Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Episode 78: Friendship Delegation.

"Are you a goodwill delegation?"

"Um. One person participated ten years ago, but this time Count Baumeister has been nominated."

About two months after the wedding, at a mansion in Baulburg, a guru listened to a friendship delegation sent to a neighboring country, the Arkart Holy Empire.

"Are you also participating?"

"Since Count Baumeister is a celebrity, there is no order from His Majesty to join him, and so is Katarina."

"Is it too? I'll do my best to meet your expectations."

It is said that the goodwill delegation will be dispatched from both sides once every ten years with a scale of 200 people.

The Helmut Kingdom side was ten years ago and the Arkart Holy Empire side was five years ago.

Every ten years, but every five years like the Summer and Winter Olympics, it seems that either system visits either one.

I heard that there was such an event, but it wasn't a topic in my old parents' house.

Because we couldn't be called, if it was said that there was no relationship, it was until then.

Surely neither father nor mother would have recognized it in the corner of his head.

"Because we won't be at war anymore, let's get along together?"

"Yes, but in some ways it's a war."

Bringing in excellent products and new technologies, and saying, “Our people will be developing. Are you enviable? It seems that both sides are aiming for the development of "Hello".

It seems that it is a kind of national event.

Since there were revisions to trade negotiations, this could not be called a war called political negotiations.

"Of course, there is also a great wizard showing off!"

As you can see from the dispute with the Blois Frontier, wizards who can use wide-area advanced magic sometimes turn the game situation upside down.

When the two armies actually collide, there is almost the same number and the same kind of wizards on both sides, so it is not easy for one to do the warrior, but if there are many excellent wizards, the battle situation will be advantageous.

It seems that there is also a purpose to show off his ability and put military pressure on the other party to prevent the war.

"Last time, he led some wizards!"

Perhaps because of the abilities of the mentor, it would have been natural to think that he would hesitate in war.

After all, it's the best deterrent on this continent.

"Is Blantaq ever seen?"

"Of course he was called, if Al was alive he would have been called."

Mr Blantark, who came to the house with his teacher, answers my question.

Basically, wizards aren't said to have nobles or nobles.

Mr. Blanták was hired by the Breichrader Frontier, instead of his teacher, so he was called for about three weeks with his guru.

"If you think about it, Blanták has been a friend since then."

"(I knew about my face from before that. Al seems to have been a friend ...)"

And she actually met at the Goodwill Delegation, and at that time, she was whispering the depth of the guru's character.

"I was called again this time."

"Is it okay to just go through all the wizards?"

"It was fine until now, and that's what the state means."

Even simple magic battles and special magic shows are likely to take place at the welcome party.

At the table, each army's army measures the number and ability of wizards currently belonging to the virtual enemy country.

Wizards earned in the private sector do not come to bother, so it seems that wizards employed by kingdoms and nobles are almost compulsory.

The court servants are stable, but their weakness may be that they cannot resist such orders.

"It's a kind of war."

"It's hard"

"But there was no trouble until now.

"That's right. I'll show off my magic, and the rest will be sightseeing."

It's a wizard, so he's freer than other commercial and industrial officials and noblemen.

They have technical exchanges and renewal of agreements on imports and exports, but wizards need only show magic.

The rest was for sightseeing, and the guru explained that most of the play was main.

"It's a kind of sightseeing trip. It's as good as Count Baumister going with his wife.

"Is it OK with families?"

"If you are a noble, there's no problem!"

Although there are about 200 associates, everyone will bring their subordinates, secretaries and escorts, so the number of participants will increase.

It seems that the number of big nobles in particular will increase as they take them to their wives and vassals.

"In anticipation of that, we will charter two large magic airships, so there is no problem!"

Because it is a national event, there seems to be no oversight.

A spare magic airship was mobilized to carry a friendly delegation.

"Is it just right for a honeymoon? Do you think so?"

"Yes, because going to Urquhart is a precious ticket."

Elysee, who was pouring yerba mate into the emptied tea cup, answers my question.

Because there is still a cease-fire, both personnel cannot leave the capital, but the friendly delegation was secretly popular because it was the only foreign trip.

Since private-sector-based exchanges are trades where the nation is unified, many people seem to want to go with nobles and merchants.

Although it has already been performed more than 20 times, no particular trouble has occurred.

You can travel abroad safely.

"But will there be any restrictions on the staff?"

Since no one can take tens of people, it seems that the number of attendants will be decided after first applying.

It seems that large nobles can take as many people as possible, but if you take too many yourself, you can see them with white eyes.

The spoon of that side is troublesome, so I will throw it all to Roderich.

"I was alone last time because it was troublesome."

"(That's because the guru wants to enjoy traveling alone.)"

Because you are going abroad, you may be looking for a sense of freedom.

Before that, "Do you need escort for guru who is the ultimate single combat weapon? ], But the fundamental question comes up.

"I think we can use our usual face."

Although it is progressing smoothly, the development of the undeveloped land and the Hertania valley is a simultaneous development, so if you take too many people with just an escort, the burden on your entrusted Röderich will be burdened.

