were also slowing down.

"That Blanc Turk"

"The Earl is still conserving his magic."

At Honjin, Therese is sitting in a chair gracefully fighting the battle and raising his morale.

Blantaq and Katarina were all using magic barriers to prevent flying magic and arrows.

They were dedicated to this task and were always trying to protect Therese. Instead, the wizards of the Dukes of Phillippe were assigned to each unit to magically enhance their attacks and defenses.

"Is Elise OK?"

"The injured doesn't seem to be so much yet."

Elise, who lacks the means of attack, is still treating the soldiers in the rear.

Eina continues to throw throwing spears, and Luise also throws stones and rocks collected by herself in a string-shaped trebuchet.

Stone is a surprisingly effective weapon in war.

Improve the power with a little magic and hit the face of the soldier dexterously.

If you hit your face directly, some soldiers were broken forehead and transported backward, or at worst died.

"I don't think the offensive will weaken."

"Really persistent"

They seem to be tired in the same process.


Vilma continues to sniper commanders and wizards with a prototype sniper rifle loaned by Earl Mizuho.

After all, this magic gun required a lot of talent and skill for long-range sniper, and only Vilma could use it at the moment, so it was operated only by her.

Sniping one after another, and if the magic power is insufficient, replenish with the previously prepared magicite.

Silent Vilma has been snipering like a certain Lugo.

"Is Wendelin sparing?"

"Someone will be the most popular."

It's a Taranto witch that I met at a dinner yesterday.

It's a bit more magical than those four brothers, but somehow he feels something weird and my intuition sounds an alarm bell.

After Pia, when I consulted with the guru and Blantaq, they both supported my opinion.

"Don't despise such intuition!"

"I agree with the guru"

What I am waiting for is that they both agree.

A struggle continues between the rebels trying to climb the walls for a while and the PLA blocking them.

The damage ratio was overwhelmingly favored by the PLA, which is the defender, but the number of casualties increased with spears and arrows and magic.

"I'll come forward!"

Eena came out and was spearing down soldiers climbing the ramparts one after another.

After such a situation has continued for a while, some revolts occur in the rebels.

Finally, the man began to shrink away from me, walking like a ghost.

On this battlefield, Taranto doesn't care about his enemies or allies.

Just walk slowly to the front gate where we are.

He had another eerie point.

The friendly garrison doesn't shoot arrows or magic at him approaching him for some reason.

"(Few people are aware of Taranto?)"

I sweat his eerie.

"Who is it?"

"A strange man has come!"

Vilma shoots snipers and Luise throws rocks, all of which are easily prevented by his "magic barrier".

After all, he was an excellent wizard.

"That Taranto ..."

Even allies were far away from him, and finally stood quietly and stood out in front of the front gate.

"Count of Bow Meister. I'll kill you."

Even though it was a little muttering voice, it was clearly reaching my ears even on the battlefield full of various sounds.

I heard Taranto's voice for the first time because I was silent at the dinner, but I couldn't feel any characteristics.

Since I'm just talking plainly, I feel extra creepy.

"Really creepy"

Even that guru seems to have something unspeakable to Taranto.

"Count, do you accept?"

"I will. If you have to fight anyway, let's do it first."

"I see. Be careful."

Blantaq didn't stop me.

You probably think that fighting me and Taranto is inevitable.

"If so, do you want to prevent extra distractions?"

I get off the wall with a ladder and confront Taranto standing in front of the front gate.

The rebels in front of the front gate had already left the place.

Petarant was a great man, and even the rebels seemed creepy and no one approached.

"It's kind of an eerie sight."

Only the area near the front gate stopped both fighting and watched our battle.

The others were struggling as before, so the difference was weird anyway.

Why this happened is probably because of the eerieness of this man called Taranto.

There is no other explanation.

"Some are here to prevent a one-on-one duel."

The Guru came down on a ladder with me, responding to the rebels' interference behind me.

"Then start!"

When I start preparing for the magic, Taranto suddenly begins to speak in inflection and a featureless voice.

"I was magical when I was a kid, but for some reason I was weak."

I don't talk to anyone, I just speak German, and it's weird, and I'm hesitant to attack.

I was in a hurry to prepare for "Magic Barrier" to see if something special magic would pop out.

"The same goes for becoming a high-ranking wizard. There are few people who call me, such as officers. There were days when I was wondering why, but it was resolved on one day."

"What are you?"

"My thinness was a condition for learning a special magic. A man named Taranto was just a body that could use that magic."

"A special magic?"


When Taranto puts his hands on the heavens, lightning strikes from the sky and immediately hits his body.