Me, Elle and his wives will be enough.

"Yes. We do it for simple housework."

Because we sometimes go to field lodges as adventurers, there was no need to force the maid.

Dominic is also newly married, so it would be better to increase his spare time now.

I'm bothering you for a while now.

Although the expression that Leah, a new face maid, went, she could be in conflict with other maids if she brought her new face abroad.

In addition, no maid will be needed this time.

"What do you think of Vilma?"

"I enjoy eating"

"I have it"

Because it is a bit cold northern country, there is a high possibility that you can meet different dishes and ingredients from this country.

"The sea fish and shellfish from the Arkart Holy Empire are overwhelmingly excellent."

There may be other good ingredients and dishes.

If you like it, you can negotiate imports.

"What is Luise?"

"It's a honeymoon. The escorts are fine because we have them."

Recently, Luise has a strong resemblance to a guru, and responds while stretching his chest.

Still, although it has grown a little since marriage, many people who did not notice even close friends.

"What is Katarina?"

"I am honored to be selected as a Goodwill Delegation. Let's show my magic to the fullest."

I thought Katarina would definitely say so.

Because the head of the Weigel family, who once fell, was selected as a member of a goodwill delegation that is not easily appointed by ordinary nobles.

"Ena. Are there any good sightseeing spots?"

"Cologne Cathedral, Oasa Market in downtown, and other fine sightseeing spots are crazy."

Eina was watching a book called “Breicher Raiders on the Margins of Baldesh” brought by Blantaq.

The member of the last goodwill delegation, Bleichrader Margin, was also selected, and it seems that he gathered the information he had seen and heard in his own book.

The contents are a very good tourist guide.

Bleichrader Margin is like a human in the humanities.

"I'm looking forward to it."


"I see. This is a job, but ..."

Brantag was the only one who was saying something seriously unusually.

Efforts have been made especially to help improve roads and help mining in the Hertania Valley.

This is also for a fun overseas honeymoon.

Participants were just the usual masks.

We can do things around ourselves ourselves, and the number of people who can get on the boat is fixed, so we can't afford to increase too much.

Even an escort alone wanted to avoid it if possible because we were short on staff.

"If you have El, Luise, and Vilma, you don't need a simple guard."

"That's right."

"It's more like a honeymoon"

In addition, there are things that other nobles will eat if you increase the number of our members.

If you are newcomers and get more members with ore mainly from Mithril from the Hertania valley and increase the number of members, you can say "The upstarter is cheeky! There was a situation that might be said.

Aristocrats are really troublesome creatures.

Basically, without a guard, Roderich admitted reluctantly.

"If there is something, please ignore other nobles and run away with magic."

"Is that there?"

"Yes, so some nobles use the full capacity of people to increase escort."

The life and death of the aristocrat is at your own risk, and when your lord dies and the other aristocrats survive, you seem to be unable to complain about it.

On the other hand, it seems that he was blamed for saying, "Your escort arrangements could not be used."

"Even if you add a little, if the Arkart Holy Empire side is willing, it will be annihilated."

Because it was isolated among the enemies, it could be said that there was little difference in escort.

In addition, no problems have been reported so far.

"But still, the great nobles with history are trying to increase their accompaniment because they have pride. Well, the mansion and Katarina are not needed ..."

I am participating with your Majesty's nomination, and there is no reason that the Arkart Holy Empire side does not know the achievements I have listed so far.

If they came, Roderich explained that they would make noise on their own.

"Sure. Should something happen?"

"It's just an emergency. In both countries, it's better to be a ceasefire, except for a few forces."

It seems that there are always people who want to benefit from war, and the ceasefire seems to be a good state apart from those people.

Having an occupied territory beyond Gigant's rupture would be too costly in defense.

We need to be able to move a large magical airship at all times because we need to urgently transport troops when something happens.

"As the Holy Empire of Urquhart, it was profitable to lose the southern territory beyond the rupture of the Gigant. There seems to be a certain number of them. "

"Are you in my country anyway?"

"Some of these people are in every country. Some are nobles who have territory to the north, some are in the center of the army, but not as powerful as the kingdom would judge."

It is not unusual to find people with such extreme opinions in any world.

We thought we couldn't help but started preparing for a quick departure.

"Wow! It's as big as Studburg."

A week later, we were overlooking Baldesh, the capital of the Urquhart Holy Empire, on the deck of a large magic airship prepared by the Kingdom Government.

According to sources, Baldesh was slightly larger and more populous than Studburg.

The visible buildings are mostly Helmut Kingdom-style, with little difference, but there are also some Islamic buildings on earth, some buildings that look Indian, Chinese, and Japanese.

Apparently, the Urquhart Holy Empire seems to be crowded with various cultures.

"Is it a multi-ethnic culture?"

"It looks like. The book states that the Arkart Holy Empire was made up of many small nations."

Eina, next to me, tells me what is written in the “Breicher Raj Margajaku Baldesh Journey”.

"It seems that the emperor is also elected from the Seven Duke's families with the title of Elector."

Although there is an imperial family in the center, it seems that emperors from the imperial family are born only once or three or four times.

The rest is voted by members of the Aristocrat Congress to be elected from the elected candidates.

Although there is an election system in some parts, this was a proof that the central power was not as strong as Helmut.

"There are various things in different countries. Well, I don't mind because I'm at my best on my territory."

Shortly thereafter, the large magic airship arrived at a port on the outskirts of Baldesh.

When you get off the ship, you will be greeted by the Urquhart Holy Empire.

The military band plays the Helmut Kingdom's national anthem, and many nobles give their welcome words one after another.

These parts are not much different from the nation of the earth.

"This time, it seems that the wizard has been strengthened. Armstrong Guru."

"Is it just where young talent has begun to sprout, Bratson?"

"Are you the hero of the dragon killer? You're young. Oops. I'm Arley Bratson.

A magician on the side of the Arkart Holy Empire calls out to a group of about 20 wizards including me.

He was a thin old man, about 60 years old, wearing a gray robe and romance gray hair with all-backs.

Is the amount of magical power a little more than Blantark?

At first glance, it seems to have considerable ability.

He, like Blanc-Taak, is probably a “dexterous and good” wizard.

"But there are not so many wizards?"

Bratson's gaze pointed at his wives with me.

From my point of view, the magical powers of my wives have increased, and in fact, some of the magicians among the magic airships that went were flies in May.

"here we go? Why is that? I just want to know. I did the match normally

Although it was misleading by saying this, Elise was still advanced, Katalina approached the guru a little earlier, the amount of magic even at Luise was almost the same as Blanctag, and even Eina and Vilma were at intermediate level. is increasing.

The wizards seemed curious about the mystery, but they were deliberately deceived.

Because we can't force inspection.

"(I will definitely bring it to the graveyard)"

Because most of the accompanying wizards are men.

I don't want to dig their buttocks, and if I can't do it for good and it doesn't work, it's a good clown.

Also, the problem of being treated heresy by the church.

If you gently consult Cardinal Hohenheim on this matter, you'll see, And be careful about the woman. '

Even as Elise's grandfather, I don't like the situation where I have to randomly reach out to women and have to do so.

He also declared, "Take me to the graveyard."

"Actually, my wives are also mixed. I'm not an official member."

"Speaking of which, was there a" Saint "and a" Storm "in the back?"

Although it is another country, it seems that the information of famous wizards is checked in advance.

"I'm the person in charge of welcoming the magicians and following up during my stay."

Busy cultural and technical exchanges and trade-related members seem to be performed by professional officials and nobles.

They missed the time and started moving immediately.

"We're free except tomorrow's magic show, and we don't have to rush so much."

"Bratson, will you introduce me soon?"

"I'm sorry, this is Mr. Therese."

"The concubine can't use magic, but he's also the chief of the decoration. We're grateful for your visit."

The woman who appeared from behind Mr. Bratson was a person who knew that no matter who he saw, he was noble.

Speaking style was the thing, so was dress and appearance.

Height is about 170 centimeters, and it seems to be a multi-ethnic nation such as Arkart's Holy Empire, and it is a sensual beauty with brown smooth skin that has never been seen in the Helmut Kingdom.

She stretches her dull blond to her shoulder, and her breasts are not defeated by Elise, but from my marriage and my lust after a long absence, I thought of unscrupulous things such as `` I would like a partner once by all means '' It was an attractive beauty that was going to end up.

"My concubine is Duke Therese Jikrit von Philippe. I'm an elected emperor, but I'm not interested in the emperor."

"Are you female?"

"That's right. In Japan, it's recognized."

In the Urquhart Holy Empire, female emperors and aristocrats were recognized.

This is also the fact that Eina brought in the “Breicher Raiders on the Margins of the Baldesh Journey”.

"Isn't it a good friendship visit to enjoy such cultural differences? Perhaps Earl Baumeister is a mouth that does not allow such customs?"

"No. There is no such thing."

Because there were many female employees at the trading company that worked in the previous life.

I mean, it doesn't matter what your gender is.

The point is that there is no problem if you are primarily working.

"The simple idea is that a magician just needs to be able to use magic."

"Does the lord want to rule the territory?"

"Gender and age will not matter."

"That's true, but that's why the concubine was in charge here ..."

Among the elected emperors, the female head seems to be only Duke of Philip, and if he is assigned to another male member of our country, unexpected friction may occur.

It was thought that he was transferred to this charge.

"Because a magician has no meaning without magic, there are no men or women."

"That's right."

It is said that few witches make sex discrimination on the instinct part.

However, this is not so if the family was born high, and there are many men who are actually employed in the kingdom.

Most of the Wizards of the Goodwill Delegation were male.

In fact, there is another reason that women are more intelligent, so that more people go on to work for adventurers who can earn more than those who only have stable salaries and social status.

Many female wizards often took the option to earn as much as possible until they got married, and then work as much as possible while raising children.

"Even if you just talk here, it's a waste of time. I'll guide you to the dormitory, so I'd like to invite you to a lunch break after a short break."