I closed my eyes involuntarily, but the next time I opened my eyes, there was no Taranto there.

Instead, there is a person who looks very similar to my acquaintance.

It is a giant with its body covered in muscular armor, purple robes and knuckles in both hands.

Then, there was a sockriful figure in the guru, with a gaizel beard in a hairstyle like a pineapple fly.


You look behind you, but you are a different person because the guru is standing.

"My name is Erhunt Mikhail von Armstrong"

The voice is very similar to a guru.

The only difference is that you don't have a cane and you have knuckles on both hands.

"Are you an ancestor?"

"An ancestor?"

"Left. In fact, Earl Armstrong was a magician!"

It was the first shock that I heard.

"The trace of the poor knight happened to be a wizard, so he became an Earl."

"But it's very similar."

If you look the same way, it's hard to tell.

"It seems that the first generation was more than a certain power fighter."

"It's the worst chemistry!"

You still have to beat it.

Since the battle has already begun, first fire several fireballs by checking.

However, the first Earl Armstrong plays it with a fist wearing a “magic barrier” and reduces the distance at a stretch.

I was standing in front of me in a blink of an eye.

Immediately after putting on both hands to prevent the “Magic Barrier” from overlapping, he immediately felt severe pain in the back of his hand.

"The attack power is higher than the guru!"

The first Earl Armstrong appears to be more specialized in magical fighting than the guru.

Then, one after another, the stabs and kicks with magical powers are eaten in succession, but each time the body accumulates damage.

A blow in the belly seemed to crack the ribs, causing severe pain in the abdomen.

"Fortunately, you're not good at emitting magic."

In the first attack, the back bone seems to have cracked.

While healing both with healing magic, I'm thinking of future strategies.

"I have to earn time now."

The first Earl Armstrong attack continues.

Everything was eaten at first, but after a while she seems to be getting used to that attack pattern.

In this case, it seems correct to have the guru train and train in the Imperial City era.

In order to save magical power, the “Magic Barrier” that has been applied to the entire body until now is shielded and concentrated on the arm, and it is used as a tilted armor to attack the first Earl Armstrong's attack.

"Things that control torrents are clear."

"I don't know."

Ignore the mutter of the rear guru and continue to attack the enemy.

As I got used to my eyes again, I tried to fight back shortly after I started.

Dodge the punch and put a blow with magic into the empty belly.


The earliest Earl Armstrong was spitting blood from his mouth due to an attack that concentrated his magic on one point.

It seems that the internal organs were damaged.

Consecutively, kicks fly from the upper row, but after losing the kick, use the magic power on the other foot and pay off the feet.

-The first Earl Armstrong loses his balance and falls.

I tried to step on my face with magic on my feet, but this was barely avoided.

"Don't do it."

"Not very strong"

I can't say for certain because I don't know the magical property of “Summon the Spirit”, but I feel this first Earl Armstrong is weaker than himself.

Power and skills are the same, but I feel like my skills are not catching up.

Or is your body not perfectly synchronized?

"My ancestors are not that weak."

"Did you play a little too much? You can't really do anything without the same hero."

Taranto, dressed as the first Earl of Armstrong, quickly heals his wounds with healing magic and reopens his hands again.

The lightning fell again, and when it disappeared, Taranto was transformed into another person.

"Even the same wizard, this guy will have a more similar fighting type. Well, let's get started. Ver."

"No way ..."

I was at a standstill since the lightning had cleared and Taranto had a new appearance.

Because he was shaken violently by the person he transformed.

Yes, I will not forget.

That person who taught me magic when I was a child more than a decade ago.

Because my teacher, Alfred Rainford, was standing in the same way as before.



To the disciple who suddenly appeared, Mr. Blanc Tak was leaning out of the wall and shouting.

The mentor does not seem surprised by the appearance of his best friend.

And I was just standing there.

"No .... A fake that resembles only the appearance ..."

"No. Vell." Summon the Spirit "is a fusion of my Taranto, who has little and no presence, and a person who died in the past. So I'm both Taranto and Alfred."

All appearance, appearance and voice were the same as the teacher.

Further, Taranto gives me a new impact.

"Vell. You have a habit of putting a little more magic into your dominant hand.


The advice came when I was training alone with the teacher.

The same thing has been said by Mr. Blanc-Taak, but when I was told in the same way as the teacher, every word, I had to admit that the person in front of me was a real teacher.

"Well. Can my disciple Vell beat me, my teacher? I would be reassured. Even if Vell dies, I'll give you magical training in the world."

I entered the battle with the teacher who reunited without absurdity.

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