With her guidance, she travels by carriage to the guest house near the Imperial Palace in the center of Baldesh, but for some reason she was in the same carriage as us.

"Ah ... isn't it a problem if it's not a trainer or a trainer of Blantalk?"

"Because the old guys will have an uninterrupted search for stomachs and recollections to recruit. Young people may prefer younger ones."

"(I'm crazy ...)"

Louise leaked his true intention, as Duke Philip said so much.

"That's because they were there last time. Bratson was once again the lead mage, and there's a lot going on. There's still a young concubine in there."

"(Are you young ...?)"

I don't want to ask a woman how old she is, but how many are she?

It looks like twenty years old, but then it would be strange to know the status of the last goodwill delegation.

"The concubine was only ten years old and had just succeeded the Dukes of Phillippe. It was a decoration because he was a child, but he played this role last time."

The sudden death of his father led her to be the only daughter she had just inherited from the Dukes of Phillippe.

"Is that so"

"Otherwise, no matter how many female heads are recognized, you can't easily become a duke."

After all, the inheritance of men is also prioritized in the Urquhart Holy Empire.

Women's inheritance seems to be based on the idea that leaving them to adoptive or groomed people will dilute their blood.

There are some special cases depending on the house, but Telese did not talk about the details of the surroundings.

I don't even think about asking someone for the first time.

"But that guru remains the same."

"Well, that's that kind of person ..."

On this topic, everyone's feelings agreed for the first time.

"It has never changed since ten years ago."

Moreover, the appearance has not changed much.

You can anticipate that the muscular wear from ancient times would have caused the yakuza to escape.

"It's time to arrive."

The carriage arrives at the guest house and is guided to each room by the servants and butlers.

Because I was an Earl, I was guided to a rather large and luxurious room.

One thing to worry about is that Elise and others are given a private room, although they are all next to each other.

"Isn't a couple in the same room?"

"Please don't mind me as a welcome sign."

After a short rest with luggage in the room, Duke Philip himself came to pick me up, saying that a luncheon would begin.

"It's an honor, but soon Duke Philip?"

"The concubine is interested in you. I'm a little late, but I'm glad I'll be with you without being so evil."

"No ... Duke Philip is beautiful."

"I'm glad you say that. Then do you come?"


Suddenly, she suddenly pulls my hand and starts moving to the dining room.

Of course, the Elise and others did not say anything because it was not the action of a normal duke.

"Yeah. The concubine should be called therese."

"It's true ..."

"I don't mind. It is the wish of a concubine who is an elector and has the power to succeed His Majesty. There are no humans in this country who blame the table.

She is usually friendly compared to her status, and only in such cases is she forced to call her the name of the Elector and call her by name.

No doubt, I must be an incomparable noble or royal person.

"I see. Therese-sama."

"I don't need anything else. Well, I have no choice but because there are eyes around me."

Apparently, I like this female duke very much.

The seating order at the lunch party was also the seat next to Therese-sama, who was sitting at the so-called birthday seat.

There is a guru sitting next to the other side, and it looks like Mr. Blantaq.

"(Are you good? At this seat, am I good?)"

"(It's not strange, considering the order of Wendelin-sama)"

Elysee sits in the next seat on the opposite side of Therese-sama and tells me softly.

In the wizard, I, the Earl, have the second rank after the Guru.

So, there is no problem next to Therese-sama like a guru.

The mentor is a Viscount, but in such a seat, the status of the royal palace leader's mage seems to be comparable to that of the Duke.

"(I'm also treated as one of the best healing wizards in churches.)"

Therefore, it's next to me even though it's not a formal member.

Katarina continued to sit because she was crowned, albeit honored.

"So let's make a toast. Wish for the eternal friendship of the two countries. Cheers."


A toast was taken under the command of Mr. Therese, and it was time to eat while talking.

The menu is a full course of fish dishes, which must have been a northern dish rich in seafood.

"The concubine of the Duke of Philip lies north, so it's famous for cooking with fish from the northern seas."

As I was used to eating fish, transportation and processing were perfect, and it was delicious without any fishy smell.

"Did you like it? Earl Baumeister"

"Yes. I also like fish."

Because they are importing with expensive money, there was no other way than a former Japanese business.

"It was good, but the guru remains the same."

"Some are still young and haven't gotten older."

It was usually that, but indeed the head of Hoi Viscount family.

Talking to Therese while eating food in perfect table manners.

"Telese-sama has become beautiful."

"Blantaq will you argue with your concubine?

"No, no.

"Compared to the astonishing change that Blanctag marries, it may be a natural providence such as the growth of a concubine."

"Therese is still like that."

They are talking quite close, even though it's been 10 years.

Was it something memorable?

"Ten years ago, my concubine was also a child. I was free to play except for the official welcome event, so I had them play together."

They acted as escorts, and they took them to tourist spots where they could not normally go.

"You did a lot of work."

"I tell you, I stopped first."

"I can imagine somehow"

It is definitely the guru who will become slick with this kind of play.

Blantaq cannot be stopped, so I think it's true that she got on an escort to secure her at least.

"Thanks, the concubine went out to play safely. It's really a wizard. By the way, can I ask one?"


"Let's ask Blantaq, who will be the most familiar with the magic. There was a strange event before ..."

It was when Terese went out to inspect the territory as usual.

"For the past few years, seafood from the north has been very popular all over the country."

It seems that the volume of trade is increasing, including in Baldesh, due to the spread of preservation methods that maintain freshness and the increase in transportation efficiency.

"Exports are good too, but catching more will reduce your catch."

Limiting the size of fish that can be caught, setting a closed period, setting up fish reefs, developing simple aquaculture techniques, catching poachers, etc.

It is said that they are doing their best, so they are often conducting site inspections.

"That was when I was on a boat to visit coastal fishing grounds."

Suddenly, therese-like underwear suddenly disappeared.


"If you forget that your concubine took off, that's fine, but unfortunately, the concubine isn't the year when the blur starts."

"There were some strange things ..."

Completely, it was a mysterious underwear that was called by the summoning magic circle that that magic guild prototyped.

Sure, Beckenbauer must have testified that the underwear was a custom-made luxury item and that the crest that came with it belonged to the Duke of Philip.


When I glanced at Mr. Blanc-Taak, he had a momentary expression of “Yappari,” and quickly returned to his original position.

However, other members also have members of the Magic Guild.

They're not as used to playing as Blanc Tak, and remembering that, they changed their expressions on the fly.

"(Don't get upset! I'm going to barre!)"

I couldn't help complaining to them, and I was desperate to keep my calm.

"I don't want to bring a change of underwear on the boat.

"Are you transferring or summoning magic?"

Because saying “I don't know at all” can be questionable, Mr. Blanták deliberately answered the true answer.

"That's right. Bratson said that, but there are also strange things."

"It's really strange"

"Yes, as the Earl says."

I'll have a deliberate conversation between me and Blantaq.

The lunch party ended without being pursued anymore, but it may have been lost due to the upsetting magical guild staff.

If you think so, you will feel uneasy about what will happen.

"Underwear at that time ..."

Returning to the room, Eina and Luise were waiting to find out what was happening at the end.

Because of my summoning magic before, I was wearing a back print pants with rabbit embroidery, and Ena, who was bald, had a bitter look.

"By the way, this is it."

"Vell. You don't have to actually put it out."

Similarly, Luise, who was wearing black brassiere despite no milk, accused me of taking out his underwear from a magic bag.

"The Earl. That dangerous thing ends up."

"Roger that"

After ordering purple underwear in the magic bag again at the order of Mr. Blantaq, the four people close their faces and start a secret talk.

To decide what to do if there is a pursuit by Therese-sama.

"I just need to cut through the sill. Only the Earl can take out my underwear as evidence. There's no problem unless I find it before returning."

"Ms. Blanc Turk. Didn't you notice at that point?"

"That's right. Even though it's a crest of the Dukes of Phillippe, I think there are a number of women in that house."

"Is that so too ..."

Even the terrible old people wear such underwear that they are nobles, so I was struck by meaningless sense of relief if, in fact, it was good to be something like Therese.

"I mean, Therese-sama in my memory was a kid.


A 10-year-old child thinks about purple underwear.

Because Terese-sama is not always a child, it may be Blantaak's lack of imagination.

"I'm suspicious of the fools of the magic guild, but I don't have any evidence.

"I talked seriously, but there is no help for it ..."

"Louise, she knows that."

Because it is possible to be suspicious if it is too long, this is the end of the talk.

The magic will be unveiled tomorrow morning, and a welcome banquet hosted by the Imperial Palace will also take place tomorrow, leaving free time to sleep today.

There, he decided to take the Elises and make a trip to Baldesh.

"What were you talking about?"

"Story of a little sightseeing spot"

It was bad for Katarina, but secrets are harder to leak as fewer people know.

Therefore, only four people who knew about the incident in the Magic Guild were kept secret.

"Let's go sightseeing"

"That's right. I'm looking forward to it."

"Vell, I'm hungry."

"Mr. Vilma. I guess you just eat that."

"If you increase your magical power, you eat a little more. If you don't eat, you will lose weight quickly."

"I'm enviable ..."

It seems that Vilma needs more calories than ever before due to the use of increased magic.

Instead, in ground combat, he had a fighting ability that could compete with Luise.

"Is Katarina not fat?"

"The slight guard always creates regret later."

Katarina has always tried to make a petit diet, but it didn't seem to work.

Probably because you're just picking chocolate with snacks.

"If you use magic, you use calories."

With few exceptions, it was the cause of no fat man being a wizard.

"It's a little bit harder."


"Mr. Wenderin!"

I actually touch Katarina's waist with both hands, but it looks thin enough for me.

Katarina suddenly touched her waist, and was crying with surprise and protest.

"Good, because I wanted to touch it."

"I don't mind touching it separately, but consult in advance ..."

I also seemed to be vulnerable to this kind of act.

"Wendelin, suddenly Katarina will be surprised. Let's go out sooner."

"That's right. Well. Where do we go?"

Unusually and aggressively, Elise pulled my hand out of the guest house and moved to the town.

Apparently, she baked a little bit of the aggressive behavior of Terese.

"First, let's go to a reputable gelato shop near here."


They join hands and head to the store listed in the book, but suddenly the path is blocked by the two people.

Looking back, it was a one-piece Therese like that a guru and a merchant daughter wear.


"Therese-sama wants to take a walk in the town after a long time ..."

The teacher has a weaker language than usual, and his gaze seems to be swimming.

I don't want to disturb my niece's honeymoon, but I can't turn down Therese-sama's wishes.

A guru can easily afford to refuse, but since he was always accompanied by His Majesty's stealth, he could not refuse the wishes of Therese-sama, who is usually a cage bird at the same level. Would.

Guidance is actually gentler to girls and children than it looks.

"(I still have a lot of time)"


After all, the time of the play was longer than that of the goodwill delegation, so I convinced Elise that I couldn't help it today, and both of them came along for sightseeing.

"I'm sorry to be newlywed. I can't go out to town freely unless my concubine is at such a time."

Therese-sama said sorry, but Elise on the side where he was told was half-twitching his face with angry anger.

Because Therese-sama had his arms entangled with my other empty hand.

"(This duke. Why are you curious about me?)"

I am glad that the feeling of Therese's plump chest is transmitted to my arm, and I am also happy to feel the same plump breast because Elise on the other side also crossed my arms, but at the same time the eyes of the two people Smashed the sparks and scattered sparks, so I felt like I wanted to escape.

"Come on, let's visit? @ Wendelin."

"I'm a married couple, but I'm calling you misbehaving. Don't you think so? Wendellin."


For some reason, Therese-sama's call to me had changed from “Count Bauister” to “Wendelin”.

I was just upset about the sudden situation, but Elise was also giving a counterattack.

"Therese-sama. I don't think that nobles from other nations should be called lightly by name, etc.

From this moment, Elise seems to have called me “you”.

I don't seem to have the right to make a decision, but I think it's better than the stubborn “Wendelin”.

"Is it going to come?"

"(Guru! A part of this responsibility is also for the guru!)"

"(Sorry! I want you to be patient only today!)"

I endure the guru's appeal.

It was Baldesh tourism that began this way, but the group was already split in two.

To Therese-sama and Elise who are crossing my arms, and to the mentor who follows them.


"Ena-chan. This orange gelato is delicious."

"Delicious caramel"

"I want another one"

"I'm jealous of not getting fat even if I eat it."

"Gelato? Can it be a souvenir for your bride if you put it in a magic bag?"

"Mr. Blanc Turk. Are you already laid on the bottom?"

"I do not want to be told by the elder shaven who is not married."

"I'm destined to be a person. Beautiful sister. I'm an apple-flavored gelato."

The other four wives who felt sorry to get involved, and El and Blantaq were taking us out of sight and switching to just sightseeing.

That amazing truncation ability is truly a top-notch adventurer.

"Wendelin. The strawberry taste of the concubine is also delicious. Do you want to eat it?

"You. The melon taste is also delicious. Yes.

I was eating gelato from both sides.

No, was he fed in this case?

"10 vanillas"

"Is ten?"

"Um. Gelato is the most delicious in orthodox."

And the guru purchased and ate a large amount of gelato as if he were escaping from the struggle between the two people, gradually heating up.

The sightseeing continues, and you can see the Cologne Cathedral and the Potomac Canal, but they are still sparkling violently with my arms crossed.

Elise has a recently increased magical power wriggling in her body.

You can't do anything like Therese-like because you can't use attack magic, but it was proof that your emotions were high.

"(This is the first such Elise)"

The other Terese also responds to Elise with an aura that is hard to describe.

Perhaps, many people who have “ze” at the end of their names are passionate.

Because she is a daughter of a house that might become an emperor, her aura that can follow her is not odd.

It was a dignity of a king, or an atmosphere that could not be summed up by me who was originally a commoner.

"Yes, let's go shopping."

"Are you shopping?"

"You're on the left. There's a lingerie shop that I'm going to visit nearby.

"Is that so……"

Apparently, Therese-sama seems to have doubts on me.

Going out to buy underwear is a blatant exploration.

"(Always stay calm ...) Do you buy anything Elise?"

"Yes, if you have something good."

It's hard to buy underwear for unmarried and unrelated lovers, but it's safe to go to my wife's underwear.

I go to the lingerie shop where Terese likes, hiding upset.

The lingerie shop in the corner where the high-end shops are lined up was luxuriously made like a big noble or imperial patron.


"I'm stealing today."

When Terese tells the person who seems to have been greeted, the sign of the person disappears from the shop.

The salesclerk's education seems to be terrible.

"Well, which is better ..."

The underwear shown by Therese-sama was purple while saying.

It's very similar to the underwear I summoned before, so you may be asking for my reaction.

"I think it looks good"

I will try to reply calmly.

If you are uncomfortable here, you will only have confidence in Therese-sama.

"You. I'll try it on, can you see it?"

"Okukata-dono, my concubine is listening first ..."

"Therese is not yet married. Do not expose my skin to men who are neither fiance nor husband."

It's not a mistake, but it looks like you're obviously provoking Telese-sama.

The spark scattered between them and I looked around for help, and Elle and Blantaq were safely escorting outside the store.

"(Sure, it's hard for men to enter the lingerie shop!) Speaking of which, what is your guru?"

The mentor had disappeared without notice.

The self-defense instinct would have worked and escaped before entering the lingerie shop.

"(Guru. You may have brought this person ...) I wish ..."

Finally, he sent his gaze to Ena, entrusting a single hope.

"Ena-chan. What if she were more sexy?"

"Why does Luise like black so much?"

"Because you have to add sex appeal. Is Vilma too simple?"

"I hope the movement is not hindered.

"Because Vilma is growing up. Unlike me. Yeah ..... I had this feeling ..."

"Katarina thinks this is good."

"Eina. As expected, red ..."

"Is that so? I think it looks good."

"I need a nobleman and chastity."

"I don't see anything but Vell"

"That's why"

"I'm not sure, but I'm not concerned ..."

Ignored this, and the four were blooming in underwear talks.

It is likely that even Vittari's Vilma is usually in Elise, so it seems that her instinct is aware that approaching her now is dangerous.

"Wendelin, what about this?"

"You. I'll try this on now."

After all, after leaving the lingerie shop, the two people continued to guess, and the first day of their first overseas trip ended in disastrous results.

"That's terrible. Both of you"

After dinner, he complains to the guru and Blantaq, but they say "Sorry", but they have been sloppy.

"Because Therese-sama usually struggles as an Elector."

Do you also have a protection desire for a cute girl who played 10 years ago?

They feel sweet like Therese.

"Ten years ago, there was a section where a pretty girl was a woman and now she is tempted to be blatant ..."

"It's impossible, I guess. Therese-sama just thinks."

She became the head of the duke to maintain her pedigree, and she is not allowed to have ordinary romance.

It is necessary to have a son-in-law to give birth to a child, but the selection process seems to take a great deal of time and effort.

"Because if you put in a poor son-in-law, you will be confused by your husband's parents' house. So even if you are 20 years old you are single"

It may be the possibility of the foreigner's dedication.

Because of that, I feel a little inconvenient, so give me a little toleration, Blantark says.

"Can you say that to Elise?"

"Try hard"

Efforts can be taken as a result of efforts, even if they are useless.

I returned to my room with a sigh, but today I was tired on the first day, so I decided that there would be no such thing with Elise.

In addition, there is a situation where this house is a foreign house.

A lot of goodwill delegates are enjoying themselves with their wives and mistresses, but since I'm a small citizen, I was refraining from thinking about maids who would make beds the next day.

There was also an idea that you could do it anytime when you returned home.

"(Does Toleze self-weight from tomorrow?) Yes"

If you think, etc., the door of the room will be knocked.

When I answered, the door opened, and someone immediately came into the room.

"Wendelin, why don't you drink alcohol?"

"(I came out!)

It was Mr. Therese who did not weigh himself after entering the room.

She wore a white silk nightgown and sat on a bed in her room with a sake bottle in her hand.

Like a bath, the brown skin seen from the nightgown collar is sexy.

"(Maybe you're tempted ...) Therese-sama. It's not a very impressive behavior for a woman before getting married."

"Maybe this is what the public is saying, this guesthouse is now under the control of the Dukes of Philippe.

"Huh ... (not that problem!)"

I can't say anything because I'm an Elector and Duke.

I needed to get through well.

"It's an aquabit, a specialty of the Duke of D. Philip. You don't have any poison, so you can drink with confidence."

"I will do it"

The Duke of Philippe is the second largest territory of the Holy Empire of Urquhart, the second largest territory under the direct control of the Empire. Its main industries include wheat, potatoes, fish and shellfish, mines, and many other metal processing businesses.

Of course, this knowledge came from the “Bleichrader Margin of the Baldesh Journey”.

On the earth, it may resemble northern Germany or Hokkaido.

Actually, there is shochu aqua bit made from potatoes.

"I think I can drink normally even if I'm just an adult."

"That's right."

Pour water into the glass in the room, make it hot with magic, then pour a suitable amount of aquabit and drink.

The taste is very similar to the taste of imported samples that were sampled during the days of a business employee and potato shochu in Japan.

"It's refreshing and delicious."

"Recently, we're exporting too."

I managed to turn it into a noble topic, but I don't know how long it will last.

This is where you have to be tight.

"But magic is amazing."

Telese was impressed while drinking the hot potato shochu that I made.

Since there was only water in the room, I magically warmed it to hot water, but I don't think it was that great.

So much of a wizard hired by the Dukes of Philip could do it.

"Sure, anyone with a magician at home can do it, but everyone will boil the water."

When drinking shochu with hot water, the best thing to do is to pour boiling water.

The optimal temperature is said to be 75 degrees, and when making hot water, the temperature was fine-tuned and adjusted.

If you don't have this much control, you'll be angry by Blanc-Taak.

"Next, I poured hot water into the glass first."

This was also said to be sour when the shochu brewer was asked during the era of a business employee.

Although it doesn't look like a big difference, it's strange that the taste and aroma are completely different.

"It looks fine, but no one knows it surprisingly."

"I learned from Blanc Tak."

Of course, it is a lie, but it can't be said that it was learned in the previous life, so it will be demonized.

"I don't like that guy who likes alcohol, but there's a point where he can drink it. Ten years ago he poured hot water later, but he made progress."


A born aristocrat seems to be so careless.

Because I remember Mr Blantark's detailed behavior when I was ten years old.

"Wendelin doesn't seem to be just a magic man."

"No, it's just magic."

"For that, the territory seems to be developing well."

"Because the vassals are excellent."

"It's your achievement, including that. It's a noble. The result is everything."

Even if you are a stupid person, you will be evaluated if the entrusted vassals do well.

Instead, if the vassals do stupid things, they may be blamed for their excellence.

-Therese-sama said that it was a noble creature.

"That's right. Wendellin's all became a noble by himself. Unlike the concubine whose future was decided from his birth. The concubine is just a little wise."


"Your concubine is said to be your only daughter, but do you know that your brothers were actually concubines?"

"No. I heard it for the first time."

"Why the concubine was chosen because of this skin color?"

It seems that the origins of the Duke of Philippe originated from the defeat of an army led by Count Philip who was dispatched from the center to a foreign nation in the north.

"The orchid, the main northern ethnic group, is characterized by brown skin like a concubine."

The conqueror, the Philip family, has been assimilating for over a millennium, accepting a son-in-law and wife from local influential people.

That's why there is a thing called skin color in the condition of the successor.

"My elder brothers have a mother from a nobleman in the middle. Unlike a concubine, her skin is white. In her brothers, visiting the territory will be ignored by the folks."

Therefore, Therese became Duke Philip.

Whether a child can succeed is also related to the child's skin color.

The wife of the older brothers who could not succeed is the daughter of a local influential person, and the children have dark skin.

Explain that maybe some of them may be the next duke of Philip.

"For the concubine chosen only for skin color, it doesn't matter who is next, because it's not as great as an Elector or Duke."

"I understand that"

It may be said that it is extravagant because of the habit of life, but it was certainly not that great.

"I'm having trouble choosing my son-in-law. It's mainly my brother's obstruction."

When Terese takes a groom from a local influential person, the child's skin color is definitely brown.

Next, the older brothers who consider their own children are obstructing various things.

"I want to marry my concubine and have as many children as I like. I don't have to be a local."

In addition, he does not want his children to suffer such difficulties.

"Um. It's hard."

"Oh, it's hard"

While drinking the second cup of hot water, Therese-sama, whose face is slightly lit, continues to talk.

Suddenly, I felt like a subordinate of a younger man listening to the bitches of an older woman boss.

"So I'm trying to find a son-in-law in addition to this hospitality role, but I'm not sure it's good."

Therese-sama sighs and complains that there are only weak, noble bonbons for the power and money of the Dukes of Phillippe.

"Because it is a political marriage, can't you help it to some extent?"

"I don't even see anyone who can make a reasonable compromise. If they find it, they don't meet the conditions, or they have a promise. If this happens, there's no other way."

"Is that hand?"

"You have a child without getting married."

In fact, it seems to be a common hand for female aristocrats of the Urquhart Holy Empire.

Hide the father's name and existence, or get a child only to have a child.

Why do you do this? It seems that the purpose is to prevent the relatives from taking possession.

"(It seems that there is a person who was killed by providing only the offspring ...)"

It's a terrible story, but I don't care because it doesn't matter.

Because I don't have to force a stallion, etc.

"There are quite a few who are killed by offering only their offspring. Their father is unknown, and they are treated just as children of a female lord.

"(So scary!)"

But then I feel relieved that I don't care.

"I also sometimes ask a good man to offer a child in exchange for a secret, on the condition of money or decent status."


At the same time, there was no doubt that Therese-sama was turning her hand over my shoulder, moistening his eyes.

"While the magical talents are not inherited, I think that if you are a young child of the poor knight, you are worthy of being a father of a concubine. Then don't hesitate to give the right to seed. The concubine is the daughter of such a house, so she's a virgin and she doesn't have to worry about sickness.


In a statement that I can't seem to be a twenty-year-old daughter, I end up saying nothing on the spot.

"With that child as a shield, he doesn't demand the inheritance of the Earl of the Baumeister. Your wife isn't quite sick, but he'll play a man well, and will he return today? I think it's good to be embraced right away, but I've heard that if you do something like this slowly, a man burns. Well, I don't have much time. "

Terese drinks the third cup of hot water and leaves the room quietly.

And I was left, imagining the hardships before returning from this country, and going to bed as if fainted by the influence of alcohol.

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